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How to Nair your stuff, and other helpful tips.... Lol Well, me being me, of course had to do something stupid..ya ready for this? So I'm seeing this guy Jason. And he likes to pick on me cuz I have this aversion to shaving my legs lol. I figure if no one's touchin em, why fuckin bother right? Well then I forget to shave before I see him lol and what was that he called me…sasquatch I think it was lmao. So I get home from work yesterday and I'm in my bathroom searching for a decent razor and guess what I find…NAIR. Sweet. Says it works in as little as 3 minutes. Sweeter. Easy applicator, blah blah blah, simple right? WRONG! I figure what the hell, what can it hurt? If it doesn't work, I'll just shave anyways, no harm, no foul. So I'm in my bathroom, stripped from the waist down (cuz yeah I shave EVERYTHING if you catch my drift) So, standing there in my tshirt lol ( oh yeah , hot look for me, lemme tell ya) And I get my foot up on the edge of the sink and start applying "an even layer to cover hair" I squeeze the bottle and this goopy pale yellow stuff comes oozing out. Kinda looks like that Bavarian cream they stuff into donuts..but I wasn't about to lick the shit to see if it tasted like it too. OK so even layer, I can do this…Apparently not. It starts sliding down my leg and PLOP lands in a big blob on my favorite boot (god knows what the shit will do to suede, so pause in the operation while I mop the crap off the boot, then stupidly throw the boot right back on the floor) Repeat above step, finally realizing "Hey dipshit, throw the boot in the hall" So now there's blobs of the shit on my bathroom carpet..oh fuckin well, the rug is trashed anyways (polka dotted from all the hair color I use lol) So anyways, I get my legs covered, then right about where they meet in the middle I ask myself, I wonder if it will work on THAT too…so (smart move for once) I read the label. "Can be used on blah blah bikini line" woohoo lets slap some on there too. By now I've abandoned the crappy little applicator thingy and am just squirting the goo into my hands and slathering it on my legs and other body parts. So I get all covered ankle to girlie goodies in this crap, and look at my cell phone…3 minutes right? Well it's been 3 minutes since I started, I wonder if it's working yet. The bottle says wait 3 minutes, then check, if it doesn't work, leave on up to but not exceeding 10 minutes. Well I checked it, it didn't work yet. So 7 minutes later (yes I timed it) I get the little hair scraper off-er thingy and start basically shaving my legs…without a blade, how much damage can it do? Well let me fucking tell you, I started at my ankles and by the time I worked up to my hootchie, my goodies were ON FIRE!! AND THE DAMN HAIR WASN'T COMING OFF!!!! WTFFFFF????? I'm hopping from foot to foot, biting my lip to keep from screaming as I'm scraping this crap of my monkey, then just say fuck it and climb in the shower. Now again, checking the bottle, it says, do not rub or use soap, just rinse. Rinse my ass, I felt like my legs were covered in an inch of burning Vaseline (tasty thought, I know) So I bust out the scrubby loofah thingy and the baby shampoo (mild is good right?) and start scrubbing the crap off my body parts. Well it came off…took the hair with it…and oh about a layer of skin too. My legs weren't too bad, but ya know how stuff says not to use on broken skin? Well THEY WEREN'T FUCKING LYING!!!!! I had some (almost healed) razor burn from the last time I felt a little furry and now dear friends it looks like I have creepin fucking crud taking over my thighs and bikini line…all these red bumps and some weird looking scratches ( oh that was from me, I had a freaked out scratching fit when I couldn't get the stuff off and started itching it…BAD IDEA friends and neighbors) So anyways, I finally finished rinsing all of it off me and got out of the shower, wrapped my towel around me and…SCREAMED! Girlie goodies sirens go off OUCH OUCH OUCH not fucking good. It felt like someone was aiming a blowtorch at my hoo-hah (not that I know what that feels like, but I'm sure it ain't fuckin fun) I start freakin out, looking for some lotion or something to put on my stuff and find this Neutrogena stuff…yeah brainy fuckin maneuver Another scream, followed by me, soaking facecloths in cold water and pressing then OH SO gently againt my stuffing…tears in my eyes and hands just a-shakin. The pain finally dulls to soft stabbing (picture a thousand tiny sadistic people all pole vaulting across my hooch using flaming skewers as poles) Yeah Ouch. I hobble out of the bathroom, and try to find some clothes that don't rub against me (god it sucks to be the queen of tight jeans) I find this old ass skirt that's 2 sizes too big that doesn't make me want to scream when I wear it. Then I call Jason to inform him that while I no longer have furry legs, he isn't touching any of my lower body til it heals. He went and bought me a really nice razor lmao. So dear readers, take it from me..DO NOT NAIR YOU'R GIRLIE GOODIES!!!!!!!!!
Hi Boss, this is Bob. I can't come into work today..see I got this problem…yesterday, I, well I think I ate too much. I had a broccoli omelet for breakfast, I had beans and hot dogs for lunch, had chili for dinner and then topped it all off with a half gallon of ice cream, even though I'm lactose intolerant. I was fine when I went to bed..but when I woke up this morning and was laying in bed..I..well I farted..I didn't think nothing of it until about 30 seconds later when my cat, who was sleeping at the foot of bed, jumped about a foot straight off the bed and started yowling like someone tossed hot oil on her. She flew around the room, bouncing off furniture like she was trying to escape from something then fled through the door. About 10 seconds later, IT hit me..the overwhelming stench of oh my god all the stuff I ate yesterday. I immediately began gagging and my eyes started watering so badly I could barely make through the green haze that had settled over my bed. I've farted about 30 more times since then and I think I've gotten used to the stink, but the thing is, I fear for my coworkers. I could never expose them to this gas without first making them sign a waiver freeing me of an responsibility for any damage to nasal passages or injuries sustained when they pass out from the odor. I also know that we just had the walls repainted there..and well all the paint has peeled off of my walls here...I am sure you understand why I cannot come in today ( I KNOW you do, as I was in the pisser at work after you and had to use a whole can of OUST to clear the air enough.) Thank you for understanding..This problem will hopefully have passed by tomorrow..and hopefully my cat will come back.

I fucking hate you

I Fucking Hate You I fucking hate you You are so fucking stupid You can't do anything right You can't trust You can't love You can't let anything just be You're so insecure You so afraid You're so hurt You're so so stupid You just sit there Worrying, wondering Thinking Crying Look at your eyes All red with tears Look at your lips Ready to question everything Look at your ears So willing to hear every bad word But deaf to the right ones What are you doing? What are you doing wrong? Do you ever do anything right? Look at your hands Posed to push him away Go ahead, do it again loser Push... Look. Look at me. Look at me when I'm talking to you Look in the fucking mirror dammit Look at me when I'm talkin to me...I mean you.
Sometimes I feel like I need to explain certain things about myself so people, especially ones that are close ot me, will understand why I do the things I do and act the way I act. I had a very…disturbing childhood. I know we’ve all heard that before, in one way or another, from almost everyone we know. Nobody’s childhood was perfect, unless your name is Beaver Cleaver (even that poor boy had to deal with the knowledge that his mom was the only mom in the world that vacuumed in pearls). Everyone has some dark little secret, some deep down shame that they hide from the world, sometimes even hide from themselves. Sometimes its safer to ignore things, its easier to deal with day to day life, forever walking as far from pain and hurt and shame as possible. It may have been all their fault, it may have been something completely beyond their control. It doesn’t matter, shame is shame, whether you brought it upon yourself or were forced, kicking and screaming into it. We all have something we have to deal with. To some people, others finding out is the worst thing in the world. TO others, they could care less who knows about shit. But this isn’t about them…this is about me and my myriad of issues. First off, let me say that I will not bore or disgust you with disturbing details. I won’t delve into horrible things to bring pity. I won’t try to make you understand, because some of it is just plain un-understandable. Ok well maybe I will, it kind of depends on how long I ramble on about things, anything is possible in my world, and as you see I didn’t promise ANYTHING..I never do. I will try, however, to help you see that, yes I am disturbed, yes I am monumentally screwed up, I am a self-made fuck up. I’ve let my past influence every bad decision I have ever made. I have not ever given myself credit for the good decisions I’ve made. I’ve tried (and usually succeeded) in pushing away people that have cared about me. I’ve let very bad people do very bad things to me. I’ve been used, abused, torn and shamed, all of my own volition. You see…I don’t care. I don’t care what happens to me. I care what happens to my family, I care what happens to my friends. I, on the other hand, I’ve been through the worst. Nothing else that can and will happen to me could be worse than the horrors I’ve already lived through. So I say to the world “Bring it on, bring me the pain, bring me the lies, give me what ya got.” And oh it has, the world has listened intently to my request. Its given me more than any hard core sadist could as for. And I took it, head on, eyes wide, and still openly begged for more, always asking “WHat could be worse?” I always let myself think I’m in control in these situations too, though I never am. I go into relationships, hoping not to get hurt, knowing that I will, and begging for it to be worse. I pretend I don’t do this, but ask any ex boyfriend of mine, and they’ll tell you “Go ahead, hurt her, she breaks easily, but she mends quickly..and she’ll come back for more.” I get very emotional sometimes, as someone witnessed the other night. Things will seem fine, I’ll appear to be in a fabulous mood, I’ll laugh, I’ll joke, I’ll be looking over my shoulder, wondering, when is it gonna hit, when will I whip through a 180 and become that other girl, that girl that wants to be hurt, the one that picks fights just to make the good time go away. Good times, good things, they never last. Just when ya think you’re on the right track, you’re doing good, you haven’t cried in weeks…BAM there it is, there’s the pain, the shit you bring onto yourself..just because. If there’s no bad, there’s no good. So maybe if the bad is THAT bad, maybe then the good will be better. So, then find someone that can maybe deal with that bad, because the good is GREAT. There’s love, there’s that connection, ya know? When things are really good..everything just falls into place. Life gets easier, just a little bit, day by day. You don’t wake up every morning thinking why do I have to live this day over again? You wake up thinking, today’s gonna be good, I get to see him, everything will be ok…maybe. Maybe not, because even thought THAT person is there, there’s always someone else out there, willing to hurt you, all you have to do is ask. See the hard part, for someone like me, is to stay away from those people, no matter how appealling it may seem. Because as easy as it is to get yourself hurt…its hard not to…so so hard. Its hard to walk away from the thought “Hey I can do this, no one will know, it’ll be over before it starts, then I’ll be good for while.” But you won’t be good. Ya fuck up everything important, and you hurt the one you SWORE not to hurt. That’s about where I am now. I am happy. For the first time in a very long time, I am happy, plain and simple. Kenny. Its all his fault that I’m happy. Its his fault that I get up in the mornings smiling ( most of the time anyway). Which makes it his fault that I’m once again looking for that pain. Its too good, it can’t last..can it? Who’s gonna screw up? Who’s gonna hurt? Who’s gonna MAKE it hurt? Hmm..a conundrum? I think not. If anyone gets hurt, it’ll be..both of us, but it will be my fault. It wil lbe ALL MY FAULT. As usual. I’m never strong enough to walk away from pain, never have been. But this time its different. He makes me stronger, he makes me love him, more and more, every day. I’m not used to this, I keep thinking, should I just let myself be happy? Or should I just do what I always do..wait for it to change, wait for the pain. I DON’T WANT TO. Not this time. I have made my decision. I will walk away from all of the past. I will walk away from that person I used to be. I don’t want to be her anymore, I don’t want to hurt anymore. I don’t want him to see me cry again. I don’t want to be helpless in love…I want to be strong in love, for me and for him. Now comes the hard question, maybe the hardest…can

love in a nutshell

OK in my travels through the dating world, I have learned one VERY important thing about love. Everyone's definition of love, and hence relationship, is completely different. Some people believe that love will simply be perfect, the way it comes to you. That is should just be, and you won't have to work to make it perfect because, hey its love right? Love's perfect. Right? Wrong. Some people believe love should be all romance, and holding hands and spending every free moment together. BAH! Yes that all needs to be there, but you still that apart time to remember who you are and what you contribute to that relationship... You can’t be yourself, or let them be themselves if one of both of you is being smothered by each other. Everyone and everything needs room to breath, to have a slice of life that is just their own. Know why? Because having separate interests is what keeps the spark going. It gives you something to talk about, something to debate, hell even something to occasionally argue about. Which is the key..IT’S THE KEY, communication. People always say that, communication is key, but its not JUST communicating..its HOW you communicate. Its how you tell each other I love you with a look, or a touch, or the smallest of actions. Its how you can walk up to your baby in a crowded room, brush a tender kiss across their cheek and walk away, knowing that that one little gesture lightened their heart. Its them knowing what scares you, not only because you’ve told them, but because they love you, they can feel your fear almost as well as you do yourself. Its them saying I trust you to have your own time, your own life apart from me, because I now you love me and I know you’ll come back to me a better person. Love is trust. Love is honesty. Love is commitment. Love is knowing that there is that one person that wants you for you, in spite of and sometimes because of all your little flaws. Someone once said that you cannot feel how much someone loves you, but you can fell how much you love them, and that’s a direct effect of how they treat you, of what you mean to them. You wouldn’t want to love someone that treats you like dirt, like a doormat, would you? You’d want to love someone that makes you feel special, fell like you’re the only one in their eyes that is perfect. Someone else said that love is not finding that perfect person, but is seeing an imperfect person, perfectly. Which makes so much sense to me. We, as people, as a rule, are NOT perfect, not even close. We all have our flaws. But to one person out there, those flaws are what make you perfect to them. The hard part, my friends, is finding that one person. They could be right next to you, right now. Or they could be halfway across the world..So how DO you find them? DO you bother trying to find them? Or do you just settle for the next best thing? I mean, maybe you have someone that loves you. You may not love them the same way, or as much as they think they love you. So what do you do? Settle? Or keep searching for The One? I really wish I could answer that question for you. I wish I could. It’d be a lot easier huh?

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please feel free to comment on anything in my blogs, I enjoy getting feedback about what I write..good or bad

Where you're standing...

Where you’re standing… I’ve been thinking about love and relationships and all that happy crappy stuff lately..don’t ask why, I must be off my meds lol. Anyways, here’s a little tidbit about that I’ve figured out. Ya know that first couple hours you spend with someone new? Be it at a bar, the movies..even just riding in a car? You know that tingle you get in your belly when you think that guy (or girl) is about to touch you for the first time? No I don’t mean groping or fondling or any of that good stuff lol. I mean them..laying their hand on your arm to make a point about something said. Or touching your hand..or your cheek or brushing your hair out of your face. You know, that first hesitant “should I touch her? Is it ok?” touch… I LOVE that feeling..that tingle, that anticipation…the butterflies. Does that feeling ever last longer than the first date? Is anyone out there with someone that can give them butterflies months or even years later? Does that stuff last that long? I mean seriously, because god could you imagine getting that ALL the time? That would be AMAZING! But people burn out on each other. They say they need their space, their time..but they’re really just getting burnt out on each other. They make excuses to not see each other. “I told the girls from work I’d stp out with them.” “I told Bob I’d help him roof his garage.” And they may not be lying, they may actually be out doing that stuff. But at the same time, they’re thinking, what am I going home to? Can I go home to him/her everyday for the rest of my life? Can I put up with this person, and all their flaws and foibles and basic generic bullshit day in and day out til God help me I finally bite the big one? Well…I dunno the answer to that one boys and girls. Hell I’m lucky if I can put up with someone for a freakin month. Most of y’all know the ins and outs of most of my relationships just from plundering through my endless long winded blogs. My relationships always always end for some reason or another. I’ve been cheated on, been used, been lied to, been tossed aside like last years shoes. But I’ve also been the one that pushed people away, wouldn’t take the time to learn, to compromise, to adapt. Know why? Cuz I’m a stubborn pig-headed bitch. Ya think you can change me? Good luck lmao, many have tried, many have failed. Many more will fail, because I don’t want to change..for the most part, I like the way I am. I’m not sorry I’m stubborn. It means I stand for what I believe, what I think is right, for me and my family. I am out for number one..and two and three lol My kids and I are my whole world. And if you can’t deal with that…umm..don’t let the door hit ya in the ass HAHAHAH..ok I know this isn’t where this blog was headed when I started writing it, but oh well lmao…

How I got my new bed...

How I got my new bed.. Current mood: amused I have a funny story for y'all…and I'm really bored so its bloggin time lol.. For a bit (a while back) I was dating this guy named Justin. Justin had a bit of a jealous (I.e. psychotic) streak to him…when things started to get serious, he told me he wanted me to get rid of all my "sexy" stuff..any lingerie and stuff that I had ever worn with another guy. Ok number one..that shit is EXPENSIVE! And number two..well I just wasn't gonna do it lol. SO I just stuffed it inna bag and hid it lol. SO anyways..he pulls the same psycho trip about my bed lol says he doesn't want to sleep in a bed with me that I had been in with anybody else. So, one night, him, my (supposed) friend Rebecca (remember her from the other blog?) and I were all supposed to go out drinking together. We all went to my house and when he got there he had a brand spanking new bed in the back of his truck. Ok number one (again) I was in the mood to drink, not to move a fucking bed at 6 o' fucking clock at night. Number two..I LIKED my old bed, it was all broke in lol. SO we all get to moving shit..we took my old bed and moved it to my mom's (she had no problem sleeping in my bed and she's my MOM!), took her old bed out to the shed and FINALLY got my new bed in my room. Ok time to drink!! Already crabby after all this shit cuz I just wasn't in the fucking mood for it.. Hell I figured, he bought the bed, he can fuckin move it too…so anyways, we all start drinking at my house, my cousin Amanda shows up with some friends and we all get pretty snookered, not too bad yet tho..but the whole time he was being pissy, I was being pissy and things were getting really..pissy lol Was one of those nights ya just wanna say fuck you, go away, leave me alone lol. SO I (abruptly) decide "I'm going to the bar, I don't care who goes with me." SO I get ready in record time, and get ready to walk out the door and there's Justin and Becca right behind me. Amanda and her friends, I told them they could stay there and drink til we got back. SO then we get to the bar and there's some people there I know, so I say hi, blah blah blah Justin is getting pissier and pissier lol and finally gets to the point of telling me if I want to go home with some other guy to go right the fuck ahead…WHOAAAAA WTF are you talking about dude???? I did nothing but sit with him and Becca, away from everyone else…so he and I go outside to..discuss this lol. He grabs me by the arm and basically calls me a slut lol..I FLIP, yank my arm away from him and SCREAM at him (with the whole bar watching thru the windows) DON'T EVER FUCKING GRAB ME AGAIN. So he says he's leaving, and he won't be there when I get home..well fucking FINE skippy, I don't really give a fuck…so he leaves, and not even 2 minutes later, Becca tells me she has a family emergency and has to leave…hmmm sound fishy to you? (they ended up fuckin, he moved in with her, and they both can go to hell, lying motherfuckers) SO she leaves, whatever…I eventually go home, they're both gone, Amanda and her friends are gone..and I have a brand spanking new bed from the asshole that didn't wanna sleep in my old bed with me..and he never got to sleep in the new bed with me either HAHAHAHA How fucking funny is that????


Come In You come Uninvited Unasked for So unwanted Unnecessary I don't need you I didn't ask for you I don't want you A new hour A new year A new time It was not made for you It is mine Mine alone You can't have it Can't take it Can't make me want you I'm alone I want to be alone I have to be alone Go away Go away, Love, and leave me be
Ties to Bind In darkness I dwell Alone in my sorrow No man's touch can feel it No woman's ties to bind Love left long ago Ache, pain, despair Bide time by my side The moon is black The stars have all fallen Long dark roads await Which turn will take me away Take away the lies The suspicions The loneliness… Happiness A fool's goal A fool's journey The night stays dark The day stays cold The heart stays broken I stay alone
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