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WHEN DID YOU LAST COOK AND WHAT? Curry at about 12 today LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? Me and my sister the new fall out boy album, so i brought two copies lol WHAT SONG ARE YOU PLAYING? The (after) Life of the party - Fall out boy HOW WAS YOUR LAST FRIDAY NIGHT? tad boring, i cant even think what happened WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? telling jenny that i listened to the album before her lol LAST TICKETS YOU BOUGHT? my last ticket i brought was to AFI last october WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO? Get a job, finish my coursework for all 3 lessons at college and then clean my room LAST FRIEND YOU SPOKE TO? Jen WHAT DID YOU LAST EAT? Bread and butter WHERE ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS? burton, lichfield, and winshill HOW ARE YOU SPENDING SUMMER? Doing whatever comes up VALENTINES DAY, HOW DID YOU SPEND IT/WILL YOU SPEND IT? nothign as usual ill most likely go to town and laugh at all the pathetic people, who oly say i love you once a year, why the hell do you need a day to show how much you love someone its totally crap LAST FILM YOU SAW? godfather maybe???? WHEN DID YOU LAST SHAVE YOUR LEGS? friday DO YOU SPEAK TO THE LAST PERSON YOU KISSED? nope WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO RIGHT NOW ON MESSENGER? no one FAVOURITE TV SHOWS? CSI, CSI MIAMI, CSI NY and supernatural WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY? 7.15 am to blue oyster cult dont fear the reaper i love that song HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ON MYSPACE? when ever im on the net i check it

more the same as before

1. Do you ever cook? yes 2. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi 3. Have you met anyone in real life after meeting them online? Yes I have 4. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? I believe I already have 5. Do you like photography? I do 6. Have you ever been on a road trip? Yeah 7. How much do you weigh? I really don't know 8. Pink or blue? Pink 9. Would you smoke? No 10. French or Italian? Italian 11. Name one person you hate, and why: Oh they know and im happy they do 12. What is your biggest weakness? Piercings 13. Why do you like the music you do? the lyrics hold a lot of meaning to me 14. Have you ever left the house naked? No 15. Would you flip off the president? No 16. What's your favorite album/CD? The Black Parade -My Chemical Romance The Used - The Used Take this to your grave – Fall out boy 17. Would you date someone older than you? yes 18. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbour? No 19. Have you ever been toilet papering? No 20. One rumor that's been spread about you: cant remember any of them 21. Do you believe in miracles? No 22. Do you drink enough water? Proberly not 23. Favorite city? Nottingham/Birmingham/london 24. Have you ever performed on stage? yes a few times 25. What is your hair color? Brown 26. Have you ever been home schooled? Nope 27. Do you like walks in the park? I don't even no where the nearest park is to me 28. Hot or cold? Depends what for 29. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? Yes 30. Do you believe in love at first sight? No 31. Do you wear make up? yes every time I go out 32. Math or science? Science 33. Mints or chewing gum? Mints 34. Have you ever been on TV? no 35. Have you ever been asked for an autograph? No 36. Have you ever missed a meal because you were busy on myspace? No 37. Last time you saw your mom? It's getting on now I think it's about 9 nearly 10 years now 38. What's the sickest you've ever been? for god nos how many years when I was younger I was in and out of hospital so then 39. Have you ever been surfing? No 40. Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes and waffles are both equally good 41. Have you ever moshed? Yes 42. Would you have plastic surgery? no 43. Would you date someone younger than you? That all depends 44. Tofu or bacon? either 45. Would you pretend to be someone's bf/gf? depends who for 46. What is your dream job? Something involving things I love 47. Explain what you think about hippies: will always be around and they don’t bother me 48. Have you ever stolen something over $20? No 49. What is your favorite hair style? like the whole nikki sixx hair style 50. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace? No 51. Is it Pet's Mart or Pet Smart? Pet Smart 52. Cars or planes? Cars 53. Would you go skydiving? yeah 54. What is your favorite type of music? The genre known as rock. 55. Have you ever skipped school? god yes 56. How do you usually dress? Jeans and a top 57. Do you like taking surveys? don’t mind em 58. Would you eat sushi? No 59. How tall are you? 5'8" ish 60. Do you send chain letters very often? no 61. Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? ocassion I do eat them it's cheeseburgers 62. Have you been on drugs? No 63. Have you ever been beaten up? No 64. Disney or Warner Brothers? Warner brothers 65. Have you ever beat someone up? Nope 66. Have you ever been homeless? Very close to it 67. What do you think about homosexual marriage? Marriage is marriage and love is love 68. Have you ever been drunk? yes 69. Do you know anyone who has never left their home state? Yeah 70. What's the most common name you know? Andrew 71. Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer? Cell phone/land line 72. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? no 73. You are about to die. What do you do with your worldly possesions? Leave 'em up for grabs 74. Do you like holidays? Yes 75. What is something you know that most people don't? that my grandizzle was asked if he wanted to join the free mason’s 76. Where do you live? Burton 77. Do you believe in aliens? kinda 78. Do you have any collections? No 79. Do you like seafood? Nope 80. Boxers or briefs? Neither 81. What is your favorite female name? sky or astra 82. Favorite country? 2. no fave 83. Do you like dancing? No 84. Do you wear glasses? Yes 85. Have you ever licked a battery? (and if you haven't WHY NOT, it's fun!): nope 86. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Not too bad 87. What are you wearing right now? blink hoodie, made tee, and jeans 88. Do you like working with people? yeah its ok 89. What store would you choose to max out a credit card? Why? I'd have to think about that 90. Where were you born? Essex 91. Who is your newest friend? Matt 92. Do you like thunderstorms? yeah they are pretty 93. Do you get enough exercise? No 94. Have you ever cut yourself? yes 95. What is one bet you've won? ------ 96. Have you ever made a promise you'd die to keep? yes 97. Are you registered to vote? (And have you yet?) yes and no 98. Do you wear perfume? No 99. Do you have any pets? Why? A cat and a dog. Because pets are cool 100. What's your favorite store? I don't think I have one 101. Do you have a girlfriend? No 102. Are you ghetto? Fo sho 103. Have you ever been to college? Yeah 104. What would you change about the past? Some people 105. What were you doing at midnight last night? Watching CSI 106. Land or water? Land 107. Sprite or 7Up? 7Up 108. Favorite age you have been so far? All have been pretty good 109. Shorts or pants? Pants 110. Emotional or physical pain? physical pain lol I love the pain when you get pierced 111. Have you ever been in a movie? No 112. Hug or kiss? Both 113. Who is the most unique person you know, and why? Jen/Andy/Becky 114. Would you run from the police? depends what I'd done 115. Last time you used the bathroom? A few hours ago 116. How are you feeling right now? Brill 117. Have you ever searched for your own name on Google? Yes 118. If you could punch one person, who would it be? Anna and they way shes going it will happen soon 119. Dominos or Pizza Hut? dominos 120. Favorite year so far? 2005 121. Have you ever written a poem? Yeah 122. What's your favorite song? bulimic – the used 123. Do you have any piercings? Aye 10 124. Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? No 125. Who is your favorite celebrity? Russell Brand 126. Do you memorize random facts? I certainly do 127. Do you like dogs? Yep 128. Have you ever smoked? No 129. Have you ever been on a plane? yes a few times 130. Would you date someone you met online? yeah maybe not over the net though 131. Your crush's first name: Patrick S, Carmine G, Jensen A, Eddie C 132. What's your favorite band? The Used/Fall out boy 133. Do you like depressing music? Yes 134. Would you go rock climbing? Maybe 135. Flip-flops or slippers? Slippers 136. Skinny dipping or chunky dunking? Neither 137. Have you ever been racist? No 138. Name 4 things you always have with you. my piercings, clothes, music and erm I can think 139. Have you ever walked more than a mile? Yes 140. Have you ever bought a car? No 141. Where did you get your last email from? im not sure 142. Ever run away from home? No 143. What's your favorite car? chevy impala 67 144. Would you give me £5? No 145. Have you ever gone a week without showering? Possibly lol 146. What kind of music do you hate? Dance 147. How many times a day do you go on myspace? depends if I go on the computer 148. What do you do most when you're bored? Listen to 149. Have you ever been on a cruise? No 150. 'Digged' or 'dug'? Huh? 151. What is the last thing you said to someone? you can go in there you know 152. What would you NEVER change about the past? only being best friends with anna 153. Why do you admire people? Life experiences 154. Do you want to get married? Not fussed either way 155. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks? No way!!! 156. Do you personally know any bums? I know a few who look like a bum 157. Last phone call? dad 158. Have you ever failed a grade? Why? No 159. Your first crush: richard 160. Do you own a camera phone? Yes 161. Logic or art? Both 162. Happy or depressing music? Both 163. Do you cry a lot? No 164. Would you dress as the opposite sex? No 165. What's your favorite animal? not sure 166. Do you have a soul? I might I might not im not sure 167. What does your name mean? the lords birthday 168. How much cash do you have right now? £20.00 169. Who annoys you? anna 170. Do you like the band Nine Inch Nails? I have no feeling towards them 171. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: To stop biting my nails again 172. Have you ever sat on a rooftop? yes 173. Have you ever considered suicide? Yes 174. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Of course 175. What's one unique thing about you? My DNA 176. Are you a neat freak? Sometimes 177. Do you like your neighbors? Why or why not? I don't know them 178. Have you ever seen Nine Inch Nails in concert? No 179. What's your favorite book? The Dirt 180. Do animals go to Heaven? no as there is no heaven 181. Have you ever broken a bone? no nearly tho 182. Name one person you love, and why: I don't love anyone one at the moment 183. Do you own a car? No 184. Have you ever been on a snowmobile? Nope 185. Do you get motion sickness? No 186. Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? Nope 187. Have you ever been to a beach? Yeah 188. Do you believe in God? Noppers 189. Would you live in a different country? Yes 190. Do you have a bad life? It has been on ocassion 191. What size shoe do you wear? 8/9 192. Last time you spent $100, and what for? Ages ago 193. Have you ever had a crush on more than one person at the same time? most likely yes 194. Have you ever been abducted by aliens? No 195. Do you ever use your full name? Only when filling out forms 196. Do you drink soda? Yes 197. Touch or be touched? Both 198. Favorite day of the week? Friday 199. One goal you'd like to achieve this year: Finnishing my A2 coursework 200. What is the perfect day for you? Getting up, spendind some well deserved cash, possibly a gig. Later seeing a few people I haven't seen for ages.


1. What bill do you hate paying the most? food 2. Where's the best place to eat a romantic dinner? At home with candle light and a bit of soft music 3. Last time you puked from drinking? 2 years ago 4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar? never 5. Name of your first grade teacher? Mrs. Quirk 6. What do you really want to be doing right now? Relaxing watching tv with my Sister and Dad 7. What did you want to be when you were growing up? an artist, a chef, a singer and an actress 8. How many colleges did you attend? one 9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now? I have nothing else clean 10. GAS PRICES? suck 11. If you could move anywhere where would it be? Belleville, New jersey, full of Italian mobsters 12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? I didn’t have one today 13. Last thought before going to sleep last night? Mmmm Carmine or Eddie 14. Favorite style of underwear? clean ones 15. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex? Boxers 16. What errand/chore do you despise? None 17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer at an art gallery? Hell yeah 18. Get up early or sleep in? Get up early 19. What is your favorite cartoon character? Grim 20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy? watch CSI 21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing? surely its not a secret if you are willing to tell people 22. When did you first start feeling old? I don’t feel old 23. Favorite 80's movie? Once upon a time in America 24. Your favorite lunch meat? I don’t really like meat 25. What do you get every time you go into Costco? we don’t have Costco. 26. Beach or lake? Lake 27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented? Yes 28. How many people do you stalk on Myspace? No one I have a life 29. Favorite guilty pleasure? listening to Daniel Powter 30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about? A walk to remember but im not scared that people mind find out 31. What's your drink? Tea any kind 32. Cowboys or Indians? Indians but really you should say native Americans 33. Cops or Robbers? Cops 34. Who from high school would you like to run into? Scotty 35. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now? none 36. Norm or Cliff? ...Cliff 37. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons? both 38. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back? none 39. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work? I don’t work 40. If you could get away with it, who would you kill? I cant say. 41. What famous person(s) would you like to have dinner with? Eddie Cahill, Jensen ackles, Carmine Giovinazzo 42. What famous person would you like to sleep with? Eddie Cahill, Jensen ackles, Carmine Giovinazzo 43. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? no 44. Last book you read for real? Motley crue – the dirt 45. Do you have a teddy bear? Many 46. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth? shower I guess 47. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go? House Of Blues Never been to cali never want to 48. Number of texts in a day? depends 49. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? new relationship 50. Do you go to church? no 51. Pencil or pen? Pencil 52What do you want to achieve in life? just to be happy ow old are you? 17 54. Where do you see yourself when you are 40? Having the time of my life.


Finish each sentence ..... erase my answers and put your own in ..... 1) My ex – is my ex for a reason 2) Maybe I should – not be so obsessed with CSI NY 3) I love – my reflection to much 4) I don't understand – rocket science 5) I lost – my ghetto side 6) I found – my emo side 7) People say that I am – metal as fuck 8) Some People are – on the other side of the world 9) Love is – over used 10) Somewhere, someone is – gigging it 11) I'm always – pretending jenny is a mod 12) Forever is – shorted then infinity 13) I never want to -- ACCCIIIDDDDDD 15) When I wake up -- I head for a piss 16) When life gives you lemons – throw them at ugly people 17) My past – is the past 18) I get annoyed with – people at bus stops 19) I wish -- I was the mooooonnnn 20) My dog/s is/are – asleep in the next room 21) Tomorrow I am – at college pretending to work on my photography coursework 22) I have low tolerance for – ugly people who don’t know they are ugly 23) If I had a million dollars I would – I would trade it in for pounds 24) My favorite place is – lining up outside a gig 25) I really want – your mom 1. Who were you with last night? Jen-o 2. What woke you up this morning? My phone 3. Where are you? in the study 4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? yes as ill spend the day pretending to work, but actually pissing about. 5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? Yes 6. Who's bed were you in last night? mine 8. When's the last time you cried? weeks ago __The PAST round__ 10. Ever thrown up in public? No nearly did two year ago on the 8th november 11. whats on your mind right now.? The kooks __The FUTURE round__ 13. Would you take a bullet for anyone? Yes 14. Where would you like to live? New york 15. What kind of home would you like? one that’s mine 16. What do you want to be when you grow up? myself still 17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? travelling 18. Do you like candy necklaces? yeah but the cheap ones taste like chalk 19. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? last tuesday 20. Do you listen to music everyday? yes 21. Do you still go trick or treating? nope 22. What was the last thing you ate? noodles that my lovely beautiful sister brought me 23. Are you a fast typer?: sometimes 24. About how many people have asked you out in your whole life? 4 25. What are you doing tonight? chilling watching CSI 26. Whats your favorite type of SODA? lemonade 27. Have you ever moved? Yeah about like 7 times 28. Have you ever won an award? nope 29. Do you do any sports or other activites that are unusual? No I do not 30. What do you want to do right now? hanging with some peoples at a gig being ghetto 31. Are you listening to music right now? yes 32. Do you like someone? no 33. Whats a word or phrase that you love! having a chalky white face makes your teef look yellow 34. How many days till your birthday? months 44. When were you the saddest in your whole life?: when my grandizzle died, miss him R.I.P 45. What time is it? 20.58pm 46. Do you use eBay to buy or sell? buy with my sisters money 47. What makes you pissed off? Horse like people, I.E people with long faces and huge teef that stick out And who also think that they are FIT init lol 48. Have you ever had a song written about you? yes I have 49. What song makes you cry? Any Avenged sevenfold ones as they are SO shit 50. What songs makes you happy? this aint a scene it’s an arm race, because one its Fall out boy, but two they take the piss out of Avenged sevenfold (nice guys tho) 51.What do you like to listen to before you go to sleep? nothing 52. Do you have a job? nope 53. What does Your CD player have in it right now? Save the last dance soundtrack 54. If you were a crayon what color would you be? white like ice 56. What makes you happy? laughing at ugly people 57. What's the next CD you're gonna get? Fall out boy’s 58. Notice the questions jumped from 34-44? did they [Appearance] [Height:] 5'8ish [Hair Color:] dark brown and blonde [Eye color:] green and brown [Piercings:] 10 [Tattoos:] none [wearing right now:] Pj’s [What taste is in your mouth?] COCK also known as chicken [How are you?] im good [Get motion sickness?] nope [Have a bad habit?] yes laughing at ugly people 1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? No way 2. What song describes your relationship status? Got no love – The kooks 3. How much does your dog weigh? god knows she hasn’t been to the vets in ages 4. Are you a heart breaker, or the heart breakee? heart breaker 5. Ever waxed your legs? yes 6. Earrings or necklaces? Earrings 7. Who have you talked to most today? Jen-o 10. Color of your shirt? blue 11. How many years have you taken a language? 5 12. Who's on speed dial 2? no idea 13. What color is your background on your computer mainly? white 14. Do you wish on 11:11? no 15. Good advice if you ever go camping? Don’t 16. Are you a bad influence? Yes 17. What color are your eyes? Green and Brown 18. Would you rather have your name or your siblings name? my name 19. Would you do anything for someone? Yes-o 20. Have you ever been called a whore? Yes 21. Favorite color? PINK 22. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? not really 23. What song is on? Oogie boogie song 24. Are your grades good? yes 25. Do you have any friends with benefits? no 26. Would you date anyone on your top friends? no 27. Does your best friend have a myspace? yes 28. Who's page did you last visit? Andy’s 29. Last time you went out to lunch? last friday 30. Do you watch the Gilmore Girls? Yeah LOVE IT 31. Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson? no ive never listened to the man 32. Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.? I used to love it 33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.s? I have one 34. Which radio stations are your favorites? none I don’t listen to the radio 35. Are you a Lost fanatic? No 36. Still have pictures of your Ex? yes only because they are my friends 37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library? I used to back in the day 38. Alannis Morisette? no 39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly? not as much as I would like to 40. King of the Hill? no [[Admit it]] 41. Do you read trashy romance novels often? No 42. Do you ever forget to give a Christmas/birthday present? Nope I just never have the money 43. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car? No 44. Do you sing obnoxiously in the shower when no one's home? No 45. Have you ever watched a little kid's show? yeah [[The Necessary Love Questions That Aren't So Necessary]] 46. Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they weren’t? omg no are people that sad. 47. Did you draw pictures for your first crush back in elementary school? No 48. Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didn’t ask her/him out because you were afraid? yes 49. Have you ever written a poem or story about your life? yeah most likely 50. Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but your crush? no 51. Have you ever liked someone solely for their appearance? of course [[The Questions You Love:Completely and Utterly Pointless Ones]] 52. Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis? no 53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization? No 54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa? no 55. Do you know how to knit? No 56. Do you have a cell phone or iPod with a patterned cover? No 57. Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them in your profile? yes 58. Do you keep a diary or journal online? Yeah I just don’t really update these days 59. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color? stripy [[Truly Unusual This or That Questions]] 60. Marble Slab or Coldstone? marble 61. Physics or chemistry? chemistry 62. Earphones or headphones? earphones 63. Pink or teal? Pink 64. Earrings or a ring? Earrings 65. Commitment or casual dating? both 66. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or Star Wars? fuck harry potter, its all about Lord the rings and star wars 67. Fly or road trip? Fly 68. Starbucks or Caribou? starbucks [[Another Wave of Random Questions]] 69. What is your favorite Disney movie? I Don’t 70. How much jewelry do you own? to much to count 71. Have you ever bought clothing at Sears? no 1. If you were to find out you were pregnant what would you do? I would be like wow God is real 2. Do you trust your friends? Yes 3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the person you love? Nope 4.Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Yes 5. Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship. cheating and B.O 6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best roommate for you? Jen-o 7. Can you deal with people who are too concerned with status? no hate them 8. Are you afraid of falling in love? Why or why not? of course I am, because my heart it so easy to break, god no bring it on 9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times throughout the day? sometimes 10. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new guy/girl? that makes no sense 11. Name one person from your friends list that you could call to fix a flat tire. no one 12. From your friends list, who can you call in the middle of the night if you need to talk? Any of them 13. What qualities do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? they have to have good hair 14. Fill in the blank. I would NEVER ______ become friends with the people ive already fallen out with 15. What is your number one priority in life? Having Fun 16. What can you tell about a person by kissing them? depends 17. When you get married, how would you envision your dream wedding to be? big grand get together, with music by such bands as HIM 18. If you could say just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Rad 19. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended period of time, name some people you would want to see around your bed? My Family, Friends and Patrick Stump 20. How many kids do you want to have? 2 21. Would you make a good parent? yeah as my kids would have no rules 22. Where was your default pic taken? it was taken at home 23. What is your middle name? Abigail 24. What is your current relationship status? Single 25. Honestly, does your crush like you back? I don’t have a crush 26. What is your current mood? fantastic 27. What do you love most? CSI 28. What makes you most happy? watching CSI 29. Are you musically inclined? yes 30. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would it be? I wouldn’t change a thing

New blog init

45 Random Questions 1. Who sits in front of you in math class? don’t do maths anymore, and when I did, no one sat in front of me. 2. What color is your razor/shaver? blue 3. What state are you in? None I live in the UK County however that would be Staffordshire 4. Can you count backwards from 74? Yes 5. Where were you Tuesday night? Watching Night at the museum with my dad and sister, thanks to my sister for paying for it 6. Brown or white eggs? brown 7. Like rap music? I adore it hehehe 8. Ever taken a train? Plenty of times 9. Experienced the twin towers falling in New York? I was in lesson at the time, I didn’t no what had happened until I got to my aunt’s house. Where's 10?? surely this is number 10. 11. What day of the week is it? wednesday 12. What was your Lunch? I haven’t eaten yet. 13. What is your best friend doing tomorrow? Putting off doing her coursework and mostly chilling with me 14. What does your screen name mean? ”I got home late last night from the punk rock show I say it sucked because I'm emo” it’s a line from cheer up emo kid!!! 15. Ever had cream puffs? erm no 16. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? I have and I likey 18. When was the last time you went to the movies? yesterday 19. What's your siblings name(s)? jenny 20. What is your bus number for school? I don’t have to take the bus anymore thank god 21. Is your hair curly? it can be 22.when was the last time you cried? 2 weeks ago 23. Ever walked into a wall? No Ive walked into glass doors tho 24. Favorite character in scooby doo? I don’t like it 25. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun? Nope 26. Are you currently wearing socks? no ive just had a shower 27. Favorite time of the year? anytime cold 28. Do you enjoy the sound of violins? No 30. Honestly, are you cool? Nah I’m a fucking geek 31. What are you listening to right now? This Photograph Is Proof (I Know You Know) (Acoustic) – Taking Back Sunday. Adam Lazzara fit mate. 32. Who is your cell phone service provider? T-mobile 33. How much cash do you have right now? about £35 34. Can you speak any other languages? French, abit of Italian and finnish 35. What do you do with your spare change? Put it in my purse 36. Do you like someone? not anymore I don’t think. Not after the way he is acting. 37. Do they like you? yeah he does 38. What was the last job you had? never had one 39. What was the last CD you bought? fuck I have no idea, AFI,AVA, im not sure, but that’s back in june 40. What kind of computer do you have? I’m not sure it was made for us. 41. Last movie you watched? night at the museum, 42. Do you use your right hand or your left hand? I’m righty 43. What is your favorite color? Green/Black and hot pink 44. What kind of car do you have? None exsistant 45. Are you blonde? Nope, well only a streak but that’s dyed. THE GAME OF 40 QUESTIONS: 1. Does anyone know your password to your myspace? only one person would no it, if I hadn’t of changed the damn thing 2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonald's? I hate the place, smells of death 3. Are you an emotional person? At times 4. Do you like your name? yeah, I never used to but I do now. 5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not at all. 6. Ever felt jealous of your friend? yeah I have done, but ive realised just how luck I actually am 7. What was the last thing you did? Spoke to my dad. 8. Who is right next to you? No one 9. Who was the last person you ate with? The family 10. What song are you listening to right now? Ligeia – BEDlight for blueEYES. 11. Hows the weather right now? cold I guess 12. Last person who called you today? None has yet 13. Last person who emailed you? Michael. 14. Last song you sang? return to sender – Bleeding Through 15. Do you like anyone? no 16. Lost a friendship over something stupid? Nope never, I had my reasons. 17. Last thing you drank? milkshake last night 18. Last thing you ate? cake last night 19. What did you do last night? Went to cinema, watched Battlestar Galactica 20. Faked being sick to miss school? hell yeah 21. What time did you wake up today? It was 9:35am, my alarm went off 22. Last person you texted? becky 23. Last person to text you? Emily 24. What are you wearing right now? Pj,s 26. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? their face 27.Where are you right now? The study 28. What date and day is it? Wednesday 10th January 2007 29. Did you go anywhere today? Not yet I will be later 31. Where else are you going today? to college 32. Are you watching TV? Nope 33.Are you immature or mature? Both. I had to grow up quickly so I’m making up for it. 34. Are you closer to your mom or dad? Dad 35. Have you traveled outside of the U.S.? I live outside the US. 36. What school do u go to? I don’t. I go to college. 37. Whats the most annoying thing people say to you? Greb, duh im emo motherfuckers. 38. Do you like music? I certainly do. 39. do u want to get married? yeah maybe one day 40. To whom? no idea wankers. SCHOOL CONFESSIONS [x] Talked back to a teacher. [ ] Been kicked out of class. [x] Worn pajamas to school. [x] Had your tooth fall out at school. [x] Gotten lost in your school. [x] Broken the dress code in school. [x] Completely failed a test. [x] Left class without asking. [x] Missed a whole week of school. [x] Thrown up in school. [ ] Been beat up at school. HOME LIFE CONFESSIONS [ ] Argue with your parents a lot. [ ] Argue with your brother(s) a lot. [ ] Argue with your sister(s) a lot. [x] Have your own room. [x] Do your own laundry. [x] Cook dinner once in a while. [x] Are loud and obnoxious at home. [x] Wear pajamas when you are not going anywhere. [ ] You sleep very long. [ ] All you do is watch television. [x] Your parents are divorced. [ ] your family makes you cry a lot [ ] One or both of your grandparents live with you. [ ] You cant stand being with your parent FRIEND CONFESSIONS [ ]You currently dislike one or more of your friends. [ ] You are jealous of one or more of your friends. [x] You have known a friend your whole life. [] Your friends are all taller then you. [x You have been ditched by a friend. [x You have memorized a friends phone number. [x] You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number. [ ] You have been to all of your friends houses. [x] You love most of your friends HABIT CONFESSIONS [x] You bite your nails. [ ] You have an odd obsession with knives. [ ] You cannot sleep with the door closed. [x] You cannot sleep with the door open. [ ] There is at least one sound you cannot stand. [ ] You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers [x] You are good at telling lies PERSONAL OPINION CONFESSIONS [ ] You hate George Bush. [ ] Abortion is horrible and should be illegal. [x] Gay marriage is fine by you. [x] Boys make better friends than girls do. [ ] The beach is an excellent place for a date. [ ] Pink is an ugly color. [x] Needles aren't so horrible. [ ] You have plenty of secrets HAVE YOU EVER CONFESSIONS [x] Fallen up the stairs. [ ] Someone has tied your shoelaces together. [ ]Had a nail fall off. [ ] Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul by Ars Falcis [x] Had surgery. [x] Slapped someone across the face. [x] Someone has called you a tease. [x] You have been to Europe. [ ]You have worn something inside out for a whole day. 3 Things That Scare You: 1.: Clowns 2.: The dark. 3.: ending up alone, with nothing. 3 Things That Make You Angry 1.: People acting like something they’re not 2.: Racism 3.: Homophobia 3 Things That You Are Sorry About: 1.: When I say something I don’t mean. 2.: Don’t becoming who I am quicker 3.: falling out with Emma for so long 3 Things That Disgust You: 1.: Homophobia 2.: Racism (Yes I know I’ve already mentioned them.) 3.: People who still believe Hitler was the best man ever to walk this earth 3 Things That Surprise You 1.: People who still believe Hitler was the best man ever to walk this earth 2.: I have fantastic friends 3.: That a person can still hold a grudge when you didn’t do anything anyway, you were just being a good friend 3 Things You Are Confident About: 1.: Who I am now. 2.: that my real friends are my real friends 3.: that I did the right thing last year. 3 Things That Make You Cry 1.: that I used to self harm 2.: hurting the people I love 3.: Andy drinking himself to death I swear one day it will happen 3 Things That Make You Happy: 1.: Jen 2.: My dad, he is a legend 3.: My friends 3 Things That Make You Laugh: 1.: jen 2.: My dad 3.: Remembering times with my friends 3 Things That Stress You Out: 1.: coursework 2.: the public 3.: My stepmum 3 Things That Make You Proud: 1.: My close bond with my sister. 2.: My heritage 3.: the fact that, last year me and the family, went through the worst year of our life’s, and we’ve come through the other side strong at better then before. 3 Things That Relax You: 1.: Music 2.: Hot drinks 3.: playing some shoot em up game 3 People You Respect: 1.: Natalie 2.: My dad 3.: The Used 3 Things You Love 1.: Making someone laugh 2.: Hugs 3.: Family 3 Things That Amaze You 1.: The public 2.: Avenged sevenfold fans,( why do you like them, they are the worst fucking bunch of motherfuckers ever) 3.: Chavs 3 Things That Worry You: 1.: life 2.: The lengths people go to 3.: Nazi views still being practised. 3 Things That Bore You: 1.: People not leaving things be 2.: avenged sevenfold 3.: people acting like something they are not 3 Things You Get Anxious About: 1.: talking in front of a crowd 2.: talking to new people for like the first two minutes 3.: ----------- 3 Things That Confuse You: 1.: Life 2.: Parents 3.: My nan 3 Things That Embarrass You: 1.: Falling over 2.: someone I used to hang around with, she thought she was funny she was not. 3.: actually admitting I like the Gilmore girls 3 Things That Impress You: 1.: Bands who’ve been given a bad review but they a fucking awesome live 2.: actually meeting the used and finding out that they are the nicest bunch of guys ever 3.: Fall out buys new videos. 3 Things You Miss: 1.: my friends 2.: My grandad 3.: Innocence 3 Things That Make You Uneasy 1.: Walking home alone at night 2.: People following you 3.: meeting bands that I actually look up to 3 Things That Turn You On: 1.: Patrick Stump/ Joe Trohman/ Carmine Giovinazzo/Eddie Cahill/Jensen Ackles 2.: Piercings 3.: Tattoos 3 Things That Comfort You: 1.: Friends 2.: Hugs 3.: Knowing things always sort themselves out

another quiz

1. Who were you with last night? My sister, and my dad 2. What's the first thing you did when you woke up? think god my lip hurts lol 3. Where are you? in the study 4. Who are you with? Im by myself duh 5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? I hugged 6. Do you love anyone right now? Naw 7. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope 8. When's the last time you cried? Last week The PAST round ---------- 10. Ever thrown up in public? No 12. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? How fit Jared Leto actually is The FUTURE round ---------- 13. Would you take a bullet for anyone? Yeah but only about 5 or 6 people 14. Where would you like to live? Finland, fit men there lol 15. What kind of home would you like? a normal size one 16. What do you want to be when you grow up? photographer 17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? No idea 18. In 10 years? Same as above The MYSPACE round ----------- 20. Look at your top 8 list, who is your # 1? Jen 21. Why is he/she one? Because shes my best friend and sister and I love her loads 22. Have you ever kissed anyone on your top friend list? No but there’s a few on there I would damn them guys in bands, just does it for me 23. Who was the last person to leave you a comment? Stef from this band Im friends with 24. Are you good friends with this person? Not really 25. How often do you log in to myspace? a lot. most days. 26. Do you get excited by new comments/picture comments? Yeah. I Love them ----------------------- Do you like candy necklaces?: Yes! When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? Yesterday Do you listen to music everyday?: yes Who's your weirdest teacher?: Paul Do you still go trick or treating?: nope only ever been once tho What was the last thing you ate?: sweets Are you a fast typer?: i'm not too bad About how many people have asked you out in your whole life? i dont know What are you doing tonight?: Might watch CSI NY again lol (gotta love Carmine and Eddie) And most likely just chill What's your favorite type of soda? Lemonade Have you ever moved? yeah like 7 fucking times Have you ever won an award? No Do you do any sports or other activites that are unusual? nope, How's life? its ok right now What do you want to do right now? no idea really Are you listening to music right now?: Yep 30 seconds to mars Do you like someone?: not really What's a word or phrase that you love? Motherfucker How many days until your birthday?: 4 months 27 days 7 hours and 2 mins When were you the saddest in your whole life?: At high school. Where do you buy your underwear?: shops lol What time is it?: 16:57 Do you use ebay, to buy or sell?: Buy.

Nexts, Lasts and firsts

NEXTS 1. Next person you'll kiss: No idea, depends who wants me 2. Next movie you want to see: Night at the museum 3. Next person you want to go out with: I’m not sure 5. Next time you're going out: most likely Monday 6. Next place you'll take vacation: god knows, I haven’t been on one for ages. 7. Next thing you are going to do after filling this survey out: do another 8. Next thing you are going to eat: Steak hopefully 9. Next time you plan to be drunk: Never again in this life time 10. Next thing you are going to do outside: Ice 11. Next person you'd like to see fill this out: whoever -------------------------------------------------------- LASTS: 1. Last kiss: Ages ago 2. Last person you hugged: Jen 3. Last person you spoke to: Jen 4. Last alcoholic beverage: fuck knows, ive forgotten it has been nearly two years 6. Last movie: Lucky number slevin 7. Last person you thought of: Josh Hartnett lol 8. Last school you went to: John Taylor High School 9. Last person you said I love you to: my dad 10. Last run in with the Law: never 11. Last fight you were in: about 5 years ago 12. Last bar/club/concert/party you went to: Concert = AFI at Nottingham Rock City, Party Andy’s on the 21st December 13. Last person you IMed: My lovely Sammy boy 14. Last thing you ate: sweets 15. Last thing you saved up money for: Avenged sevenfold, but then they cancelled so I didn’t have to pay for the ticket ------------------------------------------------------- Firsts 1. First kiss: Richard I think 2. First true Love: never been in love 3. First heartbreak: never had my heart broken 4. First car: never had one 5. First pet: Fish I believe 6. First computer: windows 95 7. First concert: O-Town 8. First alcoholic beverage: carling black label or black tower, when I was like 5 9. First time you stayed out all night: out all night erm about 2 years ago 10. First best friend: Colleen, Gib and Emma 11. First job: never had a job 12. First school: Playschool 13. First movie you watched in a theater: no idea 14. First thing you really saved up money for: money for spending on holiday I think
y: RADIO ROCK [ ] Nickelback [ ] Disturbed [ ] Shinedown [x] Seether [ ] Sevendust [x] System of a Down [ ] Flyleaf [ ] Staind [ ] Drowning Pool [ ] Taproot [ ] Mudvayne [ ] Audioslave [ ] Trapt [ ] KoRn [ ] Three Days Grace [ ] Evans Blue [ ] Godsmack TOTAL = 2 COUNTRY [ ] Rascal Flatts [ ] Carrie Underwood [ ] Leanne Rhymes [ ] Garth Brooks [ ] Dixie Chicks [ ]Kenny Chesney [ ] Tim McGraw [ ] Faith Hill [ ] Hank Williams Jr. [ ] Shania Twain [x] Johnny Cash [ ] Willie Nelson [ ] Merle Haggard [ ] Hank Williams TOTAL =1 PSYCHOBILLY [ ] Nekromantix [ ] Tiger Army [ ] HorrorPops [ ] The Cramps [ ] Mad Sin [ ] The Meteors [ ] Reverend Horton Heat [ ] Demented Are Go! [ ] Batmobile [ ] Guana Batz [ ] The Gun Club [ ] Klingonz [ ] Hellbillys [ ] The Phenomenauts TOTAL = 0 POP [ ] Teddy Geiger [ ] Ashlee Simpson [ ] Kelly Clarkson [ ] Madonna [ ] Avril Lavigne [x] Pink [ ] The Veronicas [x] Daniel Powter [ ] James Blunt [ ] Natasha Bedingfield [ ] Ryan Cabrera TOTAL = 2 SCENE [x] Hawthorne heights [x] Halifax [ ] Fightstar [x] Taking Back Sunday [x] Forgive Durden [x] From First To Last [x] Senses Fail [x] Something Corporate [ ] Hit The Lights [x] Dashboard Confessional [ ] Dear Whoever [x] Funeral For A Friend [x] Silverstein [x] The Used [ ] The Spill Canvas TOTAL = 11 EMO [ ] Circle Takes the Square [ ] Dag Nasty [ ] Rites of Spring [ ] Moss Icon [ ] Orchid [ ] Saetia [ ] Comadre [ ] Indian Summer [ ] Joshua Fit For Battle [ ] Texas is the Reason [ ] Sunny Day Real Estate [ ] Hot Cross [ ] Mineral [ ] Yaphet Kotto [ ] Funeral Diner TOTAL = 0 AMBIENT [ ] Brian Eno [ ] Labradford [ ] Global Communication [ ] Harold Budd [ ] Lustmord [ ] Solaris [ ] Steve Roach [ ] Vir Unis [ ] Gas [ ] Tangerine Dream [ ] Delerium [ ] Stars of the Lid [ ] Steve Reich [ ] Fennesz TOTAL = 0 CHILLOUT [ ] AIR [ ] Zero 7 [ ] Thievery Corporation [ ] Massive Attack [ ] Royksopp [ ] Portishead [ ] Boards of Canada [ ] Sneaker Pimps [ ] Frou Frou [ ] Imogen Heap [ ] Mandalay [ ] Carbon Based Lifeforms TOTAL = 0 INDIE [x] The Hush sound [x] Death Cab For Cutie [ ] The Killers [ ] Elliot Smith [ ] Yeah Yeah Yeahs [ ] Belle and Sebastian [x] The Postal Service [x] Bright Eyes [ ] Franz Ferdinand [ ] Modest Mouse [ ] Cursive [ ] The Arcade Fire [ ] The Shins [ ] The Decemberists [ ] Sufjan Stevens [ ] Neutral Milk Hotel [ ] Iron & Wine [ ] Clap Your Hands Say Yeah [ ] Bloc Party [ ] Minus the Bear TOTAL = 4 METAL [ ] Amon Amarth [ ] Dimmu Borgir [ ] Carcass [ ] Children of Bodom [ ] Emperor [ ] Carpathian Forest [ ] Arcturus [ ] Opeth [ ] Ayreon [ ] Cannibal Corpse [ ] At The Gates [ ] Burzum [ ] Therion [ ] Mayhem [ ] Necrophagist [ ] Darkthrone [ ] Celtic Frost [ ] Gorgoroth [ ] Satyricon [ ] Death [ ] Finntroll [ ] Anaal Nathrakh [ ] Testament [ ] Atheist [ ] Bathory [ ] Deicide [x] Slayer [x] Metallica Total =2 METALCORE [x] As I Lay Dying [x] Atreyu [ ] Lamb of God [ ] Killswitch Engage [ ] Unearth [x] Throwdown [ ] Becoming the Archetype [x] Between the Buried and Me [x] Norma Jean [ ] Zao [ ] Converge [ ] Botch [x] Bullet for my Valentine [x] Still Remains [x] Bleeding Through [x] Trivium TOTAL = 9 HARDCORE [ ] Bane [ ] Looking Forward [ ] Sick of it All [ ] Madball [ ] Agnostic Front [ ] Gorilla Biscuits [ ] Good Clean Fun [ ] Donnybrook! [ ] Champion [ ] Casey Jones [ ] Black My Heart [ ] Hoods [x] Minor Threat [ ] Death Before Dishonor [ ] The Warriors [ ] Bishopx [ ] Too Pure To Die [ ] Sinking Ships TOTAL = 1 POST HARDCORE [x] Thursday [ ] At The Drive-In [ ] The Blood Brothers [x] Alexisonfire [ ] The Fall of Troy [x] Glassjaw [ ] Chiodos [ ] mewithoutYou [ ] Drive Like Jehu [ ] Sparta [ ] Botch [ ] Bear Vs. Shark [ ] These Arms Are Snakes [x] Coheed and Cambria [ ] The Recieving End of Sirens [ ] He Is Legend [x] Scary Kids Scaring Kids TOTAL = 5 GRINDCORE [ ] Napalm Death [ ] Nasum [ ] Pig Destroyer [ ] Cattle Decapitation [ ] Agoraphobic Nosebleed [ ] Cephalic Carnage [ ] Anal Cunt [ ] Fuck...I'm Dead [ ] Ed Gein [ ] The Number 12 Looks Like You [ ] Discordance Axis [ ] Aborted [ ] Assück [ ] Job For A Cowboy [ ] Ion Dissonance [ ] Genghis Tron [ ] Cryptopsy [ ] Dying Fetus [ ] The Locust TOTAL = 0 DOOM/SLUDGE/EXPERIMENTAL [ ] Neurosis [ ] Sunn O [ ] Oxbow [ ] Red Sparowes [ ] Swans [ ] Pelican [ ] Isis [ ] Zeni Geva [ ] Cult of Luna [ ] Today Is The Day [ ] Godspeed You! Black Emperor [ ] Crash Worship [ ] Explosions In The Sky [ ] Grails [ ] Culper Ring [ ] Tribes of Neurot TOTAL = 0 POWERPOP [x] Hellogoodbye [x]The All-American Rejects [ ]Fountains of Wayne [x]Head Automatica [ ]Weezer [x]Panic! At the Disco [ ] Jellyfish [ ] Teenage Fanclub [ ] The Lashes [ ] The Lost Patrol Band [ ]The Click Five [x]Cute is What We Aim For [ ] Wilco ] The Exploding Hearts Total = 5 PUNK [x] Rancid [x] NOFX [x] Bad Religion [x] Misfits [x] Anti-Flag [x] Sex Pistols [x] Alkaline Trio [ ] Dropkick Murphys [ ] Pennywise [x] Millencolin [ ] Operation Ivy [ ] Descendents [ ] Dead Kennedys [x] AFI [ ] Joan Jett and the Black Hearts TOTAL = 9 POP PUNK [x] blink-182 [x] Green Day [x] New Found Glory [x] Good Charlotte [x] Relient K [x] Sum 41 [ ] The Ataris [x] The Starting Line [x] Simple Plan [ ] The Offspring [ ] Lagwagon [x] Box Car Racer [x] Motion City Soundtrack TOTAL = 10 STREET PUNK [x] The Unseen [x] The Casualties [ ] GBH [ ] The Varukers [ ] Cock Sparrer [ ] The Virus [ ] The Exploited [ ] Sham 69 [ ] Lower Class Brats [ ] Clit 45 [ ] U.S. Bombs [ ] Leftover Crack [ ] Subhumans [ ] Anti-Nowhere League TOTAL = 2 CRUST PUNK [ ] Amebix [ ] Aus-Rotten [ ] His Hero Is Gone [ ] Nausea [ ] Crass [ ] From Ashes Rise [ ] Skitsystem [ ] Rudimentary Peni [ ] Extreme Noise Terror [ ] Tragedy [ ] Wolfbrigade [ ] Anti-Product [ ] Behind Enemy Lines TOTAL = 0 RAP [ ] Ying Yang Twins [ ] Bubba Sparxxx [ ] Haystak [ ] Paul Wall [ ] Jay-Z [ ] Nas [ ] DMX [ ] Ice Cube [ ] Tupac Shakur [ ] Jamie Foxx [ ] Cypress Hill [ ] Ludacris [ ] Lil Jon [x] Eminem [ ] 50 Cent [ ] Kanye west [ ] Bow Wow [ ] Wu Tang Clan TOTAL = 1 HIP-HOP [ ] Dilated Peoples [ ] Mos Def [ ] Atmosphere [ ] Sage Francis [ ] Talib Kweli [ ] Aesop Rock [ ] Blackalicious [ ] Souls of Mischief [ ] MF DOOM [ ] Jurassic 5 [ ] Jedi Mind Tricks [ ] Common [ ] Gangstarr [ ] A Tribe Called Quest [ ] Ghostface Killa [ ] Pete Rock [ ] De La Soul [ ] Necro [ ] Immortal Technique [ ] Ill Bill TOTAL = 0 SKA [ ] Streetlight Manifesto [ ] The Mighty Mighty Bosstones [ ] Big D and The Kids Table [ ] The Toasters [x] Goldfinger [ ] The Aquabats [ ] Reel Big Fish [ ] Fortunado [ ] Skankin' Pickle [x] Madness [ ] The Skatalites [ ] Voodoo Glowskulls [ ] Five Iron Frenzy [ ] Tip The Van [ ] Stealing From Peter [ ] The Specials [x] Catch 22 TOTAL = 3 CLASSIC ROCK [ ] The Doors [ ] The Beatles [ ] The Rolling Stones [x] The Clash [x] The Who [ ] Aerosmith [ ] Black Sabbath [ ] The Kinks [x] Kiss [x] The Ramones [ ] Pink Floyd [ ] Led Zepplin [ ] Heart [x] Guns N Roses [ ] The Jimi Hendrix Experience [x] MOTLEY CRUE [ ] Ac/Dc [ ] Iron Butterfly [ ] Jefferson Airplane [ ] Bob Dylan [ ] Jimi Hendrix TOTAL = 6 90's ALTERNATIVE [x] Sublime [ ] Cake [ ] Spin Doctors [ ] Smashing Pumpkins [ ] Gin Blossoms [ ] Alice In Chains [ ] Soundgarden [ ] Toad the Wet Sprocket [ ] 311 [ ] Live [ ] Bush [ ] Third Eye Blind [ ] Goo Goo Dolls [ ] Barenaked Ladies [ ] Counting Crows [ ] No Doubt [ ] Nirvana [ ] matchbox20 [ ]eve 6 TOTAL= 1 INDUSTRIAL [ ] KMFDM [ ] Ministry [ ] Nine Inch Nails [ ] Laibach [ ] Einstürzende Neubauten [ ] Skinny Puppy [ ] Front Line Assembly [ ] VNV Nation [ ] Crossbreed [ ] :wumpscut: [ ] Throbbing Gristle [ ] Hocico [ ] Combichrist [ ] Assemblage 23 [ ] Front 242 [ ] Funker Vogt [ ] Psyclon 9 [ ] Suicide Commando [ ] Grendel [ ] Nitzer Ebb [ ] Haujobb [ ] The Birthday Massacre [ ] Mortiis TOTAL = 0 ELECTROCLASH [ ] Ladytron [ ] Fischerspooner [ ] Peaches [ ] ADULT [ ] Freezepop [ ] Daft Punk [ ] Goldfrapp [ ] Shiny Toy Guns [ ] Clear Static [ ] The Faint [ ] The Knife [ ] She Wants Revenge [ ] Chicks on Speed [ ] LCD Soundsystem [ ] Dirty Sanchez [ ] Le Tigre TOTAL = 0 ELECTRONICA [ ] The Chemical Brothers [ ] Prodigy [ ] Moby [ ] The Crystal Method [ ] Aphex Twin [ ] Basement Jaxx [ ] Juno Reactor [ ] Amon Tobin [ ] Orbital [ ] Paul Oakenfold [ ] Unkle [ ] Tricky [ ] Benny Benassi [ ] Photek [ ] Roni Size [ ] LTJ Bukem [ ] Boom Bip TOTAL = 0
So, here's how it works: 1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, Creative Zen, etc) 2. Put it on shuffle 3. Press play 4. For every question, type the song that's playing 5. When you go to a new question, press the next button 6. DON'T LIE AND PRETEND JUST SO YOU CAN LOOK COOL Opening Credits: Everlasting Friend – Blue October Waking Up: Light with a Sharpened edge – The Used First Day At School: The Shotgun Message – Norma Jean Falling In Love: Ghost Man On Third – Taking Back Sunday Fight Song: Junkie Man - Rancid Breaking Up: Happiness by the Kilowatt – Alexisonfire Prom: Get Fighted - Alexisonfire Life: The Jesus Haircut - A Static Lullaby Mental Breakdown: Superman - Lazlo Bane Driving: Hate (I Really Don't Like You) – Plain White T’s Flashback: I Should Tell You – Eighteen Visions Wedding: Graveland – The 69 Eyes Death Scene: Black Mamba (Acoustic) - The Academy Is... Funeral Song: Town Meeting Song – Danny Elfman End Credits: Zero Mechanism – The Used
Single or Taken: single Happy about that: yes Eye color: Green with Brown circles shoe size: 9 Height: 5ft8 What are you wearing right now?: pink top with skulls and hearts on and black trousers Righty or lefty: righty Can you make a dollar in change right now?: yep ---------------------------------------------------------- FAVORITES Kind of pants: jeans Animal: Dog Drink: Cup of tea Month: october Juice: pinapple,Apple or orange Favorite cartoon: The grim adventures of billy and mandy ---------------------------------------------------------- HAVE YOU EVER... Given anyone a bath: Nope never Bungee Jumped?: nope I wanna tho Made yourself throw-up?: yeah skinny dipped?: no Broken a bone: nope, I nearly broke my nose Played truth or dare: yeah Been in a physical fight?: yeah Been on a plane: yeah Come close to dying: no, came close to being hit by several cars thanks to my sis been in a hot tub: no Fallen asleep in school: yeah Run away: no Broken someone's heart: kinda Cried when someone died: yeah Fell off your chair: yeah Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: no Saved Msn conversations: no Made out with JUST a friend?: no Used someone: yeah Been cheated on: no Cheated on someone: no --------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS... Beside you: a wall, My sisters camera, the armchair, cup, games and the xmas tree, not that much in here as im in the study. Last thing you ate: Chips EVER HAD... Chicken pox: yeah Sore Throat: yeah Stitches: no Broken nose: no but nearly ---------------------------------------- Do You... Believe in love at first sight: no Long distance relationships: yeah but only if they are in the same country, or if not you knew them before, but then again I don’t think they last long Like school: no Question yourself: yeah Who was the last person that called you?: my dad Who makes you smile the most?: my best friends and my family Who knows you the best: my sister ----------------------------------------------- Do you like filling these out: yeah otherwise i wouldn't be doing it, but it passes the time lol Do you wear contact lenses or glasses: Glasses Do you get along with your family: Yepo Final Questions:.. What did you do yesterday?: Went to Birmingham with, Jen, Becky and her boyfriend Dave, Got my lip pierced again then came home lol What car/truck do you wish to have: chevy impala 63 or a chevy impala 67 Have a lava lamp: no How many remote controls are in your house?: 10 think Are you double jointed?: no Scary or Funny Movies: scary Chocolate or Vanilla Ice cream: vanilla Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper: Dr pepper Summer or winter: Winter Silver or Gold: silver Diamond or pearl: pearl Sprite or 7-up: 7 up Coffee or tea: tea Phone or in person: person ------------------------------------------------------ Today did you... 1. Talk to someone you liked: yeah 2. Buy something: no not yet, its only 9 am. 3. Get sick: im already ill lol 8. Talked to an ex: no 9. Miss someone: yeah --------------------------------------------------------- Last person who.... 10. Slept in your bed: myself 11. Saw/heard you cry: last week, It was my sister who saw me 12. Made you cry: my dad 13. Went to the movies with: My dad and my sister 15. Said "I Love You" to you: Michael ____________________________________________ 16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: no i've just realised there's questions missing?? what's all that about?!?!? No idea 18. Been to Mexico: no 20. Been to Europe: yeah _______________________________________________ Random..... 22. what book are you reading now: Motley Crue the dirt 24. Future KIDS names: Jeph, and Astra or sky 25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no, they are in my room tho 26. What's under your bed: nothing 27. Favorite sports to watch: don’t watch sports 28. Favorite Locations: gigs or anywhere with my family 29. Tattoos or piercings: I love both, but I only have piercings right now. 10 to be correct lol 30. Most scared of right now?: Clowns 31. Who/What do you really hate?: Anna 32. Do you have a job?: no 33.Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: Yeah, way back in the day tho 36. Are you lonely right now?: not really 38. Song that's stuck in your head right now?: hips don’t lie, by that women you no 39. Have you ever played strip poker: no 40. Have you ever gotten beat up?: no 42. Have you ever been on radio/TV: no 43. Have you ever been in a mosh-pit: yep twas fun 44. Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed: yep ________________________________________________ Random... What are the first things you notice about the opposite sex?: face Your Favorite Food?: Italian Ever get so drunk you don't remember?: nope Are you too shy to ask someone out?: yeah Hugs or Kisses?: both Dogs or cats?: dogs Favorite Flower?: rose Have you ever fired a gun?: yes How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4 Who are you missing right now: my grandad
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