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CMONEY's blog: "surveys"

created on 02/28/2008  |  http://fubar.com/surveys/b193029

I've come to realize.....

1. I've come to realize that my boobs... are pretty large :P 2. I've come to realize that my job... has nothing left for me so im gonna hope for the best with EBAY. 3. I've come to realize that when I'm sleeping... if im tired enough im dead to the world. 4. I've come to realize that I need... more time and more money than I am ever likely to have 5. I've come to realize that my body... is ok... 6. I've come to realize that I hate it when... When someone trys to force me to do something I dont wanna do and dont have to do...it pisses me off so bad 7. I've come to realize that when I'm drunk... I really havent been drunk but when im tipsy im giggly:p 8. I've come to realize that money... is like sex, no matter how much you get, you always need more 9. I've come to realize that certain people... are impossible to deal with and should just be avoided at all costs! 10. I've come to realize that I'll never be... perfect, but no one else is or will be so its all good. 11. I've come to realize drugs are... pointless... unless they cure you of something you dont need them. 12. I've come to realize that my best friends... know things about me that I could never tell even my family 13. I've come to realize that my cell phone... needs to be switched out for a sidekick. 14. I've come to realize when I woke up this morning... that I wouldnt make it through life if it werent for pepsi 15. I've come to realize that last night before i went to sleep... i love her. and hate her. (two different girls). 16. I've come to realize that right now I am thinking about... her... 17. I've come to realize that when I get on Myspace... I love everyone on my top friends, but I still spend very little time conversing. 18. I've come to realize that yesterday... i wanted to relax and that did NOT happen. 19. I've come to realize that today... Is gonna be chaos, and hell 20. I've come to realize that tonight... is a mystery if she will show up so i can show her how it feels to be ignored. 21. I have come to realize that tomorrow... I will hate workin so early 22. I've come to realize that I really want..... *sigh* her 23. I've come to realize that the person who is most likely to re-post this... Who knows! 24. I've come to realize that I love.... her 25. I've come to realize that this weekend... Is going to be a mad-house because of all the shoppers and where i work... 26. I've realized the best music to listen to when I am upset... anything that sounds good and fits what im feeling. Usually anything with a good beat and meaningful words 27. I've come to realize that some friends... are better then others 28. I've come to realize that this year... Ive realized alot and experienced ALOT! 29. I've come to realize that men... Are disgusting, hairy, stupid, smelly, sex addicts, and sometimes shit heads. 30. I've come to realize that women.. Can be tough, but are still amazing and wonderful to me... especially her (she knows who she is)
Your Ex is Histrionic
Your ex is hot and cold - a total drama queen or king.
Your ex can't survive without tons of dramatics, attention, and approval.
People with histrionic personality disorder are inappropriately seductive, prone to rapid mood swings, and rash decision makers.
Sound at all familiar?

Im 68% interesting

You Are 68% Interesting
You are a fairly interesting person. Many people find you to be intriguing.
You have a dynamic, adventurous life... a life that others envy.

You are genuinely interested in and open to the world.
You love making new friends, and you're always up for an unusual experience.

Like everyone else, you can get a bit boring from time to time. That's normal.
But unlike everyone else, you can pull yourself out of a rut. You don't stay boring for long.

I would choose love

You Would Choose Love
Money may buy a little happiness, but not the happiness of true love.
You rather have a true soulmate than a private jet.
And while many people may claim they would choose love too...
You're one of the few who would really do it.
You Are 52% Burned Out
You're fairly burned out, and it shows.
You probably have been feeling a little rundown and irritable lately.
If you can, drop a few of your minor responsibilities and focus on what's really important.
You have too much on your plate, and it's catching up with you.

Im 52% Burned out

You Are 52% Burned Out
You're fairly burned out, and it shows.
You probably have been feeling a little rundown and irritable lately.
If you can, drop a few of your minor responsibilities and focus on what's really important.
You have too much on your plate, and it's catching up with you.

My Bedroom Personality

Your Bedroom Personality: Healthy
In the bedroom, you are open, honest, and giving.
You are the ideal partner in many ways! Anyone is lucky to be with you.

You see physical intimacy as an opportunity to grow and connect.
You are up for experimentation, but you don't require it.

Im 75% Kinky

You Are 75% Kinky
If you've heard of it, you've tried it. You're that kinky.
You're open to any and all sexual experiences, as long as they're safe.

You see the bedroom as the primary place for all your adventures.
But that's not to say that the bedroom is the only place you get kinky!

Survey Says....

1: Would you bang your neighbor? nope 2: What describes your relationship status? taken 3: Where are you? my house 4: What's the last movie you've seen? i watched Happy Feet lastnight 5: Do you dance good? IDK Ive danced since I was 3.... so you tell me. 6: What is your middle name? Kimberly 7: Who have you talked to most today? So far Diana 8: Do you carve pumpkins every year? nope..i like to but dont always do it... 9: Color of your underwear? navy blue 10: Color of your shirt? White (its a race for the cure shirt) 11: How many years have you taken a language? 1/2 year of American Sign Language dont remember too much... 12: Who's the first person in your Contacts List in your phone? i dunno...i think Abby 13: Do you like yourself? meh 14: Do you wish on 11:11? if i notice it, sometimes... 15: Good advice if you ever go camping? bring toilet paper, bug spray and headphones... lol 16: Are you a bad influence? i can be 17: Do you enjoy Diet Rockstars? Ewwwy 18: Rather have your name or your siblings? mine... amber doesnt fit me neither do Linda or Jeanette 19: Would you do anything for someone else? Usually only my girl/guy, nieces, nephews.... 20: Have you ever been called a bitch? all the time 21: Favorite color? blue, pink, and black 22: Do you like cookies? Sometimes... depends...ussually if it doesnt have nuts of any kind and isnt oatmeal... 23: What song is on? I dont know. Im watchin Law and Order CI... and Its some creepy song... 24: Are your grades good? im not in school...but i need to go back 25: Do you ever think people hate you for filling this out? lol yeah 26: What would you do if the person you loved moved across the world? Ummmm they already dont live close... if she flew to the west states perferably the Only state that starts with a U I would be happy... lol 27: Does your best friend have a myspace? yeah 28: Whose page did you visit last? mine 29: Last time you went out to lunch? last week, I went with my sister and some friends.... to IHop 30: What is to the right of you? my blankets... 31: Who is your favorite character from Friends? Well I Love them all Phebe is a Ditz, Joey and his (How You doin'?) Rachel makes a whole new meaning to being blonde, ross is so clueless, monica is a clean freak, and chandler is hilarious... 32: Who and what thing(s) do you hate? not having money 33: Do you have any Britney Spears CDs? yep lol 34: What's your favorite band? dont have one, there are too many to pick a fave 35: Are you a Lost fanatic? nope 36: Do you have a gf? sure do...i love my girl 37: Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library? Its the one with Kelly Osbourne 39: Do you watch Family Guy regularly? no...but i do like to watch it 40: King of the Hill? read above answer 41: Do you read trashy romance novels often? Nope. I hardly read... 42: Favorite starbucks drink? i dont go to starbucks often but I like a vanilla bean carmel latte 43: Do you sing obnoxiously in the car? sometimes if I like the shong... 44: Do you ever sing obnoxiously in the shower? same as above 45: What are you? i am me 46: Have you ever pretended your crush was with you? huh? 47: Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death? how about neither...i want a fast painless death 48: Have true love or be a millionare? decisions, decisions 49: Favorite eye color on the opposite sex? really dont matter 50: Are your friends virgins? no, i think im the last one lol 52: Give up alcohol or give up marijuana? since i dont smoke...what do u think? lol 53: Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization? nope 54: Have you ever been to South America or Africa? no 55: Do you know how to knit? not really... I use a loom and can make a hat and when I make other stuff it always turns out screwed up 56: Are you high? nope, dont do that shit 57:Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them on myspace? no 58: Do you swear? what do you think.....yeah 59: When you open your closet, what is the dominant color? My closet doesnt have doors ...but its black 60: Baskin Robbins or Coldstone? ive never had cold stone but they both sound good.... even though Im lactose intolerant 61: Physics or chemistry? neither lol 63: Who was the last person you yelled at? IDK I dont yell much... well on IM it was Tina (my ex) 64: R-rated or G-rated movies? depends on my mood and who is with me 65: Walk or Run? walk 66: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars? none perferably, but if i had to choose...Harry Potter 67: Road trip or fly? fly 68: Batman, Spiderman, or Superman? none 69: What's your favorite Disney movie? hmm...not to sure..uummmmmm Finding Nemo 70: Ever been skinny dipping? i couldnt do that....i would have to chunky dunk 71: How's your hair? blah 72: Bug or insects? whatever doesnt bite or sting 73: Would you rather eat sushi or escargo? neither. Id end up throwing up. lol 74: Do you have a secret crush? maybe, but i doubt its a secret... 75: Do you ever want to get married? not anytime soon 76: Are you happy? not exactly 79: Will anyone repost this? maybe if they were bored like i was

Ive come to realize

1. I've come to realize that my boobs: are beautiful and i love them!! 2. I've come to realize that when I talk; i hope peeps listen!! 3. I've come to realize that, when I love someone: I tell them weather I know if the'yre ready to hear it or not.... 4. I've come to realize that I need: To either work more or earn more.... 5. I've come to realize that I lost: my ever loving mind!! 6. I've come to realize that I hate it when: i know I want saphire but i have to go to her or fly her out her to see her.... 7. I've come to realize that when I'm drunk: WHO ARE WE KIDDING?! Ive only been tipsy... 8. I've come to realize that money: is kinda a important thing 9. I've come to realize that people: can have their flaws but it doesn't mean they're not a good person!! 10. I've come to realize that I'll always be: myself 11. I've come to realize that I have a crush on: well....if i say who....but then again THEY ALREADY KNOW!!! (ha ha)SAPHIRE!! 12. I've come to realize that the last time I cried I was: Alone in my room missing my saphire baby. 13. I've come to realize that my cell phone : is a pain in the ass! 14. I've come to realize that when I woke up this morning: i have have to go to work weather I like it or not!! DAMN IT!!! 15. I've come to realize that before I go to sleep at night : im not sleeping...I'm stressing... but my girls told me to just relax and so I've been practicing:P 16. I've come to realize that right now I am thinking about: someone who i love and respect also who BEST listen to me "CUZ IM RIGHT!!!" *winks*.... 17. I've come to realize that babies: Are miricals especially my niece TaMya Lynn cause she has been a solider from the beginning. 18. I've come to realize that when I get on Myspace: it's not as fun and entertaining as FUBAR!! 19. I've come to realize that today I will: go to work even though I really dont want to. 20. I've come to realize that tonight I will: hopefully talk to my babygirl.... 21. I've come to realize that tomorrow I will: be the same as today... damn it! 22. I've come to realize that I really want to: move away from here 23. I've come to realize that the person who is most likely to repost this is: everyone i know so i can realize things about them!!!
Ten Things You Want To Say To Ten Different People: 1. To my Grandparents... Thank you for raising me and getting me started on the right foot. Now let me do what I want with my life. 2. To my dad.... I wish you were here to see me grow up. I miss you. 3. To my sister....You are the best and I'm glad you didn't give TaMya up. 4. To Linda and Jeanette... I miss you girls and wish we could hang out more often. 5. To Saphire (my girl)... I feel so safe with you and I know is shows that you make me happy. Ive been told I look happier. 6. To my aunts... Thank you for always supporting me... 7. To my Haley... I'm glad we are friends and I love your band. 8. To Saphire's ex... You screwed up bitch. 9. To Truman (My ex)... You turned me to girls... thank you. lol 10. To my friends.... You're the coolest friends I could ever hope for. Nine Things About Yourself: 1. I'm a Pepsi-aholic. 2. I miss my girlfriend soooo much! (take it to fact that we've never met in person, but i've never missed someone like this) 3. I love Music! 4. I love to sing, but I'm bad. 5. I have a free spirit and I really don't care about going to church (at least Mormon church) but I know I should probably go. 6. I like to have fun and meet new people. 7. Some people think I'm a bitch, cause I'm sarcastic and weird. 8. I'm confused about life and what to do but I'm going to avoid it until I can't. 9. I've done a lot of good and a lot of bad in my life, but I think I'm overall a good person. Eight Ways To Win My Heart:(my girl does all this) 1. Listen to me. 2. Care about everything I say. 3. Talk to me, tell me what's wrong and let me try to fix it. 4. Appreciate everything I do for you. 5. Make me laugh, smile, happy. 6. Hold me all the time.Even just the thought... 7. Respect my decisions and don't force things. 8. Give me everything you have, don't hold back. Seven Things That Cross Your Mind A Lot: 1. Saphire. 2. My life's general direction. 3. Money. 4. What am I gonna do... 5. Love 6. Work. 7. My family & Friends. Six Things You Wish You Never Did: 1. Go with Sprint and get ripped off for a year. 2. Quit dancing with Sunshine Generation when I was 9. 3. Bought my dell, when I really wanted and still want a apple. 4. Wish I spent more time with my dad. 5. Wish I got to see my moms side of the family more even though they drive me BONKERS!! 6. Lost the memories of my daddy... Five Turn Offs: 1. COCKY-ASSHOLES.... 2. Liars 3. People who can't be themselves... 4. People who don't listen to you... 5. People who expect everything and don't appreciate it! Four Turn Ons: 1. Personality 2. Eyes 3. Smiles 4. Good kisses! Three Smileys That Describe Your Life: 1. ^-^ 2. :D 3. ;P Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die: 1. Live life to the fullest 2. Love and family One Confession: 1. I haven't told my family I'm Bi and I don't plan on it till I'm moved and and know they wont flip their lids
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