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One Sided ?

Im just fed up !!!There really isnt anything else that can be said..Ive tried my hardest to be fair and help SO SO SO many out on fubar but , I cant seem to get any help in return when I need it. I have over 200 friends on the friends list part and Im thinking tis time to start getting rid of ALL those people that came to me for help and and after helping them I never heard from them again. I do have to say that everyone on my family list has made this fubar experience a good one, just wish that those on the Friends list part were as giving as I am. The title to this blog is One Sided ? because well Ive come to terms that 90 percent out of 100 percent only want to recieve and not give.
Okay so I am sitting here thinking to myself , Sherina you need a good blog ,but my mind is drawing a blank so I figured Id just come in here just yap my trap about any ol thing that decides pop up in this chicks crazy mind.. I woke this morning realizing that today was Jasmines' fieldtrip and that she signed up for a bring from home lunch instead of the school sack lunch.. this I dont blame her..who in the hell wants a school mystery meat and mystery fruit sacked lunch..lmfao Mystery Meat So we get dressed drive up to the store just up the street and she picks out what she wants in her lunch sack. Well she chose for me to make her a ham n cheese sandwhich, no biggy but this isnt a full meal so we look further and we see that lunchables are on sale 3 for 2 dollars so she picks out 1 of those and I pick the other 2, okay so we have sandwhich, crackers with meat slices and cheese with a capri sun drink..woohoo dont have to by a single drink for her..lol well this to me still isnt a good meal so I walk over to the fruit section and picked her out a fruit cherry mix up fruit cup and a bag of doritos.. Now does this fullfill the lunch sack??? Well as I wonder my way to the register I recall throwing away her lunch bag lastyear cause she let it set in her locker for two weeks and grew mold and all kinds of yucky nasty shit, so Im standing in line and out blurts from my mouth oh shit I get this weird look as if I had just Damned the almighty Lord from the snobby lady standing in line in front of me..I looked at her and said gee what a BITCH to have freedom of speech eh ? she snubbs her nose I pull out of line and we walk over to the isle that carries the lunch boxes we pick one out and get back in line and me feeling like a damn smartass like always tell Jasmine " see hunny rich people spend money carelessly she could bought the fruit and cut it up herself to save 5 dollars" and then giggled she looks back at me and just grins and scurries off with her high dollar fruit bowls..hahaha Just previously I was bitching to Jasmine that a fucking loaf of bread that I usually buy is up to 3 dollar a damn loaf compared to the 1.89 Im useto spending.. that they are making to where us low income, living paycheck to paycheck people arent gonna be able to eat healthy anymore , soon this country will look like this country.. Price Gouging Okay anyways we pay for our stuff head home and fill her lunch up and take her to the bus stop and catch the bus just in time. If not no biggy wouldve driven the extra mile and half to her school..haha She was excited as she showed off her new lunch bag and all the contents within it..lol Now that Im bored with this conversation what else can I blog about?? Ahhh here we go....something that I realized this morning.. When my computers processor fan took a shit and before i got it fixed I signed onto hubbs laptop to send out a huge bulletine letting all on my list know what was up and that it would be awhile before I did individual comments again. Well now that its up and running Ive decided to see how long it would take for those on my friends list to show the myspace love that I generally do on a weekly basis and I have yet to see any of that. I generally make it a thing to send everyone a comment atleast once a week and then as I was doing that I noticed that even though I was trying my best to keep in touch and base with everyone , not everyone was returning the love, this doesnt peeve me not the ones that try anyways,...but I decided okay for once Im gonna take a break from sending out comments and lay low and quiet for alittle while, well to my much surprise that only a select few still decide to keep intouch. At this I learned a valuble lesson Real Friends It really isnt a real biggy but I can also say that the ones that NEVER comment / message / or even try Will NOT be getting anything back from me. I have found this to be a waste of my time to keep sending messages and comments to those that NEVER send them back. You ask what about those that send them out as they recieve them ?? Well this is a simple answer If I send one to you and send one back thats called effort You will continue to recieve them from me, but I can say that Im gonna be one of those that only sends to those who send me comments from here on out. YES i understand people have busy lives and dont have time to post a comments but whatever happen to just dropping by to write ..Hey hows it going? hows life? Just wanted to stop by and keep in touch! get back with me..whatever..You dont have to go searching for comments or anything of the such just a simple hello letting me know your still fucking alive and well would be great. I do excuse the following people from having to do this... Brianne and Tina..I know that your life right now is either in an uproar of new duties do to a new member in the family or that your always at work and never get online.... For those of you that havent messaged me or commented me in the past 3 or ohhh maybe 6 months youll be getting removed from the list and if ya ask why well log on once inawhile and fucking find out why..lol For those that send them once in awhile like once a month your SAFE and the ones that send them more then once a week your definitly SAFE ! Im just tired of putting forth the effort of a friendship thats going only one direction.. for those that have just driffted from me well I wish and hope a happy life for you and to tell you its time to move along..lmfao Am I being selfish ? Needy ? Unfair ? Selfish , No Unfair, NO umm Needy maybe just alittle bit. Its nice to know that people still know you exist and that they arent the only ones keeping intouch. As for the new friends Ive accumulated over Myspace time your still on free trial...HAHAHAHA.. we will see how well you do further on down the line. I was actualy thinking about removing ALL the ones that are in my catagory list on my friends list page titled as ones that never try and just fuck it right. Hell most of those in that list I havent heard from for more then 6-7 months some even a year, so I think its time to clean the list and move along. No hurt feelings here ahhaha where one vanishes another appears..wahlah..hahaha OK OKAY OKAY OKAY what else can I blog about.... any suggestions?? Maybe a short story?? Nah Not today not in the mood to share short stories...lol Although Val has a pretty good thing going with her little short stories...hehehhe maybe I should incorpate some of the crazy stories I think up in mid day into my blogs..lmfao You know as I was sitting here shit !!!! Phone ringing Its Bri..hehehe telling her about my multiple topic based blog and she says...oh great so its like reading a blog of a conversation with me on the phone..MANY TOPICS AT ONCE ! OKAY phone done with..now where was I ??? Lmfao glitter-graphics.com oh thats right I was inbetween conversation topics when she called... lmfao Okay well as I was sitting here this morning I was in a box with my best friend Mindy and well the conversation came up about me being silly and if I could I would be up jumping around acting all silly and shit... the convo at hand :: duchess_kricket: If I could act really silly right now I would duchess_kricket: angel_0f_f0rtune: if? duchess_kricket: well I can but who would see angel_0f_f0rtune: true angel_0f_f0rtune: lmao duchess_kricket: Id look like an idiot amusing herself duchess_kricket: angel_0f_f0rtune: but an idiot no one could see angel_0f_f0rtune: hehe duchess_kricket: unless the kid across the street was looking through my wide open door and windows angel_0f_f0rtune: bwahaha angel_0f_f0rtune: that would be great angel_0f_f0rtune: find it on youtube a week from now duchess_kricket: that would be hillarious duchess_kricket: duchess_kricket: chick across street looses her mentaility duchess_kricket: lmfao angel_0f_f0rtune: would hear him breathing then go, "my neighbor has gone nuts, let me see if I can get closer duchess_kricket: hahaha angel_0f_f0rtune: then ya year the mission impossible tune duchess_kricket: you should see me when I get the stereo going angel_0f_f0rtune: as he runs to get closer angel_0f_f0rtune: lmao duchess_kricket: Im bouncing and jumping and dancing everywhere duchess_kricket: singing outloud duchess_kricket: angel_0f_f0rtune: lol duchess_kricket: I dance with my vaccumm duchess_kricket: angel_0f_f0rtune: bwahaha i can so picture that Now isnt that just some funny fucking shit. I can soooo see me winding up on youtube as the crazy lady across the street dancing all lonseome like with her vaccumm cleaner hahaha singing outloud the song..Shes Crazy...hahaha Okay so Im a load of fun to watch from windows atleast Im amussing right??? Lmfao Okay well Im done rambeling and its that time of the day that I need to start getting Matthew ready for school and all that other happy horse shit that us Stay at home mothers HAVE TO DO !! I hope that each and everyone of you that so bother reading my blogs have a wonderful Thursday and that this upcoming weekend is a great one. AND NOW FOR SOME GRAPHICS THAT CAUGHT MY EYE THIS MORNING ! glitter-graphics.com Thousands of Sexy and Funny Images Touch the Darkness Thousands of Sexy and Funny Images Touch the Darkness IT'S THIRSTY THURSDAY !!!!! Thousands of Sexy and Funny Images Touch the Darkness Thousands of Sexy and Funny Images Touch the Darkness OKAY NOW THAT MY MIND HAS GONE TO THE GUTTER AND MAYBE YOURS ASWELL OFF I GO TO SPREAD MORE PERVERTED JOY ACROSS THE PAGES OF LOVED ONES..HAHAHA HAVE A GREAT ONE EVERYONE...!!! 4 Comments - 6 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Okay so my last blog was about the things for a vacation trip upcoming in june and NO not all of that is for the vacation. I just got alittle carried away and decided to show everyone what is in Illinois that keeps us from getting bored. Well I had someone message me and ask me even though we have all that great stuff to do here what makes Illinois so fucking great and better then most??? Well for 1 ..I cant say that its better then most cause each and every state has its own history and its own worth being of a state. Since this puddwacker messaged me and doesnt seem to know how to work a damn Google search bar then I shall share with ALL my readers small, big, young, old , retarded, and google illiterate what this state is all about. First Ill start it off with the history of this state and what its acknowledged for. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1673—Louis Jolliet and Father Marquette arrive in Illinois ..tr> ..table> ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1699—Cahokia is founded, the oldest town in Illinois ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1717—Illinois becomes part of French Louisiana ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1763—England receives Illinois at the end of the French and Indian War ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1778—George Rogers Clark captures Kaskaskia from the British ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1787—Illinois becomes part of the Northwest Territory ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1804—Lewis and Clark expedition starts near Wood River ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1809—Illinois Territory is created ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1818—Illinois becomes the 21st state ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1830-Abraham Lincoln moves to Illinois ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1837-Chicago incorporated as a city ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1848—The Illinois & Michigan Canal completed ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1853-First Illinois State Fair is held ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1861-Abraham Lincoln inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1863—Emancipation Proclamation ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1871—Fire consumes much of Chicago ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1888-Present-day State Capitol built ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1893—Chicago World's Fair ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1900—Completion of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1908-Chicago Cubs win their second World Series ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1958-Illinois tollway opens ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1959—The St. Lawrence Seaway opens ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1970-New state constitution adopted ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1986-Chicago Bears win Super Bowl XX ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1992—Carol Moseley Braun becomes the first black woman in the Senate ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 1998—The Chicago bulls win their sixth NBA championship ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> 2001-Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum is dedicated ..tr>..table>..tr>..table> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map of Illinois showing Debate Sites Lincoln - Douglas Debates of 1858 The debates between Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln were held during the 1858 campaign for a US Senate seat from Illinois. The debates were held at 7 sites throughout Illinois, one in each of the 7 Congressional Districts [ Map of Congresstional Districts]. Douglas, a Democrat, was the incumbent Senator, having been elected in 1847. He had chaired the Senate Committee on Territories. He helped enact the Compromise of 1850. Douglas then was a proponent of Popular Sovereignty, and was responsible for the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. The legislation led to the violence in Kansas, hence the name "Bleeding Kansas" Lincoln was a relative unknown at the beginning of the debates. In contrast to Douglas' Popular Sovereignty stance, Lincoln stated that the US could not survive as half-slave and half-free states. The Lincoln-Douglas debates drew the attention of the entire nation. Although Lincoln would lose the Senate race in 1858, he would beat Douglas out in the 1860 race for the US Presidency. The Lincoln-Douglas debates were re-enacted in the Fall of 1994 with live coverage by CSPAN. List of Debates 1. Washington Square, Ottawa, Illinois 2. Freeport, Illinois Over 15,000 people attended the original debate in Freeport, then a town of 5,000. Freeport Doctrine, which was the result of the debate, states people had the right to choose whether or not to exclude slavery from their limits. 3. Union County Fairgrounds, Jonesboro, Illinois Union County Fairgrounds is today part of Shawnee National Forest's Lincoln Park) Union County is south of the Mason-Dixon Line. The debate subject split families into Confederate & Union factions. Over 50 cemeteries throughout Union County tell of many who lost their lives in the War Between the States 4. Coles County Fairgrounds, Charleston, Illinois This was area was very familiar to Lincoln. Lincoln's father had lived and died here. Lincoln's stepmother & many relatives & friends lived here too. Lincoln had a thriving law practice in the community. A majority of the townspeople had come from Kentucky and Tennessee, moving north to avoid competition with slave labor. Most were poor and believed they had no chance to win out in the competition with slave labor. 5. Old Main, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois The east side on East South St. between Cedar and South Cherry Streets was the site of the original debate. This location has the only currently remain structure from the original debates. [Photo of Old Main] 6. Washington Park, Quincy, Illinois 7. Broadway & Market Streets, Alton, Illinois ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figures in Illinois History See also Early Illinois Women and Illinois Alive! Adams, Samuel, Dr. instrumental in establishment of first medical school in Illinois at Illinois College, Jacksonville in 1834. Bateman, Newton famous educator; lived in Jacksonville. Superintendent of Public Instruction in Illinois from 1859-63 and 1865-75. Bickerdyke, "Mother" Mary Ann Ball Nursed soldiers during Civil War Beecher, Edward (1803-95) First president of Illinois College, Jacksonville. Edward's father Lyman was a Presbyterian Minister. Edward's brother Henry Ward Beecher was also a clergyman. Edward's sister Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, a novel about injustice of slavery, published in 1851. Cartwright, Peter (1785-1872) Methodist Circuit Rider - Politician Douglas, Stephen A. Lawyer - Orator - Political Leader Duncan, Joseph Governor of Illinois from 1834-38. His home "Elm Grove" is the only remaining Governor's mansion outside of the state capitol. Earp, Wyatt Old West lawman. Born in Monmouth, Illinos on 19 Mar 1848. Grant, Ulysses S. Civil War General and US President Grierson, Benjamin Henry Civil War General Hay, John Private secretary to President Abraham Lincoln. Secretary of State under Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt. Poet, Novelist, Biographer of Lincoln. Hickok, Wild Bill Troy Grove, Illinois Memorial Site Lawler, Michael Kelly Mexican War soldier, Civil War general Lincoln, Abraham US President Logan, John A. A statesman and became a general during the Civil War. MacMurray, James E. Senator. Benefactor of MacMurray College in Jacksonville. McClernand, John A. Major General during Civil War Oglesby, Richard J. Colonel and Major General. Governor of Illinois and US Senator following the Civil War. Schofield, John McAllister General during Civil War; Secretary of War; Commanding General of the US Army Yates, Richard Governor of Illinois from 1861-65 (Civil War); one of two graduates of the first class of Illinois College in 1835 Wilson, Robert L. Lawyer and statesman in Illinois. Paymaster for the US Army. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005-Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum opens ..tr>..table>..tr>..table> 2005-Chicago White Sox win their third World Series ..tr>..table>..tr> ..table> WELCOME TO ALHN ILLINOIS! Illinois collage map The word Illinois comes from the French word meaning "Illini or Land of Illini. It is an Algonquin word meaning "Men" or "Warriors." Illinois was discovered in 1673, settled in 1720 and entered the Union on 3 December, 1818. Illinois is surrounding by bodies of water on nearly every border: Mississippi River on the west; Ohio and Wabash Rivers in the south and Lake Michigan in the North. The States that border Illinois are: Kentucky, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and Indiana. The first Railroad train crossed the Mississippi River on the river's first bridge in Rock Island, Illinois on 21 April, 1856. The highest point in Illinois is Charles Mound in JoDaviess County, elevation, 1, 235 and the lowest point is in Cairo, Alexander county at the Mississippi River, elevation 279. ..tr>..table> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the French Frontier 1700-1800 .. --> end include --> Convoy of Bateaux on River Explore French Illinois and meet the people who lived here. The first Europeans to make their homes in Illinois were French people--eager to earn rich profits through trading with the American Indians, to save Indian souls, and to establish and maintain French claims to this immense and bountiful land. As trading posts, missions, and forts became towns, families built houses and brought French traditions to the Illinois frontier. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW IVE DONE AS MUCH GOOGLING AS I CAN POSSIBLY DO FOR THIS TWIT THAT WANTED MORE INFORMATION ON THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. HERE BELOW IS A HYPERLINK FOR ALL THOSE LAZY GOOGLERS AND IE SEARCHERS THAT WILL LINK YOU TO EVERY LINK POSSIBLY KNOWN TO YAHOO, GOOGLE AND ALL THAT IS DISPLAYED IN THE NET. GOOGLE BABY GOOGLE YEUP ^^^^ THAT LINK RIGHT THERE ^^^^ CLICK IT I DARE YA TO FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF WHAT IS SO GREAT ABOUT THE HISTORY BEING KNOWN ABOUT THIS BEAUTIFUL STATE. I HOPE WHAT I HAVE SUPPLIED YOU WITH IS TO ALL YOUR LIKINGS , I FIND SO MUCH ABOUT THIS STATE SINCE IVE MOVED HERE THAT THIS STATE INTRIGUES ME TO LEARN MORE. IF YOUR WANTING MORE LINKS TO ATTRACTIONS AND HISTORIC SITES ILL LINK YA UP WITH THAT AS WELL BELOW... Attractions and historic sites LINK CLICK IT ^^^^^ CLICK IT State Insect: Monarch Butterfly State Fish: Bluegill State Mineral: Fluorite State Dance: Square Dance State Animal: White tailed deer State Fossil: Tully Monster State Prairie Grass: Big Bluestem State Flower: Violet State Tree: Oak State Song: "Illinois" State Bird: Cardinal State Nickname: The Prairie State State Slogan: Land of Lincoln State Motto: State Sovereignty National Union Illinois Native American Tribes a. Mitchigamis - Originally west of the Mississippi River b. Kaskaskias - Region between Lake Michigan and Lake Peoria c. Peorias - Region of Lake Peoria d. Cahokias - Region of Cahokia and the American Bottom
I dont get out much but I can definitly say that theres plenty to do in this state. Although I cant wait till June to hurry up and get here. In June Im going to have some people come up and visit. Im excited and grow with anticipation as the time draws nearer. Most of you have read in Fortunes blog about her coming up here and us taking the kids to sixflags. Thats gonna be the main portion of the exhausting fullfilled day but we do have plenty more that we plan on hitting and ughh I wish they were here alot longer then what they are coming up for. There is so much Id love to share with them and show them. Illinois and Missouri most people would think ahh..nothing but farming country, oil refineries and fields. Well theres definitly those but all so much more to do here. Gypsy is suppose to be in the area around the same time fortune and her family is and Im hoping that he has enough time to sit and have lunch with us and finally get to meet the G man. He isnt going to be far from me and well hes been meaning to give me those shot glasses he bought me in the UK. Im so excited and I sit here and think to myself maybe I can talk Di into coming down and joining us with the great meeting of Fortune and family, and the G-Man and lovely Cubzy... She doesnt live far from me either. I love this god forsaken state Im surrounded by states on all sides that are just filled with people I love and hold so close and dear to my heart. Well anyways moving on to the things that I enjoy doing and would love to enjoy in the near future with future visitors. Okay well as you have heard sixflags is our first main stop...well okay wait a second..our first main stop will be the IHOP ( for those that dont know what this means International House of Pancakes ) My husband and my best friend are like IHOP fanatics..they made a date with eachother the morning of our sixflags excursion.. A date to meet at IHOP and YES each spouse and child was also invited...hahaha to meet at IHOP and just devour the best damn pancakes and waffels around. Drink our coffee and start our day. I dont think I need to post pictures and shit about sixflags , Im pretty sure most of you know what it consist of but Id like to share with you the other things wed plan on doing if we can fit them into our vacation, now mind we are also gonna have a day to do nothing but take in all the good times, get to know eachother on a one on one face to face basis and just relax and let the kids play. although Fortune and I have come to the determination that my Jasmine and her Kylee will not be able to split once met. LMFAO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay so besides sixflags we have the St Louis Arch also known as the Gateway Arch. The Gateway Arch is like no other attraction. * The Arch is the tallest national monument in the United States at 630 feet; it is the city's best known landmark and a popular tourist attraction. * Construction began February 12, 1963 and the last section of the Arch was put into place on October 28, 1965. * The Arch is a structure known as a catenary curve, the shape a free-hanging chain takes when held at both ends, and considered the most structurally-sound arch shape. The span of the Arch legs at ground level is 630 feet, the same as its height. * Each year, approximately a million visitors ride the trams to the top of the Arch. The trams have been in operation for over 30 years, traveling a total of 250,000 miles and carrying over 25 million passengers. * The Arch weighs 17,246 tons. Nine hundred tons of stainless steel was used to build the Arch, more than any other project in history. * The Arch was built at a cost of $13 million. The transportation system was built at a cost of $3,500,000. * In order to ensure that the constructed legs would meet, the margin of error for failure was 1/64th of an inch. All survey work was done at night to eliminate distortion caused by the sun's rays. Since the Arch was constructed before the advent of computer technology, relatively crude instruments were used for these measurements. * The Arch sways a maximum of 18" (9" each way) in a 150 mph wind. The usual sway is 1/2" No matter what you're interested in, the Gateway Arch Riverfront has an entertaining activity for you, your family and friends. Book one of our combo packages. * A trip to the Top of the Gateway Arch is a must do! * There are many Riverboat Cruises choices: select from sightseeing, dinner or entertainment cruises * Take a thrilling Helicopter Tour of the St. Louis area * Enjoy touring the riverfront on a Rent a Bicycle or a Quadcycle and enjoy touring the riverfront * Stop by the Museum of Westward Expansion * There are Movies available for your enjoyment * Visit the Historic Old Courthouse * Enjoy the ever-changing special Exhibits Isnt she beautiful. I havent gone up in that thing yet, Im actualy abit scared to, yes the Kricket the same person who has skydived, jumped outta plans, jumped off bridges into the florida on many occassions is abit scared to go to the tippy top of the Arch..ONLY cause last years those elevator shafts got stuck and me with cramped spaces dont mix..lol Okay so there the Arch , we plan on hitting that on one of our days of touring and having fun and painting the town Kricket and fortune like ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- next on our list is the St Louis Zoo. Now this Zoo I have been to MANY MANY times and Im just as excited as if it were the first time, why you ask, well its simple math really, every year for the past 2 years they have added 3 new attractions to the Zoo one being Dino -Land, New babies to the Zoo family, New sculptures and a new improved train. The Saint Louis Zoo has educated, entertained and earned a place in the hearts of St. Louisans for generations. With the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904, there began a long and slow process to establish a zoological park. Sure enough, local pride in the giant elliptical bird cage led to formation of a St. Louis Zoological Society in 1910. The City of St. Louis set aside 77 acres in Forest Park for a zoo and named a Zoological Board of Control in 1913. State legislation provided that "the zoo shall be forever free," which has kept the Zoo accessible to millions of visitors ever since Zoo Timeline 1904: World's Fair Flight Cage 1910: establishment of Zoological Park 1921: Bear Pits, Primate House, Reptile House 1930: Bird House, giant pandas, Phil the gorilla and Miss Jim 1962: Zooline Railroad and renovation 1972: ZMD tax and Big Cat Country 1983: ZMD tax increase and Jungle of the Apes 1989: The Living World and Veterinary Hospital 1998: new Children's Zoo 2000: River's Edge, Insectarium, new Zoo president 2003: Penguin & Puffin Coast, Conservation Carousel, WildCare Institute, Cypress Swamp and Fragile Forest Zoo Zones ..tr> ..table> Did you know the Saint Louis Zoo is a world leader in saving endangered species and their habitats? Many of the animals you will see at the Zoo are threatened in the wild by shrinking habitats, disease and poaching. The need for conservation is greater than ever, with one vertebrate species disappearing from the Earth every day. Ultimately, we need to save the ecosystems on which animals and humans depend. The Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute, with the support of its Conservation Fellows, takes a holistic approach to troubled ecosystems by addressing three key ingredients in conservation success: wildlife management and recovery, conservation science, and support of the human populations that coexist with wildlife. The Zoo is FREE to ALL who want to come and visit believe me Ive been there a million times. Your think to yourself woohoo a free day, there is a catch like always, there are certain attractions inside that you must pay for if you want to see/do...none the less I have never spent NO MORE then 45 dollars here on a FULL day of excitement and pure educational pleassure and family fun. Theres a butterfly and Bird house the size of our Mall here in the Zoo that is just so MAJICAL...I think the girls are gonna love it, feed the bird os all many tropicalness and have the butterflies land on your face and suck nectar from your hands is such a beautiful experience..My kids go every time we go there they love it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Alton area if you look it up and know how to google the right way , LOL you will learn that Illinois, Missouri and Mississippi is the most Haunted Part of the United States. I love this Part of the state, so many Haunting tours to go and so much that I cant fit it all in but heres just a little bit of what there is to experience here for hauntings. I. HISTORIC ALTON The Settlement of the Region – The Mound Builders – The Explorers – Lewis & Clark where the Great Rivers meet – Indian Massacres & The War of 1812 – Legends & Lore of the Area Settlers – The Beginnings of Alton II. ELIJAH LOVEJOY & THE SPIRIT OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD History of Slavery in America & Illinois – The Life & Times of Elijah P. Lovejoy – Lingering Haunts of the Lovejoy Murder – The Haunted Warehouse – Lovejoy's Wandering Corpse – Alton & The Underground Railroad – The Hanson Mansion & the Enos Apartments – Ghosts of Times Past III. THE COMING OF THE RAILROADS The Railroad comes to Alton – The Chicago & Alton Railroad – The Worst Train Disaster in Illinois – Railroad Ghost Stories from the Chicago & Alton Line IV. GHOSTS ALONG THE RIVER The History & Mystery of the Golden Age of Riverboats – The Heyday of the Alton Steamboats – Great Alton Floods – History & Mystery Along the Rivers – River Ghost Stories – The Phantom Funeral of Fort de Chartres – The Legends of the Blue Pool – Elsah – Portage Des Sioux – Chautauqua – Ghosts of Grafton – The Hauntstown Treasure – The Diamond Island Mystery – The Old Stone House V. ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN ALTON Abraham Lincoln & The Duel that Almost was – Bloody Duels where the Great Rivers meet – The Lincoln-Douglas Debates VI. SPIRITS OF THE CIVIL WAR IN ALTON Civil War comes to the Meeting of the Great Rivers – The Alton Penitentiary – The Confederate Prison Opens – Escapes & Horrific Conditions – The Smallpox Epidemic – The Sunflower Island Pest House – The Destruction of the Penitentiary – Ghosts & Haunts of the Prison Site – The Prison Stones: A Ghost Story that Wasn't – Hauntings Along Hop Hollow Road VII. SPIRIT OF ALTON'S BUSINESS HISTORY The History of Business in Alton – Alton's Limestone Quarries – The Sparks Milling Company – The Ghost of David Sparks – The Mysterious Lady in Black VIII. ALTON HISTORY REVISITED Highlights in Alton History from the 1800's through today IX. ALTON'S GENTLE GIANT The Life & Times of Robert Pershing Wadlow – Alton's "Tallest Man in History" X. NO REST FOR THE WICKED The History & Hauntings of the Region's Criminal Past – Murder, Mayhem & Executions in the early days of the Region – "Three Days Penitentiary Horror": The 1856 Hostage Crisis at the Alton Penitentiary – Law & Order: History & Mystery of the Local Police Department – The Murder of August Mayford: Unsolved – Prohibition in Alton – A History of Alton's Breweries – The Haunted Brewery Cave – Gangsters of the Great Rivers Region – S. Glenn Young & the Ku Klux Klan – Charlie Birger & The Shelton Gang – Frank "Buster" Wortman – Lakeview: The Legends of the Hartford Castle – The Kidnapping of August Luer – James Early Ray & Alton – Paula Sims & Her Precious Victims XI. SCHOOL SPIRITS History & Hauntings of Alton's Schools & Colleges – School Spirits – Harriet Haskell: Ghost of the Monticello Seminary – The Haunting of Milton School XII. SPIRITS OF ANOTHER KIND The History & Hauntings of Alton's First Unitarian Church XIII. DINNER & SPIRITS Haunted Hotels, Restaurants & Theaters in the Region – The History of Area Hotels – The Ruebel Hotel – The Mansion House – History & Hauntings of the Franklin House – My Just Desserts – House of Plenty – Belleville's Pasta House – Meridian Coffee House – Flickering Images of Theater History – The Ritz Theater – Haunts of the Miner Theater XIV. ANTIQUE SPIRITS Ghosts & Hauntings of Alton Antique District – Possessed Possessions – The Cracker Factory – The Mineral Springs Hotel & Antique Mall XV. GHOSTLY GREETINGS FROM THE GRAVEYARD Cemetery Ghosts from Around the Region – Haunted Graveyards – History & Haunts of the Alton City Cemetery – Deaf Bill: May He Rest in Peace – Alton's Pirate Grave – Graveyard Ghosts & Vanishing Hitchhikers XVI. THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT The Piasa Bird, Bigfoot & Mysterious Creatures Where the Great Rivers Meet XVII. HAUNTED HOUSES A Collection of Haunted Dwellings from the Land Where the Great Rivers Meet – The Three Mile House – The Montgomery House – Phantom Footsteps – "Ghosts Along the Mississippi" – The Alton Poltergeist – A Ghost to be Afraid of – The Meyer House – Our Own Ghost Story: The Ghost of the History & Hauntings Book Co. XVIII. THE MCPIKE MANSION History & Hauntings of the McPike Mansion – The "Most Haunted" Site in the Land Where the Great Rivers Meet ((Many people had manifestations in the wine cellar; men felt their hair being touched, women felt someone combing their hair, some tourists with canes had their canes moved, a man had his flashlight disassembled while he was holding it...)) ((The old Milton School would be really creepy even if it weren't haunted. Some tourists had attended school there as a child; for some it was a pleasant walk down memory lane, for most it was just as bad as they'd remembered. Sensitive tourists experienced the common manifestations of negative energies: headaches, light-headedness, nausea, and sudden weakness. Many tourists met the ghost called "Charlie", some had a much nicer time when they met the spirits of a few children who still play there.)) ((The Alton City Cemetery had its fair share of dark shadowy figures and the Union Cemetery provided a lot of unexplained phenomena; fully-charged camera batteries would suddenly die, voices were heard where there were no living people, a single leaf danced and twisted on a branch where no other leaves moved on a very still night...)) These pictures are of the two that have my attention to want to go explore and learn more about. Theres TONS more but dont want to over whelm everyone and dont want to over do this blog and have it so long that noone wants to read it..LOL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for some more relaxation and the Lovely hotel that the Browder family will be staying in is set in a town not far from me just west/south of me named Pontoon Beach ( no theres NO real beach here just a River Bend that they call a beach ) There is on the other hand beautiful landscapping and lakes near the hotel. We Will also be coming over this way for a BIG Bonfire, grilling, marshmellow roasting and some good ol starry sky talking. All this land behind my house is perfect for a bonfire and some starryskies talk between best buds and running wild children. We have one every year and its gonna be a great feeling to be able to share one of our family traditions with my bestest buds ever. We do this to celebrate the changing of Spring into Summer and just a reason to set the wood ablaze and engourge in marshmellows and drinks and loud music with fireflies and stars illuminating the sky around us. Well I hope I havent bored you guys to death with my boredom LOL. If this blog is too long for you to sit down and read please feel free to come back when ya have more time, its very rare that you get a SHORT blog from Mrs Sherina..LOL You should always know to come to my blog with plenty to drink, plenty time to spare and plenty of smokes. I also hope this has opened up your mind to the wonderful things that surround my area and indulges you to research it. We have so much more around here but like I said I didnt want to over do it but there is ONE more thing Id love to share with my readers / viewers. This place has arroused me, a place I havent been to yet but would LOVE to go one day. I find it to be very educational and yet peaceful all at once. This lovely places is called the bluffs and the caverens of Illinois and Missouri. Nestled agelessly among the lush foothills of Missouri's rolling Ozark's, these magnificent caverns chronicle over 400-million years of history including: The formation of caves and stalactites, fossils and limestone, Indians of Missouri, European miners and explorers, dramas of the Civil War, train robberies and great escapes, ballroom dances around the 1900's, the Great Depression, World War II, Hollywood movies, and the list goes on. Beneath the fertile rolling hills of the Meramec Valley, lies a complex of mineral formations and color as rare and unique as they are beautiful. These jewels of nature which took millions of years to grow, are preserved in the spectacular sights of Meramec Caverns. Guided tours by trained rangers are conducted along well-lighted walkways. All cavern facilities are accessible to the disabled. Learn how Mother Nature built an ancient limestone "Wine Table" and an entire 5-story mansion... all underground. The Stage Curtain, the largest single cave formation in the world, is the crown jewel of Meramec Caverns. This extraordinary mineral deposit which measures 70 feet high, 60 feet wide and 35 feet thick is called America's number one cave scene. Estimated to be 70 millions years old, the Stage Curtain is the focal point of a dramatic light and musical presentation which climaxes an informative cavern tour HISTORY The history of Meramec Caverns is rich with the treasures of time. Going back through the centuries, the Indians revered the cave as the home of their god. An 18th century French miner, Jacques Renault, found the Cavern's greatest natural resource, saltpeter, which is used in the manufacture of gunpowder. Spanish lead miners used the caves as did slaves who were sheltered there as part of the 'Underground Railroad.' During the Civil War, a Federal powder mill in the cave was blown up by Confederate guerrillas of whom Jesse James was a member. Jesse James, as a member of the Quantrill's Guerrillas, gained knowledge of Meramec Caverns back in 1864, when the guerrillas captured the gunpowder mill. In the early 1870's he and his band used the cavern on numerous occasions because it afforded a complete hideout for men and horses. In 1933, Lester B. Dill, noted caveologist, discovered five upper levels of the Caverns. Further exploration revealed 26 miles of underground passages. Meramec Caverns was opened to the public as a tourist attraction in 1935. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After all the excitement and getting wore out on the day of sixflags we will most likey do the Arch and Zoo all in one day Hopefully...LOL theres ALOT to do around the arch like museums and parks and just so much more Im not really sure how all of this is going to fall in place or even if we will fit everything in while they are here. The River and the bluffs is soemthing Id love to show Mindy. Shes alot like me and beautiful landscapping and history artifacts and Haunted realms are a major thing and Id love to take her to see the bluffs down by the river and maybe some huanted caverens and realms on the way to the river front for a day of nothing but RELAXATION... Here are just a few of the Historical sites that surround my area on the riverfront and river side drive about 5 minutes from my home.( I WAS GOING TO PASTE SOME SITES AND STUFF EHRE BUT MYSPACE IS BEING A PRICK SO HERES THE SITE THAT I WENT TO FOR A LIST OF HISTORICAL SITES IN MY AREA )(( this blog copied from My blog on myspace ))) TOUR ALTON Now the Clark Bridge is the Bridge I travel daily everyday almost that takes me from Illinois to Missouri and crosses the Big Meeting of the 3 great rivers. Not that knowledgable of what rivers run through my town here ya go.. Illinois river, Missouri river and the Mississippi river. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well Everyone I hope you enjoyed todays blog and that you get the feeling of how excited I am for June to be here so I can indulge myself in friendship, fun times and new beautiful memories.
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