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SallyJack 2020's blog: "Poetry"

created on 03/22/2010  |  http://fubar.com/poetry/b330603

finding what i want

The easiest way to find something special is to not be looking for it.  dont go through life stopping at every single thing and thinking to yourself "is this it? is this what i really want?"  i live my life for the moment, dont like to see everything and try to make it mine.  yes, if i see something i want i will certainly go for it, but i dont want everything. one who wants too much will get nothing, one who wants nothing will get everything.


I long for the day we can be together, for the time that we dont have to hide.  for the day when i can call you my husband and it be real.  for the time we are no longer living in sin.. a day that i can come through the front door and be able to say "honey i'm home" and it actually be our home.  for the time i can lay next to you and fall asleep at night and be lulled to sleep by the sound of your heartbeat.  when i can wake up and see your face, your body laying next to mine.  for the day we can be a family, us and our children. when i can cook you dinner in our kitchen, or you can cook me dinner, either way.  when the only laundry to be done is ours, the only messes to be cleaned up we made.  i long for you i love you absolutely, i want to live every day of the rest of my life with you in it.

fallen hard

It's not right, its strange the way I have fallen so hard so fast.  But you make it easy baby, easy to fal in love.  When you wrap your arms around me and hold me oh so tight you make me feel oh so right.  You make me feel like nothing coulv ever go wrong, i hope our life together is happy and long.  The moment I see you a smile breaks out unpon my face like its just me and you here in this place.  I look at you and its like i start falling all over again to me you are my perfect ten.  Without your love I would not be like a painter who could not see.  Whenever we touch I feel shocks like little bolts of lightening most people would say it is, but it's not at all frightening.  I want to remind you every day that you are my everything and being around you makes my heart want to sing.  i love you honey and thats no lie, im gonna love you till the day I die.  I will probably love you even longer because a love like ours is alot stronger.  Stronger than a chain of steel and stronger than a concrete wheel.  Stronger than the sands of time, Stronger than the silence of a mime.


You know you are in love when that one person is the first thing you think about in the morning, the last thing you think about at night.  When it hurts having to go even five minutes without talking to that person.  Wanting to be with him, hold him, look into his eyes.  When you close your eyes and all you see is his face looking back at you. 

You know you're in love when you can actually see yourself in the delivery room with that person, having a child with them.  You can see yourself growing old with that person, and you cry because you can see a little old couple walking down the street hand in hand still as much in love as they were when they were in their 20's. 

You know you're in love when the longing to be near them is almost too much to bear.  Not being able to see that person tears at your heart.  When but a thought of them brings a smile to your face bigger than you have ever had.  When just the mere mention of their name has you looking over your shoulder to see if they are there.

You know you're in love when the daydreams of what you hope will be, you know will be.  When you can close your eyes and throw your arms out to hug them and actually feel that they are there.  When you know mind bod and soul that they love you back and will never do anything to hurt you.

You know you're in love when you feel that you will never fight with that person, but hope to just so you can kiss and make up.  When you start listening to those sappy love songs that you dont like just hoping that they will make you think of that person, and they do.

You know you're in love when you drive your friends nuts with they did this, and they said that, all day, every day.  When you have a big ole smile on your face and can't seem to get it off because they are still on your mind.  When you start thinking, oh they will like this and you buy it knowing it will bring a smile to their face.

You know you're in love when you find yourself acting like an idiot when their moods are down just to try to bring a smile to their face.  When you just put your arms around them and hold them because they have had a bad day.  When you can talk for hours and hours and never run out of new things to say.

You know you're in love when you can finish their sentences and have never even met them.  When you feel like you have known them all your life, yet you have only known them a brief period of time.  When you can't imagine your life without them in it, nor would you want to.

You know you're in love when you can sit with that person and not say anything yet feel like you have had the best conversation in the world.  When you count down the days, the hours, the moments until you can lay your eyes on them again. 

You know you're in love when you feel like turning cartwheels and doing backflips just because they said your name, and yor heart actually does.  When everything that made little or no sense before starts making sense.  When all you want to do is sing because you have talked to that person, or caught a glimpse of them. 

You know you're in love when you try to reach through the computer screen trying to touch them because they can't be there with you. When all thoughts of ending up alone forever just seem to disappear, never to be heard from again.

That's When You Know You Are In Love!


You know for people saying that they will always be there for you no matter what, it always seems that when you truly need someone that they are nowhere to be found. 

i am sick of people telling me every day that they are your friend beyond anything and when they find out that they cant get into your pants they are gone.  its bullshit that you can give someone your time and your ear, but you cant get the same thing in return. 

People dont care about other people, they only care about themselves.  They only care about their problems, their dilemmas, but when it comes to yours, you might as well forget about it. 

But a true friend, a real honest to goodness friend, will be there for you whenever you need them.  It doesnt matter what they are doing they will drop everything no matter the consequences and be there for you.  That is the kind of friend everyone needs in their life. 

The one that will tell you how stupid you were, but still love ya none the less.  The ones that will laugh at you and with you.  The ones that will cry because you are crying, hurt when you hurt. 

Ones that will thump you on the back of the head when you do something you shouldnt be doing and say dammit why didnt you tell me so i could have gone with you?  Ones that will say damn we messed up this time, but man was it worth it.

Now those are the kinds of friends we need in our lives!

To all the rest of ya, go find another listening ear or shoulder to cry on, you arent getting mine anymore.

The Ramblings

where i had once always seen a blurry face, the blurry is no longer there.

there is now a face to go with my thoughts and dreams.

i miss him as soon as our conversation has ended.

cry when we have to say our goodbyes.

i never thought feelings like this would overtake my thoughts, my dreams, my life in its entirety.

warm sensations, happy dreams, the feeling of being loved and wanted, needed, adored.

when i imagine my future i see his face right there beside me every step of the way.

taking care of me when i am sick, making me laugh when i am sad, pushing me to go farther because he knows i can.

he is my future, the one i have always dreamed of.

the warm body laying next to me in bed.

the hand holding mine.

the father of my future children.

he is the one who puts a smile on my face day after day, night after night.

the person that is there in the good times and the bad.

the person i can look into his eyes and the world around us seems to disappear.

we begin to talk and suddenly we are alone just the two of us in our own little world.

hearing his voice makes me smile inside and out.

makes even the worst days much better.

the thought of possibly being with him for the rest of my life sends me into a whole other universe where nothing goes wrong.

everyone is happy, healthy and far from harm

he is the one i want to spend eternity with.

the one who makes the tears of sorrow turn into tears of joy.

the one who brings sunshine and happiness into the darkest of places

he is my heart, my soul, and my happiness

without him my world would be nothing. a vast space of emptiness and blackness.


I didn't want to let you into my heart, but somehow you snaked your way in. now like a bolt of lightening you are gone.

You claim that I wasn't trying as hard, but I was you just couldn't see.

The hell and the torture I went through because I wanted to be with you, you will never know. Now you have a new woman, a new life, and I honestly hope that you are happy because that is all I have ever wanted for you.

At least you don't have to deal with my hurt, with my pain, knowing that yet another has stomped where no one should ever stomp.

You claimed that you would never hurt me, never let me down. But you did, you changed and not for the better.

You promised me the world and on a silver platter, I believed you, my heart told me I had to, but my head told me not to. I should have listened to my head because at least then I wouldn't be where I am today.

I might actually be happy and be with someone that wanted to be with me.

You say you are sorry, but I know that you are not. You arent the one that cant sleep, cant breathe, cant even close their eyes without seeing your face. You arent the one that is afraid to go to sleep, afraid that she will dream memories of you. Afraid that she will dream a happy memory and not want to wake up.

I know that there are more people out there for me to meet, and I know that in time I will meet someone that does have the capability to love honestly. To hold me in their heart and arms and never let me go. To give themselves to me completely without any thought of another.

But when I lost you not only did I lose a piece of my heart, I lost my best friend. Someone I thought that I could turn to in times when it is most needed. Someone that would always be there for me in good times and in bad. Someone that would hold me up and tell me I could get through it, I could get through anything. And I believe that is what hurts most of all, the biggest piece of me that is dying.

You were there for me when things went from bad to worse. You were there for me when things went from good to better.

You were there for me when I needed you, when I just needed someone to talk to.

But now you are not, why did you have to leave again?

that's twice that you have left me stopped talking to me, and stomped on my heart. You will never know pain like I have known pain, never know what its like to be a woman and know that she shouldn't, but trust so honestly so completely just to have her first instinct proven right.

Does she really mean that much to you that you had to destroy a friendship? That you had to destroy this woman's heart?

Destroy any trust that I had in the male species?

I used to think that I could love with all my heart and soul, and I thought I had, but wow.

Now that my faith in men, boys, and the entire male population of the earth is destroyed I only have one thing left to say………..




I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you, and sacrifice myself for you if need be.  Enough to miss you incredibly when we're apart no matter what length of time its for and regardless of the distance.  enough to believe in our relationship to stand by it through the worst of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple, and to never give up on us.  Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need or want me, and never, ever want to leave you or live without you.

I may not get to see you as often as I'd like.  I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night, but deep in my heart I trul know, you're the one that I love, and I can't let you go.

I have seen you a million times and everytime I see you I fall in love with you all over again. My heart starts to race, my frown turns into a smile.  All my worries are now in my past, when you smile at me my heart melts.  Your smile is like a new day, just looking into your eyes makes my heart soar.

I love you, you are my best friend, I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.  I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and then it seems hard, when our love is simple and when it is an effort.  I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in highest regard.  This is a promise I make to you all the days of my life.

I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give.  I promise to respect you as your own person and to realize your interests, desires and needs are no less important than my own.  I promise to share with you my time and my attention and to bring joy, strength, and imagination into our relationship.  I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you see through the windo of my world into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.  I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face changes in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting.  I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all I feel inside the only way I know how.

Love is a friendship that has caught fire.  It is a quiet and understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving.  It is loyalty throught goood and bad. It settles for less than perfection, it makes allowanes for human weakness.  Love is content with the present, it hopes for the future and doesnt brood over the past. It's the day-in and day-out chronicle of irritations, problems, compromises, small disappointments, big victories, and working tword common goals.  If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack.

Let this be our destiny to love, to live, to begin each new day together, to share our lives forever.  Each hour, each day, each year we grow as two, yet as one.  We grow apart, yet together, forming an eternal love.

I draw a circle not a heart around you the one I love.  Because a heart can break, but a circle goes on forever.  I sought love, but it ran away from me. I sought my soul, but that I could not see.  Then I sought you and found all three.

The few hours that I spend with you are worth the thougsand hours I spend without you.  Until the Angels close my eyes I can't imagine seeing my life without you.  When you love someone, all of your saved up wishes start coming true.


Thoughts and memories begin to swirl together, I am so tired I dont know whats real and whats not.  And I begin to reach farther and farther finally beginning to fall forward unable to grasp.  I keep falling and falling, falling into an endless pit, a black hole.  I feel that there is no bottom to this pit, I am going to fall forever.  I am reaching out for something, anything to keep me from falling for eternity. 

Finally after what seemed like forever of falling I landed on a soft ground.   As I begin to stand the ground starts moving beneath my feet. I am now struggling to keep my balance, I do not want to fall.  I begin to scream for help, I open my mouth, but there is no sound.  I have gone mute.  I try whistling, kicking, swinging my arms, but nothing.  I can get no help. 

Out of the blackness I hear this high pitched screeching, like nails on a chalkboard.  These black winged creatures start flying at me, attempting to peck at my face until there is nothing left of it.  I am scared, do not know what to do.  I need help but am unable to call out for it. 

suddenly the ground stops moving and opens up beneath me, I start falling again.  Falling farther into the abyss.  There is no end, I am getting more afraid by the minute.  Finally I am able to open my mouth and sound comes out.  I begin calling for help and I hear this voice calling back to me.  It is saying that the falling is continuous for all eternity, unless I can figure out a way to help myself. 

Suddenly my eyes open, I am drenched with sweat, scared. I realize it was all a dream, or was it? It is black all around me as I begin to fall again.

Thanks To The Soldiers

To every man and woman that has ever donned a uniform, wh ohas ever pledged to defend this country with his or her life.  To every woman and man that has ever left their family behind in order to fight for our right to be free, who has ever fought alongside someone that they didnt much care for because they were called to duty.  To every man and woman who has left their every day lives in search of something greater, to discover the person that they really are. 
To the families who have had to say goodbye, worried, scared that they would never see their loved one again.  To the mothers and the fathers who raised their sons and daughters to have enough passion and courage to stand up for what they believe in.
To the soldiers of the United States of America and the people who raised them, thank you.
Thank you for making this country a great place to live, Thank you fo proving to me that there are more than cowards and sissies, for proving to me that people really do care.  THank you for showing me true patriotism.
Thank you for being good role models for today's youth.  Thank you for everything that you are, all that you have done, and everything that you will continue to do in the future.  I have much respect for every soldier, every proud family member of each soldier and all of those brave souls who have fought and passed on.

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