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<BR/>blue lotus nυμφαία   (115013010)
<BR/>How To Really Love Yourself Now
<BR/><CENTER><BR/><IMG src="http://www.blankettruth.com/wp-content/uploads/love-yourself.gif"/><BR/><BR/><FONT size="4" face="century gothic" color="dodgerblue"><BR/>How To Really Love Yourself Now<BR/><BR/></FONT></CENTER><FONT size="1" color="tan"><BR/>written by Stephen Russell<BR/><FONT size="2" face="arial" color="black"><BR/>When you really love yourself, you naturally elicit a state of joy and when you continue really loving yourself, you perpetuate that joyful state.<BR/><BR/>This obviously doesn’t preclude wobbles. Wobbles are inevitable. The entire universe is comprised of moving parts, from the subatomic level upwards. Everything is in flux. This is without exception. Everything and everyone manifest is in flux. Flux gives rise to wobbles at various points in the grand motion of reality, as your system accommodates inevitable rushes of new information, against which it has to swiftly recalibrate itself.<BR/><BR/>However, joy-depleting discomfort arising from wobbling can be profoundly lessened by loving yourself as you wobble, rather than castigating yourself for it.<BR/><BR/>Take yourself back to the first time you recall having a serious wobble in your life. Recall how it disturbed you to feel out of control. Recall whether there was an adult present, who, with the best will in the world didn’t handle your wobble trauma that masterfully and at some point in the process made you feel silly for wobbling.<BR/><BR/>If so you’d have internalized them doing that and would have repeated them doing that internally, every time you’ve had a wobble since. You would have done this to protect yourself from the pain of wobble trauma. But of course it didn’t work. The wobbles continued and so did your self-criticism for having them.<BR/><BR/>Incidentally, when I say wobbles here, I refer to all instances of falling off your centre, losing command of your consciousness, through panic, anxiety, self-pity, gloomy beliefs and so on: any negative state that diminishes your joy, in other words. And when I talk about joy, I refer to that natural state of being underlying all other states – the state of innate joy for being alive, being which after all is the biggest miracle possible. I’m implying that this state will inform you whenever you’re not castigating yourself, however subtly, for not being perfect – it will inform you and radiate from you all the while you’re remembering what a miracle it is to be alive, regardless of how perfectly or otherwise you deem you’re handling your affairs.<BR/><BR/>So there you are, that small, wobble-troubled child, standing there waiting for you to say something that will make it feel better. Both modern physics and ancient Taoist mysticism posit that the observer affects the field being observed.<BR/><BR/>So when you go back in time like this to observe your former self, you actually affect your former self, there and then in your former self’s time. You actually change your past and not just in your imagination. Changing your past sets off a quantum chain reaction, which affects your present and your future. Not just in your imagination either – ask any quantum physicist or ancient Taoist sage.<BR/><BR/>Take a moment to heal your wobble-troubled former self. Explain in the kindest, warmest, most loving, supportive, encouraging tone that you’re experimenting with creating a new vehicle that will enable you to continue in a state of perpetual joy from now on regardless of how perfectly or otherwise you appear to be handling life on the mundane level.<BR/><BR/>Now place your former self respectfully just behind you and a little to the left.<BR/><BR/>Next generate a vision of your slightly future self. See you as someone who has somehow (and you don’t need to know how), jumped over all currently perceived obstacles and manifested a magnificent new reality, one that supports sustaining a state of perpetual joy. See yourself as someone who has mastered the art of desisting from self-..castigation, for it is an art, and has thus developed the capacity for remaining perpetually joyful.<BR/><BR/>Place your slightly future self respectfully just in front of you and a little to the right, facing forwards (away from you).<BR/><BR/>Now, take your former self lovingly by the hand, draw your former self across you and nudge your former self gently in through the rear of the skull of your slightly future self, so that your former self is now inside your future self’s body.<BR/><BR/>Now let your former self feel the thrill and exhilaration of pure, unbridled life-joy from within the chest and belly of your future self.<BR/><BR/>Note how joyful your former self now feels.<BR/><BR/>Now draw both of them back into your present self’s body, so that all three of you – former, future and present selves – are all here present and correct, feeling the innate joy of being alive.<BR/><BR/>Practice this move a few times and it will become automatic so that whenever you feel a wobble coming on – about anything, no matter how seemingly big of small – and you notice yourself tensing against it, thus blinding you to appreciating the miracle of being alive, you’ll be able to run the process and right yourself again in a trice.<BR/><BR/>Everyone has to deal with disasters, even masters. The difference with a master when dealing with disaster, is a master reframes faster. It’s all about accelerating the oscillation between self-pity, anxiety, self-doubt, self-castigation or gloom and the masterful state of perpetual joyfulness, simply for being alive.<BR/><BR/>Repeat, ‘I am alive and I love it’, 81 times at some point and watch how magnificent it makes you feel. Thereafter repeat it at least once a day for the rest of your life.<BR/><BR/>The above combo is a perfect example of how it is to love yourself. You’ve given yourself some time, energy and attention and done it in a loving way with an intention for it to make your experience more beautiful and rewarding.<BR/><BR/>Loving yourself, you are then with capacity to love everyone else and be loved back by them.<BR/><BR/>I’ll include a part II of how to love yourself in the vote next week, as there are myriad ways to address it.<BR/><BR/>With love (of course), Barefoot <BR/><BR/><BR/></FONT></FONT><CENTER><FONT size="1" color="tan"><FONT size="2" face="arial" color="black"><IMG src="http://alunajoy.com/x-articlebar.jpg"/><BR/><BR/><FONT size="4" face="century gothic" color="dodgerblue"><BR/>How To Really Love Yourself Now – Part II<BR/><BR/></FONT></FONT></FONT></CENTER><FONT size="1" color="tan"><FONT size="2" face="arial" color="black"></FONT><FONT size="1" color="tan">written by Stephen Russell<BR/><FONT size="2" face="arial" color="black"><BR/>I’m not reading back to see what Part I comprised, I’m a Taoist and go with the flow as you know, so bear with me if I stray into repetitiveness, it won’t be for lack of original thinking on my part, as I’m writing fresh and I do so, along with indulging a long sentence tendency, because I love me.<BR/><BR/>As soon as I say that, the inner traumatised child aspect of me, that kid who was castigated the first time so cruelly by Mrs Reeves in elementary school, for showing off, when in fact all I was doing was proudly displaying some talent for something or other, I can’t remember what now, that inner confused 5 year old, pipes up with, ‘don’t admit to loving yourself, people will think you’re showing off and won’t like you anymore.’<BR/><BR/>And I suspect we all have a similar voice inside, the one that tells us not to admit to loving ourselves. Loving ourselves is natural – we are expressions of the Tao in human form and the love is the Tao and vice versa, ergo we are love, hence loving ourselves is 100% natural and primordially wired in. But if we’ve spent decades pretending at some level we don’t love ourselves, we inevitably buy into the pretence and so in effect stop loving ourselves. And that’s why this topic won the vote again.<BR/><BR/>So the first thing is to go back through time and say to that inner confused child, words to the effect that ‘it’s OK to love yourself – it’s the natural state – there’s no need to buy into the pretence in case people don’t like you – people like you when you like yourself enough to like them, so let yourself feel the love for yourself and feeling it, you’ll feel it for others and them for you – and it won’t make you arrogant, conceited or narcissistic, it will make you healthy and whole. So don’t stop loving yourself,’ and so on.<BR/><BR/>Make sure you feel your inner traumatized child take note and take it on board.<BR/><BR/>It is my sincere, considered opinion that whenever you go back in time like this, it’s not just imaginary, it actually does affect that younger self at that time – as in your present adult self is the healing angel the child felt at the time and derived the strength to carry on from.<BR/><BR/>Be that as it may, you gain more cohesion as a unified presence in terms of lending power to your intention to love yourself more by going back to heal and reintegrate that formerly split-off traumatized aspect of you.<BR/><BR/>Next comes setting up a regular daily gesture of love. Just as in relationship with someone else, where it’s the complex series of gestures made between you that gives the dynamic its adhesive, in your relationship with you, you need gestures to remind you and reinforce the bond between all your various aspects of self.<BR/><BR/>This could comprise any activity that strengthens you in all senses: physical, emotional, mental and so on – any activity that will develop your innate life-skills – sitting to breathe, meditate, doing chi gung, tai chi, running, swimming, making creative visualizations and so on. The crucial thing is that it’s something entirely and utterly for you, not in a self-indulgent way – it requires discipline and willingness to face challenge – but it’s for you.<BR/><BR/>And doing it, do it because you love yourself not because you have to.<BR/><BR/>And specifically, for the purposes of this piece, include in at some point in the gesture/..ritual, looking at each part of your body, your hand, your arm, your nose, your feet and so on and saying aloud, ‘I love you’ – without judgment or self-criticism – pure unconditional love. And every time throughout the day, you think about yourself, which will be often if you remain mindful enough to notice, start and end the thought, with, ‘I love you’.<BR/><BR/>After a while you get used to it, it stops feeling strange and by then you’re already well on the road to loving yourself for evermore without that self-interference habit getting in the way of it.<BR/><BR/>I’ll include part III as an option because it feels important and resonant.<BR/><BR/>Love – and I’m not just saying that – I never just say it, Doc<BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/> <CENTER><IMG src="http://alunajoy.com/x-articlebar.jpg"/><BR/><FONT size="4" face="century gothic" color="dodgerblue"><BR/><BR/>How To Really Love Yourself Now Part III<BR/><BR/></FONT></CENTER></FONT><FONT size="1" color="tan"><BR/>written by Stephen Russell<BR/><FONT size="2" face="arial" color="black"><BR/>I love that we have this resonance.<BR/><BR/>I love that we are willing and desirous of exploring the realm of love together in this way.<BR/><BR/>I love that I’m able to sit here and type the words, that I’m able to think the words, to see them, as if I’m in conversation with you, which I am.<BR/><BR/>I love that and I love that there’s a time lag between me typing the words and you reading them, yet that lag vanishes as soon as you read the words.<BR/><BR/>I love that I can reach across time to you like this.<BR/><BR/>And across space.<BR/><BR/>I love the idea of all the people who have gone before – all the ancestors – all the people who’ve ever been here and how they’ve shaped the world for us.<BR/><BR/>And I love the idea of all the people who are here now – all the brilliant minds who’ve created and are creating this internet system – and all the other systems that make life so electric in all senses.<BR/><BR/>I love how we find ourselves at an apparent crossroads in human history and how slowly but surely (and very quickly really), the collective consciousness is undergoing a radical shift of what I assume to be unprecedented proportions.<BR/><BR/>I love how I haven’t a clue where this piece is going and I love how it feels as if some form of greater consciousness than the everyday is pushing my fingers onto the keys.<BR/><BR/>I love how I managed to wake up today and though feeling groggy at first was soon in the thrilling sunlight doing Hsing I and feeling the strength surging through my limbs.<BR/><BR/>I love the tea I’m drinking.<BR/><BR/>I love being alive right now.<BR/><BR/>And I love being alive as me.<BR/><BR/>I love being me.<BR/><BR/>I love me.<BR/><BR/>That was a spontaneous process by way of example in terms of one version of how to really love yourself: change the inner dialogue, so rather than telling yourself, I hate this, I’m scared of that, I don’t want this I do want that and so on, tell yourself how much you love everything.<BR/><BR/>It’s a totally valid choice and is totally your choice to make.<BR/><BR/>You command your own experience of reality – no one and nothing else, no matter how it may appear to the contrary.<BR/><BR/>By changing the way you’re speaking to yourself about reality, you change the way you see it and the way you see it is the way it will be.<BR/><BR/>Now you think of yourself as you, the individual, with your specific story and so on – you have huge investment in that picture, But beyond that you are an expression of life - of the Love informing all life – so by projecting your love onto life in its various guises as above (I love this, I love that, I love being alive to love this and that etc), you are really loving yourself, not just the surface and not even just the depth, but that presence informing both the surface and the depth of you.<BR/><BR/>And it even goes beyond that, even beyond taking yourself for a lovely treat or whatever but obviously may and should include that at your earliest convenience, in order to celebrate your love. It goes beyond overcoming low self-esteem issues. It goes beyond healing yourself from all your acquired negativity and from all former wounds.<BR/><BR/>This is love talking to love, me talking to you, you talking to those in your world.<BR/><BR/>This is love knowing itself.<BR/><BR/>Love, Doc<BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/><A href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmJhcmVmb290ZG9jdG9yZ2xvYmFsLmNvbQ==">Barefoot Doctor</A><BR/><BR/><BR/></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT><CENTER><FONT size="1" color="tan"><FONT size="1" color="tan"><FONT size="1" color="tan"><FONT size="2" face="arial" color="black"><A href="http://www.myspace.com/ker2gr8c">blue lotus nυμφαία </A></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></CENTER><FONT size="1" color="tan"><FONT size="1" color="tan"><FONT size="1" color="tan"><FONT size="2" face="arial" color="black"></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT>

Top 10 ways to become Irresistibly Attractive
The Top 10 Steps to Becoming Irresistibly Attractive
Category: Irresistible Attraction (BK2)
Originally Submitted on 11/1/96.


The term Irresistibly Attractive refers to the idea of great people, ideas, opportunities, things and more, come TO you vs you chasing them or being promotive, seductive or acquisitive in nature.

1. Don't need much.

If you need something, usually it will run away/escape you. Get your personal and financial needs met first and you'll find yourself attracting vs seducing.

2. Think big, really big.

Attraction occurs when there is a healthy vacuum between where you are and what you want to have happen. The wider the gap, the greater the pulling power of attraction.

3. Eliminate the holes in your life.

Where are you being depleted? By whom? Plug those holes by extending boundaries, raising standards, resolving past issues, healing. Attraction won't find you until you're ready. Get ready.

4. Pay attention to what's happening to/around you RIGHT NOW.

Attraction LIVES in the moment, not in the future. Are you responding fully to both the problems and the opportunities that are occurring -- in force -- right now, in your space? Gotta start here, where attraction can find you.

5. Learn from people who are naturally attractive.

Some people are; some people aren't. Hang out with those who are and emulate them. And ask for help. They'll be happy to tell you how it works. Just be ready to make changes in your thinking, assumptions, actions and behavior.

6. Increase your awareness.

Sounds trite, but it's necessary. Attraction is a subtle phenomenon. You won't feel it or get it until you've increased your awareness of yourself, those around you, how you think, your life assumptions.

7. Add value to whomever or whatever you encounter.

We all have something to add. Add it. If you don't have enough to add, learn a new skill. When you ADD what you have to other's lives, whether they are clients, friends, potential customers, family, YOU become much more attractive.

8. Tell the truth.

This means more than not lying. There is a level of telling the truth that will truly set you free and attract others to you. And, there is a way to tell the truth from a place of love vs power. Usually having awareness and advanced phrasing is what helps this process occur naturally. That, plus having enough reserve in your life so you can afford any consequences of telling the truth.

9. Build a reserve in all areas.

When you have enough money, time, space, love, ideas, opportunities, friends, you'll become an even stronger magnet for what you want -- because you won't NEED it.

10. Do what YOU want to do in life.

We've all been overly influenced by shoulds, oughts and have-to's. So much so that what you/we want to do has been suppressed WAY down deep.

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70 Stories of Lives Destroyed by H1N1 Vaccine<BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/><B>From:<BR/><A href="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&amp;friendid=75418423">psychic outlaw™ (Omi Oshun) the Radiance</A></B><BR/><BR/><B>70 Heartbreaking Stories From People Who Have Had Their Lives Destroyed By H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Side Effects </B><BR/><BR/>While a few stories about adverse reactions to the H1N1 swine flu vaccine have gotten into the mainstream media, the reality is that most mainstream media outlets are extremely hesitant to publish such stories. The general belief in the media seems to be that if they publish a story about a "rare" adverse reaction to the H1N1 vaccine, then the general public may be discouraged from taking the vaccine and more people will get sick. However, this is a totally false assumption by the media. <B>The truth is that reports of serious adverse reactions to the H1N1 swine flu vaccine are constantly pouring in. In addition, the pharmaceutical companies who produced these vaccines spend millions of dollars to advertise on mainstream media outlets. Do you think that the owners of those mainstream media outlets are going to do anything that will jeopardize that source of income? The truth is that the mainstream media is not going to tell you the stories of those people who have had their lives destroyed by H1N1 swine flu vaccine side effects. Since the mainstream media will not give these victims a voice, we will.<BR/><BR/>The personal H1N1 vaccine horror stories that you will read below come from comments on this blog along with stories from the following sources.<BR/><BR/>Bird Flu Pandemic<BR/><BR/>BabyCenter Community<BR/><BR/>Miscarriage / Pregnancy Loss Blog<BR/><BR/>Health Freedom Alliance<BR/><BR/>H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine, Possible Side Effects and the Potential Dangers of Squalene<BR/><BR/>Canadians for Health Freedom<BR/><BR/>Facebook Group - h1n1 Vaccine Reactions<BR/><BR/>Facebook Group - don't get the h1n1 vaccine<BR/><BR/>Facebook Group - Refusing The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine</B><BR/><BR/>These are stories that you will not hear in the mainstream media. The reality is that a significant number of people are being hurt by the H1N1 swine flu vaccine and people need to know. <BR/><BR/><B>What follows are unedited stories from victims of the H1N1 swine flu vaccine in which they share what has happened to them in their own words</B><BR/><BR/>#1) Margaret Densmore:<BR/><BR/>I GOT THE SHOT AND ALMOST DIED! I went into anaphlylatic shock, almost died and then (after getting out of ICU) proceeded to have two more extreme reactions over the course of 1 week. I went hystonic the second time and had excessive vomiting for two days as a third reaction, requiring hospitalization. I AM NOT ALLERGIC TO EGGS AND HAVE NEVER REACTED TO A VACCINE BEFORE. There were several reactions in my area within one day(one lady seizing within 5 minutes of me, one while I was waiting in line, another call while I was in the ambulance, but apparently NONE according to Health Canada. PLEASE USE MY EXPERIENCE AS AN EXAMPLE. GlaxoKlineSmith has immunity against prosecution. WHAT THE HELL DO THEY CARE IF THE VACCINE IS DEADLY? It has been 8 days and I am still suffering.<BR/><BR/>#2) Maureen Burke:<BR/><BR/>My family has a long history of vaccine injuries that are not reported as vaccine injuries. The list includes three cases of GBS in same family. My mom got her H1N1 shot on Monday of last week. She is high risk health care workerI begged her not to get shot. But she did anyway to protect her residents. She thought she may be getting a cold on Wed. She went into resp and cardiac arrest on Sat. They say double pneumonia. septic. She has been on life support for the last five days. She is not breathing on her own, she is in medically induced heavy sedation/coma. One has something to do with the other. what does it take to get medically advised not to take these damn shots???<BR/><BR/>#3) Ebonee Jones:<BR/><BR/>I was released from the hospital this morning after delivering my stillborn 26 week old son last night. I am a firm believer that the swine flu vaccine I received a few weeks ago contributed to my son’s demise. My baby was very active and then I received the vaccine. After that, I noticed a change in his activity and then I noticed no movement over the weekend. When I went into the doctor’s office yesterday, there was no heartbeat and I was induced. I would not wish this pain on my worse enemy. To carry a child for 6 1/2 months and then lose him is worse than anything imaginable.<BR/><BR/>#4) Maja:<BR/><BR/>hi everyone, im 21 years old and I got the H1N1 shot on friday morning. Ive been on the fence about this shot for a few weeks but finally decided that I did not want to be a carrier and just to go for it.<BR/><BR/>About 5-10 minutes after the shot I fainted, but they let me go half an hour later when my blood pressure was back to normal. immediately i started to worry i was having severe allergic reactions or signs of GBS. About 2 hours later at work I started to get tingling sensations in my right leg (I got the shot in my left arm), and I started to worry. It is now about 30 hours post shot and i just came home from work because i had a panick attack that i was getting GBS. My right arm started to tingle a while ago, and i have what seems like a big lump in my throat (ive been crying so maybe its from crying). Currently my legs are tingling and i am a giant stress ball.<BR/><BR/>#5) Katharine Theodosiou Loucaidou: <BR/><BR/><BR/>I got vaccinated 17 days ago. At first, had the sore arm and swollen lymph nodes which went away after 3 days. then day 4 woke up with weak legs. weakness progressed making it difficult to stand for more than 10 min. at a time. Was able to walk but felt very shaky. Day 11 woke up with arm in the same weakened state. as my legs. Weakness progressed to the point that I had to go to emerge on Day 14.did a battery of tests, which show nothing. now Day 17 weakness in arm gone, but still in the legs has anyone had anything like this? I haven't come across anyone with a similar reaction. I'm really concerned about when it's going to go. GBS has been 100% ruled out.<BR/><BR/>#6) sm:<BR/><BR/>I live in Toronto, Canada and got the h1n1 non-adjuvanted vaccine for pregnant women on Tues Nov 10th. I was 4 1/2 wks along. I started spotting next day but tried not to worry because i thought it may have been implantation spotting, next day I started bleeding heavily. I have miscarried the baby. Like you i will never know if it was the vaccine or not however it is heartwrenching to go through something like this. I have had 2 healthy full term pregnancies, no history of miscarriages, am healthy so I know in my heart the vaccine had to do with my loss.<BR/><BR/>#7) Noell A.Teasley:<BR/><BR/>I had the H1N1 vaccination about 6 weeks ago and the needle became jammed (the medicine had to be transferred to a second needle) and hurt immensely; the second shot felt normal. The nurses at the health department said that they had had alot of trouble with the needles that the state had provided (they were bigger, lo.nger and less likely to work as well as the normal needles they use do). The injection was in my left arm and I still can not move it without severe pain. I have notified my doctor and the health department and they are quite concerned, but have no idea of what is the matter or what to do. I am posting this information in the hopes that it will be helpful in the research/tracking of the vaccine and would love to hear from anyone who has had similar reaction of suggestions for relief and/or a remedy!<BR/><BR/>#8) Ann:<BR/><BR/>My friend was diagnosed w/GBS today. She had the H1N1 vaccine on Tuesday. She woke up friday morn. with one side of her face paralized, now almost her whole face is paralized. She is starting blood and plasma transfusions tonight. She will be transferred to Barnes hospital soon for more extensive testing. To those who laugh at the severity of this strange, unknown sickness and vaccine I hope you stay informed and not ignorant.<BR/><BR/>#9) H. Gordon:<BR/><BR/>I am a 39 year old healthy female with no underlying health conditions and was feeling fine. I received the adjuvanted H1N1 shot on the afternoon of October 25/09 in Ottawa. I have had a reaction to the regular flu shot in the past so I do not get them; so I expected a reaction to this one as well. The reaction was much worse than I expected. By 9pm that evening I could barely move my arm it was so sore; I also felt a bit anxious and shaky. By 12:30 at night, I was sweaty and shaky and had a fever of 38.8 and lay awake unable to sleep till about 3:30 am. By the morning, I couldn’t lift my arm and my hand/wrist was swollen and I still had a fever. I took Tylenol and spent the day at home resting. I had wicked chills and my skin was crawling and I still had a fever. By the next morning, my fever had dropped to 37.5 and I started to feel better. It took a week to feel mostly back to normal. I then developed a really bad cold and sinus infection with a cough too so went to the doctor. Asked about the reaction to the shot and was told that likely I am allergic to one of the preservatives in the shot. Not a happy camper at all as I sat on the fence for awhile and tried to educate myself as best as I could before getting the shot.<BR/><BR/>#10) Felicia Kuo Wong:<BR/><BR/>I broke out in severe hives within 24 hours after the shot. Despite taking benadryl 50mg every 4 hours x 4 cycles, the hives just kept on getting worse to the point I was red like a lobster from my neck to my knees and it was spreading out more and more. I started Prednisone this afternoon and finally starting to get better!<BR/><BR/>#11) Alice Wodarek:<BR/><BR/>My daughter came down with Bells Palsy seven days after receiving the H1N1.<BR/><BR/>#12) Mindy:<BR/><BR/>i took the vaccine a week ago at 7 weeks and pregnant and i lost my baby three days ago at 8 weeks. plz plz plz dont make the same mistake i did and get the vaccine if you are pregnant. learn from me and save yourself the grief. if this will help some one so be it. i sure hope it does. dont get the vaccine<BR/><BR/>#13) AL:<BR/><BR/>I too received the H1N1 vaccine just one day before finding out I was pregnant (Nov 2). On Nov 12th I miscarried. I was 6 weeks pregnant. I have no other medical conditions and had 3 other healthy and to term pregnancies. I work in a hospital setting and was pushed by my employer to get vaccinated. My gut told me no but I did it anyway. now living to regret it.<BR/><BR/>#14) Kim Bruce:<BR/><BR/>I got my H1N1 shot two weeks ago on Tuesday, woke up Wednesday with a sore throat and stuffy nose, Thursday had a terrible chest congestion/cough with fever and splitting headache, Friday all symptoms were worse and I couldn’t breathe. Called my doctor’s and theysaid it would be from the shot but that most likely I already had an infection in my body when I got the shot but didn’t realize it. I’m getting over it slowly but still occasional sore throat, sick stomach, chest wheeze.<BR/><BR/>#15) Roger Hoelderlin:<BR/><BR/>Any one have a long lasting headache I got shot last tuesday and I have a headache lasting like 5 days with little relief, any suggestions!<BR/><BR/>#16) carole-anne:<BR/><BR/>I had the shot on Tuesday, after much pressuring by my medical employer. I wish I had stuck with my first thought which was to leave well alone. I get the winter shot every year and the H1N1 virus in in it. The swine flu is H1N1v. a sub group.<BR/>Tuesday evening my arm started hurting and I had nausea.<BR/>Wednesday morning i had a local reaction the size of a saucer on my arm. it was hot, swollen red and very painful.<BR/><BR/>#17) Theresa Farris:<BR/><BR/>I had an ultrasound at 14 weeks on Oct 29th 2009 reporting all was well with myself and the baby. On that same day I received both the flu shot and the H1N1 shot. Two weeks later I went for a routine check up where the doctor could not find the heartbeat. I had another ultrasound showing no heartbeat or activity. After reveiwing the scan my OB said the baby died 12 days prior which would have been two days after the shot was administered. On Friday the 13th 2009 I had a DNC. I asked my doctor if that shot could’ve played a role in this “missed miscarriage”. He said absolutely not.<BR/><BR/>#18) Shelly Curl:<BR/><BR/>My two year old son had his H1N1 vaccine, a week later his leg was inflammed and covered in red blotches all over the area where he got it. The injection site got infected with a 2.5cm lump and he was treated with antibiotics and some benedryl &amp; an ice pack to stop the itch.<BR/><BR/>#19) fe:<BR/><BR/>I have had the same reactions. Chest congestion and vomiting. I am 7 months pregnant. I am going to go to the ER tomorrow. I had none of these symptoms in anyway before getting the shot two weeks ago.<BR/><BR/>#20) Sam Snow:<BR/><BR/>A good friend of mine, after getting the swine flu vaccine, got a pain in his arm so severe it kept him awake all night. And he said he felt very ill for a couple of days. His sister also felt very ill after having this vaccine. What concerns me most are the long-term effects which, at present, we don’t know of.<BR/><BR/>#21) Kevin:<BR/><BR/>I work with someone who was 4 months pregnant. Her husband got swine flu, so both she and her son got the vaccine “just to be safe.” A week later, she had a miscarriage.<BR/><BR/>#22) Christina Pandiscia Grasso:<BR/><BR/>11 year old son had H1N1 shot/vaccine on Monday. Within 15 mins. blood pressure plummeted, vomited at the site of the H1N1 clinic, Dizzy, eyes dilated, verge of fainting, turned snow white. Blood pressure did not return to normal for two hours.<BR/><BR/>#23) Carrie:<BR/><BR/>I am a healthcare employee the only vaccine offered to employees was the live vaccine. I decided to get it and be the “guinea pig” instead of my toddler. Received the nasal spray on Tuesday, woke up Wednesday with a sore throat and stuffy nose, Thursday had a terrible chest congestion/cough with fever and splitting headache, Friday all symptoms were worse and I couldn’t breathe! I was diagnosed on Friday with H1N1 and pneumonia good thing I got the vaccine, huh?<BR/><BR/>#24) Ann Marie Lyons-Misko:<BR/><BR/>My son is 16he had his H1N1 shot last <A href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd2Vlay5hcw==">week.as</A> of yesterday he was complaining his leg hurt very badtoday both legs hurt.I am about to contact his doctor but can this be a side effect of the shot? He is not in sports and has done nothing strenuous to cause the pain.<BR/><BR/>#25) rsmitty:<BR/><BR/>Amy got her H1N1 flu shot today and had a nasty reaction. Just wanted to let everyone know so they can beware if and when you get yours. I am not getting one myself.<BR/><BR/>She lost her hearing, got diarreah, felt like she was going to pass out, heart heart was very racey, she felt like she couldn't breath, she was slurring her speech, her head felt very blurry/foggy etc She really did not want to get it to begin with and the doctor talked her into it. She said she will not get it again that's for sure. She said she thought she was gonna die. And as if she had a stroke. She is fine now but it took awhile for her to feel better. They kept her in the office for a while to keep an eye on her.<BR/><BR/>#26) Cheryl Ann Scott-Davis:<BR/><BR/>I had my 3 children done. My 12yr old had a fever, weakness and fatigue for about a week. My 5 yr old only had a sore arm. My 3yr old had a fever, diarrehia and severe swelling of her eyes within 24hrs after and had to be treated at the er.<BR/><BR/>#27) Audrey:<BR/><BR/>So the call Aaron got Wed about the 18 yr. old Scott who had a stroke!!!! I talked to the girlfriends mom Kerrie who is our friend. He is still in a coma. They said it is bacterial, and brought in a specialist from the states. He is bleeding from his brain, and many internal organs. Last night Kerrie left me a message saying the doctors, and specialist have spoken with the parents and admitted it is due to the h1n1 vaccine!!<BR/><BR/>#28) Pregnant:<BR/><BR/>" i heard some of the nurses and staff talking today about kids who have gotten the h1n1 shot a boy under or just 2 died from the shot (I will ask around for confirmation), and a lot of kids have gotten really sick from the shot, some kids have gotten swine flu from the shot. i talked to 4 people today that got the shot and got really super sick. i’ve been here since thursday. i went to my OB’s clinic and they are giving out shots to pregnant women in the clinic, and the place was packed. they have tried to vax me 3 times but i have refused!"<BR/><BR/>#29) Melody:<BR/><BR/>I had the H1N1 shot about 3 weeks ago, my son received the vaccine about 2 weeks ago, I have had pain in my arm since then, and he has also complained of arm pain.<BR/><BR/>#30) Barb:<BR/><BR/>a friend of mine today shared that her daughters friend (a teenager) had taken the vax, and that same day she was bathing and became instantly ill she felt light headed to the point of passing out, couldn’t communicate, managed to get her house coat on, head spinning and got down stairs opened the front door so she could yell out for help because she didn’t know what was happening to her. she passed out at the door.<BR/><BR/>#31) Pamela Genge-Way:<BR/><BR/>I had my vaccine last friday around 2:00pm and around 10:00 that night, I started breaking out in hives. Have never had hives before this. All the hives started joining together, crazy itchy!!!! I was like I had a sunburn over my whole body. Started to swell in the arm, hands, legs, feet, chin, and lip. My feet is still swollen, but not itchy now. Thank God!!!<BR/><BR/>#32) Melissa Steinhart:<BR/><BR/>My 3 yr old got the shot, 2 days later came down with a runny nose, high fever (103) and massive headache. 36 hours later, the fever went away, but the headache remained. No one at her school was sick or is sick, so I know it was this shot. NO WAY am I getting the 2nd one<BR/><BR/>#33) Heather Noëll:<BR/><BR/>I have a friend who's elderly aunt received the H1N1 vaccination and then died of swine flu two weeks ago.<BR/><BR/>#34) Kim from Ontario:<BR/><BR/>My two boys had the shot and they both had different reactions. The first one had difficulty breathing about 4 hours after but is fine now. My second son had diminished reflex ability in the arm that he got the needle in but it developed a week later. It would shake when he extended it and would be in great pain. Did anyone one else experience that? I too had the shot and had a sore arm and it was soar to lift but i think everyone had that. His arm is almost able to extend fully now but it still shakes. Would I get the shot if i were to do it all again. NO WAY!<BR/><BR/>#35) Sheryl Colbourne:<BR/><BR/>My 10 month old son had his needle on Sat morning. 9 hours later he developed a Fever of 100-102 and very soar leg, didnt want to walk or crawl.<BR/><BR/>#36) Jennifer Griffith:<BR/><BR/>My doctor is treating a 4 yr old who was perfectly healthy before he got the Swine/H1N1 vaccination a few weeks ago. His brain swelled, and he was given 2 weeks to live as his body is shutting down. As of today he's alive, but my doctor is not sure if he's going to make it.<BR/><BR/>#37) Lisa Engle:<BR/><BR/>ran into a mom who was LIVID after vaccinating her son last week. his arm is still swollen and splotchy, he's had a fever and been vomiting since.<BR/><BR/>#38) Laurie Sasser:<BR/><BR/>I was 13 weeks pregnant and had the H1N1 vaccine on October 26th and miscarried early morning of October 29th.<BR/><BR/>#39) Mona Tannous:<BR/><BR/>Took my 2 yr and 10 month for shot yesterday. My 10 moths seems ok with no reaction. My 2 yr daughter didnt sleep all night. Started with very sore arm and I think joint pain since she was pointing to her knees. Then she started low grade fever. She vomitted. Then she woke up again complaining of stomach pain and vomitted another time!<BR/><BR/>#40) EBWashington:<BR/><BR/>I am so upset. I was so excited to be pregnant after trying for a year. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I joined this birth club and I was due June 25th. We have two healthy boys with no history of miscarriage. Everything was going great. Last Monday, I got the H1N1 vaccine thimerosal reduced (mercury reduced for pregnant women). On Tuesday morning, I started cramping and on Wednesday I started bleeding heavily. My hcg was 50 on Wednesday and I was almost 6 weeks along so it was low. They still thought that I might be pregnant but on Friday my hcg was down to 22. I am an emotional wreck. I feel like I had a healthy baby and I caused this by getting the H1N1 vaccine. My doctors pushed it. I researched online and there have been many miscarriages after the H1N1 vaccine but they haven't been reported since it is hard to say what caused the miscarriages. I hope that I did not cause this. I wish everyone the best.<BR/><BR/>#41) Rupen:<BR/><BR/>I am diabetic (type 2) and had the H1N1 shot a few days ago.I was mildly sick for about three days after. My wife (49) had the two shots yesterday (Nov.20th) at noon and at 11PM she had wicked chills and <A href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vZmV2ZXIuTm8=">fever.No</A> sleep all night, and I treated her with Advil. No more Chills, but feverish and cold even 3 hrs after.Both arms are sore too.<BR/><BR/>#42) Tayla08:<BR/><BR/>I don't have an answer for you, but a friend of a friend just had a miscarriage 2-3 days after getting the shot. She was 7weeks. She had no previous history of m/c. No one can answer if they're <A href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcmVsYXRlZC5pdA==">related.it</A> hasn't been out long enough and there haven't been any studies done on pregnant women. I will tell you, that it has made up my mind on getting it.I won't and I'm not going to get it for my DD either. My daughter and I both had H1N1 last week, and although it truly sucks.I think I'll take my chances. One doctor will tell you to get it and the next will tell you not too.you have to do what's in your heart.<BR/><BR/>#43) 90707:<BR/><BR/>my heart goes out to you as i recently miscarried as well and was due in june. i had a healthy heart beat at 6wks. then at 7.5 wks my son got the h1n1 mist vaccine which has live vaccine in it. the nurse said to be careful b/c it could technically spread if he rubbed his nose and touched a surface etc. the next night i miscarried and 5 days later was diagnosed with h1n1. i work from home, kids are home, hadnt been anywhere during that time. so the chances that it is all related are very high. the flu mist vaccine warns for immunocompromised patients (which includes prego) to stay away from recipients of the flu mist for 21 days.<BR/><BR/>#44) Regrets:<BR/><BR/>I got both vaccines on Thursday. I was 9 weeks pregnant. I miscarried on Sunday. I was told by several doctors to get these vaccines. Now I wish I followed my gut feeling and not get them at ALL!<BR/><BR/>#45) Laura J:<BR/><BR/>I got my h1n1 shot on November friday 6th, I really regret I did it, I have not feeling well since then, I am very concerned about my health!!! I started having pain at the injection site and after 2 days, headache, fatigue, shivering so bad, sweating and ache in my musles, and as a consequence not going to work the whole week!!!. Is there going to be any kind of treatment after this very bad decision alot of people made??<BR/><BR/>#46) anonymous:<BR/><BR/>i work in a hospital like setting and was told ‘the benefits outweigh the risks” 1am i got the vaccine, 3am i started bleeding and craming, 3pm miscarried. you decide<BR/><BR/>#47) sue:<BR/><BR/>I had the H1N1 vaccination and 24 hours later had a miscarriage.<BR/><BR/>#48) Linda Hill:<BR/><BR/>My daughter in law was 10 weeks pregnant and had the H1N1 vaccine on Friday that night she miscarried.<BR/><BR/>#49) SoSorry:<BR/><BR/>I was so ready to get the H1N1 vaccine last week and they were only giving them to pregnant women. I was 6 weeks along and got it and the next day I started cramping and miscarried. I already had two healthy pregnancies and never miscarried or had any problems. My doctors think I am crazy to think it was the H1N1 but if no one looks into this than other women will not know. I am so sorry that I got it.<BR/><BR/>#50) Cameron Neal:<BR/><BR/>I’m in Cornwall Ontario, have heard a couple of friends and their children coming down with the flu after only a few short hours of having the H1N1 vaccine, and have heard of several others neighbors and friends on my facebook that have said they were very ill after receiving the shot, including high fevers, the flu, major of their arm, grogginess. and in bed for a few days etc.<BR/><BR/>Also I was told by a friend who was visiting a Cornwall nursing home that he overheard nurses speaking and that they were saying of their residents had went crippled from the H1N1 vaccine!<BR/><BR/>#51) Connie:<BR/><BR/>I also received the H1N1 vaccination on October 22nd, 2009 and went into labor on October 25th, at 16 weeks pregnant and we just heard the heartbeat and everything was fine with my pregnancy on October 16th, 2009, then on October 28th my water broke then on October 29th, I delivered a stillborn baby boy, and no one can tell me why. Everyone wants to say it did not come from the shot but I believe it did. My baby was growing at the correct pace and everyone wants to brush off the vaccination. I say if you have the vaccination and suffer a miscarriage if they are able to perform an autopsy have it done.<BR/><BR/>I also agree something needs to be done and looked more into with this vaccination because most women are being advised it’s just something that happens, but I also had two healthy children normal pregnancies and when I received this vaccination with my third pregnancy, my baby is gone.<BR/><BR/>#52) Linda:<BR/><BR/>I had my shot on Friday evening as well, and they had to call my husband to come and pick me up from the clinic due to nausea, tingling hands, feet and face as well as feeling like I was going to faint. I felt sick all weekend, and missed work yesterday. I am at work today, but still feel very weak and am experiencing strange sensations in my hands and feet.<BR/><BR/>#53) sioux falls, south dakota:<BR/><BR/>I received the H1N1 vaccine on October 16th and started experiencing cramping on the 22nd. I was nearly 17 weeks pregnant and gave birth to a stillborn baby boy on the 23rd. Like many of the other women here, the first thing I suspected was the H1N1 vaccine. I immediately asked a nurse at the hospital if that would have anything to do with it. Without hesitation, she told me “absolutely not.” I had reservations about getting the vaccine, but followed the advice of my long trusted family doctor. In a follow up appointment with my doctor 3 days after I lost my baby, I asked him if the vaccine would have had any adverse effects on my baby. He also said that it was not possible. I don’t believe that my doctor was necessarily lying to me, he was simply following the accepted practices and opinions of his field. I do, however, believe that as a nation, we are being lied to. This vaccine is NOT safe during pregnancy. There has not been enough testing done to determine this and there are far too many “coincidences” for this to be anything but a result of a vaccine that was hastily pushed into production and distribution in an effort to stop widespread panic. I have read so many stories in defense of the vaccine that will talk about how common miscarriages are, but I would challenge you to ask ANY health care professional how common second trimester miscarriages are. My baby was doing perfect developmentally and I had felt him move earlier that day. My heart goes out to all of you out there who have had to go through the same heartache and loss that I have had in the last couple of weeks. There is no reason that any woman or family should have to go through this. Get the word out to all of the pregnant women that you know. I know that if I had heard that women had been losing their babies shortly after they received the vaccine, I would have followed my gut and not gotten it myself. Maybe then Wyatt would have had a chance at life.<BR/><BR/>#54) Mac:<BR/><BR/>I had the regular H1N1 vaccination on Monday, November 16th in the morning. I was fine until about 1:00 in the morning (now Tuesday). I awoke with severe stomach pains and diarhea. This lasted until Saturday – off and on. On Tuesday afternoon, I suddenly felt very exhausted and then started coughing, had a headache, a fever, muscle achiness and just felt basically rotten. Here it is now Sunday evening, and I am still not feeling great. My stomach pains are gone, but all the rest remains, although not as bad as a couple of days ago. My fever is lower than before (it was usually around 38.6 – 39), but still comes and goes.<BR/><BR/>My arm has been sore most of the week, but nothing I couldn’t handle until last night. The pain has really increased and now there is a red spot where the injection site was. My whole arm is sore now and very difficult to lift and extremely sore if I role on it while laying down (which is something I must do a lot of right now).<BR/><BR/>#55) Marina Rossi:<BR/><BR/>I recently got the H1N1 vaccine and miscarried 3 days later. I thought it could have been the vaccine but didnt ask. After finding this site I believe it was the vaccine. Sorry to everyone else out there who has just experienced a miscarriage.<BR/><BR/>#56) Jody:<BR/><BR/>I got the shot on october 21 i have went to the hospital 4 times because i felt like i couldnt breathe shaking and felt nausea. after about 10 days i started felling better it lasted almost 2 weeks of feeling good then yesterday i ended up at the hospital again they checked my blood did a nerve test and said everything was good but iam still experiencing tingling in my arms and legs and feeling like vomiting very damn scary and i so regret getting the vaccination<BR/><BR/>#57) kathy-sd:<BR/><BR/>I’m from a town of 2000 in SD, there are several women pregnant and we are all due within a few weeks of each other. Four of us got the H1N1 vaccine 2 weeks ago and one by one each of us started to have preterm contractions. We are all due in Nov and Dec so we are further along than most of the people that lost their babies. There is no way you can tell us that our preterm labor was not caused by the H1N1 vaccine. It may look like a “fluke” to some people when these women are scattered all over the country but we are talking about 4 of us in our small community. My heart goes out to all of you that lost your babies.<BR/><BR/>#58) Maria:<BR/><BR/>I received adjuvant vaccine. 3 days later, developed rt side back pain with tingling in feet. Tingling has persisted mostly on feet up to calves, sometimes on hands. After the tingling, sometimes have a tight, weak feeling in the calf/foot muscles. This is now Day 16 post vaccination. Symptoms are no better but do wax and wane, most often they are present. Have reported this to Public Health and have seen a specialist but can get no reassurance or prognosis. They don’t know if it is temporary or permanent and can offer no advice. They just don’t know enough about this vaccine. Have spent every day worrying about Guillain Barre and whether this is permanent.<BR/><BR/>#59) ashley:<BR/><BR/>Im not sure but not only myself, i know someone that withing 4 days of getting the shot we both miscarried, i was only 6 weeks and she was 4 months along, not sure if the shot caused it and cant find any other information but i am a little concerned about this coincidence.<BR/><BR/>#60) Wendy:<BR/><BR/>My daughter had the vaccine, and about 10 minutes later she got extremely thirsty and panicky. Then she suddenly felt very ill and nauseus and tried throwing up. She suddenly went pale ( I mean white from head to toe, her arms were white), we were told to take her to lie down on the mat, and by the time we were walking to the mat her skin turned green! I mean absolutely green, I didn’t even know that someone could turn green! Her arms were green too, and especially around her lips. I was so scared!! She also complained of feeling very sweaty. It took her awhile to get her color back to normal, she had a headache after and was extremely tired.<BR/><BR/>#61) Nurse in Nashville, Tennessee:<BR/><BR/>Increased Body aches, nausea/vomiting, and headache for 2 weeks for two separate patients.<BR/><BR/>#62) Kayte:<BR/><BR/>My husband’s pregnant coworker (5 months along) called her doctor on the day they were giving the regular flu shots at work. He said she should get it. She did, and lost her baby the next week. This enrages and sickens me that the medical industry is pushing these shots on pregnant women and children, especially the new, little-tested, experimental H1N1 vaccine!<BR/><BR/>#63) Shannon Bzowy:<BR/><BR/>my sister in law felt perfectly healthy went for her vaccine and ended up in hospital almost died.Scared me.<BR/><BR/>#64) Kevin:<BR/><BR/>I work with someone who was 4 months pregnant. Her husband got swine flu, so both she and her son got the vaccine “just to be safe.” A week later, she had a miscarriage. Any supposed benefits from the vaccine are clearly outweighed by the tremendous risks.<BR/><BR/>#65) Carolyn Hicks:<BR/><BR/>My sons girlfriend just took the vaccine on November 16 and miscarriaged on November 18th. I totally agree that it was the vaccine. Please Please do not take the vaccine if you are pregnant.<BR/><BR/>#66) Sufferer:<BR/><BR/>Please do not take this flu-shot vaccination. I got one about 8 years ago and look what happened to me, I have peripheral neuropathy. It started with the arm they injected; numbness and tingling, all seemed quite harmless at first. But then it spread like a wild fire throughout my entire body, slowly but surely. Trust me, you don’t want any neurological disease, you would rather die its quite terrible. You can almost cure any part of your body except your nerves, any damage is usually irreversible and incurable.<BR/><BR/>#67) Debra Giraudo:<BR/><BR/>My son and his pregnant wife just lost their little baby. She got a swine flu vaccine and lost the baby that day. We would like to join others in a class action suit. Do you have any information?<BR/><BR/>#68) shantelle:<BR/><BR/>I Have Some Of these Side Of Affects. And i think Its Not Right Because they Didnt Tell me Anything about This All told me Is that There Be a Some redness and Ur Arm Would Hurt. But They Didnt Tell Me After That Bull Is Done. I’ll Start Coughing Snizzing. Feeling headachs having A Runny Nose and Sore Body. Man and even Hot and Cold Sweats NOw and Then. And i can’t Eat Sometimes. Some of those Sound Like Swine Flu Effects. What The Heck This is suppose to help me Not Get me Sick. I got the Swine Flu Shot<BR/><BR/>#69) Kim:<BR/><BR/>My son is with the 2010 games security force. He was given the vaccine a couple of weeks ago and has come down with some kind of lung infection. He has never had any kind of respiritory issues before. He is healthy and 21 years old.<BR/><BR/>#70) Alicia Lamb:<BR/><BR/>I received the H1N1 vaccine on October 29th and I was 14 weeks and 1 day pregnant. On November 11th my water broke. I was 16 weeks pregnant. Up until that point I was having a healthy normal pregnancy without any symptoms until November 8th when I started having mild cramps off and on. This was my first pregnancy and my doctor said that this was normal. I delivered a still born on November 12th and I really do believe that the vaccine had something to do with it. I am not sure if I will ever be able to forgive myself for getting this vaccine even though my doctor recommended it, it was ultimately my decision to get it.<BR/><BR/>****<BR/><BR/>It would be hard to imagine anyone reading those heartbreaking stories without getting incredibly disturbed. Unfortunately, there are an increasing number of environmental extremists who would be more than happy for large chunks of the earth's population to suddenly perish. In fact, The United Nations Population Fund has just released its annual State of the World Population Report, and in that report the UNPF openly declares that population growth needs to be reduced in order to combat climate change. <BR/><BR/>You see, to many environmental extremists, humanity is a disease that needs to be eradicated. They would willingly sacrifice "one species" in order to "save the earth". <BR/><BR/>But we know that humanity is not a disease. Human life is precious, and it should be vigilantly protected and guarded. The fact that vaccines are damaging so many lives should be of great concern to all of us. If you know of any other stories of adverse reactions to the H1N1 swine flu vaccine please share them with us in the comments section below.<BR/><BR/><A href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vb3JnYW5pY2hlYWx0aGFkdmlzZXIuY29tL2FyY2hpdmVzLzcwLWhlYXJ0YnJlYWtpbmctc3Rvcmllcy1mcm9tLXBlb3BsZS13aG8taGF2ZS1oYWQtdGhlaXItbGl2ZXMtZGVzdHJveWVkLWJ5LWgxbjEtc3dpbmUtZmx1LXZhY2NpbmUtc2lkZS1lZmZlY3Rz">http://organichealthadviser.com/archives/70-heartbreaking-stories-from-people-who-have-had-their-lives-destroyed-by-h1n1-swine-flu-vaccine-side-effects</A>




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Evil Aliens Behind World Government


Amitakh Stanford

17th March 2004

The plan for the New World Order did not originate on Earth — it is a system devised by aliens. The concept of the New World Order is based upon an old Anunnaki system which has been employed in other galaxies a long, long time ago. This system is now being pushed for implementation on Earth by the Anunnaki Remnants who remain on Earth. The Anunnaki Remnants are the ones that were left behind on Earth by the Anunnaki Elite when they escaped this world (see my previous writing of Nibiru and the Anunnaki for further explanation).

The New World Order is based upon the premise that there is to be a supreme commander who oversees the affairs of the world. During transition into a global government smaller and weaker nations are being forced or lured into accepting self-appointed stronger nations to act as their police force. Later, the police force will expand and become an international police force under a single master. At first, this will appear to be a plan for a peaceful co-existence amongst nations which will benefit all nations. However, it is a plan to eliminate all nation states, freedom, civil rights and to control the people of the world under a single ideology in the name of one global community.

The New World Order is a One World Order with a hidden agenda to rule by fear, control, exploitation and bullying. The ruling elite of the world's wealthy, powerful and influential have been pushing for a New World Order with a One World Government under the pretence of establishing world peace while they are in fact imposing their will upon every nation. They call themselves the "peacemakers" but in truth they are an international police force which organized "war crimes" tribunals, supposedly to give the "political criminals" a fair trial before persecuting them.

The vast majority of the ruling elite of the world are either descendants of Anunnaki Remnants or their supporters. A trait of the Anunnaki is to rule by instigating people to remain in a state of perpetual conflict. Peace is not even a consideration of the Anunnaki, who are a warmongering, bloodthirsty, lustful, perverted, deceptive, brutal race of beings who have controlled the Earth for a long time.

At present, the fragmentation, conflict, hate, jealousy, suspicion, mistrust, intolerance, biasness amongst nations, cultures and those of diverse religions etc. appear to be obstacles to the realisation of One World Order. However, each of those traits was introduced by the Anunnaki as part of their plan to rule by segregation and division. The rule by fragmentation was only a transitional phase in a very long-range plan to bring about a One World Government by claiming that such a government can bring about world peace. In fact, the One World Government is a tool for the establishment of an absolute dictatorship over the entire world — a tyranny. Once the plan is in its final stages, it will be forced upon everyone. The people of the world will have no choice but to toe the line and follow the dictates of the One World Order or face severe consequences.

For a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together under supposedly one common cause, humanity becomes enslaved to its One World Order sovereignty. The New World Order will not happen overnight. The idea was seeded a long, long time ago, and slowly but certainly it is weaving its way unsuspectedly through the monetary, political, religious, cultural, educational, scientific etc. systems. It started to gain momentum in the last 10 years. The speed of its emergence has taken a quickened stride in the last three years, with one planned event after another taking place in various parts of the world in order to test and exercise the power of the would-be New World Order under the leadership of self-........proclaimed, "high" moral standing personnel with the backing of a powerful dictatorial government.

At present, while the current push for a New World Order appears to be under the control of an elite group of Anunnaki Remnants which I call the "Vulturites", the real control is under the more cunning group of Anunnaki Remnants, which have been called the "Reptilians". These two groups of Anunnaki Remnants are in perpetual conflict with one another. However, for the time being, the Reptilians are purposely backing off to trick the Vulturites into doing the dirty job of setting up the New World Order before taking it over from them when they feel the time is right.

As I have stated a long time ago, most of the consciousnesses...... of the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants who were previously residing in human bodies predominantly in the United States and some parts of Europe have now shifted their locations to China. Consciousnesses...... of the Vulturite Anunnaki Remnants have now taken over most of those bodies previously occupied by the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants.

The process towards the One World Order was implemented long ago on Earth. Recent aspects of the move are seen in the evolution of credit card systems, identification systems, smart card systems, social security systems, taxation systems, health care cards etc. — these are just some of the recent systems introduced to control, condition, profile and keep tab of the whereabouts and activities of people. Yet superficially, these systems appear to be signs of advancement in technology and affluence so most people are not aware of the hidden agenda behind these schemes.

Already, humans are being secretly micro-chipped with physical implants for ease of identification and location of those chipped individuals — while also controlling their minds — by those working under the Anunnaki Remnants who have control of all facets of systems in this world, be they political, cultural, educational, commercial, pharmaceutical,...... monetary, military or otherwise. Every day when popular programmes are aired on radio, movie screens and especially on television, people are exposed to the risk of being programmed subliminally through the flashes of light, camera angles used, words uttered, musical accompaniment etc. to "think" as the Anunnaki Remnants want them to "think". However, there is a small minority amongst the population in human bodies, especially those with alien ties, who have stronger WILL than most to resist such programming provided they do not give in to the ruling elite's threats, bribes etc.

The minds of people are currently being altered. The minority of the population on Earth who are resisting the "controller" are currently under surveillance. This minority group contains those who openly or quietly resist the so-called conventional and popular beliefs. They are not without the assistance of a Force which is fighting the Darkness of the "controller". Soon, this will become obvious. However, not everyone who is engaged in resisting the "controller" is of the Light.

Audible and inaudible sounds have also been released over the years to weaken human bodies and minds so as to control and poison their bodies, minds and actions. These sounds are also used to regulate various aspects of individual and collective human bodies and societal functions. Ultimately, the aim of the ruling elite is to get rid of the majority of the human race before openly inhabiting and controlling the world that they now secretly control, and they have been doing so for a long time.

Many have considered how vast the conspiracy for a One World Order would have to be, and they have attempted to refute it by stating that certainly someone involved in such a massive project would have broken ranks and disclosed the conspiracy. This would be a valid argument, EXCEPT only the highest echelon participants know of the agenda. However, none of the upper echelon have the entire picture — they are only aware of fragments of the plan. The upper echelon cannot sort out the actual plan because it is built upon lies within lies within lies. Even the highest echelon on Earth are not the ultimate conspirators, they are merely following orders from their "controller" who is not in a physical body. The minions unknowingly follow the plan to its inevitable conclusion because of programming and other factors. Further, those of a Dark essence will naturally gravitate towards compliance with the Anunnaki Remnants' agenda.

The public has little or no knowledge of what is occurring. Many of those who are resisting the One World Order have discussed at length the physical occurrences on the planet that point to the conspiracy and the New World Order. Some of those have even addressed spiritual aspects of the plan to decimate and enslave the human race, however, most of those people are coming from a perspective of conventional religious backgrounds, and as I have discussed repeatedly, the Anunnaki have set up and facilitated all popular religions on the planet — including the New Age movement. Unfortunately, there are always some good beings who get trapped in these movements. Hence, those who promote a global community are really assisting the "controller's" plan, whether they are conscious of this or otherwise.

There are some humans who have already been chosen for survival by the ruling elite. These human survivors will be slaves to their masters. Many have been chosen according to bloodlines, professions, ontological essences etc. to accommodate the needs of the Anunnaki Remnants' agendas.

The "controller" has an "elite guard" of fighters who are called the "Rumblers". These Rumblers rarely left the "controller's" side in the past. They were only used in desperate situations. However recently, a few of them have arrived on the planet to try to block the Attas, (The Rescuers of the Light, The Amoebas) who are in combat with the "controller" and all its minions.

Soon, the Rumblers will arrive on Earth in numbers. This will be a time when the battle between the forces of Light and Darkness will be in heightened conflict. The release of the Rumblers shows just how desperate the "controller" is becoming, especially since the "controller" is compromising its own protection by releasing its elite guard onto the planet.

Contrary to popular belief, the Earth is not an important place — it is just one of the final hiding places for the Anunnaki — they have very few places to go to in these final stages of the Correction Process.

The Attas are the targets of the Rumblers. The average person could not withstand assaults by the Rumblers; however, the Rumblers are no match for the Attas. Many of these Attas have arrived as "walk-ins" on Earth in humble positions, in female and male human bodies.

There are many examples of mass mind control tests upon the population of Earth. One such example is the case of Diana Spencer. To the unaware, it appeared that her death had touched their hearts, but this was not the case. They were in fact programmed to respond with an enormous outpouring of emotions, grief and distorted views about the deceased. Most of these people did not even know her, nor did they have any ties to her. Little do the people suspect that emotional energy they spent was being sucked out of them and collected by the "controller" for its own selfish purposes and agendas. Imagine the vastness of the mind-control project necessary to condition so many millions into "spontaneously grieving" for the deceased.

On the other hand, when United States President John Kennedy was assassinated, there was an outpouring of grief and emotion, but some of the grievers were Light beings who sensed that they had lost a dear friend on this Earth. His death was felt by all the Attas parts in one way or another. However, his departure was expected by the Attas, and no attempt was made by the Light to try to prevent it for a very good reason. This was true grieving by many. The emotional mass programming by the ruling elite was only in its infancy at the time.

As another example of mass programming, the "controller" can now summon up millions of protestors to spout whatever slogans are desired to bring about a desired situation. And, yet, on the surface, it appears that the actions of the protestors occurred as an understandable and even reasonable reaction to a particular situation. In reality, the protestors are being programmed and used by the ruling elite to allow them to implement a particular plan.

In the near future, travel will become even more restricted than it is today; internet services could also be restricted. The time may come when internet services will be available only to certain ones using frequencies that will be unavailable to the population at large.

Wars, revolutions, famines, epidemics, recessions, depressions, major catastrophes and casualties, bombings, murders and other meaningless destruction and sometimes even natural disasters are planned by the "controller" for its own agenda.

There was a document released entitled The Report from Iron Mountain which was commissioned by President John Kennedy in August of 1963. Kennedy was overshadowed by an Attas consciousness (he had to play a double-game with many Anunnaki politicians in order to be accepted by them and be elected President of the United States), and while there were some reports about him that are not particularly complimentary, most of these are contrived or exaggerated by the ruling elite, who also sponsored many of the libels. This is much like what was done to Thomas Jefferson, another Attas consciousness. Kennedy was assassinated three months after commissioning the report in which he was about to expose the warmongering mindsets of the people who are in control of the world. The stated purpose of this report was to consider the problems involved in the contingency of a transition to a general condition of peace and to recommend procedures for dealing with this contingency.

This report, which was published three years after Kenney's death, reveals the darkest recesses of demonic minds. It is filled with openly revolting revelations from many different political appointees about what is really on the minds of the ruling elite. In short, it is disgusting. Even though the report was leaked, it was never intended for public reading.

Many means of denial were employed to attempt to invalidate this document because the American government understandably wanted to distance itself from the report. Editors of newspapers were recruited and supposed authors came forward to claim they wrote it as a satire. It is hard to imagine that this document was intended as a satire, as it is devoid of humour — express or implied. Likewise, it is difficult to accept that a single author could be responsible for the extremely different styles and energies contained in the paper — not to mention the vast knowledge necessarily required to have written the document, which would not be available to a single person as even the higher echelon of the ruling elite have only fragments of the total plan.

This paper commences with the query of what would happen with a general détente amongst America, China and the Soviet Union, and asks the question: "Is the abolition of war, in the broad sense, really possible?"

In analysing the query, the paper states that stability of society is the common assumed objective of both peace and war.

Amongst other things, the paper dares to argue that were the war-making machines halted, all of the money saved would have to be rapidly consumed or else the people would have too much wealth, and become too cocky and difficult to control. Therefore, it was presented that in order to maintain stability it would be necessary to keep the people poor. The paper presented several wasteful programmes to dissipate any extra wealth that peace would bring to maintain economic control over the population.

Thus, it is learnt from the paper that since war is a system that has worked so effectively for so long it should be maintained. In a stark quote, the reader learns that: "Wars are not 'caused' by international conflicts of interest. . . . war-making societies require — and thus bring about — such conflicts." The report also concluded that: "The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers."

When considering the report one begins to realise that since it is impracticable for everyone to be at real war, there are mini-wars throughout the society. Families are but microcosms of nation states with their miniature struggles for power and control. People within families use varying tactics for seizing power and control, whether it be done via manipulation or oppressive violence. Sports are another substitute for war, where the participants are actually putting less energy into the contests than the followers of the various sports. In a sense, sports are the poor people's wars, where millions will buy a strong conflict instead of the billions or trillions necessary for all-..........................out-..........nation-state wars.

And, to show the attitudes of the warmongering minds responsible for the report regarding the prospect of peace, consider this quote from the report: "In a broad social context, 'an eye for an eye' still characterizes the only acceptable attitude toward a presumed threat of aggression, despite contrary religious and moral precepts governing personal conduct."

This repulsive attitude continues today, and in fact has escalated with a huge percentage of the world's population being programmed to support the "eye for an eye" attitude. The ruling elite is worried that if there were no wars, they could lose power and control over the people. Hence, they believe that there must be a substitute for wars, otherwise, the people might not bow down to their leaders. This shows not only the warped minds of the people who thrive in this exploitative world, it clearly shows that for their own selfish gratification, they want to keep the evil system afloat at all costs.

As a part of the tyrannical plan, the Anunnaki Remnants intend to clone the human mind and insert it into artificial life forms. Worse still, they spread the untruthful propaganda that everyone is a "god" in the making, appealing to the egos and playing upon the ignorance of those receiving this nonsense.

There is even the promotion of biological immortality, supposedly under the guidance of the so-called "Ascended Masters". These Ascended Masters, by whatever name they usurp, are actually Anunnaki. What is actually happening by spreading such outrageous and dangerous untruths is that the people's thinking is being altered so greatly that the Anunnaki Remnants hope to capture the spirits of the victims and encapsulate those spirits in a "time capsule". It is the distorted belief of the "controller" that if it could imprison these spirits and could clone artificial spirits, these would have no will of their own, but would be totally at the mercy of the "controller" and its hierarchy. While this sounds like science fiction, it is indeed the plan.

Many prominent figures in the world, in diverse roles, are not at all what they appear to be. Many have been placed into these positions because they do the bidding of the Anunnaki Remnants, whether they are conscious of this or not. This world has long been controlled by the Anunnaki and its Remnants, who rule by fear, brute force and deception.

Those who dare to go against the system are disadvantaged or removed from power. This can be seen by the assassinations of several of the American presidents. Conversely, the British Prime Ministers do not share the same fate as their American counterparts because their positions were filled by Anunnaki Remnants or their representatives......, such as Winston Churchill.

Having said this, it is imperative that we bear in mind the Anunnaki wear many disguises. They can appear to be a passionate proponent for peace, like Mahatma Ghandi, yet they are the very essence of deception of the Anunnaki. Contrarily, Indira Ghandi is a being of Light. Yet, both were assassinated.

Surrounding the American Revolutionary period, there were many Anunnaki Remnants and a few Light beings involved in playing prominent roles. For instance, John Adams, James Madison, John Marshall and Alexander Hamilton were Anunnaki-......sponsored participants. On the other hand, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are all of Attas consciousness.

Elvis Presley, with his outward appearance of entrapment by glitter, glamour, fame, wealth and other issues, was not really trapped at all. He is an Attas who was here to do a specific job under the cover of a popular singer. His death took place, but not in the way the world believes it did. Like John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln, Elvis too, was removed by the Dark Force, however, it was the time for each of them to go as they had completed their respective work.

It has recently been admitted by China that they execute at least 10,000 people each year, and it is easy to assume that the real figure is far greater. China has always been an important battleground between Light and Darkness, even though Darkness seems to flourish there because China has always been a stronghold for the Anunnaki Remnants. Since the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants have shifted their consciousnesses...... to China the increase in executions in that country is no surprise. Likewise, the increased interest in UFO activities amongst the people of China is to be expected.

These days, there is a lot of talk about weapons of mass destruction. The real danger of weapons of mass destruction comes from the Anunnaki themselves. Many of these weapons were developed because of the work and theories of Anunnaki scientists such as Albert Einstein. These horrible weapons were developed so the Anunnaki in power can use them to threaten, coerce and enslave the people of the world.

This may sound like a very grim picture of the fate of humanity but this time the Attas are here with a whole host of reinforcements....... They have come from the future and are amongst us today. As I have stated before, the Anunnaki Remnants are running out of time. Soon, they will be no more. In the meantime, each of us must consciously strengthen our WILL and never give it over to the oppressors.

I hope the energy contained in the following words I wrote a year ago will give strength to those who embrace the Light. At the time of publication, many mistakenly thought that the words dealt with the invasion of Iraq. However, they are more current today than they were a year ago. The words follow:

Other countries are going to join in. Syria will be the first. The birthplace (country) of Jesus will tremble.

Internal rebellion will occur in the number one on the top (Vulturite side) which will eventually fall and will be humiliated and punished.

The road to Damascus will lead to many places.

Bloodshed everywhere will cover the whole earth, streaming far and long.

All heads will turn as they witness the horrific end of mankind.

Humanity in transit will not rest in peace.

The voice of Old will scream out and be heard for miles around.

Those who caused the grim will find no place to hide. They will cringe in fear and be breathless. Their hearts will fly out in fear and numbness. Their days of Old will catch up with them. They will cry but no tears will come, they will scream but none will hear them, they will cry for help and forgiveness but none will be given to them. The gnashing of teeth and the tearing out of their hair will signal the end of the bloodthirsty tribe of Aaron.

"Mountains" will turn over to crush the evil ones. The mountain of giants will advance in numbers never witnessed before and march towards "Golgotha" and together the wind of fate will gather strength and push eastwards, northwards, southwards and even to the west. The land of Zion will cry and then will be no more. Hosanna in the highest all will shout but there will be none to hear or sing the song "Hosanna, Hosanna."

Here are more words of encouragement for those who find comfort in them. I wrote and published this last July.

The crop of the serpent is about to be cut down.

The meaning of the boulders is about to be known.

The purpose of the quest is about to be realized.

The meeting of the fortunates will soon commence.

Be not fearful of the events.

Be ever on the ready.

The serpent has ruled unjustly and unfairly.

The bell will toll.

The Light will shine.

I will soon gather all that are mine.
Best Wishes,
M 24

© 2004 Amitakh Stanford & AHSAF
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