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I am starting to think that people who are mentally unstable or who have the comprehension level of 4th graders and below should be banned from accessing the internet. At the very least, they should be separated from the rest of us who are not completely insane and have the comprehension and communication skills of an adult. If people would take the time to read my About Me, they would realize I am not always sitting in front of the computer even if it shows me as online. Sure, the computer may be on and a tab with Fubar may be up, but that does not mean that I am on here. I have a life. I have children, not that my children are anyone's business because I don't know what types of creepers are lurking on here~ but I am first and foremost a mother, which means that I may only be on here for five minutes at a time and then I am off doing something with or for my children. If you are too much of an idiot to understand that, then you need to bugger off. I am not on here for YOU. I am on here for my own amusement and to pass some time. Do I know you in any real sense? Are you my friend in real life? Do you know me outside of Fubar? No? Then... bugger off. I realize that this site if full of women with low self esteem who fall for your lame pick up lines and hollow compliments, but make no mistake that I am not one of these women. I know who I am and what I am, and I do not need nor want your silly compliments~ they mean absolutely nothing to me. Further on this topic, if I squash your fantasy that you are somehow better than you really are, and you try to insult me, same idea applies~ your childish insults mean nothing to me. I let incidents go over and over again, until one last person does it and ends up in the Futard folder or as the subject of a blog. These are never a one time event~ this is simply the last individual in an unfortunately long line of eejits and I feel the time has come to call them out. Act a fool, and you may find your link, picture, chat log, etc., on my page and not in a positive way. Here is the latest example of a complete effing moron who inspired today's blog entry: 7:01pmreply snoborda: Hi sexy momma 7:02pmreply snoborda: Do u remember me? 7:04pmmore To snoborda: No... But I have a terrible memory LOL... 7:07pmreply snoborda: I was going to make u salutes 7:07pmreply snoborda: Do u remember salutes? 7:07pmmore To snoborda: Oh okee dokee... Now I remember. 7:09pmreply snoborda: Did u still want some? 7:10pmreply snoborda: Cuz I wil be taking lots tonight 7:11pmmore To snoborda: Sure that would be groovy... 7:12pmreply snoborda: Sweet lol... Do u have any messengers? 7:16pmreply snoborda: They r easier to talk on an to send pics 7:19pmreply snoborda: Ur not a very talkative sasche 7:23pmreply snoborda: 7:59pmreply snoborda: Ur a big meanie 8:58pmmore To snoborda: No I don't use messengers outside of here... And I havea life LOL~ I'm usually not at the computer even if I leave this up... Real life takes priority for me... 9:00pmreply snoborda: Wow no need to talk shit 9:01pmmore To snoborda: Are you mental? I was politely explaining to you that I am not always in front of the computer. ???? 9:04pmreply snoborda: Ur a freak and not that cute lol.. Go away 9:06pmmore To snoborda: LMAO... Quit messenging me and welcome to my Futard folder... I think I will use you as an example in a blog of how NOT to communicate with people online... Eejit... And I hate to disappoint you, but your opinion of me means less than zero... Good luck to you~ I would pity you, but I have no pity... http://www.fubar.com/862880 <<~~Idiot's profile. I blocked him. I don't need this stupid crap when I get on here. If you're a nut case, bugger off. If you think I owe you my time and/or attention, bugger off. If you're rude, bugger off. I think you get the point.

We're Not All FuSluts

I would like to start off by saying that what other people do on this site is their own business. If they get their rocks off by posting naughty pics for people to stroke their wang to, hey... whatever. To each their own. If people are so addicted to Fubar and the bling and being at the top of the FuLadder in rank that they will sell photos of their pu$$y, stick their finger up their pooter on cam, or give out their number for a hot and steamy sext or phone sex session, again... whatever. I couldn't give two sh*ts less what other people do on here, it's not my life. For me personally, I feel that it is demeaning and lacking self respect. I have some "NSFW' photos posted, but there is NO nudity, nor will there ever be. I'm a fan of women like Bettie Page (if you don't know who she is, look her up~ and be ashamed yu didn't already know! She rawks!)~ sensual, erotic, seductive... and classy. If women only realized the power they hold in their sexuality~ but no, some women give it up to any jackwagon who pays a tiny bit of attention to them. How can that even be an ego boost? Those guys say the same thing to every single woman they come across so don't feel special~ in their eyes, you're not special at all and quite frankly they probably don't even think you're that good looking (or hot, beautiful, sexy, add whateverother lame arsed terms they use on here). There is a huge difference between the sensual, eroctic and classy versus the low class slutbag with zero self esteem who just gave up her last ounce of self respect to some jackwagon who told her she was beautiful and wanted to see her titties for a 25 credit bling pack LMAO!  


Now that all being put out there, I would like to next state that I realize this site is full of cheap FuWhores (it's called prostitution~ "pros·ti·tute. n. 1. One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts") and FuSluts (those who are so willing to give it up, they don't even charge you for it LOL). Despite this fact, we are NOT all whores and sluts that are here for random men to use us as tools to get themselves off. I know I am not here to show my tits and arse to random men. I am not here to give out my personal information such as my outside messengers, Facebook, cell or home numbers, etc. I am not here for cyber sex, sexting, phone sex, or to look at men's cocks~ no matter how great they think their junk is, I'm not here to tell them how awesome it looks and how I want to do this, that and the other thing to it. Eejits!  

Here's the conversation that inspired this blog: 

(I have posted to trade credits for FuBucks and abilities because I need 60 credits to do my first HH to level, and after saying he wanted to see more of me, me asking {but already knowing} what he meant) 

God and Co...: naughty pics
To God and Co...: Ahhhh, I see... LOL.... Those kind of pics eh.... You know there's oodles of those floating around on this site.... hehe 
God and Co...: of you?
To God and Co...: Oh lord no... I'm actually worth seeing, unlike most of the ones you see on here hahahaha.... 
God and Co...: lol well was meaning you
To God and Co...: I'm far too .... nice.... to post such things so openly for just anyone to see..... And I know, I'm just giving you a hard time LOL
God and Co...: lol and hun I wouldn't want everyone seeing
To God and Co...: Neither would I LOL...
God and Co...: I was trying to see if I could get lucky but nope 
God and Co...: would have to do more then 60 for that I am sure
To God and Co...: For me? I'm priceless LOL... Ofcourse, the man in my life gets free access~ but I don't think he would like others seeing those private bits haha... 
God and Co...: damn
God and Co...: owell I had to try
God and Co...: but I have to watch my cash anyhow. I need to buy more frozen fruit
God and Co...: and I am trouble alot sorry
God and Co...: and I figure being a smart ass is ok
To God and Co...: Good effort... No harm trying~ most times on this site you'll get lucky... 
To God and Co...: Frozen fruit?????? LOL
God and Co...: I can still hope
God and Co...: for my breakfeat and lunch
To God and Co...: Ahhh cool~ yeah, a guy needs to eat... 
God and Co...: and I won't tell if you don't tell j/k
To God and Co...: You're bad LOL... 
God and Co...: naaa I need a gal
God and Co...: been 3 years alone
God and Co...: so yea I am alot bad
God and Co...: been without sex for 3 years no GF for about 7
To God and Co...: Dude, we need to find you a woman. Now... 
God and Co...: lol
God and Co...: the ones I would want always have a guy
To God and Co...: Yeah, that puts a damper on things... 
God and Co...: well I hate condoms so I will play alone and hope for pics j/k
To God and Co...: LMAO... 
God and Co...: ok 135 bp for pics 
To God and Co...: If I didn;t know any better, I'd say you're trying to bribe me buahaha...
God and Co...: lol maybe I am but know I would never win
in j/k
To God and Co...: Hahaha... No...   

Is this really how some of you get ahead on this game? This isn't nearly as good as the guy who went all the way up to 1000 credits if I would cam with him~ seriosuly? Do NOT assume I am a cheap whore. Do NOT assume I won't call you out and post your dumb arse for everyone to see if you INSULT me like this. I will play along for a while~ just to amuse myself... But you will NEVER see me naked, I will not cyber or sext with you, so pi$$ off. These dudes never even talked to me before, and they start off propositioning me like I'm some street prostitute. If you ladies accept this, check your own self worth because you are worth so much more than to be made into a cheap whore over game credits. How sad is this?????? I WILL post you in a blog or in my FuTard folder. If you're not smart enough to read my About Me or see my blogs and my clearly labelled FuTard folder as you're masturbating to my pics (see newest addition to the FuTard folder in my photos), then that's on you... The warnings are there, take heed. Quit treating women like prostitutes~ and ladies, quit acting like crack whores. You do all women an injustice by loweing yourself to that level.


I decided to put a visitor tracker on my page for a few reasons, but mainly because I hate the dudes who want to tell me they are in Afghanistan when they're sitting in Columbus, Ohio (random example not based on actual events LOL). The point is, you never really know where someone is from~ and my main pet peeve on sites like this are military POSERS (y'all need a grenade shoved up your arse as far as I'm concerned if you lie or embellish military service).  

Then, armed with my lil' visitor tracker, something miraculous (and funny) happened~ I noticed towns popping up that are small, likelihood of several people being from these towns is nil even for a site like this, and the most reasonable explanation for certain towns to pop up would be that a psycho I had blocked had been using an alternate account to creep my page (see photo in my FuTard folder as an example of one such creeper: http://fubar.com/7036985 {yeah, act a fool and I WILL be calling you out on it LOL} ).  

If you want to silently creep my page, I mainly wonder why? It's not a big deal to me. Maybe you're just checking out some pics, trying to decide if you want to friend/fan me, it's all good. Most of the time I don't mind in the least. Sometimes I accidentally land on someone's page because I clicked without even meaning to, but I'll usually at least hit "like" and rate them out of common courtesy since I'm on the page and we both get some points out of it (it's the point of the site, after all). But if you're one of the psychos who creeps to check out who's commenting to me and what I'm up to, or you're checking up on your fantasy online lover/e-boyfriend/FuFiance/etc. then I would suggest you log off your computer and get a REAL life. I would pity you, but... I have no pity.   

If I block your account because you're a real whack job, as in the above mentioned example, I WILL "see" you creeping my page with your alternate account and I will report your dumb a$$. It's comical, but I have no patience for FuTards, so buh-bye! Give me a break, EEJITS! Don't creep with your fake accounts, it only makes you look like even more of a psycho. 


Yet another idiot on FuOwned. 

Who among you fails to realize that this site is a social networking GAME and one sub GAME on this site is FuOwned?  

It seems as though some people feel they have a real world  claim on other players~ as if you can ever own another human being! Get real... 

I don't give a squirrel's furry nut sac if you have get bent because I buy someone from you in FuOwned. I don't do it to be a psycho, I don't do it because I feel I have some claim on any other person, I don't do it to be territorial~ or ay other lame`arsed reason you true nut cases come up with. The ONLY reason I buy people is because it's one of the sub GAMES I like to play. It's part of the GAME. If you can't afford it, find something else or play the game of Fubar more and make more FuBucks. If you can't handle competition, get offline and read a BOOK (can you even read?). If you're a jealous freak, seek a mental health professional for your issues~ daddy issues? abandonment issues? attachment issues? Get help...  

If I buy someone on FuOwned and some lunatic woman (since I usually buy men, and even when I buy a woman I don't have this issue with men who play against me) starts getting pi$$y about it, I'll ask the dude if it's cool that I keep buying him (hello eejits~ if he gets purchased for at least a million, he gets the 100K FuBuck bonus each time, which is WHY I keep buying him... DUR!) and guess what? Not one single time has the dude said not to buy him. As a matter of fact, it's the complete opposite~ because he knows it's just a game, he knows he's making a profit in the game, and he's cool with it... So if you have a problem, it's YOUR problem not mine.  If you want to be a right old pain in the backside about it, take it up with him instead of leaving ridiculous messages in my SB and then blocking me. What does blocking me do for you? I can still buy the dude LMAO! 

It's not my problem if you're new. It's not my problem if you play next to never and can't afford to play FuOwned. It's not my problem if you have a fantasy that some dude is your online fake lover (as if he gives two $hit$ about you or ever plans to hook up with you in RL)~ and acting a fool reflects poorly on you and you alone, it has no effect at all whatsoever on me.  

Also, if you'd like to go out and attempt to start silly little girl rumors like you did back in junior high, go for it. But try to PROVE it. Please. I know you can't, you know you can't~ because there is NO PROOF. To all you dipshidiots who believe a rumor~ you can neither prove nor disprove a rumor, so before you believe it to be "true" you better use your common sense and ask for EVIDENCE.  

Some of you people are truly sick in the head, and I suggest you go to some type of online addicts anonymous help group LOL. That or get a shrink and some psych meds~ you need them. Fubar is a GAME. FuOwned is a GAME. Understand this and you will have a much better time on here and won't look like such jackwagons all the time. After several (how sad is that?? SEVERAL!!) other instances of crazy b*tche$ getting weird on me over FuOwned, this was the final straw: 

·  you just bought ********** from kat6601 for 5,000,000 fuBucks, earning sold member 100,000 fuBucks 8 hrs ago
·  kat6601 just bought ********** from you for 1,200,000 fuBucks, you were reimbursed 900,000 fuBucks 8 hrs ago
·  you just bought ********** from kat6601 for 1,000,000 fuBucks, earning sold member 100,000 fuBucks 8 hrs ago
·  kat6601 just bought ********** from you for 1,000,000 fuBucks, you were reimbursed 900,000 fuBucks 8 hrs ago

Immediately after the 5 million FuBuck purchase I get this silliness in my SB: 

kat6601: grr whats with u  

(http://www.fubar.com/5638836 ...Yeah I'm totally calling you out for your un-Fu-like behavior on here)

My reply was "Excuse me?" but she had blocked me. Grr? LMAO... It's a GAME girl, chillax... And to the others who complain to the guys I know OFF OF FUBAR and you DON'T EVEN KNOW, NOT EVEN ON THE GAME, hardy har har to you. I hear ALL about it. Wah, blah, drama llama mama, hissy, boo friggin hoo. Get over it. Seriously.  

I am one of the nicest people on here and I will go out of my way for anyone who needs a hand (but don't take advantage of it, because I won't give and give to the users and liars on here). I am one of the most helpful, or at least try to be. I am this way offline as well, it is who and what I am~ but I can only tolerate so much stupid before I start calling people out on their bad behavior. 


FuWhores love calling other FuWhores a FuWhore... Hypocrite much?

Let us break it down, shall we? This website is nothing more than a social networking game, and the keyword in this sentence is "game". Why then do some people seem to take a game so seriously? Some people on here take this site so seriously that they are willing to whore themselves out for pennies, hurt people's feelings, lie, cheat and become morally bankrupt by just about any ethical standard. For what purpose~ that is the question. 

I have been contemplating this one. I suppose one could hypothesize that Fubar itself is like any other social group. In any social group, you have tiers~ like rungs of a ladder, there are some people at the bottom of the social order, while others sit at the top looking down on everyone else. All societies and social groups have this hierarchy, so why would this type of environment, an online society of sorts, be any different? From what I have observed, it is no different and holds true to the stereotypical social order one would see in the general population and among the sub groups of that population.

The people at the top of the social order will usually do almost anything to maintain their status. People at the top hold power and wealth, but unless one has the money to buy a top spot on here (such as constantly spending real money on special ability bling every single day), then how does one get onto that top rung of the Fubar ladder? The simple answer would be to spend one's own money, kiss the arses of those who have the money, and/or whore oneself out to the people who have the money. Oddly, this is how it seems to work in the real world as well. Cash, sex, and beauty are the hottest commodities we can possess in this type of environment, so if you lack in one area you better make up for it in another- or else accept your place on one of the lower rungs of the social hierarchy.

Here is where the seemingly petty drama comes into play. What better way to attempt to maintain your own status than to start rumors and spread gossip about your competition? Sometimes it may work for you, but ultimately is it worth it? Maybe if you're clawing your way to the top of the corporate ladder because that upper management bonus and company car look mighty nice (even then it seems morally bankrupt to me), but on Fubar? It seems insane that people are willing to use others, lie about people, cause real life heartache~ and all for the sake of gaining a spot in the top players on a site like this. How sad is that? Maybe people who engage in this type of behavior should step back and ask themselves if it's really worth it. They should also realize what hypocrites they are. I would be FuRich if I had FuBucks for every FuWhore who called other people FuWhores and acted affronted by FuWhoredom, when they themselves were nothing but cheap FuWhores. I would also be rich if I had a real dollar for every bald faced lie I saw being passed around on this site. Never believe anything someone tells you about another person unless you see the proof in black and white right in front of your face. It is easy for one person to accuse another person of certain actions, but always demand proof before believing it. 

This site is full of FuDrama, which can be quite amusing to say the least. Watch yourselves on here, though~ some people will tell you everything you want to hear and then some just to get ahead in the game. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. If you give and give, and get nothing in return, it is probably time to stop being so generous. If ten different people warn you about a toxic creature who is trying to play you, you may want to keep the warning in the forefront of your mind as you form your own opinion of the person in question. 

To the genuine people just trying to pass time and talk to some people, be wary of the players and users. To those who prey on the lonely and kind hearted, you should truly be ashamed of yourselves to inflict such cruelty upon your fellow human beings over an ultimately meaningless game on the internet. Can you be any lower? In my ever so humble opinion, it doesn't get much lower than that.


Say What??

I see many people on this site with some type of warning about not using their information for purposes of studies, etc. Warning to any institution and this or that, attempting to prohibit such institutions or individuals from using their information for the purposes of studies. *laughing* Well, sorry to say, ladies and gentlemen, that you gave up your right to privacy as soon as you posted publicly. Granted, you may have certain considerations extended to you if your profile were more privatized, such as viewable by friends only;  however, I want to know what ignoramus originally came up with the copy and paste version of this nonsense, and who further encouraged others to follow along.  

Observing what you do on a social networking site is fair game, similiar to observing human interactions at your local public park. You know that People of Wal Mart site (if not, check it out~ it's hilarious!)? They cannot be sued because going to Wal Mart is a public action, and there are no criminal or civil repercussions for photographing and publishing photos taken in public. The same idea holds true here. If, for example, I am doing research for a master's thesis in a psychology graduate program, and the only information I take from your profile is your gender to accumulate data on gender demographics as they pertain to who uses these types of site., I can. You posted it, I can use it. There is no ethical dilemma on my part for acquiring this type of nominal data from your public profiles. Are you even going to know that I did it? No, no more so than if I watched you in the park to gauge how close you would allow a stranger to sit next to you on a park bench. But your public, observable behavior is free to all~ and can be used. Keep this in mind when you post to these types of sites.  If you find out I did so, do you have any type of legal recourse against me? No, none whatsoever.  

Photos can be a different story, but unless you are a professional photographer with a legitimate copyright on your intellectual property, the same may be held true of your personal photos. What is your expectation of privacy on these types of sites? What exactly are you going to do if someone "steals" your photo? Unless there are actual damages that can be proven, or someone is making a profit from your images, the most you can do is ask that they not use your photos. If they refuse, the only thing you can do is file a lawsuit~ and you will probably get nothing out of it.  

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant some people are, and how they are willing to copy and paste because they think it sounds legit. I can assure you, as someone who holds a psychology degree and has had to do various  research on human behavior, that your public life is open for study.  So stop posting that ridiculous nonsense to your wlls, because it does absolutely no good. Nobody needs your permission to observe and record  your public actions. ;)

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