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Twilight bullshit . . .

twilightfails:  WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?  Okay, this shit pisses me off to no end, and I am done being even  semi-nice to Twilight fanatics. Hey, Twilight Fanatics!  Twitards!  Twihards!  Are you listening?  Pay  attention now … YOU ARE ALL FUCKING MORONS. I mean that COMPLETELY.  Even ONE of you seriously has the fucking audacity to claim that  Stephenie Meyer wrote a BETTER series of books than J.R.R. Tolkien? You are fucking stupid, AND pathetic. This is not a difference of opinion here; this is absolute proof of your  sickening ignorance over what REAL LITERATURE actually is. Do you fucking people realize that there would be NO fantasy genre (and  yes, most vampire books fall under the genre of fantasy/sci-fi/horror)  without J.R.R. Tolkien? Seriously, he pretty much INVENTED the whole thing, in a way.  He, at  the VERY least, made it more popular than it ever was before. Do you stupid, ignorant fucks realize the man INVENTED A WHOLE NEW  LANGUAGE? Specifically for the books?  Several of them in fact!  He  INVENTED what is known as “Elvish”.  WITHOUT  Tolkien, there would be no Elvish.  There wouldn’t be any  fucking ELVES.  He invented the Dwarven language, too! He invented a language that is still in use TO THIS DAY by fantasy  authors.  In fact, almost every fantasy book to come AFTER The Hobbit  and LotR is due to J.R.R.’s influence. Seriously, you said it yourself about Tolkien’s books: You  can’t understand them.  And actually, that’s  sickeningly pathetic.   You don’t like his books because you  can’t understand them. You wanna know why you can understand SMeyer’s piece of shit  book series?  BECAUSE IT’S TOO FUCKING SIMPLE!  Literally.  I  know you can’t understand this, because your tiny, uneducated  brain can’t comprehend it, but SMeyer’s book are  fucking DUMBED DOWN in language and style in hopes to garner readers. J.R.R. Tolkien was a fucking PROFESSOR and a PHILOLOGIST (look it up)  who INVENTED not only genealogies for his characters, BUT ENTIRE FUCKING  COHERENT LANGUAGES! And, because he didn’t think that England  had enough of a mythology behind it, he fucking INVENTED ONE with LotR.  He is considered the father of high fantasy literature. LotR was  intended to be one book, but it was so fucking AWESOME (my opinion) that  it was split into 3 books, to make people want more after each book.   LotR is also ranked as one of THE MOST POPULAR WORKS OF FICTION OF THE  20th CENTURY!  It took him nearly 10 fucking years to write LotR  (that’s fucking dedication!) due to the backstory about  Middle-Earth and its inhabitants.  He wrote close to 40 fucking books in  his time.  He received the New York Herald Tribune Children’s  Spring Book Festival Award for  The Hobbit, and the 1957 International  Fantasy Award for LotR.  He also received the title of Commander, Order  of the British Empire in 1972.  COMMANDER! ORDER OF THE FUCKING BRITISH  EMPIRE! Holy shit! He also had a fucking ASTEROID named after him! A  fucking ASTEROID!  Do you know how fucking AWESOME you have to be to get  a fucking ASTEROID named after you?!  Oh, yes, Tolkien also wrote a  handwritten translation and commentary of fucking BEOWULF that was close  to 2000 pages long.  Oh, and another thing - Tolkien’s work  HEAVILY (quite heavily; I’d go so far as to say purely)  influenced one of the world’s most popular and well-known  continuing extended series of high fantasy books (and RPG’s):  DragonLance/Dungeons & Dragons. Stephenie Meyer is a sexually repressed Mormon woman, who wrote a book  series about a person from a wet dream she had, and has stated  she’d leave her husband if her wet dream came to the door.   She’d leave her husband … for a fictional fucking  character.  Wow.  (And she writes about supposed  “love”.) J.R.R. Tolkien wrote a series of books about friendship, about different  races coming together to fight a dangerous common foe and solve a  dangerous common problem; he wrote about love, about loss, about heart;  he wrote about bravery, and common goals, and hope and success and  defeat in the face of adversary; he wrote an entire history about a  created world; he wrote about moving on, about believing in yourself,  about believing in your friends, about trials and tribulations; he wrote  about the bonds, and rise, of the common good.  He wrote about LIFE.   Period. Stephenie fucking Meyer wrote about a whiny, twatty little girl who is  never happy about anything, hates everybody, is manipulative, treats  everyone around her like shit, and can NOT seem to do ANYTHING without a  man to help her, and can NOT live without a fucking MAN.  Stephenie  fucking Meyer wrote about a fucking sexist, misogynist, mentally and  emotionally abusive STALKER who fucking drinks animal blood and calls  himself a “vegetarian”, and sparkles in the fucking  sunlight.  Stephenie fucking Meyer wrote about a werewolf who  isn’t a werewolf, who mouth-rapes the girl, and who turns out  to be a fucking pedophile at the end of the series.  Stephenie fucking  Meyer wrote about how marriage is more important than sex, and about how  having children is more important than your own life. And you have the fucking gall to call LotR “crap”? Fuck. Stephenie. Meyer.  Fuck. Her. Fans. And fuck. Her. Worthless.  Attempt. To write a book.  And just because she made money off of it is  an indication of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, except how fucking naive most  teenagers are. — I can almost guarantee you there would be NO Stephenie Meyer, the  so-called ‘author’ WITHOUT J.R.R.’s  influence.  Why?  Because her books have an element of fantasy in them.   TOLKIEN MADE FANTASY POPULAR AGAIN! The ONLY reason why Stephenie Meyer’s books were published,  AND sold, is because vampires are very popular right now.  Write a book,  and say “Oh, and there are vampires in it,” and I  can almost guarantee that you’d get published, too.  Because  they’re popular. Yes, Edward and Bella are believable … as a very BAD couple.   They’re the epitome of how NOT to do relationships. J.R.R. Tolkien’s books are what are referred to as  “Literature” for people who ACTUALLY READ AND  UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY READ.  Stephenie Meyer’s books are for  people who DON’T READ and who REALLY DON’T LIKE  BOOKS.  That’s why they’re so fucking  ‘easy” to understand.  They don’t make you  fucking think, and there is no real conflict in them.  Stephenie  Meyer’s books are what are known as “examples of  very bad writing.” —- J.R.R. Tolkien = One of the best examples of how to write awesome,  motivated, and beloved novels that are intricate, well-thought out,  researched for years, and - quite literally - epic. Stephenie Meyer = The best example for how to write for retards. Stephen King = Wonderful and great example of how to write; also, for  how to write many books and many stories that interweave and reference  each other throughout each one.  Oh, and also how to write epics, as  well. Stephenie Meyer = Great example of how to write long, boring,  contradictory not-quite-stories. Dean Koontz = brilliant example of how to not only write awesomely  creepy supernatural novels and stories (earlier career), but also how to  write beautifully uplifting stories of REAL love and hope and happy  endings (later career). Stephenie Meyer = Perfect example of how to write a  “how-to” book on horribly abusive relationships. —- So, again, fuck you Twihards who think Stephenie Meyer is actually a  good author, and that her worthless, contrite pieces of shit  “novels” are actually an example of  “literature”.  Because with the above picture/quote,  you’ve proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you know  absolutely NOTHING about real literature.




My response to the story in the picture:

Okay, this shit pisses me off to no end, and I am done being even semi-nice to Twilight fanatics.

Hey, Twilight Fanatics!  Twitards!  Twihards!  Are you listening?  Pay attention now …


I mean that COMPLETELY. 

Even ONE of you seriously has the fucking audacity to claim that Stephenie Meyer wrote a BETTER series of books than J.R.R. Tolkien?

You are fucking stupid, AND pathetic.

This is not a difference of opinion here; this is absolute proof of your sickening ignorance over what REAL LITERATURE actually is.

Do you fucking people realize that there would be NO fantasy genre (and yes, most vampire books fall under the genre of fantasy/sci-fi/horror) without J.R.R. Tolkien?

Seriously, he pretty much INVENTED the whole thing, in a way.  He, at the VERY least, made it more popular than it ever was before.

Do you stupid, ignorant fucks realize the man INVENTED A WHOLE NEW LANGUAGE? Specifically for the books?  Several of them in fact!  He INVENTED what is known as “Elvish”.  WITHOUT Tolkien, there would be no Elvish.  There wouldn’t be any fucking ELVES.  He invented the Dwarven language, too!

He invented a language that is still in use TO THIS DAY by fantasy authors.  In fact, almost every fantasy book to come AFTER The Hobbit and LotR is due to J.R.R.’s influence.

Seriously, you said it yourself about Tolkien’s books: You can’t understand them.  And actually, that’s sickeningly pathetic.   You don’t like his books because you can’t understand them.

You wanna know why you can understand SMeyer’s piece of shit book series?  BECAUSE IT’S TOO FUCKING SIMPLE!  Literally.  I know you can’t understand this, because your tiny, uneducated brain can’t comprehend it, but SMeyer’s book are fucking DUMBED DOWN in language and style in hopes to garner readers.

J.R.R. Tolkien was a fucking PROFESSOR and a PHILOLOGIST (look it up) who INVENTED not only genealogies for his characters, BUT ENTIRE FUCKING COHERENT LANGUAGES! And, because he didn’t think that England had enough of a mythology behind it, he fucking INVENTED ONE with LotR. He is considered the father of high fantasy literature. LotR was intended to be one book, but it was so fucking AWESOME (my opinion) that it was split into 3 books, to make people want more after each book.  LotR is also ranked as one of THE MOST POPULAR WORKS OF FICTION OF THE 20th CENTURY!  It took him nearly 10 fucking years to write LotR (that’s fucking dedication!) due to the backstory about Middle-Earth and its inhabitants.  He wrote close to 40 fucking books in his time.  He received the New York Herald Tribune Children’s Spring Book Festival Award for The Hobbit, and the 1957 International Fantasy Award for LotR.  He also received the title of Commander, Order of the British Empire in 1972.  COMMANDER! ORDER OF THE FUCKING BRITISH EMPIRE! Holy shit! He also had a fucking ASTEROID named after him! A fucking ASTEROID!  Do you know how fucking AWESOME you have to be to get a fucking ASTEROID named after you?!  Oh, yes, Tolkien also wrote a handwritten translation and commentary of fucking BEOWULF that was close to 2000 pages long.  Oh, and another thing - Tolkien’s work HEAVILY (quite heavily; I’d go so far as to say purely) influenced one of the world’s most popular and well-known continuing extended series of high fantasy books (and RPG’s): DragonLance/Dungeons & Dragons.

Stephenie Meyer is a sexually repressed Mormon woman, who wrote a book series about a person from a wet dream she had, and has stated she’d leave her husband if her wet dream came to the door.  She’d leave her husband … for a fictional fucking character.  Wow.  (And she writes about supposed “love”.)

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote a series of books about friendship, about different races coming together to fight a dangerous common foe and solve a dangerous common problem; he wrote about love, about loss, about heart; he wrote about bravery, and common goals, and hope and success and defeat in the face of adversary; he wrote an entire history about a created world; he wrote about moving on, about believing in yourself, about believing in your friends, about trials and tribulations; he wrote about the bonds, and rise, of the common good.  He wrote about LIFE.  Period.

Stephenie fucking Meyer wrote about a whiny, twatty little girl who is never happy about anything, hates everybody, is manipulative, treats everyone around her like shit, and can NOT seem to do ANYTHING without a man to help her, and can NOT live without a fucking MAN.  Stephenie fucking Meyer wrote about a fucking sexist, misogynist, mentally and emotionally abusive STALKER who fucking drinks animal blood and calls himself a “vegetarian”, and sparkles in the fucking sunlight.  Stephenie fucking Meyer wrote about a werewolf who isn’t a werewolf, who mouth-rapes the girl, and who turns out to be a fucking pedophile at the end of the series.  Stephenie fucking Meyer wrote about how marriage is more important than sex, and about how having children is more important than your own life.

And you have the fucking gall to call LotR “crap”?

Fuck. Stephenie. Meyer.  Fuck. Her. Fans. And fuck. Her. Worthless. Attempt. To write a book.  And just because she made money off of it is an indication of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, except how fucking naive most teenagers are.

I can almost guarantee you there would be NO Stephenie Meyer, the so-called ‘author’ WITHOUT J.R.R.’s influence.  Why?  Because her books have an element of fantasy in them.  TOLKIEN MADE FANTASY POPULAR AGAIN!

The ONLY reason why Stephenie Meyer’s books were published, AND sold, is because vampires are very popular right now.  Write a book, and say “Oh, and there are vampires in it,” and I can almost guarantee that you’d get published, too.  Because they’re popular.

Yes, Edward and Bella are believable … as a very BAD couple.  They’re the epitome of how NOT to do relationships.

J.R.R. Tolkien’s books are what are referred to as “Literature” for people who ACTUALLY READ AND UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY READ.  Stephenie Meyer’s books are for people who DON’T READ and who REALLY DON’T LIKE BOOKS.  That’s why they’re so fucking ‘easy” to understand.  They don’t make you fucking think, and there is no real conflict in them.  Stephenie Meyer’s books are what are known as “examples of very bad writing.”


J.R.R. Tolkien = One of the best examples of how to write awesome, motivated, and beloved novels that are intricate, well-thought out, researched for years, and - quite literally - epic.

Stephenie Meyer = The best example for how to write for retards.

Stephen King = Wonderful and great example of how to write; also, for how to write many books and many stories that interweave and reference each other throughout each one.  Oh, and also how to write epics, as well.

Stephenie Meyer = Great example of how to write long, boring, contradictory not-quite-stories.

Dean Koontz = brilliant example of how to not only write awesomely creepy supernatural novels and stories (earlier career), but also how to write beautifully uplifting stories of REAL love and hope and happy endings (later career).

Stephenie Meyer = Perfect example of how to write a “how-to” book on horribly abusive relationships.


So, again, fuck you Twihards who think Stephenie Meyer is actually a good author, and that her worthless, contrite pieces of shit “novels” are actually an example of “literature”.  Because with the above picture/quote, you’ve proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you know absolutely NOTHING about real literature.

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