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Is it simple enough for you? Does everybody understand? Are you all still following me? Is it simple enough for you? Does everybody understand? Are you all still following me? Is it simple enough for you? Does everybody understand? Are you all still following me? Is it simple enough for you? Does everybody understand? Are you all still following me? Should I talk slower like you're a retard Should I talk slower like you're retarded Yo they think you're dumb I think you're smart No, wait, I lied I think you're dumb They think you're dumb I think you're smart No, wait, I lied I think you're dumb Get it Get it Get it You just dont get it Get it Get it Get it You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfuck Is it simple enough for you? Does everybody understand? Are you all still following me? Is it simple enough for you? Does everybody understand? Are you all still following me? Is it simple enough for you? Does everybody understand? Are you all still following me? Is it simple enough for you? Does everybody understand? Are you all still following me? Should I talk slower like you're a retard? Should I talk slower like you're retarded? Yo, they think you're dumb I think you're smart No, wait, I lied I think you're dumb They think you're dumb I think you're smart No, wait, I lied I think you're dumb Get it? Get it? Get it? You just dont get it!!! Get it? Get it? Get it? You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfuck It's under your nose It's under your nose It's under your nose It's under your nose It's over your head It's over your head It's over your head It's over your head It's out of your reach It's out of your reach It's out of your reach It's out of your reach You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfucker You stupid motherfuck Nana Nana Nana Nanananana Nana Nana Nana Nanananana Nana Nana Nana Nanananana Nana Nana Nana Nanananana
For today we will take the body parts and put them on the wall For treated indigenously, digenously Human right is private blue chip, pry For treated indigenously, digenously (We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, bottled water) Human right is private blue chip, pry (Causing poor populations to die, to die, to die) You, you went beyond And you lost it all Why did you go there? From beyond You saw it all Why did you go there? For treated indigenously, digenously (We lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karma) Human right is private blue chip, pry (Confetti, camouflage, camouflage, the flage, the flage) For treated indigenously, digenously (We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, bottled water) Human right is private blue chip, pry (Causing poor populations to die, to die, to die) You, you went beyond And you lost it all Why did you go there? From beyond You saw it all Why did you go there? She lost her mind Someone kicked her into the back of the line She lost her head When they called and said that they thought he was dead Dreaming of screaming Someone kick me out of my mind I hate these thoughts I can't deny Dreaming of screaming Someone kick me out of my mind I hate these thoughts I can't de- For treated indigenously, digenously (We lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karma) Human right is private blue chip, pry (Confetti, camouflage, camouflage, the flage, the flage) For treated indigenously, digenously (We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, bottled water) Human right is private blue chip, pry (Causing poor populations to die, to die, to die) You, you went beyond And you lost it all Why did you go there? From beyond You saw it all Why did you go there? Na, na-na-na Dreaming of screaming Someone kick me out of my mind I hate these thoughts I can't deny Dreaming of screaming Someone kick me out of my mind I hate these thoughts I can't deny You will take the body parts and put them on the wall And bring the dark disaster
Way back when I was just a little bitty boy living in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement of the house half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait shop You know the place well anyway, back then life was going swell and everything was just peachy Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning My mother would make me a big bowl of sauerkraut for breakfast Awww - Big bowl of sauerkraut Every single morning It was driving me crazy I said to my mom I said "Hey, mom, what's with all the sauerkraut?" And my dear, sweet mother She just looked at my like a cow looks at an oncoming train And she leaned right down next to me And she said "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU" And then she tied me to the wall and stuck a funnel in my mouth And force fed me nothing but sauerkraut until I was twenty six and a half years old That's when I swore that someday Someday I would get outta that basement and travel to a magical, far away place Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like warm root beer And the towels are oh so fluffy Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long And anyone on the street will glady shave your back for a nickel Wacka wacka doodoo yeah Well, let me tell you, people, it wasn't long at all before my dream came true Because the very next day, a local radio station had this contest To see who could correctly guess the number of molecules in Leonard Nimoy's butt I was off by three, but I still won the grand prize That's right, a first class one-way ticket to Albuquerque Albuquerque Oh yeah You know, I'd never been on a real airplane before And I gotta tell ya, it was really great Except that I had to sit between two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor And the little kid in back of me kept throwin' up the whole time The flight attendants ran out of Dr. Pepper and salted peanuts And the in-flight movie was Bio-Dome with Pauly Shore And, oh yeah, three of the airplane engines burned out And we went into a tailspin and crashed into a hillside And the plane exploded in a giant fireball and everybody died Except for me You know why? 'Cause I had my tray table up And my seat back in the full upright position Had my tray table up And my seat back in the full upright position Had my tray table up And my seat back in the full upright position Ah ha ha ha Ah ha ha Ahhhh So I crawled from the twisted, burnin' wreckage I crawled on my hands and knees for three full days Draggin' along my big leather suitcase and my garment bag And my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball And my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel But finally I arrived at the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn Where the towels are oh so fluffy And you can eat your soup right out of the ashtrays if you wanna It's OK, they're clean Well, I checked into my room and I turned down the A/C And I turned on the SpectraVision And I'm just about to eat that little chocolate mint on my pillow That I love so very, very much when suddenly, there's a knock on the door Well now, who could that be? I say "Who is it?" No answer "Who is it?" There's no answer "WHO IS IT?" They're not sayin' anything So, finally I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected It's some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril Oh man, I hate it when I'm right So anyway, he bursts into my room and he grabs my lucky snorkel And I'm like "Hey, you can't have that" "That snorkel's been just like a snorkel to me" And he's like "Tough" And I'm like "Give it" And he's like "Make me" And I'm like "'Kay" So I grabbed his leg and he grabbed my esophagus And I bit off his ear and he chewed off my eyebrows And I took out his appendix and he gave me a colonic irrigation Yes indeed, you better believe it And somehow in the middle of it all, the phone got knocked off the hook And twenty seconds later, I heard a familiar voice And you know what it said? I'll tell you what it said It said "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again" "If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator" "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again" "If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator" In Albuquerque Albuquerque Well, to cut a long story short, he got away with my snorkel But I made a a solemn vow right then and there that I would not rest I would not sleep for an instant until the one-nostrilled man was brought to justice But first, I decided to buy some donuts So I got in my car and I drove over to the donut shop And I walked on up to the guy behind the counter And he says "Yeah, what do ya want?" I said "You got any glazed donuts?" He said "No, we're outta glazed donuts" I said "Well, you got any jelly donuts?" He said "No, we're outta jelly donuts" I said "You got any Bavarian cream-filled donuts?" He said "No, we're outta Bavarian cream-filled donuts" I said "You got any cinnamon rolls?" He said "No, we're outta cinnamon rolls" I said "You got any apple fritters?" He said "No, we're outta apple fritters" I said "You got any bear claws?" He said "Wait a minute, I'll go check" "No, we're outta bear claws" I said "Well, in that case - in that case, what do you have?" He says "All I got right now is this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels" I said "OK, I'll take that" So he hands me the box and I open up the lid and the weasels jump out And they immediately latch onto my face and start bitin' me all over (rabid gnawing sounds) Oh man, they were just going nuts They were tearin' me apart You know, I think it was just about that time that a little ditty started goin' through my head" I believe it went a little something like this . . . Doh Get 'em off me Get 'em off me Oh No, get 'em off, get 'em off Oh, oh God, oh God Oh, get 'em off me Oh, oh God Ah, (more screaming) I ran out into the street with these flesh-eating weasels all over my face Wavin' my arms all around and just runnin', runnin', runnin' Like a constipated weiner dog And as luck would have it, that's exactly when I ran into the girl of my dreams Her name was Zelda She was a calligraphy enthusiast with a slight overbite and hair the color of strained peaches I'll never forget the first thing she said to me. She said "Hey, you've got weasels on your face" That's when I knew it was true love We were inseparable after that Aw, we ate together, we bathed together We even shared the same piece of mint-flavored dental floss The world was our burrito So we got married and we bought us a house And had two beautiful children - Nathaniel and Superfly Oh, we were so very very very happy, aw yeah But then one fateful night, Zelda said to me She said "Sweetie pumpkin? Do you wanna join the Columbia Record Club?" I said "Woah, hold on now, baby" "I'm just not ready for that kinda commitment" So we broke up and I never saw her again But that's just the way things go In Albuquerque Albuquerque Anyway, things really started lookin' up for me Because about a week later, I finally achieved my lifelong dream That's right, I got me a part-time job at The Sizzler I even made employee of the month after I put that grease fire out with my face Aw yeah, everybody was pretty jealous of me after that I was gettin' a lot of attitude OK, like one time, I was out in the parking lot Tryin' to remove my excess earwax with a golf pencil When I see this guy Marty tryin' to carry a big ol' sofa up the stairs all by himself So I, I say to him, I say "Hey, you want me to help you with that?" And Marty, he just rolls his eyes and goes "No, I want you to cut off my arms and legs with a chainsaw" So I did And then he gets all indignant on me He's like "Hey man, I was just being sarcastic" Well, that's just great How was I supposed to know that? I'm not a mind reader for cryin' out loud Besides, now he's got a really cute nickname - Torso-Boy So what's he complaining about? Say, that reminds me of another amusing anecdote This guy comes up to me on the street and says he hasn't had a bit in three days Well, I knew what he meant But just to be funny, I took a big bite out of his jugular vein And he's yellin' and screamin' and bleeding all over And I'm like "Hey, come on, don'tcha get it?" But he just keeps rolling around on the sidewalk, bleeding, and screaming (screaming sounds) You know, just completely missing the irony of the whole situation Man, some people just can't take a joke, you know? Anyway, um, um, where was I? Kinda lost my train of thought Uh, well, uh, OK Anyway I, I know it's kinda been a roundabout way of saying it But I guess the whole point I'm tryin' to make here is I hate sauerkraut That's all I'm really tryin' to say And, by the way, if one day you happen to wake up And find yourself in an existential quandry Full of loathing and self-doubt And wracked with the pain and isolation of your pitiful meaningless existence At least you can take a small bit of comfort in knowing that Somewhere out there in this crazy mixed-up universe of ours There's still a little place called Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque, Albuquerque Albuquerque, Albuquerque Albuquerque, Albuquerque Albuquerque, Albuquerque I said "A" (A) "L" (L) "B" (B) "U" (U) "querque" (querque) Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque Albuquerque
Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you. Ghosts are now waiting for you. Are you... Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you. Ghosts are now waiting for you. Are you... Dreaming! Dreaming the night! Dreaming all right! Do we! Do we know, when we FLY? When we, when we go Do we die? Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you. Ghosts are now waiting for you. Are you... Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you. Ghosts are now waiting for you. Are you... Dreaming! Dreaming the night! Dreaming all right! Do we! Do we know, when we FLY? When we, when we go Do we die LALALALALALLALAALALALALALAALALALALA Do we, do we know When we fly When we, when we go Do we die
She seems dressed in all the rings Of past fatalities So fragile yet so devious She continues to see it Climatic hands that press Her temples and my chest Enter the night that she came home Forever Oh (She's the only one that makes me sad) She is everything and more The solemn hypnotic My Dahlia bathed in possession She is home to me I get nervous, perverse, when I see her it's worse But the stress is astounding It's now or never she's coming home Forever Oh (She's the only one that makes me sad) Hard to say what caught my attention Fixed And crazy, Aphid Attraction Carve my name in my face, to recognize Such a pheromone cult to terrorize I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me (Yeah!) I'm a slave, and I am a master No restraints and, unchecked collectors I exist through my need, to self oblige She is something in me, that I despise I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me SHE ISN'T REAL! I CAN'T MAKE HER REAL! SHE ISN'T REAL! I CAN'T MAKE HER REAL! (She isn't real, I can't make her real) (She isn't real, I can't make her real) She seemed dressed in all of me, stretched across my shame. All the torment and the pain Leaked through and covered me I'd do anything ever to myself Just to have her for myself Now I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do when she makes me sane. She is everything to me The unrequited dream A song that no one sings The unattainable, Shes a myth that I have to believe in All I need to make it real is one more reason I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do when she makes me sad. But I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me A catch in my throat choke Torn into pieces I won't, no! I don't wanna be this... But I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me She isn't real I can't make her real She isn't real I can't make her real
I push my fingers into my eyes... It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache... But it's made of all the things I have to take... Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside... If the pain goes on... Aaaaaaaah! I have screamed until my veins collapsed I've waited last, my time's elapsed Now, All I do is live with so much fate I've wished for this, I've bitched at that I've left behind this little fact: You cannot kill what you did not create I've gotta say what I've gotta say And then I swear I'll go away But I can't promise you'll enjoy the noise I guess I'll save the best for last My future seems like on big past You'll live with me 'cause you left me no choice I push my fingers into my eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it! Pull me back together Or separate the skin from the bone Leave me all the Pieces, and then you can leave me alone Tell me the reality is better than dream But I found out the hard way, Nothing is what it seems! I push my fingers into my eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache But it's made of all the thing I have to take Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it! All I've got...all I've got is insane... All I've got...all I've got is insane... All I've got...all I've got is insane! All I've got...all I've got is insane! I push my fingers into my eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache But it's made of all the thing I have to take Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it!
Well I don't want to see you waiting I've already gone too far away I still can't keep the day from ending No more messed up reasons for me to stay Well this is not for real Afraid to feel I just hit the floor Don't ask for more I'm wasting my time I'm wasting my time You can't stop the feeling And there's no reason Let's make the call And take it all again Woah again Months went by with us pretending When did our light turn from green to red I took a chance and left you standing Lost the will to do this once again Well this is not for real Afraid to feel I just hit the floor Don't ask for more I'm wasting my time I'm wasting my time You can't stop the feeling And there's no reason Let's make the call And take it all I'm wasting my time I'm wasting my time again Woah again See you waiting Lonesome, lonely See you waiting I see you waiting Well this is not for real Afraid to feel I just hit the floor Don't ask for more I'm wasting my time I'm wasting my time You can't stop the feeling And there's no reason Let's make the call And take it all I'm wasting my time I'm wasting...

the eyes of a tragedy...

threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back, a name in your recollection, thrown down among a million same. difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed and passed over when i've looked right through to see you naked and oblivious and you don't see me.but i threw you the obvious just to see if there's more behind the eyes of a fallen angel, the eyes of a tragedy. here i am expecting just a little bit too much from the wounded. but i see through it all and see you. so i threw you the obvious to see what occurs behind the eyes of a fallen angel, eyes of a tragedy. oh well. apparently nothing. you don't see me. you don't see me at all.
They see me mowin' my front lawn I know they're all thinkin' I'm so White and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy Can't you see I'm white and nerdy Look at me I'm white and nerdy I wanna roll with the gangstas But so far they all think I'm too White and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy I'm just too white and nerdy Really, really white and nerdy First in my class here at MIT Got skills, I'm a champion at D&D M.C. Escher, that's my favorite M.C. Keep you're 40, I'll just have an Earl Grey tea My rims never spin, to the contrary You'll find that they're quite stationary All of my action figures are cherry Stephen Hawking's in my library My MySpace page is all totally pimped out Got people beggin' for my top eight spaces Yo, I know pi to a thousand places Ain't got no grills but I still wear braces I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise I'm a wiz at Minesweeper, I could play for days Once you've see my sweet moves, you're gonna stay amazed My fingers movin' so fast I'll set the place ablaze There's no killer app I haven't run (run) At Pascal, well I'm number one (one) Do vector calculus just for fun I ain't got a gat, but I got a soldering gun (what?) Happy Days is my favorite theme song I could sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong I'll ace any trivia quiz you bring on I'm fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon Here's the part I sing on... You see me roll on my Segway I know in my heart they think I'm White and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy Can't you see I'm white and nerdy Look at me I'm white and nerdy I'd like to roll with the gangstas Although it's apparent I'm too White and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy I'm just too white and nerdy How'd I get so white and nerdy I been browsin', inspectin' X-Men comics You know I collect 'em The pens in my pocket, I must protect them My ergonomic keyboard never leaves me bored Shoppin' online for deals on some writable media I edit Wikipedia I memorized Holy Grail really well I can recite it right now and have you R-O-T-F-L-O-L I got a business doing websites (websites) When my friends need some code, who do they call? I do HTML for 'em all Even made a homepage for my dog, yo I got myself a fanny pack They were havin' a sale down at The Gap Spend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap Pop, pop - hope no one sees me gettin' freaky I'm nerdy in the extreme Whiter than sour cream I was in AV club and glee club And even the chess team Only question I ever thought was hard Was "Do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?" Spend every weekend at the Renaissance Faire Got my name on my underwear They see me strollin', they're laughin' And rollin' their eyes cause I'm so White and nerdy Just because I'm white and nerdy Just because I'm white and nerdy All because I'm white and nerdy Holy cow, I'm white and nerdy I wanna bowl with the gangstas But oh well, it's obvious I'm White and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy Think I'm just too white and nerdy I'm just too white and nerdy Look at me I'm white and nerdy
Words so secure screaming like an alarm Are you trying to wake me up Now what was that you were trying to pull Is it my arm I do believe you're trying to wake me up Now could it be maybe It's not me sleeping Could it be maybe you awakening Sleep this time tonight Sleepwalk in the light Sleep this time tonight Sleepwalk out of sight Now here I am, but I'm just sleepwalking Yes here I stand But I guess I'm just sleeptalking for myself Now could it be maybe It's not me sleeping Could it be maybe you awakening Sleep this time tonight Sleepwalk in the light Sleep this time tonight Sleepwalk out of sight One day this world will see me at the horizon One day from a distant light And just before I stand to face my love I'll turn around And with a smile I'll say my goodbyes Just one last goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Sleepwalk in the light Sleep this time tonight Sleepwalk out of sight Sleep this time tonight Sleepwalk in the light Sleep this time tonight Sleepwalk out of sight
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