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Taking Fubar BACK!!!

Screw it, I'm gonna take fubar BACK!!!  


When I first joined, this place was fun.  It was about friends.  Now, it seems to be all about bling, credit packs, and buy me this buy me that.  


No more!!!!


I declare WAR on that!  As of today, I will take fubar BACK!!!  Will I bling?  Yes, friends and family.  And when I say friends, I mean friends.  I will be MASSIVELY shrinking my friend's list.  I'm only going to keep the people on there that i do actually interact with.  Want to stick around with me?  Stop by, say hi, ask how my day is going.


If you are as tired of this site being what it is now, join me.  Lets make fubar a fun place again!!!


I say.. 3F!!!


(Fubar For Fun!!!)

In Flander's Field

This poem was read every Memorial Day when I was growing up... Means more to me now with the Passing of my Grandfather. So for all of my fellow Brothers and Sisters in Arms that are still in the Service... And for those that are no longer with us.... We Will Remember You. In Flander's Fields by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.

The Holidays

The Holidays are here.

For the past month my life has really been in turmoil.  I've been going through a lot of hell, and it seemed to be spiraling for quite a while.

Between working through a divorce, not seeing my son as often, extra overtime at work, then losing my grandfather, and almost losing my grandmother I've been a wreck.

Needless to say this year I have not really been in the holiday spirit.

Christmas day though I'm going up to spend time with my family so I can see my grandmother, and say good bye to my grandfather. 

2009 Has been a wild roller coaster for me filled with highs and lows.  It has seen the publication of my first two novels, my son starting kindergarten, but also all the sorrow that I mentioned above. 

2010  Will be a new start for me, I don't know what it will bring, but I hope it is something grand.

Now... to all of you here.  I would love to thank everyone individually, but I know I would forget people and I would hate that.  So... Thank you to everyone that has supported me, helped me, and given me their well wishes.

Take the time this holiday to be with your loved ones, cherish them, enjoy them, and just be happy. 

To all of you, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.  Know that all of my friends hold a special place in my heart.


Let it all out

The past couple weeks have been hell for me.  I've been on a roller coaster, but really, the only direction it has gone is down.

My heart has been put in so many pieces, I wouldn't even know where to start to put it back together. 

Thing is... I don't even know if I want to. 

The good thing is, I have made a choice.

I'm choosing to move on in my life.  I realize I can't put my heart back together, that is an impossible task.  All I can do, is take a piece or two, and slowly start to grow it again.

Is it gonna work?  Hell, I don't even know.  All I know is that I'm going to try.  I haven't been very happy for a long time, and I think it is time I look for that happiness.

I need to work out of my depression, and I am doing so now. 

It is time to start my life anew, and time to see if I even like the person I shall become.

One day at a time

So I've been dealing with a lot of personal crap lately.  Why does it always seem that when you are down, life tries to pile more crap on ya and try to break you?

One day, I finally looked up to the sky, and said just kill me now... get it over with.

Didn't happen, and I'm still around.  Whether that is a good thing or not is debateable.  I remembered the quote though that I used to use for a character of mine I played before, and it fits.

What does not kill us, makes us stronger.

Yes, it is an old saying, but in a way, it does work.  Each day is a battle, but each morning that you wake up, you've won the battle from the day before.

I guess I am trying to remember that myself, and work though everything.  Each little pain, each little arrow that is shot... it hurts like hell.

But it also reminds me...

I Am Alive.

And while I'm alive... anything is possible.

I've started looking into my own mind, and it's a place I really don't like.  The week I had last week, followed by this week end of silence has caused me to really examine myself.

One should never do that, unless they are prepared to see themselves as something less than they are.

In searching my self, I've found I don't even know me anymore.  For years, I have buried the person that I once was, and have left them far behind. 

Who am I now?

This is something that I don't even know.  I look at who I have become and wonder if I could even like that person.  

I have accomplished goals that I have set for myself, but at what cost?  I've lost myself along the way, and I don't know if I can go back.

I don't even know if I want to go back.  

All I know is that some how, I have to reconcile who I was, with who I am and find a way to keep what little sanity I have.  Happiness is something I don't know if I can ever find, I'll settle for contentment.

To be strong for my son, that is all I need to do.  

Bow & Blade Sample


The sounds of swords clashing against each other ring through the air. In a camp of the Highlanders, a young boy trains with weapons.

"All right, young Danel. Guard up lad, guard up. A De-mon will rip you to shreds if you don’t keep that guard up!!"

To accentuate the point, the older warrior brains the young boy with the practice blade, laying him out. The older warrior rolls his eyes and kneels down with the boy. "Lad, lad, wake up; no time for naps." Laughter rings in his voice.

Danel Blackwalker’s eyes flutter, and he stares up at the warrior, unfocused. "Argon, I guess....I guess I should at least think of keeping up my guard." He smiles, still a little shaky.

Argon bellows out with a huge laugh. "Aye, lad, you should. Now, get up so you can learn that block correctly."

Argon helps up Danel, and the sound of swordplay rings out once more.

* * * *

"Mercy...is weakness..."


The room is filled with fifteen young Cambions, half hu-man, half demon, as another older Cambion known as the Master instructs them.

"Meraphist commands us all... He is Fear... WE are his Minions... WE do not sow mercy; we sow strife."

The Master walks around the class, each member frozen in a pose with blade outstretched, muscles straining. He walks behind one student, and lashes out. The student pivots, and she parries the Master’s blade with her own, drawing blood. The Master comes forth with a flurry of blows, the student barely blocking them. The Master then stops as the student stands ready, eyes blazing hatred.

The Master smirks and snarls, "You broke your forma-tion, Stasciana. You will report to me after this, and you shall get your lashes."

He turns his back and walks on, Stasciana not taking her eyes off him. The Master then lunges at another student, tear-ing at his throat. The student gasps and gurgles, falling to the ground, eyes pleading. The Master laughs, and raises his blade to finish the job as a dagger flies past him, embedding itself in the student’s chest. The Master turns, seeing Stasciana in her stance after throwing the dagger.

"Master, Mercy...is weakness."

The Master laughs, and the class resumes.

* * * *

"PUSH THEM BACK!" Lord McCalister cries out as the wave of Demon thralls crashes against his forces. The wall of steel surges forward and the cries of despair from

the thrall line roar louder.

Lord McCalister raises his sword, and his horse rears. "That’s it Lads!!!!! By Tempests Eye, we’ll have them yet!!!!" He turns to another man on horseback. "You did well Carin. I must admit I didn’t think I could trust you, but your informa-tion helped us to stop this army."

Carin Vorn nods. "I do what I must Great Lord. Meraphist will not rule this world."

Lord McCalister sheaths his blade as the demon thralls are pushed back. "Aye, Carin, he will not. None of Evil shall."

Laughter erupts from Carin’s throat, as Lord McCalister looks at him askance. "What is funny, my adviser?"

Carin’s look goes hard as he answers, "You are wrong, petty lord. Evil will rule. But it will not be Meraphist’s claw that holds this land and rules it." Carin quickly draws his blade, plunging it in the stomach of Lord McCalister. "It will be ME!!!!"

The lord slowly starts to fall from his horse, as his men turn and look. "McCalister has fallen! GET THE TRAITOR!"

Carin’s horse screams and he rides off like the Furies as McCalister’s men reach his side.

* * * *

Lord McCalister lies flat, his breathing stronger, as his eyes open. His guard captain, Wallace Andrews, rises and rushes to his side. McCalister starts to rise, but Wallace stops him. "My Lord, you mustn’t. You need rest!"

McCalister collapses back, his breath ragged. "Carin... Carin betrayed..."


"We know, My Lord. We have hunters out for him. He will not escape."

McCalister shakes his head and raggedly replies, "They...they will fail. Get me the Highlander."

* * * *

A lone horse rides from the castle of Lord McCalister. A now older Danel Blackwalker rides upon his horse with his coin purse heavy with gold. He whistles a merry tune as he kicks his horse into a gallop.

He smiles as he realizes the chase for the traitor Carin Vorn is on.

* * * *

The flames cast horrifying shadows on the wall of the throne room of Meraphist. The Demon sits upon his throne, looking down at the two kneeling figures in front of him. "This Is The Assassin You Bring Before Me?" Meraphist’s voice comes out in a gravely growl.

The Master looks up and nods. "Yes, Dark Lord. This is Stasciana Darkblade, my student. She has never failed me."

Meraphist nods, and looks to the still kneeling Stasciana. "You Will Hunt The Traitor Carin Vorn... And You Will Bring Me Back His Heart... Or You Will Die."

Stasciana raises her eyes and nods. "It shall be as you command."

* * * *

The assassin runs through the swamps surrounding Meraphist’s stronghold, her bow and blades strapped to her back. Her mission is clear, but her thoughts trouble her. She

feels that this is not the right path, and then pushes down her human side. Quietly, she speaks the Cambion mantra, "Mercy is weakness..."

Stasciana shakes her head, and continues out after her prey. Her midnight cloaked figure disappears in the

6 Years

For six years of my life, I was Military.  Army Reserve, but hey, it's all good.  I am proud of those years.  I was one of the fortunate ones that joined, served, and was discharged and didn't have to risk my life dodging bullets.

Thing is, if I would have had to, I would have done so with out hesitation.  My thoughts are this: If you are willing to enjoy the freedoms of this country, you should be willing to stand up and defend it.

I am a supporter of the U.S. Military.  100% no fail, no falter.  Each man and woman that serves, no matter what branch, has made the choice to serve something greater than themselves, and has decided that the country in which we live is worth the risk of their lives to defend.

Situations like what happened last week at Ft. Hood always hit me close to home.  My heart and jaw dropped when I heard the news that merely hours from me, 13 people were shot and killed.

It is easy to look back and point blame, saying, "Well they should have done this, they should have done that, why didn't they discover him earlier?" 

Thing is, no one is perfect. 

I know I am all over the place on this blog, but it is just something I need to get out.  Today, when you are out, and you see some one who serves, or who has served, walk up to them, offer your hand and say, "Thank You."

We might not always agree with the government, and we might think things they make our military do are wrong, but remember, each soldier, sailor, airman or marine has put their life on the line, not for that government, not for the president, not for congress... But for each and every citizen of the United States.

Happy Veteran's Day... and Hooah!

Go Army... Beat Navy.

On Writing.

Well, I'm trying to get back to writing more.  Right now I have several novels in various states of completion.  I really need to get my writing frame of mind back. 

I've been in a funk lately, and when I get in one of those, my writing suffers.

What stinks is, I really do need to get back to work on Darkfire Blazing.  I've had several people tell me they love Bow & Blade, and they are waiting intently on Storm Rising.

I have things mapped out, but I just can't get motivated to work on it.  Not only that, but other books I have are suffering. 

Oh well, these things are cyclic... and soon I feel I'll get back to following my dream.  And when I do... tremble in fear!


Halloween is quickly approaching, and for that I'm glad.  It is one of my favorite times of the year.  I get to bring out the old Ren Faire costume, and act like a kid again.

I think as we get older, we all seem to forget what it was like to have fun and play like we did as children.  Our lives become so hectic and scattered, that we simply just give up and "grow up".

There are very few times a year when we can put away all of our stress and anxiety, and just go back to a simpler time in our lives.

So on that note... join me, and reclaim your childhood again this year.  Don't let the fun of Halloween pass you by!  Be a kid, have a party, dress up... it doesn't matter.  Just have fun, and for one night, just one night... remember what it was like when you were younger.

Trick or Treat!

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