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Going home...and yet....not

200 miles, 200 miles my fellow fu’s is what stands between me and what will be the last four days I have off in the next 150+ days. And while part of me looks forward to some of this time with great jubilation a lot of me is also torn regarding it. Home for me is not home, when I take time off at home as the company refers to it I drive to the town of Pittsburgh to an apartment held by my son’s “Mother Figure” while she goes and visits her mother for a few days. But home is not home the rooms are not how I would set them up. And the feeling I get from the atmosphere within is that of me not belonging,. Eventually I’ll go forth and establish a place of my own once I have began to see more of a profit in my business venture. I feel more like a visitor to someone else’s abode than I do of being at a home. Going home also with sadness I take this time off because I know Tuesday when I step into the truck that it will be without my son. And after having had a great summer spending time together…the truck will surely feel a lot more empty then it did before. It is hard to explain the feelings this truck driver feels when facing time off. It is something we look forward to for months at a time, a chance to get away from doing what we do 24/7 months on end and yet, and this is more so for those of us who are single than those who have another on end, when the time off finally arrives and we finally do go home after about 3 days we are at odds with our selves out of sorts so to speak. In fact most other truck drivers I have talked to, especially ones I’ve established as friends since beginning this job, have stated that they have the same feeling after about a week home that I feel. While out on the road I can’t wait to get back home and yet when at home I can’t wait to get back out on the road. I’m not sure this is because of our gypsy nature of constantly being on the move or maybe it is just in the near matter for longing for routine. Home equates normalcy I guess and the life of a truck driver is far from normal. Then in some ways I think it’s harder for us Single Drivers than a married one or somebody with a loved one in their life when it comes to going and being home. For the married couple or those with a special someone, home is a place of love and special moments shared. For us single drivers it is a place to collapse from our daily grind which has worn us down over several months and quickly recharge and then… what? If home is for example like me, two-thousand miles away from any of our family members, then you won’t see family… and friendships tend to disappear during the long absences that us long haul drivers have away from home. So home to us is an empty place.. An empty building and also be a reminder of dreams or wants in life unfulfilled. For me going home is not going to a home right now , eventually within the next year I hope to have a home or at least a space to de-stress from the life I live on the road. As my son quickly discovered by being with me the past month and a half, a drivers life is filled with stress from the moment we awake to the moment we go to sleep and comes in many forms. I guess you could say I’m not going home to my home but going to my son’s home since that is where he is during my time on the road. Sometimes I feel that the life of a truck driver is nothing more than that of a mobile hermit constantly on the move and never at rest. Maybe that is why Pittsburgh does not feel like home to me. I didn’t grow up there and I don’t own anything there, the very few friendships that I have there have become faded with the time on the road. And this may be hard for those of you who walk into your house everyday and know your home to understand. Eventually though I’ll have a home t, a place and space of my own. Though whether it becomes actually a home or place that my bill pile up and wait for me to pay in between stops is yet to be seen. And yet despite the fact I have looked forward to some time away from this vehicle inwardly I know that by Sunday or Monday I will feel that itch, the need to feel the vibration underneath me as I quickly slam the gears upward along the highway. Sometimes I think that my brothers and sisters out here on the road, and myself are completely fricking nuts. We must be. We live a life of seclusion to do a job that is with us 24/7, months at a time. There’s no break for us, sometime we can put in a fifteen hour work day but then unlike society we can’t leave it. Instead we move three feet to our bunks, to our home. Because of the lifestyle for some of us relationships and friendships completely crumble due to our long absences. Birthdays, holidays missed special moments, and yet time and time again we climb into the truck start it up and roll on. We keep America moving by keeping your shelves filled and we do more than that, we protect you. It was two of my road-brothers that blocked the rest area ramp when the Washington shooters were found. We are the ones who keep alert of missing children and amber alerts. We see the terrorist do not poison your food supply, taint the things you use in everyday life with the purpose to do you harm. While our soldiers fight to protect our rights overseas the truck driver protects her from within and does it most of the time unrecognized. Sorry about that little rambling part of what me and my road-brothers do, I tend to think some times people think we just drive a truck when there is so much more to what we do and how we live. Many of us have watched as our personal lives lay in tatters because of the profession we do. We’re fricken nuts I tell you to do what we do. I’ve seen this cost me valued friendships and a potential relationship or two. What sort of idiot would chose a life of mostly suclusion when they desire exactly the opposite……..(raises hand) this type of idiot I guess. And yet I wish I could say this four days I was going to take off is for relaxation and play but it’s not. True I have a feeling I will spend my first day home in a bathtub and then collapsed on my bed in a near comatose state. But this trip home is more about setting up my own future, my own life,. Coming up with my future personal and business plans. Part of it will be set forth regarding my son of the coming year while I’m on the road and he’s at home. As well as trying to grab hold and embrace the last few final hours I have with him before not seeing him until December. For a long time now I’ve sort of lived in limbo regarding home. As my sons “mother figure” and her new boyfriend begin their journey relationship-wise, It’s awakened me to the fact that I’ve allowed myself to live in a state of being in limbo. But now as I watch what was one household do to convenience become two I realize that it’s time I awaken to the fact that for a while I’ve not been true to myself, my wants or desires in life. Or true to establishing a direction for myself and life simply do to comfort on how things were. So this time off is not necessarily time off but, but time spent moving in a direction of life. This will be probably be one of the last few times that I refer to Pittsburgh as my home. Not because I don’t like Pittsburgh, its’ a decent town in all but it also been a pain to get there for time off. I realize I will have to pick somewhere closer to a main highway that trucking lines use or even a residents closer to where the company I drive freight for is based. That should be an interesting experience to say the least but exhilarating for starting out again and I have to look at after all Im going to be there “All the time”. But hopefully with the location change I can be there more than once ever six months *Laughs* for now I guess I’ll have to settle for home to be this $107,000 vehicle that I drive up and down the highway. I also haven’t been true to myself or the nature of the person that I am. Allowing my Dominant nature to be pushed aside in order to not allow the delicate balance of things to be upset. I realize as well that is probably part of the reason I haven’t been happy lately. It is time to get back to being the actual person that I am. To return to the values and teachings of the lifestyle I have learned over the years and lived by for so long until recently. It’s strange in life how one can envision their life being and how what it becomes being totally opposite. I always envision myself being married coming to a home filled with love every night, that’s how I envision my life being and still a part of me yearns for that life maybe not a wife, but at least a loved one other than a six-six 200 pound monster of a son *laughs*, but you get the picture. And yet my life isn’t that picture or dream, not only is my life not that picture and dream but I’ve chosen a profession that makes it at least in my eyes near impossible to make such a dream reality, yes I say to you fellow fu’s us truck drivers most be insane. WHy am I sharing these thoughts. I don't know. I guess in hopes that others will see that they are not the only ones to feel a certian way I guess. Or at least to free my mind from the demons within lmao.....
Firstly I want to apologize for not writing yesterday but hey it happens from time-to-time. After spending half the day fighting with my load planner’s and the other half spent rushing to finally get the load I was too mentally and physically to do much on the Blog. Today’s special subject is one I wish to share especially with you readers lol. Today’s subject is about life in the truck with my son this summer. Before I go into this let me give you some history regarding my son and myself. His mother and I separated when he was about two, Despite being offered custody several times she refused to take him-in, I guess as a single partying mom was more alluring to her than taking care of her own son. Needless to say the years to follow were not the easiest. I was raised old-school, graduate get a job get married have children and support your family; nobody ever told me you’re going to get married have a job get divorced and become a single dad. I spent many nights pulling my hair wondering what to do as with all those in single-parenthood sacrifices were made … relationships that could have been never were, dreams left behind along the way. Though I wouldn’t change it… not for anything in the world. Up until the appearance of Bret’s “Mother Figure” it was just the two of us, more than father-son’s but friends that share a lot of interests, classic example was his jaw-dropping when he learned I knew who the ICP were. The hardest decision I ever made was choosing to pursue my current trucking career and leaving him with his “Mother Figure” while I’m out on the road. The past year and a half was tough being away from him, this summer he joined me in the truck for the first time with the exception of a couple of days this summer it has been the greatest time that I have been with this job… I hadn’t realized how much I missed not just my son, but one of my closest friends. Now with the summers ending drawing nearer this truck will seem a little emptier and a little lonelier its been a great summer I think my son’s gained a little more respect for exactly what it is his old man does. A little more appreciation for the type of work day I put in even though it’s nearly killed him twice. On two separate occassions this young versatile child of mine has crawled up to his top bunk and collapsed into a very deep coma-like sleep thanks to the trucker kept time schedule. As well as seen the daily hassles that a truck driver can encounter on the job. I think he realizes that I do simply more than “Drive a Truck” meanwhile on the flipside of things I have gained a new appreciation of the young man whom I have the honor of calling my son. I learned he shares the straight-edge belief, for you not aware it is the same belief pro-wrestler CM Punk promotes, for those who also don’t know what it is straight-edge means you don’t drink, smoke, do drugs, or have sex with somebody your not in a relationship with I.E Casual sex. I take extreme pride in the fact that my fifteen year old has chosen this lifestyle especially in the world of high-school where peer pressure is so prominent. I also take great pride in the fact that my sons eyes are focused on his future. When I was his age I feel into the traps of peer pressure, dropped out of school and had no clue what I wanted to do. And yet here he is at the age of 15 chosen to give up his electives in high-school that most kids enjoy and instead se the time to pursue taking college-like courses sponsored by his school. I have to give some of the credit here to his “mother figure” for saying with him despite our relationship ending and some sense helping to mold him. Past month and a half can be best described as a time of sharing. For my son I shared with him for example a side of nature one night, as darkness began to fall on the land a heard of deer walked across a plain-like area where we had parked that night. On the flipside he has shared with me his knowledge of MP3’s thank god. Having let my Sirius sattelite radio subscription expire and not be renewed his knowledge has helped to feel the cab with musical sounds. I cherish these days of the summer for I know they become fewer and we become further away as my son grows to be the man that I know he can be and soon he will move on to a life and family of his own. It has been a blast this past summer being with him and rediscovering who we each are as we move through the good and bad the summer had to offer. There was a time when I couldn’t see myself be a father much less a single father and yet now I find it hard to not have any people in my life and it is with great sadness I face the knowledge that he to will move on as all children should. In life filled with mistakes my son is not one. Together we have watched a marriage fall, relationships not be, hard-times and good times- financially. But through it all we made it together. The following words I write I write knowing my son will someday hear and see them. Son, in life I have made as many mistakes as things I’ve done right and the same goes for me being your father. Your presence in my life has been a blessing words can not describe how you’ve enriched my life. I’ve tried to be stern when I had to be fair and be understanding as well. Tried to show you what is everything life should be and a person should be. I’ve made mistakes along the way made a bad choice here or there, and yet I look at you and watch what and who you’ve become filled with pride at the person, the man that you are and wonder how I got so lucky. Moi bambino … my son. I’m proud of you and I love you.
I really don’t see how they expect a person to be able to tell all about themselves in a few paragraphs but what the hell I’ll give it a try. As my screen name applies I’m a long-haul truck driver, But I guess that’s getting a little ahead of myself so let’s start at the beginning. I was born in Vicenza, Italy moved to stateside when my mom divorced my father and several years later she re-married to an alcoholic abusive gentleman (He‘s since been sober for almost 10 years now). Needless to say home life wasn’t the best especially when you have two dominant male personalities under the same roof, at age sixteen I moved out of that home. Got married at the young age of eighteen. About the only good thing to come out of that was my son whom I have custody of. I can’t say there was any real problems in the marriage except some people grow, some people don’t and she wasn’t ready for motherhood. Been married and having a child became to much for her I guess. Yearned for freedom or who even knows. All I know was walked in on her and best friend and it was goodbye! I guess my inner-gypsy heart was never content with being in one place so I moved around a lot and developed very few friendships along the way. Years Later I tried a second long-term relationship with a person who will be referred to as mother-figure because that is what she is to my son but that didn’t last very long either. I think that not lasting is a simple case of in life we’d both been burned by other people and both developed the tendency of when we needed the other the most was when we pushed each other away and became closed off. We discovered we were better as friends/roomies and a couple of years ago I was tired of managing businesses and chose to pursue a long dream I’ve had of being a truck-driver. However as all things do, with time, some things in my life have changed. The one thing life on the road has reminded me or shown me is an emptiness and a void in my life. Having moved around a lot I haven’t established as many friendships as I could of, and I blame part of that due to my shyness and personal life experiences. My son will be turning of age soon enough going forward in life and becoming the man I know he can be and he has been a main part of my life. I find certain friendships that I had thought firm and solid shaken to their very core regarding issues of trust and faith and the future foreseen is no longer the future reality. I watch as the mother figure of my son moves forward in life upon a separate path and realize for a while now I have allowed my life to be in limbo. So that too is in a lot of ways almost as if I am divorcing for a second-time. And I’m sure that those who have been in long term relationships and marriages and divorced can understand the feeling that presents itself within you of ‘what now’. And I find while people my age are preparing to go through mid-life crisis, me I’m just going through a life-crises lol. However while it has been depressing it has also be reinvigorating. For the past couple of years I’ve allowed the dominant side of me to be tread upon for fear of not spilling the apple cart. However now as I look at the applecart laying in rubble at the bottom of a mountainside it has been spilt, mashed and busted into pieces… and it’s time to charge forward. To become the person I was before. Business-wise it has been one hard year, Operating in the red for the past five months… however as I look at the figures and remind myself the first year is always the hardest in business I do see ways that eventually be prosperous and vow to work harder and make it towards that success. Personal-wise I find myself making all kinds of choices looking into the future, my son will be a man soon and move on until that time I can only continue to try and keep his best interest in mind. While keeping some level-of-piece between his “mom” because of my being out on the road and because of her involvement with his life. IT will not be easy for me, I know, however luckily for me I know the new man involved in her life, whom I have a great deal of respect for, will have my sons best interest also. I have to keep reminding myself to not allow my male-ego take offense to my son’s being around this other male. I have to remind myself I am my son’s father and nothing will ever change that… However not all things are bad. For a long time it has been hard to go home for time off because of the location. Once things financially improve in the business I can start looking for one last place to FINALLY settle down in. Some place with easier access to while I’m on the road, even if it’s just to stop for a day to do so. Though most of my concentration this year will be on making this business successful with even less time at home. That of course means starting out where nobody knows me and it will be hard to establish friendships when not often around much less pursue a relationship. I guess this is sort of why I joined Cherry— I mean Fubar so I can at least develop acquaintances on line, friendships so that life on the road doesn’t seem so lonely. Ten out of ten to eleven months right now, Senorita Faithful, is home. My truck is called that as the name was given to her by my son one day this summer as the tank read E and we continued miles and miles until finally making it to a truck stop. For the rest of the time home is well... nowhere other than to go see my son in Pittsburgh Pa. . I haven’t decided where I want to finally settle down just yet. When home, most of my time off is spent recuperating from time on the road however when I do find myself with enough energy to do something else I guess I have the same interest as most people, curling up watching a good movie, experience and enjoying life in various ways, and making up for lost time with my son. I love to BBQ but friendships have faded over the past few years so I don’t have gatherings as much as I used to. I love the mountains, camping and experiencing new adventures. It’s hard to pick out any one interest or thing I enjoy because I enjoy living life and there are soo many new avenues I have yet to experience. I have two sides to me the shy side and my dominant side. Until I get to know a person I tend to be closed off and shy which is probably why I haven’t established a lot of relationships or friendships since going out on the road. However once the initial phase of becoming accustom and knowing somebody occurs the dominant me tends to come out. I tend to be a creature of habit, I like things a certain way and prefer them that certain way. A good example of this would be me coming home for a few days off my son knows that there is a routine regarding that. Day one of being home/day I come home I like to enjoy a nice steak or prime rib dinner with those I care or have feelings for. My first full day home nothing will get done, unless my son does it, other than me enjoying home’s luxuries and that night will usually be pizza night because I am being lazy, and don’t feel like cooking. By the third day I’m ready to go do things, And probably will cook a nice big home cooked meal and feel I’m quite good at it and after twenty + years in the restaurant business I feel I’ve learned a trick or two. Maybe a pork roast with seasonings and gravy or a large spaghetti dinner with sauce made the way it’s supposed to be. I truly enjoy trying new things, and once and awhile rediscovering old pleasures. This past summer I rediscovered the enjoyment in shooting pool as I played with my son at the yard. I enjoy bowling, playing the occasional video game, shooting darts, and many other things. I enjoy the mountains and the woods, and hope to be able to take time off next year to enjoy it. However I also hope to travel to Holland next year to visit my best friend and her family. This year I’ll probably add a third tattoo to my collection. If it seems I am rambling on this portion it is because it is hard to state the many facets of me and who I am. I guess the best way for you to know about me…is to get to know me. Don’t give up if I come off as shy and guarded at first…that is just how I am at the beginning. Once bitten twice shy they say. However once I get to know someone…I DO come out of my shell lol.
Finally actually got some pictures taken with the camera and loaded up. One of the things I intend on doing is at least regularly is taking pictures as I travel of nice scenery. The two photo’s added today were taken while traveling down I64 in Virginia. Very beautiful country with plenty of trees. Camera works better then I thought as was traveling at 65 mph at the time. I just entered Kentucky before shutting down for the night and will continue making my way towards Missori in the morning. As for the personal side of things…I am slowly recovering I guess. That is the thing about having your entire world shaken to the core and left in rubble. Once the innitual shock and confusion wears off.. you start looking towards the future and what it can hold. I’m not sure what lays in store for me in the coming year. I know it’s going to take a lot of work for me to move forward and accomplish some of the dreams that have began to manifest themselves in my head. Probably the hardest time will be for me when my son steps out of the truck. Going to feel like an eternity until I see him again in Dec. As for the personal side…not going to worry about it. To do so would drive me nuts. Going to concentrate on moving forward with my future and if something happens down the road and I find myself in a relationship…then it does. If not.. at least I’ve established a decent future for myself. Guess I’ve decided that in part because I’m too shy. My new philosophy is if a woman wants a relationship with me she’ll have to make the first move. Because being on the road…I’d drive myself nuts thinking about trying to start a relationship with anyone. In a way it lets me know the person is serious enough about it. I am sure this rambles and makes little sense. Been up since 3 am and here it is going on 10.pm. But that is part of the truckers life. Seems like I am lucky if I get 6 hrs before having to get up and roll again. But before I go I guess I will leave ya all with another poam I have been working on in my head yesterday and today. Hey pretty lady with cell phone in her hand. Looking so lonely, how I wish I could be her man. Of her sweet lips to have a taste To wrap my strong arms around her waist But these thoughts she’ll never know Because we’re under a load and it’s go, go, go But such is the life of this trucker man As he zooms across this land I arise to a day still pitch black While you are still sleeping in the sack By the time you hand is hitting the alarm, and your day has begun A few hundred miles I’ve completed on this run I’ll see the rise and the fall of the sun you see, Because your workday will be done before me As your family and you settle in for the night I’ll be hoping a parking spot falls into my sight. So you see there is no time to tell her these thoughts in my head The words I want to say won’t be said Because if not driving, he’s lucky if he gets fed, Because tomorrows a few hrs away.. another busy day…and he needs to spend a few hrs asleep in his bed

A poam

As long as my Mistress is the open road. Doing her bidding as I run yet another load I guess happiness and love I will never know Because I am always on the go. I only go home to see my son Because a home is no home when empty and there is no love and you know no one That is not something easily a trucker can change When never there a life he can arrange. The best I can hope for is a waitress’s smile Before heading back out and burning up another few hundred miles. Never no time for visiting or a rest That damn Mistress the road is always putting me to the test She says to me what do you think your trying to do. .live life and have fun I have another load with which you must run. So off I go spending another night all alone. Weary and tired down to the bone. The sleeper of this truck can on the hottest day of summer seem so cold With no one to touch, love and hold. Did you ever stop to think exactly all a truck driver has to do without.. All those same special things in life that you care about…
Yeah right...I have it so easy on the road. Or so I have been hearing a lot lately. Let me tell you...what BS. I get up at 3 am in the morning....get to bed by 9 pm if I am lucky. And that is 7 days a week for months on end. I tried dating someone, that fell to pieces because of what I do. Meanwhile at home situation detoriates between me and sons mother. Add to this the fact that I have yet to get ahead this year because everytime I do something happens that puts me in a hole. Yeah...great f'n life I have people. No oportunity to develope friendships or relationships at home...cause I'm never there. No chance to on the road because I'm totally exhausted and always on the go. So here I live in a constant state of motion, and yet do not truly live at all. To be the nameless 39 y/o man in black wearing a fadora (yes I do....bite me)that brings you everything you need in life to survive....and yet you know not even his name. Nor what his doing so may cost him. ...And I can't even put a picture up so you can put a face to the name because my digital camera is being a pain in the .... (Just like my laptop which is why I haven't been around much....well that and exhausted)..... I swear next thing to go wrong and I'll...I'll.....I'll.....hell if I know what I'll do....this perpetual downwards spiral that is my life continues....Not sure if I can handle another 5 months of this shi.....

I'm alive....what happened

I'm alive all....Laptop went kapoot on me back in Jan....why I haven't been on....just got a new one and will update everyone more when I have a chance....just wanted to let everyone know that I am ok

I'm alive folks.....

Just a quick note to appoligize for falling behind on the blog. Been a hectic couple of weeks...Was stuck in Kansas for a week. I'll catch up my blog and pages in a couple days but wanted to let my readers know that not only am I ok...but i am HOME!!!!! The rig has run it's last load for this year as I pulled in last night. Was part of a surprise for my son who I had led to believe that I wasn't going to be home until Xmas eve. Needless to say not only was he surprised but pleased as punch that I am not heading out until Jan 2nd. Then it will be another 4 months out. Anyways I'll catch up on thing when the dust settles here on the home front......
SOrry my fellow cherries that it has been a while. Been running my butt off. Went from Texas to Fl (I have to say I 10 from Lousiana to FL is some of the roughest road I have traveled. I 75 isn't much better... Then From Fl to Ok....And then from Ok to Dodge City Ks where I am cuurently at...yes all since my last post. The title refers to time.....And I'll get into that here in a moment. Firstly..Their is a reason My nickname is Super.....Because my handle is Supe....Now for anyone that has seen re-runs of the ol black and white superman tv show....they will understand that Supe was used by Jimmy Olson in regards to Superman. Superman is the handle that was came up by with my dispatcher. WHy....because I am the runner...the go to guy.....If anyone can get the load Legally there on time....I can. Day after day week after week...I get the load that looked like it was going to be late.....there early. But I do So LEGALLY. Don't get me wrong, I aint no saint. If their is a loophole in Federal regulations I will use it...I will bend the rules...but I will NEVER break or DIrectly violate the Federal regulations. I am a firm believer in doing things right. Because of my ability to work myself to near exhaustion for weeks at a time....I am the man that gets the under the gun loads. The type of loads I get fall into two catagories....Not enough time...or too much followed up by not enough. The first type I won't go into because it is obvious.....time is simply tight....For example a trip needing 2.25 days to get there and only 2 to do so. The other though I will give you a simple example because it is my latest trip. In Ok I recieve my next load assignment on 12/9 @8am. Go to Dodge City and Pick up meat load 12/10....no problem right. Wrong. Meat loads have 2 types of times as does produce sometimes. Appt Time and DLD (which basically is a guarenteed ready by time). Apt time was anytime on the tenth....DLD is...12/11 0500......Naturally I get here and it isn't ready...they never are. So now I have had basically two days with not much to do. Now comes the tight part. Most likely load will be ready around or After the DLD time. Then I have to travel and be to Ca (over 1200 miles and the flagstaff mountian range as well as either Tehachapi or Cabbage)...and have it there 12/13 in the morning....not a problem if there wasn't a governer on my truck lol.....SO once again I'll have to change into the tights and cape and get it there....Thus the too much, not enough saying. The one thing I have to say is thank god my time off is almost here. I will be home or had better at least be heading home by 12/19 for two weeks off.....to much time off...I think not since I stay out 4 months at a time. Will write more later my friends and fellow cherries...but right now think I am going to go veg.....picked up a few movies to kill time.
I watched as a load to Orlando...then a load to Cali pass me by thanks to doing the right thing and not driving tell my headlight was fixed...Which was a good thing considering the tire had been flat and anything could have happened....I fought battles with Dispatch over it...Watched as they go their revenge assigning me a small mile load.....was feeling pretty rotten when I got a message over the qualcom ( Thing of it as an over glorified truck IM) to call in....the result of the call.....ORLANDO is back on...different trip same scenerio as before just everything a day later..... I had planned on writing a speel about doing the right thing...and maybe I will later. Right now though I am tired...and I know that it will still be several hours before the load gets here...and that since I will be driving at night it would be best if I got some rest. PLus I have a pork roast and taters in the crockpot...what better way to wake up then to a nice ready meal...( What...hey I'm 5'10 and weigh about 180....you didn't think I keep this figure lean by eating Fast food did ya...lol. I eat healthy and work out with weights everyday...I am NOT your sterotypical truck driver.) So for now I will just simply end this with......for those on chilly cold climates...I'll be thinking of you in warm sunny Orlando......Not! ROFLMAO. Peace to all.....
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