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Where I've Been

So lately much has been happening and I really haven't gotten on here. Haley had her hospital stay, Jack had a couple infections and sicknesses, Reiley is turning 7 today, and my mother-in-law just had surgery. I am trying to get the ball rolling with my health and getting better. It takes time, lots of e-mails, and plenty of phone calls. I am getting it all done day by day. Wish me luck. Between babysitting (which is my new stay-at-home mommy job) and taking care of my own kids, I really don't have much time. I love every minute of it, but it is exhausting. Thank you for all the love and support and as time comes to me, I will return it all to you.

Haley's Final Diagnosis

So we are finally home. It was a long 3 days, but well worth it. The testing didn't go as planned. The doctors had hoped Haley's blood sugar would have dropped more before her Ketone output rose too high, unfortunately, it was the opposite and in just 6 hours her Ketones tripled. They stopped the testing, drew the blood they needed and sent away for the results. This morning, after eating last night, her blood sugar dropped unexpectedly which they had to take into consideration with all the other results. They came in and talked with me and said that as they thought before, it is Ketotic Hypoglycemia. Instead of trying to write it out, I am going to copy and paste below the information about it. We also recieved a "No Wait" order for the ER. Any time we need to go to the ER for this, she has an order to be taken back immediately for an IV and a glucose test. I like that she won't have to wait and risk her blood sugar bottoming out or having a seizure. So anyway, we are all home and tired as hell. Time to catch up on some much needed sleep in a real bed, lol. Thank you to everyone who called or wrote me something. It was really nice to have support while being in there. Below is the information: Ketotic hypoglycemia is a rare but serious form of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) that occurs in young children after a period of fasting, such as due to illness. Most children can tolerate going without food for a brief period with no serious side effects. But in children with certain inherited metabolic disorders or hormone deficiencies, skipping a meal may result in low blood sugar. In ketotic hypoglycemia, the body doesn't have enough stored carbohydrates to correct the low blood sugar because its stores are easily depleted. As a result, the body converts fats into usable carbohydrates (gluconeogenesis) to meet energy needs. A byproduct of this process is ketones. When ketones build up in the blood, they can lead to serious problems, such as coma. Signs and symptoms of ketotic hypoglycemia include: * Irritability * Sweating * Fatigue and lethargy * Rapid breathing * Low blood pressure, resulting in dizziness * Loss of consciousness * Coma Such signs and symptoms require emergency medical attention. Treatment of ketotic hypoglycemia may include intravenous (IV) saltwater (saline) and sugar (dextrose) solutions.

Will Update again Later

I don't have much time to write tonight, but after my doctors appt tomorrow I will update everyone. It isn't anything too serious, just problems I have had on and off for a couple years that have finally resurfaced worse than ever. Thanks for all the well wishes, I will post more tomorrow!

Naked Pics? - For a Friend

Now that I have you here, please allow me to waste about 5 seconds more of your time.

I am trying for Spotlight on my birthday.


I look at all the people who have made spotlight and they have THOUSANDS of friends, well I don't, but I think that the friends I do have, rock harder than anyone else.


I know that with your help, I can do this, and because you know me, you know I always return the kindness that is shown to me.

Any donations, big or small, are appreciated and won't go unrewarded.

If you need a spotlight, you know I will do the same for you.

Besides, you girls have a better chance of getting it than any of us guys, so please, help me out.

You need to Level? I have 11's, I can comment bomb you, anything you need.

I am always here when you need something, please do the same for me.

bew1769(Master of Firechick728)

@ fubar

Thank You!

Thank You

Thank You to all of my Fu-Friends and Fu-Family who have helped me get this far and actually get my Birthday Spotlight.


Everyone needs to take the time out and go F/A/R/C all these wonderful people who helped me out in any way they could.


It is not everyday that you find amazing people to interact with.. . Here They Are:


The Love of my life who has had to put up with my Fubar addiction:

bew1769(Master of Firechick728)

@ fubar

And of course all of my Awesome Fu-Friends and Fu-Family:


DevilGirl~Fat Sonny's Keeper~ Owned by Stitch and Cherry Princess

@ fubar


@ fubar

Steve ~Club United~

@ fubar

Ms. Mona Doll

@ fubar

Hard 2 Handle ~ La*La's FuWife~ **Can't Be Owned**

@ fubar

cinderella -"MY BABE SPACE'S PRINCESS" - FU WIFE to CHRIS-owner of My Babe Space...

@ fubar

Freak ~Owned by Calgore & Mr.7,000,000~

@ fubar

~Suga Mama™®© Owned by Alice in Wonderland and Justfishing

@ fubar


@ fubar


@ fubar

Maranda ♥ ~*~ 2nd Alarm Hotties S.W.A.T ~*~

@ fubar

rippley matthews

@ fubar


@ fubar

☆hottiemomonwheels☆owned by r770770☆Member of Fubar's Finest Melons☆own

@ fubar

«¤Deliciously §inful¤»[The Goons Hideouts EyeCandy]Owned By Venom

@ fubar


@ fubar

Da Maine Man

@ fubar

~Master Riggs~ Proud Owner of ~ Bad Girl~and Fu Hubby 2 ~FunkyMunky~

@ fubar


@ fubar

Inkinstein Designs - (Arizona)

@ fubar


@ fubar

Owned by Dana Marie

@ fubar


@ fubar

Mariodinava..C My Beautiful Fu Wifey*Miss Cherry*s Page 2 Plz

@ fubar


@ fubar

☠^~Kyle~^☠Just call my name.....and I'll...come runnin'

@ fubar


@ fubar


@ fubar

Process this!

@ fubar

VODKAGURL (slave to: Keith67,Inkman876, Mr.7 million)

@ fubar


@ fubar


@ fubar


@ fubar


Thank You!!!! These Fubarians are some of the greatest around, go show them some love.


Another HUGE thank you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes to a girl who has helped me out SOOO much and sacrificed so I could have Spotlight on OUR Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday!

OzzyFreak The Goth EMT owned by Process This! & fireforeman 20-04; ems chief 20-71

@ fubar


One more special Thank You to someone who wanted to remain nameless. He helped me out from the VERY beginning! He gave me building tools for all the things I am doing now and when I said I wanted Spotlight he told me I could do it. THANK YOU - You know who you are!!!




Proudly made for all my friends:

Firechick728(Mistress to bew1769)

@ fubar

Another year passes by. . .

Less than a week before I turn 21. Nothing big about it, just finally legal to everything I have been doing, lol. I look at the years that have gone by and I think about all of the things I have accomplished. I became a mom at 19, wow, and I lived on my own since 17. I never thought I would be where I am now. I am happy with someone who finally treats me right, and I am now a mom to 3 kids. 21 and a mother of 3, how does that work. I wouldn't change my life for anything. I have been through a lot. I hated and still hate a lot of those experiences, but they made me who I am today. So here I sit, planning a party to celebrate, but what am I celebrating? I am not celebrating that I can drink in bars and party, I am celebrating the fact that I have accomplished a whole hell of a lot before I reached the age of 21. I will not forget all the people who have helped me to this point. Nor will I forget all the things I had to do by myself. Thank you to everyone who wishes me Happy Birthday, it means a lot. I am a mother of 3, about to turn 21, and I am having a Birthday BBQ. Hahahahahaha, life is an amazing ride. . .

Birthday Spotlight

My 21st Birthday is only around the corner. Time to party.

I would really like to go for spotlight on that day (the 28th). I am asking all my fubar friends and friends that I have not met if they could please help me out.

I still have some time and I will do whatever needs to be done to get to my goal. I have yet to ask anyone for anything so this is my first and only plea. Fans, Adds, Rates, and Comments will help me out a lot and I will return the favor each day.

I have a lot of friends on here that I would do anything for and I am hoping they will do the same.

Thank you in advance!!!

Firechick728(Mistress to bew1769): Co-Owner of "The Late-Night Hangout"

@ fubar

Are you kidding me???

Seriously, what the fuck is all of these guys' problem, this is like the second time and they just don't seem to get the hint. This is the shit I get in my inbox!!! START AT THE BOTTOM I am VERY VERY BIG, and for real, you arent married, and yes, I would eat you out real good first anyway, so look, just call me at 215-314-0205. And ohya, you werent in love at age 18, hahahahaha M.C. === 'Firechick728(Mistress to bew1769): Co-Owner of "The Late-Night Hangout"' wrote the following at '2008-06-25 11:11:05'.. > > Shouldn't have a kid at 20?? Let me lay this out here for you. . . > > My daughter's father and I were together and in love, I didn't find out I was pregnant until he enlisted in the army. He met our daughter ONCE before he got deployed to Iraq and he died there a month later. He went and defended this country so you HAVE the chance and the right to use your stupid fucking lines to try to pick me up. Remember that, someone who was so awesome and respected gave his life so dumbasses like you could stay here and DJ for drunks. > > As for my current boyfriend, He is absolutely amazing and I love his kids. He stepped in to be my daughter's father figure and carry on her dad's memory, that in itself makes him 1000000 times better than anything you will ever accomplish. I don't help him out, if it is any of your business, he makes DAMN good money in a career that is so much more respectable than yours. He has given me the opportunity to stay at home and raise our family because I was tired of working 13 hour days. > > It is a crying shame that at 20 I have accomplished and will continue to accomplish so much more than your life can hold. No, I don't want to meet you and keep it our secret. Actually, even if I was interested, you wouldn't and couldn't satisfy me. The reason I know that is 2 reasons, number 1, my boyfriend is fucking huge and he knows how to use it, number 2, the only reason you talk so big is so you can make up for all the smallness you have in your pants, I mean life. > > Seriously, go get a life and grow the fuck up. > > === 'DoggieDog' wrote the following at '2008-06-25 11:01:41'.. > > > > hahahaha, degrade yourself? C'mon now, baby, look at your life, you shouldnt even have a kid at age 20 and then u meet a loser dude with 2 kids and u help him out? Just meet me and it will be our secret. I am not gonna tell nobody. You are from Marcus Hook and need a Celebrity like me to treat u good baby! > > M.C. > > > > === 'Firechick728(Mistress to bew1769): Co-Owner of "The Late-Night Hangout"' wrote the following at '2008-06-25 10:57:14'.. > > > > > > What makes you think that sounds appealing? I don't mean to be rude. . . Sorry. I just don't understand why you would put it out there so bluntly. I have a child of my own and I love my boyfriend and his kids. I am not a girl who just wants casual no-strings sex. Yeah, I am 20, but I don't have to act it. I probably have more intelligence and maturity than most people twice my age. I am not going to degrade myself because someone thinks that sending me a message like this one will get me all hot and bothered. > > > > > > Sorry to burst your bubble, but you should work on your pick up and focus on girls who aren't happily taken. > > > > > > Nikki > > > > > > === 'DoggieDog' wrote the following at '2008-06-25 10:07:12'.. > > > > > > > > ...you look amazing and I would like to meet you, chill, and take you out VIP style. Add me as a friend on here and call me at 215-314-0205 or AIM hotdudeforluv. I live in Drexel Hill and wanna have some adult fun! I have my own place too. Don't be shy, I happen to be a Celebrity DJ too and work with the stars. Adult fun (no-strings sex) is definitely a priority here. > > > > M.C. > > > > > >

One Year

R.I.P Pfc Larry Parks Jr, my daughter's father. Tomorrow will be one year since his tank hit an IED killing him after only 38 days in Iraq. Take the time to pay respects to him, I have a whole album with his pictures in it. My daughter will grow up proud knowing all the great things her daddy did before God took him. I am going to Altoona today to be with my daughter and his family. Leave some love and support, I need it. R.I.P Larry, I love you and miss you very much. I am trying to raise her just the way you would have wanted her to be. We love you and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you. Love Nikki Firechick728

@ fubar (repost of original by 'Firechick728(Mistress to bew1769): Co-Owner of "The Late-Night Hangout"' on '2008-06-17 05:47:04')
(repost of original by '~FAT SONNY~' on '2008-06-17 06:51:37')
So now here I sit knowing that next month is going to be one of the hardest ever. Memorial Day is on Monday and I want to tell everyone I meet to remember those lost and carry on their memories, but secretly I want to stay in my bed under the covers not believing that He is one of the ones we have to remember. Larry Parks Jr. was one of the greatest men to ever live. Of all morals and dreams to live on, he lived on the best. He gave me such hope and love, he helped me when I thought I was at my lowest. He saw beauty in me that I didn't know existed. Then, he gave me the greatest gift any man could give a woman, a chance to be a mom. I had our beautiful little girl in August of 06. They never got the chance to meet until this time last year, before he left for Iraq. My baby was 8 months old the first time they met. He smiled at her and said she had his eyes, and from that moment on there was a connection when they looked at eachother. Before he left he told me to take care of her, I chuckled and told him she would be walking and talking when he got home. 38 days after he got to Iraq, his tank hit an IED and he died. I talked to him a couple different times while he was there, I thought he was going to be okay. I was wrong and to this day it hurts that I didn't say all that I could have said if I would have known I wouldn't get a chance to again. My daughter was 10 months old when we had to bury her father, she could barely say words yet, but the day we had to close his casket, she looked in, smiled so sweetly and said "bye" My daughters first real words were daddy, I would like to believe he comes to see her and give her comfort when I can't. She knows where he is buried and now at 21 months, she takes him flowers and says hello and bye bye. Remember all those lost in wars long ago and ones we are still involved in today. My blessings go out to all the men who have went over for 3 tours and made it home safely, and for those not that fortunate. This year is the first year I have to mourn and remember my daughters father, and we will do it gladly every year for the rest of our lives. Happy Memorial Day
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