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Author's  Note
This likely will be the final part of THIS story, as really this was just a cheesey writing I did based on my 4.0 Dungeons and Dragons SnareMage, and never one of the original story lines that I wrote actually using the character Zasch DeCarden.

That said, since people actually seem to like my cheesey story, this WON'T be my final story I put up on FUBAR.  Without further adieu, the conclusion to this short story...


Zasch slowly stepped out of the brush, and spoke calmly in the demon's Abyssal language, "I have come to see you pay, wretch."

The goristo whirled to face him at the sound of his voice, and growled angrily, and snarled through its pointed-teeth, "I'll make your death slow and painful mortal!"

Zasch laughed mockingly at the demon, and drew out his khopesh, and tipped his hat in mock greeting, "My name is Zasch DeCarden, take it back to the Abyss with you, and remember it well while you suffer your one hundred year banishment. Worry not, you'll not be the first demon to taste the bite of my blade, or the sting of my magic. I'm certain you'll not be the last."

The demon roared angrily, and charged forward at Zasch, attempting to gore him on it's massive horn for his mockery. Zasch stepped to the side as the demon raced past, skidding to a stop. Before the beast was able to turn and face him, Zasch, struck hard with his blade, the weapon taking on the red glow as it fed from his energy. As the blade sank into the demon's tough hide, Zasch released his magic in the the demon, binding the monstrosity to his aegis.

As the creature whirled around to face Zasch, he retreated back, having taken full advantage of the oppurtunity. As the monstrous demon started in at Zasch, Lupa came lunging out behind the creature in her hybrid form, sinking her fangs deep into the demon's tough hide, followed by the rest of the wolves. The creature roared in agony, and attempted to hurl them off, but as it stood to its full height, it caught Zasch's khopesh twirling through the air, the blade enshrouded in the red glow.

The monster cried out as a hard blow caught it in the throat, and the blade shimmered, returning to Zasch's hand. Shaking violently, the demon threw the wolves and Lupa from it, and growled in hateful dissent. Zasch winced, he knew they were a long way from bringing the beast down. The demon turned its angry focus towards Lupa, and struck at her, catching her across the chest, leaving a long jagged cut with its horn.

Zasch lashed out with his bond, teleporting the monster next to him, leaving it staggered in surprise at such a sudden and violent change, and Zasch hatefully swung his blade, once again again glowing red as the weapon pierced the monster's vile hide. Zasch spared a glance towards Lupa, her wound was already beginning to heal, but he could tell it had hurt her a great deal. And so the battle went, Zasch striking every chance he was able, the wolves and Lupa consistently being hurled aside.

It wasn't long before the first wolf was crushed under the goristo's feet, grinding the poor creature as it yelped out in agaony. The sound of a fallen comrade spurred the pack on further, and their violence grew as they bit and shook at the demon's throat. It wasn't enough though, the wolves were weak, and of no match for the demon.

Soon another, and then a third, were felled by the enraged demon. Zasch backed up a ways, Lupa and the two remaining wolves flanking him. Zasch spared a glance at Lupa. She was beaten and battered, but she was healing, and the two wolves were, luckily, relatively unharmed, but neither would be of much help.

Examining the demon, Zasch could tell they were hurting it, but he doubted it would be enough. They would need something major to finish the beast off once and for all, and Zasch doubted any of them would be alive long enough to do it. The demon roared hatefully, and came in charging at the group.

Everyone scattered, Zasch lashing at the creature hatefully with his blade as it rushed past, the blade leaving a deep wound in the creature's arm. The beast roared in agony, and slipped, the sudden gash in its arm throwing it off balance and wounding it far more seriously than Zasch had hoped.

The demon roared hatefully at Zasch, "Die mortal!" was it's murderous scream as it swung one of its massive fists at Zasch. Zasch activated the magic of his cape, and just narrowly managed to teleport behind the creature. However, the beast swung around with the momentum of its blow, and still struck Zasch, sending him sprawling to the ground, knocking him prone a short ways away.

Triumphantly, the demon stalked in towards him, preparing to stomp him into the ground with one of its massive feet. One of the two wolves struck, barying its fangs into the goristo's throat wound. Barely seeming to notice, the goristo grabbed the wolf and yanked it away, taking it in both of its massive arms and snapping the helpless wolf like a small twig, and flinging the fallen animal carelessly aside.

As the goristo raised a foot to stomp Zasch into the ground, Lupa slammed her full body into the creatures other leg, throwing the demon off balance. The demon roared in protest, struggling to keep its balance, but fell to the ground. Lupa rushed to Zasch, worried that he was severely wounded, but he was forcing himself to his feet. His weariness was obvious, and the blow had hurt him severely.

"Perhaps you were right," Lupa offered, watching as the demon began to rise back onto its gorilla like arms and feet.

Zasch stood, watching the last wolf leap at the demon, only to be caught in one of the goristo's massive fists, "Perhaps I was."

It wasn't much longer before Lupa and Zasch stood alone against the demon, the last of the wolves crushed, and being used as a missle against them. They both evaded the projectile, and glared angrily and hatefully at the demon before them. They walked forward side by side, Zasch releasing his magic, a gauntleted hand grasping the demon and holding it immobile, crushing it in a tight vengeful grasp.

With the demon locked in place, Lupa charged at the beast, jumping on its back, and digging her fangs into the monsters neck, and raking away with her claws. As the magic dwindled, Zasch swung his blade angrily, releasing his magic in a heavy burst of sound that caused the demon to cry out angrily. As the creature reached for Bella, Zasch lashed out with another burst of magical energy, and the demon dropped to its knees. It looked as if it were finally growing weary of the beating it was taking.

But is it enough?

Zasch wondered to himself as his weapon once again glowed red. Swinging his khopesh like an axe, Zasch drove the blade into one of the demon's arms. As the blade sank through the creature's hide, digging deeper than Zasch had hoped, Zasch released his magic, blue tendrils of magic tending to the few wounds Zasch had taken, and restoring some of his energy.

Several more long minutes passed, and the demon again hurled Lupa aside, and delivered a mighty blow into her chest. Calling on the bond of his Aegis, Zasch again teleported the demon beside him. Again, disoriented, the beast struggled to regain it's balance as it took a sharp blow in the back of it's leg.

Angry, and apparently growing desperate, the demon stumbled away from Zasch, putting some distance between the two, and then turned to face him. The demon put its back to Lupa, and she howled with rage as she jumped onto its back. Roaring in pain, the demon struggled to grab at the werewolf latched onto its back, trying to rip her free.

Lupa snarled and began raking the creature with her claws, and snatched one of the demon's fingers in her jaw and gnawed and twisted until she had at last ripped it free. Zasch stalked silently forward, blinking from one spot and atop the creature's back.

With an uncermonious ending, Zasch snarled, and brought his weapon crashing down, driving the weapon into the monster's face and ending its miserable existence in the prime plane.

As the demon fell limp, defeated at last, Zasch slumped down next to the defeated creature. Thankfully he had taken training in numerous spells, otherwise he doubted he'd have the energy to get the proof back to the village. Lupa walked over, and slumped beside him, reverting to her human form as tears stained her cheeks.

"My pack," she whispered in despair, seeing all five wolves crushed and butchered around the clearing.

Offering her a comforting hand on her shoulder for a moment, he left her to her thoughts and went about casting a ritual. A large green disk floated up from the ground. With a slight struggle, Zasch used his khopesh to rend the fallen goristo's head from its shoulders, and then his magic to place it on the green disk. Once his task was completed, Zasch laid a comforting hand on Lupa's shoulder as Alais came down from the trees.

Alais hovered over Zasch's shoulder as they made their way back to the village. It had been three days after the fight with the goristo, and that first night Lupa had vanished. As he strode in past the gates, the demon's head floating on the disc behind him, his familiar over his shoulder, the guards stared in shock and awe.

The Baron came out to greet him, and stared in disgust at the demon's head, and tossed a bag of gold at Zasch's feet dismissively. Zasch scooped up the bag of gold, and out of spite, Zasch released the disc, causing the demon's head to fall on the Baron's feet. The Baron's surprised cry turned to fear as Zasch made the demon speak in Abyssal, drawing screams of terror from the aged heavy set man.

As the guard ran to aid their Baron, Zasch began his trek back to the Academy. A few hours out from the teleport circle, he found Lupa blocking his path. She stood calmly, her arms crossed under her breasts. Zasch spared her a glance, and started to walk around her, saying nothing. She watched his back for a long moment.

"That's all, nothing to say to me?" she demanded bitterly.

"What do you want me to say?" Zasch asked, turning to look at her.

That drew a silence from her, but she started towards him calmly. After several minutes of walking alongside him, she finally spoke up, "I've nothing here now." When he said nothing, she looked at him, "Where will you go?"

"Back to the White Lotus Academy to continue my training."

"Training?" Lupa responded, genuinely surprised. "Training? You're still being trained?"

With a confirming nod, Lupa fell back into a surprised silence, following alongside Zasch. When Zasch halted at the teleportation circle, she watched him for several minutes, curious as to what he was doing. Once she realized it was a magic ritual, she spoke up again, taking her all-to-common authorative tone.

"I'm coming with you."


It was nearly nightfall of the next day when Alais returned to Zasch, blinking suddenly into existance outside of the cave. She raced into the cave, to find Zasch quietly conversting with the werewolf woman still. The woman was still wrapped in Zasch's cloak, but she looked as if she were uncomfortable to be out of her hybrid wolf form.

Alais allowed a moment to survey the strange woman. She was dirty, but her skin was fair, with fiery red hair. She had one green eye, and one blue. She was lovely by any human's standards, dirt and grime aside. Alais blinked over, shouting telepathically into Zasch's mind, "It's a Goristo."

The mention of the demonic name drew Zasch's attention, and she could sense is sudden unease. A Goristo was far from a simple demon. They were often the favored creatures of many of the greatest named demons. And with terrifying reason.

"You are certain?" Zasch asked in aloud, making it clear to Lupa that he was speaking to the Wisp.

With her certain response, Zasch, slumped against the wall, crossing his arms across his chest as he usually did when he went deep into thought He wasn't sure what he could do now, a Goristo was too much of a challenge for him to try and face alone, even if the monstrosity had not companions with it.

"What is it?" Lupa demanded harshly, not comfortable being left in the dark with information she, in her opinion, had every right to know.

"It's a demon, a Goristo," Zasch explained, sounding as if he'd lost all hope of taking the creature down.

"So, let's kill it!" she exclaimed in ecstacy, which drew a disconfirming shake of Zasch's head.

"You don't get it. A Goristo is the kind of demon that is favored among the greater demons. I coouldn't even begin to hope to take this thing down."

Lupa glared angrily, "You aren't! We are!"

Zasch looked over at her, "You and your pack stand no chance against the demon. I held my own against you, and you don't know what to expect of this creature, I do."

"Well then you can explain on the way," she argued, and tossed his cloak back at him, standing defiantly.

The symobolism of her stance was lost to Zasch as he looked the other way, in his mind only seeing a naked woman standing there. He watched Alais, but she seemed to be waiting for him to decide the next course of action, for once offering him no advice on how best to proceed. At one point in time he had secretly thought Alais was actually a vessel through which Instructor Muriel spoke to him.

Maybe I should prepare a teleportation circle, and have Alais request Instructor Muriel's aid, Zasch thought. Maybe Kallista. He let out an audible sigh, when a sharp pain in his cheek sent his head recoiling to the left. When he turned to view what had hit him, Lupa stood over him angrily.

"We are wasting time!" she yelled at him.

Zasch stood up, no longer bothered by her nudity, and held her gaze evenly, "Listen up wolf. You and your three packmates are of absolutely no threat to this creature. It's not even of this world. It's not natural. It'd swallow your packmates whole, and rip you in half."

Lupa eyed him angrily, "I have more than three packmates, the others were out hunting fool."

Angrily Zasch stepped towards her, glaring bitterly, "You're not listening to me you idiot. You and your wolves would be a snack for this monstrosity. I don't even think I can stand up against a goristo."

Lupa held his gaze evenly, she was a true pack leader, refusing to back down, he had to give the lycanthrope woman that much credit, "This is not a negotiation."

Zasch looked to Alais, as if expecting the Wisp to offer some advice, but she merely giggled in amusement at the whole situation. Zasch glared at her darkly, but that just made her giggle all the more, excited to draw a rise out of her companion. Several hours later, Zasch, Lupa, Alais, and five wolves were stalking through the forest together.

Lupa, to her credit, or maybe out of respect for Zasch's awkwardness around her when she was nude, had dawned some scant clothing, but it didn't cover much. Alais blinked along quietly, amused at how uncomfortable Zasch was around the woman. Zasch had sent her numerous telepathic threats, but she paid them no heed, and continued to tease and poke fun at Zasch. She had done the same with Kallista.

"How do we find this creature?" Zasch asked, glancing at Lupa.

"I thought you would know."

"I thought you did since you managed to find it once before."

Lupa nodded, and fixed him with a prideful smile, "Oh we do, I just wondered if you had any magical tricks up your sleeves."

"I'm going to kill her yet Alais," Zasch remarked in the arcane language.

Alais just giggled, and Zasch turned back to the woman, "And what's this trick of yours?"

She smiled and tapped her nose, "Scent."

As if that were a cue, one of the wolves ran ahead, and began sniffing the ground, looking to catch a scent of the demon they sought. The wolf perked up its ears and began to take the lead. The moon was nearly at its peak when the group stopped in a small clearing, Zasch sitting quietly.

"What is it?" Lupa asked.

"We should rest."

Lupa looked hesitant to agree, but she didn't argue, and brushed away some leaves on the ground. The five wolves walked up to her and curled up around her, one letting her rest her head on its stomach, all five keeping close so they could keep her warm. Zasch leaned back against a tree, and sighed to himself.

That's when he noticed Lupa's blue and green eyes looking at him, and he turned to regard her curiously. She said nothing, just observed him curiously for a long while. Zasch couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable under her scrutiny, but after awhile she finally turned away and closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep. Soon, Zasch followed.

Morning came, and Zasch was awakened to a wolf gently nuzzling him awake. Zasch glanced over, a little surprised by the creature's gentleness, and cautiously rubbed it's muzzle as a sign of affection and gratitude. The wolf barked happily in response, and Zasch looked over to see Lupa giving him a genuine smile.

"He says you're welcome," she answered Zasch, and turned her back to the Shadar-kai.

With that, their small troupe continued, one of the wolves leading the way to their quarry. Zasch walked calmly alongside Lupa, and she looked over at him curiously.


"Should I expect to find our quarry teleported all over the place as you did with me?" she demanded, a hint of a smile in her eyes.

Zasch pulled his hat a little lower over his eyes, and nodded, "Indeed, do you think you and your pack can handle it?"

One of the wolves howled in response, and Zasch was glad for the high collar of his coat hiding his smirk as Lupa turned away indignantly, "Of course we can."

It was just past midday when they halted outside of a clearing, the group hidden among the thick foliage as they eyed the goristo in the blood stained clearing. Zasch hated demons bitterly, and the sight of the numerous murdered men, women, and children, and their blood splayed so uncaringly across the ground incited a rage he had never before known.

Lupa put a calming hand on his shoulder, sensing his growing temper, and boiling hatred that was directed at the demon. The wolves calmly and quietly fanned out around the clearing, surrounding the unaware demon. Zasch had discussed this with Lupa earlier, that they were to surround the monster and allow Zasch to get in the first strike before they opened the attack. At least he could try and keep some of them alive in the process.



With a hateful, vicious snarl, the werewolf let out a threatening howl, and hatefully stared Zasch down. The creature's eyes betrayed it's underlying intelligence, but Zasch had never had the intentions of underestimating the dangerous creature.

"Alais," Zasch shouted into his familiar's mind, "warn me if the wolves should return."

Without waiting for Zasch to make the first move the lycanthrope lunged forward, snapping it's jaw for Zasch's throat. Zasch jumped back a step, avoiding the attack, and shifted to his left and took a step back, luring the creature to move where Zasch had just been, and to catch Zasch's attack in it's arm. With a howl of pure agony, the werewolf, stumbled back, and Zasch pressed the advantage.

The Khopesh's blade began to glow red, devouring a small bit of Zasch's energy, using it to fuel a bitter attack. As the blade struck a glancing blow on the lycanthrope's tough hide, the blade of Zasch's khopesh turned pitch black, the foul magic from the blow sapping the beast of it's strength and weakening it enough to hinder the strength of it's own attacks.

On the duel went, Zasch maintaining the upperhand against the monster. Zasch had the skill advantage, but without a silvered weapon, the duel would undoubtedly be long. They exchanged blow after blow, Zasch evading, or turning aside the monster's strikes, the creature trusting in its thick hide and natural regeneration to keep pace against the far more experienced shadar-kai.

Zasch struck out violently and suddenly, leaving a deep blow that would scar the beast despite it's regeneration across it's muzzle, and Zasch allowing a small portion of his magic to enter the wound and mark it as his target. A flurry of blows rained down on Zasch, and the werewolf finally managed to slip through his defenses, landing a serious wound across his shoulder.

Forcing himself to remain calm, Zasch activated the inherrant power of his Shadar-kai heritage. In the blink of an eye he could make out the Shadow Plane, and then he wass torrently returned to the Material Plane, a strong distance away his opponent. He glared venomously at the beast, and it howled and started intowards him. Alais suddenly blinked in front of the creature to buy Zasch a few moments to recover.

The beast almost struck her, but suddenly Alais blinked away from the creature, halving the distance between her and Zasch. Zasch in turn struck the creature with his magical bond, teleporting the creature another short ways back. The sudden change in position caused the creature to stagger in confusion as it attempted to regain it's balance, staggering slowly towards Zasch.

"Are you alright?" Alais questioned, concern evident in the Wisp's voice.

Zasch nodded, and watched the oncoming creature, "Thank you my friend."

As the creature closed the distance Zasch's blade again glowed red, feeding on his energy to feed his attack, and as the blade struck the beast home, blue tendrils of magic flowed from the wound into Zasch's wound, healing his wound. The werewolf stumbled back, no longer certain if it could stand against it's opponent alone. It began to seek a way out of it's current predicament, stepping back and putting a small distance between it and Zasch.

Calling upon his magic again, Zasch swung his blade, the magic echoed through in the wide slash, blasting stalagmites to dust, and sending the werewolf howling angrily, the magical onslaught of sound causing it to cover it's ears in pain. As the beast pulled its clawed hands from its ears. Zasch could make out the dark red liquid dripping from them.

Walking calmly forward, Zasch raised his empty free hand, and summoned forth his magic. A gauntlet of arcane energy stretched forth, and began to crush the werewolf in it's grasp, holding it locked into place. Using the free moment, Zasch checked his wound, satisfied that it was healed, he turned back to the werewolf as it struggled, locked into place and unable to escape.

"This is for all the innocents you have slain," Zasch started in, preparing to deliver the coup de grace, and finish the beast permanently.

"Zasch, this isn't the creature," Alais cried out suddenly.

So shocked by her sudden shout, Zasch staggered to a halt, holding the beast in his violet gaze, "How can you be so certain?"

In such disbelief, Zasch hadn't even bothered to communicate with his familiar in their arcane language, and the werewolf looked up, curious about the exchange taking place between the two. Zasch turned back to the beast, knowing he didn't have long.

"Ask it Zasch. If it is innocent, it has no reason to continue fighting you."

Hesitantly Zasch pointed his blade at the beast, making certain the werewolf's attention was fully on him, "I have some questions for you. However, you'll need to leave your hybrid form in order for us to converse."

Watching Zasch, and seeming to understand, the creature began to writhe in the agony of transformation, bones shortening, claws shrinking to finger and toe nails. After several minutes of bones snapping, joints popping, the werewolf had taken on its human form, and was lying prone on the dirt floor struggling to catch her breath.

Her! Zasch thought in shock. He'd thought it'd been a man back before taking her hybrid werewolf form, and so intent on slaying his enemy, he hadn't even noticed the more agile femine shape that stood against him. Respectfully, Zasch walked towards her, and removed his cloak, tossing it over her naked body.

The lycanthrope wrapped it around her naked body, giving him a blushing and thankful smile, but kept her wary eyes on the blade in Zasch's hand, "Ask your questions and leave my territory, or I'll tear out your throat with my teeth human!"

Her threat was half bluster, half serious. Her wounds had fully recovered, even the scar Zasch though wouldn't heal was gone. If they fought again so immediately, Zasch wasn't all to certain about the outcome. Zasch pointed her to a corner of the cave with his blade, and she obediently obeyed, and sat quietly, glaring at him.

Alais blinked down over Zasch's shoulder, and seemed to study the woman before them with as much curiosity as Zasch, but it was Zasch he spoke, "You have been murdering farmers."

The woman snarled and nearly leapt at Zach, but the raising of his sword tip between her and him halted her, and she snarled again, "I don't kill humans, and nor does my pack!"

Zasch spared a curious glance at Alais, "Why do you agree with this monster?"

Alais responded telepathically, "This cave is days away from the farm Zasch. What reason would she and her pack have to travel so far? And look at how barren the cave is of bones, they look as if they struggle for what food they get, why leave the livestock slain and littered around the farms?"

As Zasch thought about it, he couldn't help but find himself agreeing more and more with the Wisp's logic, and he turned his gaze back to the werewolf, "Then what is killing them?"

She looked up at him, sadness in her eyes, "The same monster that killed half of my pack."

"You went to the farm seeking vengeance against the creature, and instead found the place decimated?"

She nodded, and Zasch spat a bitter curse of anger and disgust, "The townspeople don't even know what's killing them then. They've been blaming this werewolf, and they have no idea that she has nothing to do with it."

Alais blinked around, giving no acusation towards Zasch. After a moment, her whisper came into his ears, "The rest of the pack has returned."

Zasch looked at the werewolf with a threatening glare, and she shook her head, "They will not harm you."

"What can you tell me of this creature?" Zasch asked, sheathing his khopesh back behind his back.

"It is very big, with a single horn on the right side of it's head, adorned with spiked jewels, and spikes running down its spines, and covered in fur. It's mouth is covered with dagger sharp teeth."

Zasch looked over at Alais, "I'll find out."

With a sudden blink, the Wisp vanished through the planes, leaving Zasch alone with the werewolf. The creature was familiar, he knew that withut a doubt it had to be some form of demon, and that didn't bode well, but it would explain the mindless butchery. It meant he may have to change his tactics to hunt down the creature however.

The woman looked over at her pack, the three surviving wolves were watching Zasch bitterly, and she let out a bark that let them know all was well. The three walked back into the chamber, leaving their pack leader, and the intruder to themselves. Zasch watched the trio of wolves, and spared a sidelong glance at the woman.

"Have a name?"

"I took the name Lupa," she answered him calmly, daring to rise to her feet.


Zasch stood observantly at the mouth of the cave some time later, Alais hovering around him curiously. He had followed the trail here after it had doubled back, and now he stood not far from his quarry. He spared a glance to Alais, and her sweet whisper came again.

"I can travel the plains and ask for Kallista or Muriel to aid you."

Shaking his head slightly, and went about setting up a quick ritual that would allow him to see in the darkness of the cave. In less than a minute an opaque black ball had formed in his hands, and floated just over his right shoulder. Zasch drew out his blade, and motioned for Alais to follow him.

As he entered the cave, the dark ball did it's job, shedding everything within thirty or so feet in dim light, though in varying shades of gray. Zasch was still for a moment, allowing himself time to adjust to the change in coloration, and started forth.

Alais hovered somewhere above him, blinking between the stalagtites that clung to the ceiling, the Wisp keeping herself from view. Zasch halted immediately and crouched low to the ground, noting the bones of some creature nearby the entry to one of the cave's chambers. Caustiously, Zasch crept towards the remains, and softly shuffled them around. Despite several moments of examination, there was no way for him to tell how recently the beast had been slain.

Continuing forward, Zasch fell into a more cautious approach, allowing his mind to wander slightly, wondering if perhaps he would have been better off to have requested intructor Muriel's accompanyment on this trek. Brief glances at the floor suggested that there were more than one creature calling this place home, and his intructor's aid would have been welcome. It would have been another blade in case things didn't work out as well as he hoped.

His mental connection to Alais flaired to life suddenly, I sense something ahead... something alive.

Zasch came to an immediate halt, and drew his khopesh, and activated his wards. He quietly pressed against a wall, and crept forward a step at a time, letting patience take him over, he had plenty of time to spare. Leaning just slightly, Zasch peaked his head into the next of the cave's chambers, and found a hunched over human and thre wolves fighting over a recent kill. The wolves were distracted, gnawing at some recent recent meal.

Quietly Zasch leaned back in his cover, and gritted his teeth. It wouldn't be an easy fight with so many opponents against him, but at the same time, the lycanthrope wasn't in its form. Zasch looked up for Alais, and caught her blinking around near the opening of the chamber beyond. She halted when she sensed his gaze, and opened her mind to him.

"What is it?" she asked into his mind, her mental voice very much like that of the one in which she spoke.

Zasch responded calmly, "We need to wait. I want to make certain we have the complete advantage of surprise."

"And what shall we do in the mean time?" she asked, blinking occasionally, moving mere inches from one spot to another.

"We wait."

Zasch half-closed his eyes, trusting Alais to warn him of any activity from the wolves or their lycanthrope pack leader. His mind wandered to the White Lotus Academy, and he allowed his thoughts to settle on his training with Instructor Muriel. He allowed a smile as the memory of his first encounter with the Eladrin woman came hauntingly back.

She challenged all of the first year student body at once to a duel. With her bare hands and magic she had subdued everyone but him. Even to his own shock, Zasch had taken her beating, and was still standing to face her. Every year, a new student was tricked into asking her about the scar on her temple, the only mar against her Eladrin beauty. As she stared down the only student still standing, she touched her scar as if in some deep memory, and it was in that instant that Zasch learned the secret of her scar.

That same moment, when she struck at him, she gained a new scar, one that only she and Zasch knew about. It flooded quickly throughout the Academy from student to instructor that a new student had kept their footing against Instructor Muriel. Many had become wary of Zasch, and Instructor Muriel had quickly become Zasch's first friend, and most trusted.

Then there were those students that had become ever more curious and intrigued about Zasch DeCarden, students like Kallista. He physically winced as his mind wandered to the strange girl that had taken a keen interest in him. Some how she had known from the beginning that he was a dhampyr, a mortal with the blood of a vampire in their ancestry. It was late one night when she confronted him that she had confided in him her own demonic blood.

"Zasch, the lycanthrope has taken form, and the wolves have run out of the chamber," Alais' voice echoed sharply in his mind, drawing Zasch to immediate awareness.

Khopesh in hand, Zasch carefully rose to his feet, just as the lycanthrope began to leave the chamber. It was large, with corded muscles, razor sharp teeth in its snout, and covered dark, thick fur. It's claws looked as sharp as Zasch's sword, and gleamed in the nearly invisible light of Zasch's dark orb.

As the werewolf stepped past Zasch's hiding space, Zasch stepped out behind it, glaring down at the creature's back. The lycanthrope halted, sensing Zasch's presence behind it, and it whirled, glaring at him hatefully with glowing red eyes. It snarled in Zasch's face. Zasch was an unwelcome visitor.

Zasch held the beast's vile glare, and took his stance, "I've slain demons of the Abyss, still wish to match my blade?"



It took Zasch several grueling hours to find what he was looking for in the darkness, but eventually he finally managed to find the trail. The foot prints were unlike anything he had before seen, resembling something like that of a human, and yet, not quite human. It unnerved him, and the tracks reminded him a great deal of something that he had encountered once before.

He recalled several of his studies about such similar creatures, and wasn't worried about facing one in the least, having slain a lycanthrope before. He calmly walked along, careful to keep his mind from wandering to his studies, knowing that it would lead to his mind wandering to her, and distract him from the task at hand. Distractions in this field usually lead to an early demise. Zasch had no intentions of falling any time soon.

The trail led him through the southern stretches of the forest over the course of several days, certain that he was catching up to his quarry. Throughout the trek, Zasch hadn't yet stumbled upon any hostile creatures since the goblin encounter at the farm. It was late the the fourth night when Zasch had settled down to rest.

An orb of blue light hovered down from the tree tops, constantly disappearing, and repearing, at last ceasing it's movement a few feet from Zasch. Zasch spared a glance to the Wisp, and set the small fire ablaze. The Wisp hovered short ways closer to Zasch, constantly disappearing and reappearing an inch or so to the left, the right, above, below, or any other direction of it's previous position.

"I have seen nothing in the distance," the little orb of light spoke in a hushed, high pitched feminine whisper.

Zasch nodded, "Hello Alais, and no, I'm not surprised you haven't seen anything. Such is the case I fear. I think we may be dealing with a lycanthrope."

Alais flickered up and down as if nodding, "I agree, the tracks would resemble that of a human lycanthrope, likely a werewolf."

With a nod of agreement, Zasch turned his attention from his Wisp companion, and removed his hat, the flickering firelight illuminating his off-gray skin, and reflecting viciously in his violet eyes. Alais flickered closer to Zasch, flickering just in front of him, as if trying to tease him. Zasch smiled softly at his familiar, one of only two beings he counted as a friend, then leaned back against the tree.

"You are smiling," Alais stated, knowing him well to know what was hidden beneath his high collar.

"I am."

"Sleep well," Alais whispered at him, "I'll watch over you."

Zasch closed his violet eyes, and let weariness and sleep take him...

Zasch awoke to Alais hovering over him. As he straightened himself, and placed his hat upon his head, the Wisp giggled adoringly and moved closer to him. Zasch rolled his eyes in response, and started off after picking the trail back up. After several hours the trail began to double back.

"This lycanthrope has an unusually large territory, I must say," Alais commented.

"Agreed, perhaps he leads a pack?" he suggested, mostly thinking aloud to himself.

"If so, do you think you can defeat a pack alone? I can travel through the planes and quickly contact those back at the White Lotus to see if any are willing to aid. I'm certain Muriel or Kallista <Black Rose> will gladly aid you," Alais offered.

The mention of Kallista <Black Rose> drew a wince, and a halt from Zasch as he regarded the Wisp momentarily. Finally, Zasch turned his attention back to the trail, "I will be fine."


I have to be, Zasch told himself in arrogant determination. Secretly, he doubted himself that he could face off against a pack of lycanthropes. Maybe he would meet his ened here.

"Maybe not," Zasch said aloud.

Alais kindly didn't remark on him talking to himself, she had gotten use to his habit, and seemed to understand it was a product of his isolation. After all he counted only two as his friend, and the Wisp was one, and had bound herself to him Magically, so there was no way she'd be able to betray him if she ever wished too.

"If I may remark, Shadar-kai are odd creatures," Alais offered into deafening silence.

"And a Dhampyr Shadar-kai?" Zasch asked, his tone softening and sounding a little playful.

Alais merely blinked along beside her companion, but an affectionate chortle came from the Wisp.


Without a word, he walked forward on the main road, the small town a stone's throws away now. The gate was swung wide open, allowing all in, under the the careful scrutiny of the town guards, all of whom fixed him with a wary gaze, two stepping forth to block his path, their halberds crossing.

For a moment, niether spoke, taking him in nervously. He wore the black clothing of the long extinguished inquistors, the witch hunters of old, the lower half of his face hidden behind the high buckled collar. He dipped his wide brimmed hat respectfully to the two guardsmen, a gesture that put both guards ill at ease, epsecially when they spared a glance to the hilt of the khopesh strapped across his back.

"What business have you here?" one of the guards asked through his plate helm, his voice gruff, trying to put on the appearance of not being the least intimidated by the stranger.

A wry smile crossed his lips, though it was hidden by the collar of his coat, "I'm here on the request of your baron. I believe, as he put it, a vile creature has been slaughtering farm animals, and farmers alike."

Both guards exchanged glances, "We'll escort you to the baron. Your name?"

"Zasch," was the only word that came through, muffled by the collar.

At the baron's residence several other guardsmen stood around, obviously boredly attending to their duties, though Zasch could feel their eyes on him as he followed his escorts. With a soft, indecipherable word, even further muffled by the high collar of his coat, a faint golden flash encircled tightly around him, tightening and forming into translucent scale of magical energy. He could sense their sudden fear, and he smiled behind the collar.

His escorts led him through the residence and to a large, and lavish office, a slightly overweight man in noble garb sat behind a desk, encircled by attendants and servants. As the guards announced him, all eyes fell to Zasch as he walked calmly forward, and gave the baron a graceful tip of his hat.

"I'm so glad you could come, you've made extremely wonderful time!" the baron began, beaming happily. "How did you manage to arrive in such a small span? No, never mind. I didn't ask you here to discuss your travel time."

Zasch merely watched the man, his eyes hidden below his hat. Realizing the man was expecting a response, Zasch spoke up, "What do you know of this creature?"

One of the men near the baron stepped forward, "It's large sir... like a giant wolf, stalking on two feet. With a ravenous rage that cannot be sated."

Zasch eyed the man, he looked beaten and battered, and had traveled a great distance fairly recent. He wore the type of clothes one would expect of a farmer, "You have seen the creature?"

"Aye sir. It destroyed my farm, and slaughtered my livestock..."

Zasch turned to the baron, "I trust my payment is to be met as requested?" After the nod Zasch looked over at the farmer, "How long ago was this?"

"Two days sir."

"Show me."

Without another word, Zasch started out of the residence, the farmer stumbling to keep up, completely surprised, and too shocked to disobey or argue. Much to Zasch's annoyment, it didn't last long, they'd barely left the town when the farmer began whining and complaining, Zasch began to entertain himself with thoughts of casting muting spells over the man, but dismissed them quickly, for now. The sun was nearly set by the time the man came to a halt.

"Just over that hill is my farm sir. Need me any more, or may I make the long trek back to town?"

Zasch motioned for the man to take his leave, and the man began running off with a sudden resurgence of energy. Zasch watched him, and with a resollute sigh, lifted off his hat, revealing his violet eyes to any on lookers. Two piercings over his left eye, each ending in a small bead of obsidian, and skin that almost seemed to be an off gray, with short cut black hair. Holding his hat in his left hand, Zasch started over the hill, stopping at its crest to observe the desolated farm.

A small group of short green skinned goblins were scavenging around the collapsed house, and the slain livestock were scattered everywhere. With a glare at the goblins, Zasch reached behind his back, and drew his khopesh forth, holding the blade with his right hand, and replacing his hat with his left.

The sound of steel against stone drew the attention of the four goblins, and they turned to face the sound, and snarled hatefully as Zasch stalked down the hill, an intruder upon their prize. One took hold of a shoddy looking bow while the other three drew out daggers, and started in on him slowly. With a soft arcane word, and a flick of his wrist, Zasch answered thier approach, his khopesh spinning wildly as it spun towards one of the goblins.

So shocked to see such a large weapon hurled in utter ease, the creature stared like an idiot at it's approaching doom, the spiralling blade cleaving the poor creature's head from it's shoulders. Immediately following it's strike, the khopesh shimmered, and vanished, reappearing in Zasch's awaiting hand.

Zasch caught a glimpse of the arrow streaking at him, barely enough time to mutter another soft word. Suddenly with a soft white flash, he stood next to the bow wielding goblin. The creature gibbered something unintelligible at him, and tried to stab him with an arrow. With a single swipe, Zasch took the tip off of the arrow, and the arrow harmlessly whacked his side. Not losing a moment, Zasch brought his blade crashing down on the goblin, finishing the creature off.

Turning to meet the other two creatures, Zasch was met with the odd surprise of the two running in the opposite direction, dropping their rusted daggers in favor of escaping the wrath of the man before them. Man? Zasch allowed himself a smile at the thought. I am no man.

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15 years ago
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