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ZERO's blog: "The Story Begins"

created on 11/12/2007  |  http://fubar.com/the-story-begins/b153872
Back at the operating room begins the difficult procedure on Tank to surgically attach his new arm. They start connecting each nerve ending to a wire on the arms itself. As they connect each set of nerves they test them through an incision they have mad through tanks skull causing twitches in the reflexes. After a while movement can be seen through the new arm as with every poke and prod the arm it self moves for a certain function. They then begin to run wires up from the new mechanical arm up through his skin implanting more wires to his brain. Graves stand outside the operating room the entire time with his thoughts on Tanks quick recovery Krash is found in the blood packs room as she goes into telling them about what she discussed with Graves. “What do you think is the deal with patient Zero? Do you think graves isn’t telling us everything?” Mary questions the group. Maybe he is trying to protect us from something, but still we need to know what it is?’ Krash responds. “Okay but how do we get the boss to talk he has been so damn out of it lately it hard to even get a word in edge wise.” Blood Mace replies. The group continues to discuss the possibilities of the growing concern of their heroic leader. Deep thoughts reside in them like a time bomb ticking just waiting to explode. They try there best to keep their wits about them and not dwell too much on the current situation of things. It becomes hard though for they’re feeling not to come out. Epically in this time of crises, with one member in surgery hanging on by a thread, and another seeming lost inside his own world. Their troubled minds try to slip away to a more peaceful time stories of a broken, but happy past come to life. You know I remember the first time I met Graves and Tank I had been running for a while then, and gotten trapped into a tight spot in a junkyard. Don’t get me wrong I was holding my own but more and more of these undead scum had shown up surrounding me. I remember how the horde became distracted by the sound of Grave’s bike. He seemed to come out of know where like a bat from hell. He ramped over a pile of junk landing outside the group as he began firing into the crowd. He had some modified gun that he had made shooting large metal spikes out from it. It would tear through the corpses or pin them to whatever solid object they rammed into. Krash pauses laughing as she continues on with her story. Then Tank came busting in guns a blazing firing off into them side by side with Graves. All I could do is take cover and watch them go to town. Its weird those two always seemed invincible when they were together. She sighs and her thoughts drift back to Tank. Bloody Mary rubs her hand on Krash’s Shoulder trying to comfort her some. Then suddenly a smirk comes across her face as she nudges Blood Mace. “Hey hon do you remember that time we were out on recon with those two?” Mace lets out a loud laughter as he thinks back nodding to his significant other. “Yeah I remember like it was only yesterday. Mary and me had broken off from those two we were checking out a compound where we thought we could find some more evidence on what was going on. Anyways Graves was reluctant at first and looking back for good reason. You see we had just gotten done with a six month special ops training camp and well we were caught in the heat of the moment lets just put it that way. Mary laughs shaking her head as she finishes the story “What Mace is trying to say with out dieing from laughter is we had snuck off to fool around, and well I guess graves started searching on that same floor when he heard us. He came busting in and took aim on us until he saw what was going on. Oh man I thought he was going to kill us for more than thinking we were some sort of undead creature. She laughs a bit harder then it slowly dies down as she continues on ” Yeah uh instead of killing us he sent us back to the camp for another 3 weeks of extra training.” Mace smirks “ Yeah but it was worth it.” Krash no longer sulking has a bright red face from listening to the both of them. They continue on through the night laughing and carring on taking there troubles away. Just simply enjoing one anothers company and taking a much need break from the outside world in away. Doctor Vinnsanity approaches graves after a long wait. “The operation was a success commander Graves. I thought you should know all of his vitals are well, and his body seems to be taking to the new biotech appendage.” Graves tilts his head cracking his neck. Then quickly grabs hold of the doctor by his coat. He slams him into the wall pinning him up to it. The look he gives him is as cold as the night its self. “I want you to know right now doc that if Tank doesn’t make it and something still goes wrong. You will be missing a few limbs, and well we both know im no surgeon. So watch over him as if your life depended on it.” Graves stays calm and complacent just looking at the doc with a dead stair. He pats the doctor on the face and lets a smile come from his face that would send a chill down the most evil of devils. He set him down looking back through the operating room once more at his fallen brother. He then turns and begins to head out of the facility stopping just before the door. “Oh and doc make sure you let me know the second he comes to.” He pushes his way on looking to the night sky as he sees the clouds forming. He pulls his black straw cowboy hat down more the brim covers his eyes. He heads to the garage at the compound unlocking the door by typing in a code to a keypad. He raises the door and walks straight over and picks up a toolbox as he rummages through it looking for certain tools. He then moves over to a custom bike and begins wrenching on it. He leaves the door up and takes in a deep breath tasting the air and smelling the coming rain. While he continues to work on his bike the thunder can be heard crashing down and the electricity can be felt all around. The rain comes in quick and hard pouring hard and heavy. Halo runs in seeing the door open and ducks into the garage quickly she smiles as she sees Graves. He takes a small break looking up at her and nods as he goes right back to work. “You know Graves I could help you with that if ya need I am pretty handy with tools and I do know my way around a garage.” She says politely to him not really wanting to bother him. “You got a lighter?” he replies still concentrating on his bike. She looks curiously at him first then begins to fool around through her coveralls pulling out a Zippo. She smiles finding it and taps him on the shoulder handing the lighter his way. He takes it from her pulls out a smoke from his shirt pocket and sparks one up right there. He then returns the lighter back to her and continues to wrench on his project. She takes the lighter back and takes a step back looking at him kind of worried. ”Uh I don’t mean to be rude graves but I don’t think you should be smoking in the garage there’s a lot of combustibles in here and…” She is interrupted as he sets down his tools and stands up facing her now. He takes a drag off the cigarette the dim glow from the embers outlines his face with an eerie glow. His dark piercing eyes can be seen for a moment. Turning his head he lets out a cloud of smoke from his lungs floating into the cold air. The smoke leaves a trail; and dances in the night as he clears his throat. “If you want to help then don’t go giving me advice. Epically if I already know the risk it involves.” She crosses her arms and smiles almost with a cocky look in her eyes as she thinks to her self for a moment. She takes her hand and puts her finger right into his muscular chest pressing in to get her point across. Her point being that she was not going to be intimidated by him. “You know Graves I know your tough and I know you’re skilled, and I have seen the way you care about all of us. So I also know that you’re a good leader, I also know that you feel like you have to be a hard ass and always act tough but I is ok to just relax some times and jus…..” Before she could finish Graves finally snaps back at her. He grabs her hand and removes the fingerer from his chest he seems frustrated but not angered.” You know nothing about me Halo and Im not going to listen to you trying to get inside my head. Your little psycho babble isn’t going to….” She finally stops him before he gets into his speech.” No will you just listen to me instead of being so damned pig headed. Maybe I don’t know who you are, and I am just speculating on some things. Still that does not mean that when were here at least you have to be an ass all the time. So why don’t you take another drag off that cigarette and just stare outside for a minute, with me.” She says to him smiling with a lot of attitude backing that pearl smile of hers. He’s taken off guard by her actions, and tries to collect his thoughts, but he’s says nothing as he simply nods and looks up at the rain then back to her. He finishes his cigarette and tosses it out side watching it get smothered by the rain. Stepping up beside her now he leans back against a near by tool box, and takes a sharp breath in as he jolts from feeling her hand placed on his shoulder. A smile then drapes across his face and a since of relief flows over him he looks back to her one more time then out to the rolling clouds again.

pages 8&9

A solemn tone falls upon the group but ghost is the first to speak up” Yes sir I see it is business as usual.” Graves looks to her with a cold dead stare almost commanding her to show him the proper respect. He stands they’re firmly looking at the rest of them hoping the façade will work for now. “Never mind the briefing for now your all on leave until further notice.” He walks away from the group leaving them with a since of confusion about them. Ghost looks to the others “What was that about?” Krash replies with “ I don’t know but im going to go check on how Tank is doing.” She walks off quickly heading to the infirmary. Blood mace looks To Mary and leans in kissing her as he whispers “go check on Krash and Tank im going to find out what’s wrong with boss man.” She nods and the two part ways for now. Halo goes on over to the helicopter to go do some maintenance to it, and Ghost heads off to her barracks. Graves makes his way to one of the main walls looking out over the top seeming like he’s deep in thought. He pulls out a cigarette from his pack and strikes a match. Looking out in the distance he takes in a deep drag from the smoke as he gets a feeling again of being watched. He thinks to him self about what the future holds for him and his group. Also he wonders if he’s the right one to lead them he never wanted the position he was forced into it. Now was not the time for regret though now was time to start thinking of what there next move was. So he stood there looking out over the edge as the wind rushed by him. He did something he hadn’t in a while he pulled his hair out from the pony tale it was in and let the airflow through it. A feeling of rest comes over him again and he thinks back to the moment of freedom him and tank had before the accident. Krash rushes into the medical unit and makes her way to Tanks room. She’s Stopped By Doctor Vinnsanity before she is even able to enter to see her wounded comrade. “Excuse me agent Krash but we are still undergoing surgery for him and he it might not be pleasant to watch. If you like I can ….” She interrupts the good doctor quickly What are yall doing to him what do yall plan on doing to help him tell me you sick bastard.” She cries out frustrated. “Please miss Krash we are doing every thing we can for him we even plan on helping him with a new up grade if you must know. Come please look for your self.” Doctor Vinnsannity tries to console her. He takes her to the window where the surgery is being done. Tank lays there on the operating table hooked up to various machines and tubes. Beside him though lay a mechanical looking arm with wires connecting to Tanks nerve endings. Several surgeons stand around him working fireclay. Krash just looks on in shock to see what is being done in the house of Frankenstein. Not to long before there confrontation, Bloody Mary comes in to check on Krash and Tank only to find Krash about to rip the doctors head off. She runs over there quickly to break the two up. Standing directly in front of Krash and pushing her back. Krash falls into Mary tears in her eyes as she points to the window. Mary looks into the surgery room confused and holds Krash. “What’s going on her Krash what are they doing to him?” She ask I don’t know there trying to replace his missing arm with some sort of hardware that doctor Freakenstien came up with.” She starts pulling her self together with the comfort of Mary. Mary looks back to the doctor ”What the hell are you doing to him in there he’s not some sort of experiment for you to play with he’s one of our team mates.” “Yes agent Bloody Mary I understand that but as I was explaining to agent Krash is that we are giving him an upgrade. Just because he has lost his limb does not mean we cannot make him better. Besides what use would he be with only one arm not much wouldn’t you agree?” the doctor replies to her almost mocking her. “I also wonder how useful a one armed doctor might perform as well.” She pulls out on of her machetes. The doctor smiles as security starts moving in from behind them “Im sorry ladies but I really must get back to work my friends here will show you the way out. If you don’t mind now please waiting till im done.” “Wait till graves finds out about this you psycho then maybe you wont be smiling.” Mary yells back to him as she takes Krash and they begin to head out of the building. Both ladies appear to be very frustrated and begin searching the compound for graves. After about half an hour all they manage to find is Bloodmace. Bloody Mary runs up to him first and begins to explain the situation. “What the hell are they carving on him for? Those sick bastards I would tell graves but I haven’t been able to find him since he took off, and I have been looking all over for him.” Bloodmace says to her. Krash begins to speak up “Yall wait here I think I may nowhere he is ill let him know what’s going on.” They nod to her and go back to there room to wait for Krash. She makes her way around the compound she looks along the walls finally spotting him up there. She takes the stairways and heads up to meet him. “Hey Graves got a minute and another one of those.” She says as she points to one of his smokes. “Sure I got sometime what do you need, and I thought you quite smoking.” He waits for her response. “Well sir we need to talk about your actions and about Tank.” She says calmly. He looks at her curiously for a moment “Go on.” “Well Sir your actions as of late have been questionable. I mean ever since you we went into the last town. You never explained what had happened between you and Zero. Not only that but we know that were a tactical group and that your in command, but were also a family only you’re the only who doesn’t seem to want to be a part of it lately.” She states to him. He takes a drag of his cigarette and hands her one as well as a pack of matches. ”You know its peaceful up here it allows me to think get my head clear from time to time. Something im not always able to do when in the field. When im up here im not having to fend for my life or make sure I do everything right so that I don’t lose any of you. Maybe I am a hard ass at times but it's because I have to be. I do care for every last one of you, and with what happened to Tank does have my stomach in knots. Speaking of him what did you need to tell me.” She takes the cigarette from him and strikes it up and hands the matches back to him. “Graves there operating on him there trying to fix him up with some metal arm trying to piece him back together like he’s just some sort of experiment.” He shakes his head and finally turns and looks to her ”I was afraid that they might try something like that. Doctor Vinnsanity has been looking for a patient to operate on for his cybernetics program. It worries me because of how risky it is, but if it can be proven as a success then it will help Tank out greatly. I just it was me going under the knife instead of him.” Krash looks crushed at first “You knew that whack job was waiting to test on us like guinea pigs?’ “Listen it’s not like that this procedure is suppose to help us if we get harmed or severely injured. The last person I would want it to be tested on is any of you, but it needs to be done.” He says reluctantly. She nods seeing his point but still disapproving she squashes the cigarette butt and walks back down the stairs. As she walks away she turns to look back at graves with a worried look in her eye. She watches him as he stands there still just looking out into nothing. She turned away finally and head back to Bloodmace and Mary’s room.
Graves waves to them and shakes his head no. He motions for every one to load up and roll out. The jeep starts up and the crew gets loaded down and strapped in blood mace and Krash takes positions on the two dragons that are mounted on each side. The chopper takes off and heads towards base. As tank and graves head off as well. They get into a little r&r time Tank cranks up the radio and “Born to be wild starts” playing. For once amongst all the fighting the entire killing and all the arguing a since of peace comes over them. Graves even seem continent for once and a little less stressed. The ride goes smooth for a while low activity practically no infected in sight. A few pop shots here and there but the two just jam out for the most part. Tank smiles and slows down a bit and motions for graves to open an ammo case in the back. Graves looks puzzled at first as they both have plenty of ammo but does so anyways. He grins as he pops the case open seeing ice and a few cold brews. ”You know we’re not suppose to be drinking on the job.” Graves yells out to him. Tank just laughs and takes the beer offered to him as they keep on their way. If only all their hunts would end like this a peace full ride home Graves thinks to himself. Unfortunately this trip would not be like that for long. The night started to come into the picture and the roads they traveled were not in the best of conditions. All of a sudden the infected starting popping out from nowhere and Graves could have sworn he heard the laughing again. He shook it off and got on the ball as he started unloading into the quickly forming crowd of zombies. Tank tried to maneuver through but the ruff terrain and the horde made it harder than he could handle. The jeep flipped sending graves flying from the back and sending a mass of ammo cases and equipment following him. He lands hard on the ground and rolls. He stays in a tucked position as he pushes forward trying to roll out of the reach of the ghouls and the other projectiles. He gets up with his blades out and goes to town as he quickly starts getting swarmed on. He tries searching through the crowd looking for tank though he heard the jeep crash but he couldn’t see through the crowd. He fought his way through severing heads, and any appendage that reached out for him. All he saw was tragedy when he pushed his way through the crowd he could see the jeep overturned and tank laying there helpless and motionless. He let out a fierce roar of pain and anger as he continued cutting his way through making his way to the jeep. He dropped on of the blades down by his feet and pulled out his MP-5 and unloaded more fire into the crowd. Enraged in a burning fury he begins mowing down the undead bastards. His furry can be heard echoing through the valley as he reduces the mass herd into nothing more than a pile of flesh shredded and dismembered. He looks around for signs of movement and unloads a few more rounds into the pile just making sure. He then quickly turns his attention back to his fallen comrade he ducks down looking for a pulse. A sigh of relive overwhelms him as he is able to find a sign of life, but the vehicle was still on top of him. It was pinning him down by his left arm it had been completely crushed and mangled. He tried lifting the jeep up but only managing to rock it causing further damage and blood loss. He didn’t know what to do out by him self then he looked down to the ground at the blade he had tossed earlier. He pulled the knife from the ground and stuck it to his arm and went to work He cut through as quickly as he could sawing away through flesh and bone tearing away at the toughened muscles of Tank. Zombies were easy to cut through nothing left alive no attachment just doing your job but this was a person he looked to as a brother. He removed the arm from Tanks body and began to pull him from the wreckage as he searched for a medical kit. He found one quickly doping him with a heavy-duty painkiller and sterilizing the wound. He tears a piece of clothing off to assist with making a tourniquet and helping to stop the bleeding. Hi notices the wound want quit bleeding heavily that’s when he looks back to the knife. He builds a quick fire and start holding the knife over it turning the metal a searing red. Once it becomes engulfed with a red glow he start to take the knife placing it along the open wound pressing it firmly to the flesh. The stink of burnt flesh fills the air around them but the wound is finally sealed close and the blood stops pouring out. Now it was time for the next part of his journey so he picks tank up in a fireman’s carry, and continues to base. He puts an extra step in his walking tiring to make it back as soon as possible before it becomes to late for Tank. His gun stays ready incase of another attack, but he prays for a safe journey home. Before to long he sees the base off in the distance he nooks it as fast as he can. No motion has come from tank since they started their trip. He checks for a pulse still finding one but a faint one. HE grunts out to the unconscious Tank. “Come on bro we don’t have much further to go. Stay with me don’t quit on me yet. I know you still got plenty of fight left in ya, and I sure didn’t lug your big ass back here for nothing.” He tries to make light of the situation to help ease his mind and even hope for a laugh from his comrade. Still no sign of him coming around though as he makes his way to the main gates of the facility. You can see this heavily fortified base was there stronghold Giant concrete walls standing over twenty feet tall surround the perimeter of the building. Guard towers manned with armed soldiers sruound the corners ,and infantry even patrol the walk ways of the tops of the gate. Once graves checks into the main gate help start pouring in to assist him with Tank. He hands tank off to the medical team, and then falls to his knees from exhaustion. His team quickly runs out to check on what has happened to him and they’re other members. They look to grave how takes in deep breathes trying to get some form of rest before speaking. His clothes are covered in blood and tattered and torn. Parts of his armor are missing or damaged. He finally regains some energy and looks to the questioning faces. “Holly shit graves what the hell happened out there man?” Blood Mace quickly questions him. Followed by the concerns of Krash “ Are you okay are you badly injured what happened with Tank?” Graves looks to them as he begins to explain the attack, and what went on. He doesn’t spare a single detail he wants them to know it wasn’t an easy task or one that he wanted to make. He then stands up and begins cleaning him self off some and looking to the direction the escorted Tank. A deep feeling of concern comes over him as he looks back to the group. “We will go check on him when his status becomes more stable. Until then I want a status on what you found while you were making your way back.”

Page 5 (The Conflict)

Tank almost seems offended by his statement, and the rest of the group looks on at him with deep concern. “Whoa hold up their bro no need for the attitude, maybe ya didn’t notice but we just helped your ass out there.” Tank remarks. “Yeah and maybe if you hadn’t noticed mister hot shot we have been worried about you. “ Still angered by his actions and reactions Krash yells at him. “Far be it from me to say your not doing your job out there but hell I agree with Krash man we were worried about you.” Blood Mace finally speaks up. “Well thank you for your concerns but maybe you have forgotten that I am the leader of this rag tag group here, and I have to do my job to the best of my abilities, and it’s a little hard to do if im having to baby-sit yall.” He snaps back at them. Tank walks right up to him face to face looking into his eyes with anger, but Graves’s eyes seem to be cold, lost, and dead. “Look brother we have been through a lot together but maybe you haven’t noticed. We did a pretty damn good job of covering your ass and also making good on our own. With out you or do you have your head to far up your ass to see that. Now we all follow you and go with you through thick and thin. We have followed you to the gates of hell and back, but were not going to be talked down to. Its time for you to get your shit together man. “ Graves stand there listening to tank his mind going a hundred miles an hour with thoughts that seem to be overwhelming him. He puts his blades back in his sheaths and cracks his knuckles and tightens his fist. “Your right tank and im sorry brother but there is so much shit going on and getting a grip of things is getting a bit harder to do now a day. There is some information that I have come across that seems to be a bit disturbing and needs a bit more looking into. There’s a lot I want to tell you guys but not till im a hundred percent positive of the facts. There doesn’t need to be any more tension than there already is. Im sorry guys im just trying to protect yall for now.” Bloody Mary looks to graves and places her hand on his shoulder “We understand but this arguing and fighting among the group isn’t going to get us and where graves, and you have to give us a clue as to what your talking about.” Graves nods and begins to pace gathering his thoughts before he speaks. ”I saw patient Zero, and I wasn’t able to take him down. He’s not like the others that have been infected he’s quick, he’s intelligent, and he’s strong, I know it sounds crazy but if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes then I wouldn’t believe it my self we need to leave soon. I have already called in agent Halo to come get us.” Krash looks confused and scared, as does most of the group. “ What do you mean intelligent like he can talk and think on his own?” Graves nods “ yeah and that’s not the worst I think he can control the others like give them simple commands.” Blood mace thinks for a moment. “ If that’s the case shouldn’t we go looking for him and end this now.” “I think for now it would be best if we regrouped back at HQ ill debrief them as to what is going on, and we can restock our supplies.” The group aggresses with graves and start packing up Tank. Loads what he can into the jeep. Graves gives him a hand and announces. “Tank and I will drive back the rest of yall will take the chopper back.” Not to long before they get everything packed they begin to here the helicopter and agent hallo can be seen coming in over the city skyline. Graves and Tank hop into the jeep and graves takes point on the 50.cal “Ok I want yall to keep an eye out while hovering above get a good idea of the numbers were dealing with well meet back up with you shortly. “ Krash looks to the two of them “We will sir and good luck come back in one piece” The Chopper lands and agent Ghost is copiloting with agent halo they come in over the radio “Hope we didn’t take to long sir “ Graves waves to them and shakes his head no. He motions for every one to load up and roll out. The jeep starts up and the crew gets loaded down and strapped in blood mace and Krash takes positions on the two dragons that are mounted on each side. The chopper takes off and heads towards base. As tank and graves head off as well.

page 4

Graves takes off in a sprint rushing to his comrades as he still tries to make contact but nothing coming through. He starts to hear gunfire and with that sound a brush of relive falls upon him. He makes a mad dash to the signs of life. Graves is stopped suddenly when he comes upon the team. He finds the group trapped in a building using the jeep for cover. Now all that’s between him and the team is a few dozen zombies. He shrugs it off thinking, “I’ve had worse odds.” He grabs to grenades first pulling the pins out with his teeth throwing them to the edge of the undead forces. Then jumping behind a near by car for cover he waits for the blast. A thunderous boom erupts from behind his cover, and he pops out unloading into the crowd. Making sure to stay aimed away from the entrance that his group is hidden behind. Quickly depleting the rest of his ammo he pulls out his two knifes both are custom made for him and are about a foot long in length. The back end serrated for cutting clean through bone and taking out large chunks of flesh. Even down to the handle its self with a solid metal piece guarding his hands the metal that goes along it sharpened for a nice clean cut and at the end of the handles was a 6 inch spike used for stabbing straight into the skull of an undead and rendering it useless. He runs into the crowd like a berserker from the middle ages. He ducks and rolls because he’s not only having to doge the menacing undead reaching and snapping at him, but also having to avoid the gunshots from his team members that start to slow down on the rate of fire. They seem to be amazed by the very sight but an overwhelming feeling of joy comes over them tank yells from the building “Its Graves start laying down some cover fire now now now.” The group listens to Tanks advice and begins to make a more focused point of attack. Creating a small pathway for graves to make his way through. Graves still tumbles through the absolute carnage. Kicking limbs and other body parts out of the way even sticking the ones that appears to be down for the count. He takes no chances as he continues through the masses. Suddenly crash yell out to graves to stay down as she swings the 50.cal over in his direction. The gunfires blasting through anything standing taking of body parts like a hot knife through butter. This creates a wide-open space now and a good opening for graves to jump to his feet and make his way to them. Graves does just that as soon as the fire from above shuts down as. He makes his way by the jeep he hurls him self over the hood landing on it a bit and rolling off. As he lands making his way to a safe point he begins to grab some clips and joins in the group taking out the remaining undead. After a few more minutes of gunfire the smoke settles and the barrels cool down. The tension how ever is far from over. “God damn it graves what the hell were you thinking? Your not unstoppable you know. You cant just do shit like that. Also why the hell haven’t we been able to get a hold of you or even heard from you since we got here?” Krash immediately starts in with an angered line of questioning. Tank speaks up first before Graves can even answer.” Now just hold on Krash boss man just got through getting his head nearly blown off by us, and it bitten off by them. At least give him a moment to breath will ya.” Graves leans back against a near by wall as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it. He exhales a large breath of smoke and lets a fire burn deep inside his lungs before he speaks. “There ya go Tank there’s your breath, and Krash I was doing my job doing recon and keeping silent. I had my radio turned off for a reason.


Krash and Tank begin to jump out of the jeep and prepare for the worse. Krash unloads the 50.cal and mounts along the side of the jeep. Tank start pulling out the ammo and checking to make sure all the guns are fully loaded. “Still no sign of the big man huh? “ Tank questions the pack. “No we haven’t seen anything yet. Only thing we have seen is a growing number of the infected. It’s a good thing yall showed up though we could use some more ammo.” Blood maces replies. “So what do we do sit here and wait or do we stay together and search.” Asked Mary. “Well the searching thing has done us no good so far. We might as well bunker down here for right now. Since the infected have already been popping up more. “ Tank replies. So the crew gets ready for what ever it is to come. Locking and loading as they wait for Graves return. Upon the rooftops though the real trouble begins. Graves climbs up meeting his nemesis face to face. Patient Zero stands the small frame with a ghastly green skin. And worn out pants shredded and covered in blood. You know Graves’s things aren’t always, as they seem. I see you questioning my existence, and you have ever right to. Asking your self am I going crazy? Is this my mind playing a trick on me how can this all being?” Patient Zeros dark voice echoes almost as if in Graves head. Graves brings his machine gun up to line Zero’s head in his sights. “ I may not know what you are or what exactly it is that’s going on but I do know that in a few seconds your brains are going to be spread across this rooftop, and then it will take a big weight off your mind.” “Hmm I see you have a since of humor well so do I, and well if I have to go so do your friends.” “What are you talking about dead head?” Please there is no need for unpleasentryshere now is there I mean I know who you are, but I suppose I have been rude while not introducing myself. Please graves call me Zero, and what I mean by your friends is simple I have a horde of my army marching to them as we speak.” The distance between them is a good ten yards apart but the air is thick and the moment is tense. Graves starts to unload his clip at Zero, But he seem to quick for graves. Zero darts to the side as the bullets come at him Graves still fallows his every movement. With the sites on his gun, but only able to hit im a few times in his chest and still not even knocking him back. Soon it becomes to late Zeros makes it face to face with graves knocking the gun out of his hand following in with an elbow to the face taking Graves back a step. Graves rolls with the punch and quickly slides a knife from his belt stabbing Zero in The ribs and trying to take the blade further up. He’s quickly stopped as Zero grabs his arms and slings graves around tossing him to the ground. Graves lands several feet away from Zero still holding his blade as he rolls to his feet and stays in a defensive position. Graves is pondering his next move and next form of attack .He scans Zero and has never fought an oppent quite like this one. You have some moves graves ill give you that, but this fighting cant go on with out one of us getting badly hurt. Well I mean you. He exposes the guns shots and the large gash to graves as if he wants him to see the damage he inflicted upon him. The wounds quickly begin to fade away even the slugs from the bullets begin to push there way out of his skin. Graves shakes his head as he mutters out “Son of a bitch. “ You see my friend im not your average mindless corpse that you have been fighting .No im something more much more. Now maybe you will listen to what I have to say or shall we continue this little fight. Zero stands there ready to attack again if the moment calls for it. Graves stands up dusting him self off and prepares for another round as well keeping his blade out and circling around his opponent. “Alright im all ears what is it ya got to say to me.” “Much better now as I was trying to say before im really not your enemy here. Im just a victim in this whole organization just likes you. What the hell is you talking about Zero what are you? Well let’s say you and me aren’t so different im the first of several text subjects so are you. Only difference is you seem to have an immune to the virus. Pity really I would so love for you to be a part of my army. This doesn’t make any sense get to the damn point or ill slice you into pieces that might take a little longer to regrow. All right graves you want answers maybe you should stop chasing me and start looking towards project Z.E.R.O. After all they are the ones who trained you and even sent you out into the field many times to look into old facilities where you only found what they wanted you to find. Face it graves your there puppet and there making you walk and talk just the way they want. Your insane Zero and im going to take you and the rest of your horde down. Your little army is no match for me and my team.” Finally while moving continuing to move and almost stalk Zero he makes his way back over to his gun. Graves throws His knife at Zeros head the same time dropping to his feet and rolling forward picking up his gun. He lets loose a few more rounds of ammo into Zero knocking him back. When zero finally goes over to the edge he jumps over. Graves quickly rushes to the edge searching for where he landed and finding nothing “Damn it.” He slams hi fist into the ledge out of anger and frustration. “How Could I let him get away? What does he mean by Z.ER.O. Being behind this? Is he just fucking with my head? How the hell did he know my name?” Graves stood there contemplating all this until he remembered anothering zero said. He jumped over the ledge sliding down the wall as he hit the ground and took off running. Come in come in agents Blood Mace Mary Tank Krash any one can you read me?


It had been nearly an hour since the group had heard from graves the Blood Pack was making there way on foot searching from building to building. As Krash and Tank were still driving around. The two groups had remained in radio contact and still not a word from Graves. “I don’t like this.” Krash said to Tank, and you could see the concern on her face. “I don’t either kiddo this isn’t like him. Radio to the Blood Pack see if they have seen any sign of him yet. “ Krash radios into the Blood Pack “ Hey you guys pick up are you their do you read me.” Bloody Mary’s voice comes through “We Read you loud and clear Krash what’s going on.” Krash replies back “Its Graves we haven’t seen or heard from him now in over an hour. We were wondering if you have had any contact with him. “ Bloody Mary sighs’s, as she responds back “Unfortunately we have not heard or seen him either Lets meet back at the edge of town where we came in at.” “Affirmative we will meet you there shortly.” Krash ends the call. She looks out through the town trying to see if maybe she can catch a glimpse of her missing comrade. Her looks of concern set into a deep frame of worry, as there are no signs of him yet. They continue on waiting to meet back up with the Blood pack, and hopefully Graves. Bloody Mary and Blood Mace soon realize the severity of the situation. No longer being caught up in their killing spree, so to speak. They clean the blood off there blades and sheath them for now. As if a feeling of something bigger is to come. They arm up Blood Mace checks to make sure his shotgun is fully loaded, as does Mary. The two continue on until they make a grim discovery. The entrance to town seemed have a few more guest than before. Mary grabs a grenade of the back of Blood Mace’s belt and pulls the pin holding the clip firmly in her hand. Blood Mace nods as if to give a signal to Mary to let her rip. She tosses the grenade in Front of a group of twenty or so zombies as they quickly duck behind a building for cover. “You ready for this love.” Mary smirks to him “Baby I came here to do what I do best. Lets kick some ass.” He says with a grin The grenade goes off with a loud thunderous boom taking out several undead corpses, and spraying body parts about. A hail of gunfire pours from the barrels of the two lovers shotguns. A sadistic rage comes over them as the let out there battle cry. If the zombies could show fear even they might think now is a good time to run. The two-take aim hit their marks and severing limbs with a barrage of bullets. If the head of these walking cadavers are not destroyed. Then many of there bodies fall motionless to the ground from being torn and shred apart. They do not charge the the group as they keep there distance waiting for there hungry victims to try and come get a bite. They stand there as if teasing the zombies to come at them. They wait till the last one falls and pull out there blades as the go to town. Making sure that there is no chance for the corpse to become reanimated. As the dust settles and the moans die the Blood Pack begin to set up a perimeter. Scanning out the area and making sure that no other undead are still lurking about. Now they would wait once the area is secure awaiting the arrival of the rest of their group. Tank continues to his destination point until he reaches the center of town. The roads quickly become barricaded by the undead and almost as if they came from nowhere zombies began to enclose on them. Tank jerks the wheel and hits the break as not to get overturned or sent flying off cores by the growing number of zombies. Krash readies the 50.cal and begins to unload into the crowd attempting to clear path for them to make a break for it. Tank pulls out his modified shotgun that was mounted in between the seat and unleashes hell. The rain of bullets manages to create a small moment of opportunity, and tank wastes no time in taking full advantage of it. He hits the gas and roars into the crowd. Bodies bouncing off the hood of the vehicle and get crushed by the tires. Those that try to hang on get a shot gun blast to their face or hot lead pumped into there skull at outrageous speeds. They break through UN harmed with only a lighter load of ammo but a good mass of undead redead. He continues onward off in the distance he sees the patrol and the damage that the blood pack have made.

Z.E.R.O. hour

11120701 The jeep drives off leaving agent Graves behind .The four other agents keep there eyes peeled .As they roam through this now vacant city searching for signs of survivors ,or even worse the undead. They remain calm and focused at first , but shortly after graves is out of site . "Has anyone noticed that Graves has been acting strange here lately. You know like hes paranoid about something. " Exclaims Krash. "Eh your probably mistaking paranoia for being overly cautious " Tank said. Krash rolls her eyes to tank and sighs as shes states " You know thats basically the same damn thing right? " Tank speeds up some jolting the jeep forward and seemingly to piss off crash as he grumbles " You know you'd do more hunting if ya kept your mouth shut." Blood Mace & Blood Mary speak up at this time Mace sys" Hey why don't ya pull over here Mary and me can cover more ground . Tank you can patrol the out skirts of the city and Krash stay with tank make sure he doesn't get to trigger happy ." Mary replies " Dont have to much fun you two and try not to kill each other " The blood pack head out in search of survivors ,but quickly din nothing but devastation. Blood Mace bust into the first house finding nothing but bloody remains. Bloody Mary cocks the hammer back on her gun and stays close to Maces side. The two check the room thoroughly when suddenly a zombie comes staggering out of the room . Blood mace quick to react pulls out his machete and hacks right into the undead’s neck . The head drops to the floor as does the body . Blood Mace pulls out a pack of smoke takes a single one out and lights it . “Some times this job is better than sex “ he blurts out . Quickly receiving a palm up side his head “ You better watch it mister or you wont have to be worrying about sex again “ She reply back to him with a grin . Graves studies the landscape carefully as he walks forward he sees a glimpse of something moving in the distance . He moves forward as he pulls out his mp-5 and clicks the safety off . He keeps low and puts the target right in his site until it darts around a corner. He moves quickly to put the target back in his sites ,but as he makes the corner nothing . “Damn it .” he whispers “I should have taken the shot when I had the chance .” He stops he turns his head as he hears a laughing . The same laughing he heard on the tape . It echo’s through his skull taunting him . He jolts around searching every where and finds nothing . “Why is this happening am I cracking up. Get it together graves you have a town to save a team to lead now is not the time to be losing it “ “ Maybe you are losing it Graves.” A cold dark voice comes from above him . Graves looks up to see Patient Zero standing there on the roof top mocking him almost. “You what the hell is going on here ? How the hell can you talk ? This cant be real . “ Graves questions him confused about everything . Perhaps you would care to join me up here Graves ,and I can answer all your questions. “ Patient Zero replies with a smirk across his face. Back at the hum-v tank and Krash go for a joy ride. Krash manning the heavy duty 50.cal as she takes pop shots at a few of the walking dead scattered about.. “We have been driving for about an hour now think we should go check back on the rest of the group .” Krash yells out as she takes a few more shots . “I m sure there doing fine. We’ll go back in a bit lets see if we cant take out a few more of the bastards first .” Tank yells back to her . “Yeah but for such a big town were not finding very many of them . Don’t you think that’s a bit odd ? She questioned him. He pulls the jeep over and looks about town then back at her “ you may have a point this is pretty weird maybe we should go back and check on them .” “Then lets roll “ Krash exclaims
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