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For ALL You 'work the system levers', here's a lever you can forget about in 2016, as you come around to the imperative of organizing a #grassroots candidate

Rick Klein @rickklein
Howard Dean: "I am not going to be that person; I'm supporting Hillary if she runs." #ThisWeek.

As if our 'lying eyes' DIDN'T know already...

Face The Nation Much vital evidence has...but added fuel for


As the prologue to the conspiracy book of American Political Horrors

Masters of Time

The Masters of Time- 
We quibble over the minutiae of the weeds of the poisoned field of this national culture and human culture. In the meantime we share the same arrogance and vanity of disdaining the very things which would bring us to bondings, most intimately






(With thanks and APPRECIATION to the Band, 'WAR')


We are street hustlers and urchins looking for substance and meaning in a ghetto of desperation and illusions.. Scarred by the false hopes that drive our minds to frenzied thoughts and actions; we are more like rats in a maze. There is no refuge or sanctuary for tranquill bliss, only the sound and fury of micro-personal dramas and macro-world tragedies which whirl around us on this daily merry-go-round on Earth's axis.

IF we can have in ourselves an intensity of resolve that cherishes ALL, and that gives the moment and our memory that special realization that we are beyond the shackles of location and temporal time, then there will no longer be that hunger and emptiness but only our acts of audacity in reaching out and touching and being cognizant of another as greatly and as long as a deep, pressing kiss  which takes your breath away. As we meld our actions and resolution to what we have as our cherished affections and find that harmonic energy, we will go beyond the mundane and the pedestrian to a sublime grace of cognizance.

Then we will be in union within ourselves by that action of resonance with our affections. The non-verbal call of compelling magnetism will radiate out from us to the core of those who are in resonant harmony with our mind-set(tings). From that we will see the manifestations from those affecting vibes we share. They will give us a new appreciation of what we can do and what we can live without in a culture that stresses trappings that leave us empty and seeking the noise of distractions, be it people or other phenomena to fill that ennui of seeming insufficiency, which is only the unfinished work of which we have been neglectful-to-ignorant to complete in feeling our intuitive be-ing and its corresponding responsibilities to others with the same intuitive empathy and sympathy for their be-ing.

And our minds will be cleared to focus on that inner intuitive feeling that connects with the source of naturally radiating transmissions that we sense, even without having to see them in our communion with the moment's gift as our daily bread.


Speaking of 'Bread'-for this retirement Day-Job





The fallibilities of human kind cannot be equated or conflated to the non-perfect processes of nature. Those Nature processes are algorithmic, while human processes are the logic of 'free and willful' premeditation! IN the fallacies of human kind are the aggrandizing and passive aggressive characteristic of dominance and submission, respectively, aided and abetted by sentimental biases given provincial and traditional cultural and social authority.

The result with human expressions becomes issues of 'moral urgency' camouflaging if not outright concealing the underlying issues of dominance-submission, aggressions-accommodation based on the situational relativity of the social or cultural sentiments of dominance-submission, aggression-accommodation.

This is NOT the characteristic or quality of Nature per se, which is an evolutionary symbiosis for the holistic system of Earth, NOT for the predominance of any one specie or sub-group of a specie. Any hierarchy of a 'feeding-chain' is also an algorithmic probability of demand and serendipitous supply. It is NOT planned hoarding and deprivation which requires laws to maintain that status quo, which is not such a fabricated phenomena in Nature.

I would assert that the variety of human personality characteristics and expressions is Nature confounding the fabrications of the 'social order' so that individual and groups can have their affective expression of dignity and resonance with whom or what they choose away from the rigid hierarchies placed on human expression. What is defamed as perversion, deviancy, or heresy, yet defended as consensual and mutual reciprocation shows the different longitudinal and latitudinal layers which human nature has contorted itself to transcend the provincial and traditional proscriptions that have sought to shackle and confine human expression to narrowly, channeled agendas.

The different cultural, national, plus individual liberation movements-formal and informal- are a testament to Nature's algorithm to seek the source of its energy and vitality despite such cultural and social fabricating impositions.

Video Introduction to the text

Audio elaboration of the text


Being together as we passionately can



Harpo Monk

It came to me like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle moving on their own to configure themselves for the facility of their placement. A narrative of life about the inert/the active, the sentimental/the utilitarian, the dominant/the submissive, the imperfect/the ideal, the Yin/the Yang, the aggressive/the accommodating. Beings exist by preconditioning that provides a spectrum for their emotional tendencies. In practical, social terms, it provides for a caste of relationship spectrums across the hetero-homophile spectrum. In the end we have the historical state of Earth, as we have CONCEIVED IT by our conditioning to whatever social-cultural program.


For those, who seek the contentment of stability and its 'bliss' in a non-impostional way, a more accommodating predisposition within tolerable limits (relative to the actors) will be engaged. For those, who strive for meaning and purpose above and beyond the trappings of contented stability, there is a lesser or narrower tolerance for accommodation, which morphs into a utility of ends; and if administered shrewdly and wisely allows for the desired and feasible, mutual services between the actors for their joint benefit.


Of course, the history of social relations among people and the political relations between cultures and political entities has not confined itself to those mutually benign ends. It goes from the stasis of mutual contentment to the more kinetic dynamics of dominance and submission. Excesses of either sort bring indolence to apathy, or destructive abuse to others, if not also to one's self. But the roles can be more than the function of reactions to social and cultural conditioning. They can be the recognition of what we are and where we are at any moment of self-conscience conscientiousness, and see our state and its correlation to the broader states of human activity around us. By doing so WE could arrive at a path that is not only congruent to our own renaissance, but a catalyst of insemination/impregnation into the body consciousness of those we encounter incidentally in our agenda and coincidentally by the serendipity and synchronicity of fate.


I will greet your needs as we can mutually engage to reach that state in which we develop that dynamic for the fulfilling passion and its utility for our joys and ours and others progenies' or legacy's benefits



If not the whimsical 'two cents' of your thoughts,

then an appreciative $0.02 of a donation to the possibilities

For wht it's worth!!




For what it's worth

Ya know, June, being emotional about with whom I care to be bothered is a pretty strong cognitive signal above and beyond the extended rationales of what and why

Hank, You've come to my way of thinking that the many aren't ready for those who go beyond the group or social support-group mindset. They got a lot more long rows to hoe before they see, let alone comprehend, the futility of vanity they are about..

Speaking of, June, that'S double-edged sword for us!

It DOES cut both ways, Hank. We can be just as guilty of sharing 'our pearls' to the Deaf, the Dumb, the Blind in that same waste of energy.. It's a culling.. You see flashes of the sublime in the mundane though they have only a partial, vague, and opaque grasp in their certainty of non-ambiguity DOGMAS..

Yeah, they still see some material, mortal-ego attachment to their convictions. They haven't come to the conclusion of being just a speck of a component, equal to the most insignificant form in their own ego-realm. The dramas of righteousness, indignation, and even fascination are just passing scenes and props in a larger drama.  And for us, it is a winnowing, a purging, a culling to have a focus that narrows itself down to the most essentials of relevancy and which let's pass, 'Laisse passer dans notre reconnaissance', that which is just the vibratory noise and spectacle of the times. From that noise and spectacle we discern the spectrum and its discrete effects that provide on-going inspiration and motivation for what still needs to be done, after the wave of noise and spectacle has washed over and passed us

Hank, we are immersed in the full vicissitudes of those moments that are so passionately asorbed by the body and minds of our soul. We are the acted upon before we become the actors realizing the significance of that phenomenal thread that has been sewn into our emotional experience. We are as much in control as a leaf carried on the currents of a stream. Only the fortuity of other outcroppings that divert or hold up our path provide a momentary stasis and inertial illusion of stability before we are sent onward to fates and destinies about which we can only guess.

For sure, June. Only the accountability to the duties required of us from what we have empirically determined as imperatives of rectitude. It remains no matter who or what sentments are afforded to those of our passing sentiments. Thus, those of our passing sentiments are, in retrospect, metaphors and learning-props rather than obsessions of extended relationships. Ideally, a relationship that is so fortuitously parallel in purpose and mission, as well as sentimental would be the rare, discreet exception. 

And, Hank, NOT the mediocrity of compromised focus that distracts the focus and dilutes the intensity, as we accomodate our energies entertaining tangent and whimsical ideas given as some self-flattery of our collegiality.


Has the passage worth your literal or figurative 2-cents/$0.02?






The calling of the spirited


I and others, who had just come out of our state of suspension and were marveling at this post-carnal dimension which held all imaginable and incredible forms and creatures. It was like the back-lot of a movies studio with the actors and extras all in costume. These were NOT in costume. They were in the physical state of the time of their deaths. Several forms of these states were so shocking and hideous that all of us had to take a breath so not to faint or be unintentionally rude to these creatures who had also just arrived from what ever part of space and its dimensions they inhabited.


Once over the shock of the spectrum of diversity of creature forms, our instinctual curiosity of one another kicked-in. We began to approach others and be approached by others as we marveled at the forms of diversity with whom we could communicate, telepathically and even verbally through some 'magic' of translation. Since we were incorporeal as far as having physiological needs we quickly moved to the level of emotional needs. Being of a ghostly non-substance, we all soon realized that we had nothing to fear from the more aggressive and intimidating forms, since there was nothing tangible to lose by which or to which they could adversely affect. 


Once THAT was resolved, we all really got turned loose as we realized we had cognitive, if not  the tactile sensations. In the discovery and exploration of those sensations we encountered intriguing and alluring protagonists to engage. Similar to the person-to-person tantric experience or the internet sexting experiences we saw an increase in our 'mental'/cognitive faculties and abilities.


That's when it really began to get wild. Like when we went to our first

college mixer or wild house party. It was a free-for-ALL of licentious hedonism.. Talk about the Blue-Light-Special erupting in your brain! It was ecstasy from hetero-homo-hermaphro-etc sensual stimulations!!! There was, seemingly, nothing to care about since there were no TANGIBLE consequences.



Of course, in those moments, when you had to let your 'mind' get a rest from its orgiastic eruptions, mind's logic systems would provide ad-hoc  perspectives to what we had just been engaging. In those moment Mr-Ms Existential would ask, 'What is the meaning of all this and for all this'.. If we diverted ourselves from these festivities 'mechanics' to seek and ask questions, the usual replies would be, 'Who cares!', or 'You're over-thinking all this'. Like the proverb, 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth', we'd continue on in the revelry. 


But the seed was planted in one's cognition of our state. The germination process would eventually lead to a detaching and straying away from that corral of licentious thinking to other alternatives.. In sifting through those alternatives we'd come to an emotional crossroads. At the crossroads was a sign with symbols. I was uncomprehending of what the symbols meant so I had to wing-it, intuitively on which way to go. Like Yogi Berra said, 'When you come to a fork-in-the-road, take it!' So I did. 


Soon thereafter I encountered this '

thing-looking being' that called out to me, 'Junya!'. 


Whoa!!, in startlement I yelled out. 

'Forgive my forwardness, Junya, but would you want to 'return'?

'Return?', I said. 'Back to the revelry?'

'NO. Back to the dimension from which you came'

'Gee, I'm just beginning to like and explore THIS dimension.'


'It' gave me a sort of smile, as if it KNEW to the graphic detail what I had done and said, 'But YOU didn't stay, but wandered out here into this wilderness for you.'

'What was there for me to lose by doing so?'

'THAT's why I called you.'

'Ok. So what would I be doing back there?'

'Exactly what you have done here. Learn, Experience. Choose. By doing so, in total direct ignorance of this dimension, you'd be led to the next dimension of your consciousness' capability.'


I pondered that, knowing I'd be leaving delights of impunity, for which Sodom-Gomorrah did not get biblical tolerance.. Those supra-hetero orgasms were a nice convenience, since I no longer had the tactile right-hand fall-back of the past life.. 


'Geezzzz, 'You're' giving me a tough choice to chew on!'

'That's why you have been called, because You show a predisposition for making those tough emotional choices that go beyond your KNOWN comfort capabilities..'

'Ya can say that again... Oh by the way, what should I call you?' 

'What do you want or think you should call me??'

'Since being here, sex is irrelevant, so IF you don't mind can I call you 'Muckie'? '

'Then Muckie it is, Junya! What's your decision? Do you want to take this commission and to go back?'

'Geeze-Louise! Muckie, may I head back for one more 'QUICKIE'???'

'No,  Junya. This is that other Yogi-fork-in-the-Road!'


Marvelling at Muckie's omniscience of my own consciousness, I realized this WAS my FATE I had chosen. This is my DESTINY.


'Damn, Muckie. May I ask YOU a favor?'

'NO, Junya, I WON'T give you THAT quickie before sending you back!!!!'

'The things I get myself into for the cosmic and the existential!',  I grinned in a grimace as I winked and nodded to Muckie to send me on...


And here I am, six-plus decades out-in remembrance of it all!


Gifts accepted here 


 fund my last quickie 

before I go back!!






Are we on course to be another failed organic algorithm of free association of variables?

So What?!



This goes back to the hypotheses of Enrico Fermi and others of why haven't we had a profound interaction with another extra-terrestrial civilization. Though I do have and give sympathetic credence to those who've claimed contact with extraterrestrials, it's not satisfactory enough for the rest of us beyond the conspiratorial allegations of our governments concealing the information of such life forms.


Short of the profound revelation by governments or an extra-terrestrial visitation, we are brought back to the 'DOOMSDAY SCENARIO', which states that civilizations develop a self-destructive hubris about themselves. That hubris aborts the possibility of the development of inter-stellar travel, because they have destroyed themselves-with the 'meek inheriting...'!

Are we on that same trajectory? By reading the headlines and their context, You could very well place a good bet that we ARE on that trajectory. We could and would be on that trajectory because the cultural protocols and their paradigms have an inherent limiting factor that suppresses spin-offs that are able to gestate to a germination of their own paradigms and protocols. Those protocols would be a cultural mutation above and beyond the materialistic hoarding of resources as the means of survival and the measure of value accepted by the masses.


Time, in its material expression of itself, has gotten to the point of being capable of producing forms that are self-consciously sentient of abstract forms beyond their immediate physical needs. BUT, Time has yet to have a form out-cropping that DOES NOT go into self-destruct mode when it reaches a certain numerical mass with the precipitated paradigm trappings of that mass that don't become toxic to the long-term functioning of that organic algorithm.


BUT, if we consider that all activity no matter how intangible is still energy, then it could be possible that even a doomed organic algorithm could still have generated transmissions that went beyond their physical origin and combined in resonance and harmony with other energy vibrations over the eons of time to have an impact on an open-'minded' receiver for its incarnation in another dimension of Time. Thus, the extra-terrestrial LIFE we are seeking we may already be carrying within us as the present self-conscious sentients of extra-corporeal, tangible and intangible manifestations of Time's transmissions. The 'torch' has been passed to us, whether we are aware of it or not. Only the obfuscating sentient noise and its affects on our behavior and extrapolated thought prevents us from jumping-the-shark of the doomsday end-game that has occurred to other civilizations in other dimensions of Time. But as receivers and transmitters we ARE the extra-terrestrials sending out thoughts and actions of energy to others who will be the inheritors of our time. (Which is why coherence of thought and action provide an even stronger signal, on Earth as it is in Time)


Your transactions with me or with your conscience would,


go a long, long way,

than either of us could ever anticipate or guess

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