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Sex and Diabetes

Sex and Diabetes While sex seems to be everywhere --television, billboards, Movies, music, and advertising--americans are still reluctant to go to the doctor to talk about a sexual problem or issue. However, many people, whether they have diabetes or not, have sexual problems. The Journal of the American Medical Association reported in February of 2000 about a survey conducted of 1,749 women and 1,410 men aged 18 to 59. The survey found sexual dysfunction is more prevalent for women (43%) than men (31%). This is one of the disease's that effect the African-american community the most as well as heart diease.(will detell later) Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects as many as 16 million Americans more then half is Afreican american. For reasons that are not yet clear, diabetes is increasing in our population to the point where public health authorities are calling diabetes an "epidemic" that requires urgent attention. You're not going to believe this, but nowhere on the website of the American Diabetic Association do they discuss whether swallowing when giving a guy oral sex impacts your blood sugar level, or if diabetic girls taste sweeter. At least they were kind enough to intimate that nobody's diabetic penis is going to get gangrene, although you might hold off on wearing a cock ring. Decreased circulation and numbness can be a problem with diabetes, and why risk making it worse? Unfortunately, exercise that's sexercise needs a diabetic caveat or two. For instance, one reader had a nasty experience while performing oral sex on her boyfriend. It was her first time, so she assumed the funny feeling she was having was from being nervous. She was kneeling over the boy when she fainted from low blood sugar, almost choking on his penis. At least she thinks the culprit was low blood sugar. Checking your blood sugar before, during and after sex is the last thing anyone feels like doing. But until you understand your body's reactions while making love, especially with a new partner, taking frequent readings is the only way you will learn. You will want to learn about your body's reactions in the minutes and hours after sex. The muscles in a horny pelvis eat up extra glucose, especially when it's been rocking back and forth. And hormones like adrenaline, nonadrenaline and prolactin are released during orgasm. They can change your blood sugar, sometimes dramatically. A healthcare provider or diabetes educator can help you with lovemaking management strategies. Should you adjust your insulin downward? Is it a good idea to inject yourself in the abdomen instead of your thigh before a love-making marathon, or does the bunny-like thrusting of hips cancel any slow-down in the insulin absorption rate that you might hope to gain? Should you eat something other than your partner before, during or after sex? It's usually best to avoid strenuous lovemaking whenever you aren't feeling well, at peak insulin action times, or if you have high blood sugar and ketones. During these days, try planting gentle kisses on your partner's neck while he or she masturbates. It is also essential to educate your partner about diabetes, and how he or she can recognize your hypoglycemic episodes and other blood sugar nastiness. They need to know how to be in charge when you aren't, and what to do. It will be much harder to explain after the fact, and you can make up for any inconvenience by giving them a particularly nice ride in the saddle or a prolonged loin licking a few days after a crash. Here are a few of many other sex-matters to consider: *Safe Sex for diabetics includes keeping a pack of Lifesavers next to the condoms and lube. *Women should watch out for blood sugar weirdness a few days before and after their periods. If you can find any menstrual-related patterns, you'll know to make adjustments in your diet, exercise, insulin, and sexual robustness. *High glucose in the blood means that more glucose is available in the vagina. This can trigger a yeast infection. Plenty of women discovered they were diabetic as a result of recurrent yeast and urinary tract infections. *Sugar binges from marijuana munchies can be a problem, although some people claim that marijuana helps even out their blood sugar. I haven't seen any studies on this, so please discuss it with your endocrinologist. Ecstasy can make you think you have boundless energy when your body is on its way to a blood sugar low, and blood sugar lows from alcohol are the most dangerous of all. Keep in mind that when you have been partying, others around you will assume that any unusual behavior is from being drunk or stoned. *Decreased vaginal lubrication and erection problems are common side effects of diabetes. These problems can be due to an interruption in nervous-system feedback, problems in circulation, or a combination of both. Store-bought lube is a great equalizer for women, and Viagra-like medications are helpful for at least 50% of males. Be sure to consult with your healthcare professional before taking erection medications. *If you are a female diabetic who gets frequent urinary tract infections, consider shacking up with a partner who is into golden showers. Peeing before and after sex helps decrease the chances of getting UTIs, so going on your guy will be killing two birds with one stone, or stream. *Be sure to wear a medical ID bracelet or tag, and if you're a man who's cruising the parks or trails, you might put an extra tag on the waistband in the front of your briefs where it's more likely to be seen. *If you can't live without getting your love parts pierced, the chances of getting an infection are higher when your blood glucose levels (BGLs) are elevated. Infections will increase the scarring around piercing sites and they will make your BGLs shoot even higher. Get thee to a health-care provider at the slightest indication of an infection. Also, tongue piercings will make your tongue swollen and sore, which will inspire you to skip meals, which can lead to a hypoglycemic episode. Diabetes doesn't mean you can't be as good or bad as anyone else in bed. It just means that you've got to plan ahead and jump through a few more hoops. Diabetes may affect sexual functioning in several ways, but there are some things you may need to look out for: Menstruation - most Women may find that the menstrual cycle affects blood sugar. If you seem to be having trouble with control around the time of your menstrual period, keep careful records of your levels around that time of the month. Look to see if there is a pattern. For example you may find that your blood sugar is higher than normal the week before your period. You may need to add extra exercise or avoid eating extra carbohydrates. You may talk to your doctor about adjusting your insulin or any other medication at this time. Lubrication - most Women with diabetes may be more prone to have problems with vaginal lubrication. You may also have trouble with sexual response because of nerve damage. There are some medications that can also affect sexual response. These are things that can be addressed, but in order to get help you need to talk to your doctor about these issues. Although it may be hard to discuss these things, the best approach is to be matter-of-fact. Impotence - most men having impotence is the consistent inability to sustain an erection enough to engage in sexual intercourse. Many men have impotence problems at some point during their lives, especially in their 50's, 60's and older. For men with diabetes, these problems can arrive 10 to 15 years earlier than for men without diabetes. Some estimates place the incidence of diabetes-related impotence in men at more than 40 percent.even with viagra and other realeted drugs don't help most of the time. Sometimes nerve disease related to diabetes causes impotence. When nerves are damaged, as can happen with the condition, the flow of blood to the penis may be lessened and so an erection can't occur. Blood vessel damage can also cause impotence. It may be that medications taken for diabetes, high blood pressure or for other conditions can be the cause. Drinking too much and smoking can also cause the problem. Your doctor can help determine how much of this problem is physical or psychological and prescribe treatment. Whatever the cause, it's important to tell your health care provider if you are experiencing impotence. Your doctor may change your medication or determine if there is a blockage in the blood vessels. Diabetic-related impotence may be treated successfully, depending on the cause. After Sex - If you use insulin, be aware that sometimes sex can cause low blood sugar levels. Test your blood sugar before having sex or consider eating just before or right afterwards as you would for exercise. Also you may want to have a snack before going to sleep at night. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pt 2 Sex is an important part of life and relationships. But diabetes can affect a man’s sex life. Some men with diabetes have impotence, also called erectile dysfunction or ED. ED is when a man can no longer have or keep an erection. Over time, blood vessels and nerves in the penis can become damaged. This can lead to ED. If you have ED, there is hope. There are ways to treat ED. ED is not a normal part of getting older, and it doesn’t happen to all men who have diabetes. ED can also be caused by other conditions, such as prostate or bladder surgery. Talk with your health care team about new therapies. If you have ED or some other sexual problem, it’s normal to feel embarrassed or upset. You may blame yourself or your partner. Some men feel guilty and angry. Others feel like there’s no hope. These feelings can make it hard to talk openly with your partner or your doctor. But talking about ED means you’re a step closer to getting help. In Search of Answers Today, there are many ways to treat ED and more are on the way. If one thing doesn’t work, something else might. Here are some options: Taking pills to treat ED Putting medicine called prostaglandins (prahs-ta-GLAND-ins) into your penis Using a vacuum tube and pump that you put over your penis. The pump creates a vacuum in the tube. The vacuum draws blood into the penis. A band is placed around the base of the penis so you keep the erection after you take off the vacuum tube Having surgery to put a device in the penis. Surgery can also fix blood vessels so more blood will flow to the penis Certain medicines, such as some pills for high blood pressure or depression, may cause ED. Pills for stomach ulcers or heartburn also may cause it. Ask your doctor if ED is a side effect of any of your medicines. There may be other pills you can take. Remember, talk with your doctor or diabetes educator before trying any treatment for ED or before stopping any of your medicines. It’s not easy to accept that you have ED. And it can be even harder to talk about it, especially with your partner. Even if your doctor doesn’t ask about ED, talk about it if you’re having problems. Talking about ED is the only way to learn about treatments and get help. Family Ties Diabetes doesn’t affect your ability to become a father. But you and your partner might have questions about starting a family. Talk with your health care team if you have questions or concerns. Here are some tips: Not every man with diabetes gets ED ED is not the end of your sex life You can get help. There are several treatment options Talk with your partner and your doctor or diabetes educator to get help Depression and Anxiety Diabetes raises your risk for depression. Depression is a medical condition that’s more serious than just feeling a little sad. Depression can lead to ED, and ED can cause men to feel depressed. People with diabetes sometimes feel they have a lot to worry about. They worry about their health, their future, and all the other stresses in their life. For some men, having sexual problems once in a while makes them worry about developing ED all the time. Lots of worry, also called an anxiety disorder, can lead to ED. Talk with your health care team if you have these feelings. Medicine or counseling can help with both depression and anxiety disorder. For more information about building and/or nurturing relationships, interested persons may contact me at BishopMonk1@yahoo.com

Relationships 101

Building a Relationship is Like Building a House Bishop Monk 1 says Building a relationship is like building a house. Relationships need a strong foundation before the remaining building blocks can be added. Because if the foundation is weak then by all means the realshop will be week. The first is dedication to the relationship; the second is constraint. "These are two words that seem very different,"Constraint is simply that you do things that won’t harm the relationship. You constrain yourself from insulting your partner or showing lack of respect and doing things that cause irreparable harm." If a couple is concerned about dedication and constraint in their relationship, they can strengthen their relationship in two ways, Bishop Monk 1said. First, the couple needs to get to know one another – knowing each other’s likes, dislikes, joys and fears. Second, a couple can nurture their relationship by showing fondness, admiration and respect in the things they say and do with each other. Once the foundation is strengthened, then the building blocks can be developed and added to the foundation. Closeness usually is the first building block. A couple needs this building block to continue their knowledge of their partner and to increase their support for each other, "Besides getting to know each other, a couple develops a friendship and they also turn toward each other instead of outward," she said. "A couple shares things that are happening with each other in their days, and they give each other signals of caring by listening." Distribution of power is the second building block. Both partners must realize who makes the decisions and/or who has the authority. Is the power equally distributed? Even decisions about where a couple will eat or what movie they will see show if both partners have some power or if the power distribution is lopsided, Bishop Monk 1 said. Disagreements about the building blocks can be caused by cultural differences and backgrounds, said Bishop Monk 1, who offered these suggestions for resolving disagreements: * Avoid criticism. * Clarify what is being discussed. * Describe without being judgmental. * Complain, but don’t blame. * Be polite. * Show appreciation if a partner does something during an argument that shows attention to discussion, i.e. turning off the television to listen attentively In a disagreement, both partners need to open up and be honest about their feelings, Olsen said. If one or both partners struggle with or fears opening up, then increased communication is important. The more knowledge a person has of their partner, then the easier it is to open up. This evolves as the couple gets to know each other better. Predicting reactions will be easier, Olsen said. Resolving conflict successfully involves patience, compromise and respect, and these characteristics also are important building blocks of a relationship, Bishop Monk 1 said. For more information about building and/or nurturing relationships, interested persons may contact me at BishopMonk1@yahoo.com

Booty Call Commandments

Booty Call Commandments I. Thou shalt get out before the sun rises if not you'll trun to dust (vampire) II. Thou shouldest never ask "can we see each other from now on?" Unless it's a movie that we made or making at the time anything else doesent matter! III. Thou shalt refrain from referring to our activities as "love making." A Booty Call is just that a Booty Call! IV. Thou shalt not request advanced plans. unless it for a booty call only. VI. Thou shalt scream my name often if you forget my name it's ok I don't rember yours VII. If someone cometh over whilst thou art here, thou art my cousin from out of town. Or friend from an old job I use to work at. VIII. Thou shalt not ask me to walk thee to thy car. Don't thou knoweth what it looketh like? If thou doesent have cab fair thou should know to bring bus fair. IX. There shall be no "pillow talk." I don't wanna know and don't care! X. There shall be no cuddling -- ever! four play always. If any of these Booty Call Commandments are dissed or broken you will be truned to stone and then kick to the crub. And the next call will be made. Excerpted by permission of BishopMonk 1, a division of Random Play House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher owner.
A NEW WAY TO APPROVE A WOMEN (In the way of a Credit Application) Name Last First Middle Address: Address City State Zip Telephone: Home # Work# Cell# Date of Birth: Age SS# Weight Height Ethnicity: (check) Black Hispanic White Other Do you live with any of the following: (circle) Grandmother, Parents, Mother, Father, bOYfriend, Baby Daddy, Alone, Shelter, Husband, Auntie, Other Any Children (circle yes or no) Yes No If yes, how many How many Baby Mamas? If more than one, please name below. Use separate sheet of paper if need more room. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ever been married (circle ) Yes No If yes, how many times Are you or have you ever been with another women? (circle one) Yes No (If you answer "Yes" STOP RIGHT HERE!!)(" And have her fill out an application also"). Do you owe child support? Yes No Don't Know *If your ex-husband, ex-boyfriend is getting state benefits (childcare, food stamps, etc), then you owe somebody something. Especially tax payers. Stop here and go take care of your dame kids be responble most men do with no question asked. Was the last man you was with ever on the Down Low? (circle one) Yes No (If you answer "Yes" STOP RIGHT HERE!!) (go to the doctor in get check out you know you where fucking him with out a condom) Education: Did you graduate from high school? (circle ) Yes No Name of high school (if yes) Have you received any of the following? (Circle One) GED Diploma Nothing *If you did not complete any of the above, please Stop here and return to school. Any college? (circle one) Yes No Still Enrolled:Yes No Graduated Have you ever been to jail? (circle one) Yes No If yes, what for? (be very specific) Have you ever been to prison? (circle one) Yes No *If you have answered yes to the above question, please Stop here and call your P.O. immediately.* Employed? (circle) Yes No *If no, please Stop here? If yes, where and how long? Do you have health insurance? Yes No When did you last visit the dentist? When was the last time you have been to the doctor? _ Yes No What for? List any (all) illnesses. Use separate sheet of paper if needed. Do you have or have you had any of the following? (please circle all that may apply) Hepatitis A or B or C, Herpes, Mononucleosis, HIV/AIDS, The Bird Flu, West Nile Virus, Crabs, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, SARS , Head Lice, Ringworms, Boils, Sex Change, Shingles, Meningitis , Measles, Mumps, Ebola Bunions Virus, A Cold, Something that you can't spell or just plane old stuped no need to go any futher. *If you have circled any of these, Stop here do NOT turn in your application. See the doctor immediately! Have you or do you ever used or (ingested in any way) any of the following: (circle all that apply) Crack/Cocaine Heroin Paint Markers Ecstasy Glue Bad pills Snuff Anything under the kitchen sink *Please use a separate sheet of paper to compile a list of goals and accomplishments If this is just a BOOTY CALL(stop right here there a sepert application to fill out) called "Booty Call agrement novice or x-rated" These can be found right here in my blogs. Careing is sharing so how do you feel about sharing your man with your female friends (circle all that apply) yes - no - maybe -sometimes - not at all - dipends on my mode would you fuck your man's hommie when he's not around? Yes No (If you answer "Yes" STOP RIGHT HERE!!) Or does it depend on how he treeted you before fucking his hommie (explain use seprted paper) By signing below, you agree that all of the information given above is true to the best of your knowledge. For my or (our) protection, you may be asked to provide the following information upon request: state ID, birth certificate, recent payroll stub, a recent clean bill of health from a certified physician or practitioner. Falsifying information may result in termination of this relationship (if applicable), and a severe a** whooping by my project cousins Peaches, Shay-Shay, Dee Dee , Lil Kat, Moet or all of the above. Applicants Signature Date: Print Name : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- enjoy yourselfstay safe and keep it clean if possible(LOL). Cum visted us @ NYC SEXY THICK WOMEN (BBW's & BHM's) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NYCSEXYTHICKBBW_SWINGERS_BHM Get N2 a new kind of place 2B JUST PEOPLE BEING PEOPLE Excerpted by permission of BishopMonk 1, a division of Random Play House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without our permission in writing from the publisher owner.
THE NEW WAY TO APPROVE A MAN (In the way of a Credit Application) Name Last First Middle Address: Address City State Zip Telephone: Home # Work# Cell# Date of Birth: Age SS# Weight Height Ethnicity: (check) Black Hispanic White Other Do you live with any of the following: (circle) Grandmother, Parents, Mother, Father, Girlfriend, Baby Mama, Alone, Shelter, Wife, Auntie, Other Any Children (circle yes or no) Yes No If yes, how many How many Baby Mamas? If more than one, please name below. Use separate sheet of paper if need more room. 1. 2. 3. Ever been married (circle ) Yes No If yes, how many times? Are you or have you ever been on the Down Low? (circle one) Yes No (If you answer "Yes" STOP RIGHT HERE!!) Do you owe child support? Yes No Don't Know *If your ex-wife, ex-girlfriend is getting state benefits (childcare, food stamps, etc), then you owe somebody something. Especially tax payers. Stop here and go take care of your dang kids. Education: Did you graduate from high school? (circle ) Yes No Name of high school (if yes) Have you received any of the following? (Circle One) GED Diploma Nothing *If you did not complete any of the above, please Stop here and return to school. Any college? (circle one) Yes No Still Enrolled:Yes No Graduated Have you ever been to jail? (circle one) Yes No If yes, what for? (be very specific) Have you ever been to prison? (circle one) Yes No *If you have answered yes to the above question, please Stop here and call your P.O. immediately. Employed? (circle) Yes No *If no, please Stop here? If yes, where and how long? Do you have health insurance? Yes No When did you last visit the dentist? When was the last time you have been to the doctor? _ Yes No What for? List any (all) illnesses. Use separate sheet of paper if needed. Do you have or have you had any of the following? (please circle all that may apply) Hepatitis A or B or C, Herpes, Mononucleosis, HIV/AIDS, The Bird Flu, West Nile Virus, Crabs, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, SARS , Head Lice, Ringworms, Boils, Sex Change, Shingles, Meningitis , Measles, Mumps, Ebola Bunions Virus, A Cold, Something that you can't spell *If you have circled any of these, Stop here do NOT turn in your application. See the doctor immediately! Do you or have you ever used (ingested in any way) any of the following: (circle all that apply) Crack/Cocaine Heroin Paint Markers Ecstasy Glue Bad pills Snuff Anything under the kitchen sink *Please use a separate sheet of paper to compile a list of goals and accomplishments. By signing below, you agree that all of the information given above is true to the best of your knowledge. For my protection, you may be asked to provide the following information upon request: state ID, birth certificate, recent payroll stub, a recent clean bill of health from a certified physician or practitioner. Falsifying information may result in termination of this relationship (if applicable), and a severe a** whooping by my project cousins Pookie, Ray-Ray, Darnell, Lil Krazy or all of the above. Applicants Signature Date: Print Name :
From Bishopmonk Here's a list of things that may signal your patner is being unfaithful to you and the other person. Difficulty: Hard Time Required: Up to you. Here's How: Acknowledge something doesn't "feel right" in your relationship and be prepared to get to the bottom of it. Ask yourself the following questions: - Does he/she call you less often? - Does he/she make excuses to not see you when you used to be inseparable? Sponsored Links Is My Love Cheating On Me How You Can Quickly and Easily Discover If Your Lover Is Cheating www.beatthatniggerdown.org www.slapahoe.org Infidelity and Cheating Learn How to Catch a Cheater Now Net's Largest Database of Cheaters www.niggerweknowwhereyoulive.net www.hoewhereUat.net Men & Cheating 10 Free Secrets On Men & Commitment To Keep Relationships & Love Alive www.CatchHimIfUCan.com www.CatchHerIfUCan.com - Is he/she NOT where you are told he/she will be when you look in to it? - When you call at normal times, is he/she not home? - Does he/she seem to be avoiding you at school? - Has he/she become very distant OR more affectionate than normal on the rare occasions you are together? - Have other people noticed the strange behavior? - Have other people seen him/her with somebody else? - Does he/she seem distracted when he/she is with you? If you answered "Yes" to 4 or more of the above questions there is a good chance that your steady is cheating. Tips: If you think you are being cheated on, confront your steady. Stay calm and non-aggressive when you do this. Do NOT cheat back in an effort to make him/her jealous or to start a fight where you can confrom them. If you are unhappy, if things have changed to the point where you fear you are being cheated on, ask yourself if you want to stay in the relationship. Do not think of this as a contest between you and "the other person", you are not a loser because you are being cheated on. If you have been cheated on think long and hard about taking him.her back if they ask - once a cheater ALMOST always a cheater! Excerpted by permission of BishopMonk 1, a division of Random Play House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher owner.
How too tell if your man is on the Downlow Here it is basic answers to you questions about to tell if your man is on the down low. Now some of you women have been living in denile you see it but or blind at the same time. 1. If your man watches pron (xxx) with you and is always looking harder @ the men in the video's more then the females. 2. Always making comments on how big the next guy dick is while licking his lips and rubing his self. 3. If your giving him head in put your finger in his azz and all he doese is smile and open wider. 4. If he and a male friend or closer then you could ever be (now boys will be boy but if this person are making remarks about you and how you can't please him guess what he's on the downlow). 5. If he compares you to another person and it's not a women but a man 6. If your underware or stretched out and have cum stans in the seat of them knowing he's not cross dressing or role playing with you. 7. If you find mens numbers of man in his pocket and only men that's not job realated 8. Has a clander of naked men or magazine of the same type. 9. Calling you by a guys name while making to you. 10. Asking you to try something new now he want's to see how it feels to get fucked in the azz by you so he buys you a strap on thats bigger then his tool. 11. Always asking you to stick object in his butt. 12. When your having a three some it's always a bi guy in the mix 13. Spending more time with your open and gay friends then you 14. Have gay pron on his computer, naked pic's of men 15. Act's like a thug with you but act's like a homo thug aroud other people. 16. His ways or more like a bitch then yours 17. If he complains about the way you give him head buy saying that he could do better if he was blind. 18. Always asking if you saw your gay friend. 19. Always going to hang out with your gay friend. 20. never seen him in boxers or breifs but thong lke pantys. Rember this is your life so do play this type of game with it even if you and him have kids togeather go get checked out AIDs is for real and no joke.Safe sex even with you panter make since untill your sure. SO PLEASE BE SAFE AND REMBER AIDS IS NO JOKE IF YOU HAVE DOUBT YOUR MAN SEXUALITY ASK HIM TO HIS FACE AND IF HE LIES PUTS HIS AZZ OUT. Excerpted by permission of BishopMonk 1, a division of Random Play House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher owner.

What is EROTIC

With all our softness, curves, roundness, how can the BBW NOT be an erotic creature? There are some who (me included) say the BBW is more erotic than our smaller sisters. What is EROTIC? A Woman Who Thinks She's Beautiful & Sexy Regardless of Size Being "Playful" In & Out of Bed Willing to Try & Learn New Ways of Loving her man to the fullest,Reading Hot, Sexy Stories To One Another Giving A Good Foot Massage That Makes The Whole Body Tingle With Delight Bathing In A Tub With Rose Petals & "Florida Water" (A Latin Perfume Water) Whispering One's Desires While Softly Nibbling On The Ear Going To A Lingerie Boutique And Having Your Loved One Model Different Pieces For You Bedroom Eyes Writing Something HOT For Your Lover and Leaving It Under The Pillow or Anywhere S/He Alone Can Find It When S/He Gets To Work! Getting Your Lover An Aspirin When S/He Complains of a Headache When You Want To Make Love Sending Flowers To Your Loved One Just Because It's Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday,or...A Person Who Smiles Most of the Time It's what's between the ears that counts.The time it takes her to make a meal the time she has 4 me thats what truns me on the most her willness to show me all that I've missed and making sure I don't miss these thing again, A women who will acept me 4 me diabetes in all that comes with it. Is the power 2B all you can be and dare 2B My Favorite Erotic Web Sites Erotic Stories The GutArt Gallery - Fine Art, Eroart of BBWs - Erotic Art! Women En Large - Fine Art Photographs of BBWs Erotica Books! - Old Kentucky Book Store - Duane's Great Listing of Erotic Books You May Purchase from Amazon.com And most of the women I deal with luv Asian Collectibles Shopping Online - Reproductions of Erotic Art from the Qing Dynasty to Today Fantasy House - Gift Store BedroomSports.com - The Adult Superstore! My Yahoo Groups http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NYCSEXYTHICKBBW_SWINGERS_BHM http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CushitesEbonySwingersNYC http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freak-Addict/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BuddhaBrotherEntertaments and more info on these groups to come Excerpted by permission of BishopMonk 1, a division of Random Play House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher owner.
What is Fellatio? Fellatio, giving head, giving a blow-job: Like my self many men love this kind of stimulation, from women and many people, both women and men, like giving it. Fellatio is the act of applying your lips to a man's penis with the purpose of giving him pleasure. There are few tips to fellatio that can be given other than "practice." The lips and the tongue are the major sources of stimulation, and it is with the lips and tongue that you should apply the attention to make him feel good. Both men and women respond well to pressure and rhythm. A steady, strong stroke will be enough to get the reaction you're looking for. This article assumes that you know what a penis looks like and can identify the corona, frenulum, and scrotum. If you are unsure, first read to the section on male sexual anatomy. So brothers when a women is smelling your scrotum it's too see if your freash. That means B4 you ask her 2 go down on you make sure U wash your ass. Rember that goes both ways ladies! What if it doesn't smell or taste good? If the smell isn't something you enjoy, then tell him to go take a shower! While this is something you're doing primarily for his pleasure, that doesn't mean you have to suffer if he's lacking in hygiene! And if you're worried about germs, your mouth has millions more germs than a clean penis. What is "deep throating?" Deep throating is the act of taking the penis down past your gag reflex. In reality, this particular sexual adventure is very overrated. The best way to give fellatio is still with the lips and tongue, taking only as much as you can without gagging. However, for those that want to know, the basic lesson is still "practice." Take the penis as far as you can without choking, and then close your eyes and concentrate, taking each quarter inch, telling yourself that you won't choke, that you can take it out at any time, and slowly swallow it down. Then rise off of it just as slowly. Are there any special spots on the penis? Every penis is different, and each has its sensitive spots and its preferred ways of being handled. Generally, the corona and frenulum are more sensitive than the base of the shaft of the penis. Listen to your lover. The sounds he makes and the feel of his body tensing are your best clues that you're going this right. Don't be afraid to ask him for specific spots to lick, kiss, or suck -- each man has his own preferences. Should I use my hands? Feel free to grasp with your hands whatever of the penis you can't fit into your mouth. As you slide your mouth off the penis, following behind with the hand allows you to linger on the corona longer and with a slightly diffeent sort of pressure. Many men like as much stimulation as possible, and the feel of a wet mouth and a saliva-slicked hand are enough to send them to the brink of orgasm very quickly. Some men like the feel of a hand gently "hugging" their scrotum; some like to be gently stroked with a wet finger down the length of the perineum. Some men may like the additional stimulation of a finger or two in the anus. What is 69? Some people feel that the best position to perform oral sex is the 69 position, where each partner lies with their head by the other's genitals. For fellatio, this even makes sense -- most penises curve upwards, towards the head, and in this position that curve matches the curve of the throat. However, it is difficult to both perform and appreciate oral sex at the same time. Try the position, or kneel by his body, but at least in the beginning do one thing at a time. ( a women talking) My boyfriend wants me to swallow. What do I do? Which brings us to a sensitive issue: swallowing ejaculate. For many men, this is important to them -- they like to feel that by swallowing their semen, you complete this act of lovemaking and accept a part of themselves into your body. But many people don't like the taste of semen and can't bring themselves. Talk about this beforehand -- let him know if you can't handle it, and that it's not personal. Can I make my seminal fluids taste better? Macrobiotic nutritionists have actually done research on this question, and the answer is in: you are what you eat. Common sense dictates that if you taste good, your lover will want to eat you more often, so improving your body's taste and smell should be important to you. In general, nutritionsists say that alkaline-based foods such as meats and fish produce a butter, fish taste. Dairy products, which contain a high bacterial putrefaction level create the foulest tasting fluids by far. (Dissent: almost everyone I know says that there is one worse than a high-dairy content-- asparagus. You can't miss the taste of asparagus-laced semen.) Acidic fruits, such as sweets, fruits, and alcohol give bodily fluids a pleasant, sugary flavor. Chemically processed liquors will cause an extremely acidic taste, however, so if you're going to drink alcohol, drink high-quality, naturally fermented beers (Rolling Rock or Kirin) or sake. What are the contents of semen? The question of semen content arises especially among persons who regularly swallow semen, as in fellatio, and who are concerned about calorie intake and nutritional substances. The average ejaculate contains aboutonia, ascorbic acid, blood-group antigens, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, choline, citric acid, creatine, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), fructose, glutathione, hyaluronidase, inositol, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, purine, pyrimidine, pyruvic acid, sodium, sorbitol, spermidine, spermine, urea, uric acid, vitamin B12, and zinc. The caloric content of an average ejaculate is estimated to be approximately 15 calories. A last word. There is only one true way to do fellatio, and that's with enthusiasm. You have to love what you're doing to him, either because you love him or you love sucking cock. Loving both is best! Faked orgasms have nothing on lackluster fellatio. ( I talked to one of the women about this) Excerpted by permission of BishopMonk 1, a division of Random Play House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher owner.
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