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luvspitbulls's blog: "unconditional"

created on 02/16/2012  |  http://fubar.com/unconditional/b346542

will you forget me when im gone, or will you remember me and carry on

the life you gave sure was great, nothing lasts forever i'll face my fate

i once was young and full of spirit, but death always looms, and i was near it

i do not wish you to be sad, because i love you, mom and dad

just remember me as i once was, when i was a pup, covered in fuzz

the joy of life that we shared, i am gone now , but not scared

my journey now it has begun, ill remember you and all the fun

im always with you wherever you go, look to the sky its there i grow

there so much work that needs to be done, your an animal advocate your the one

who saved me when i was a pup, and it is you to which  others look up

so do not dwell on feelings of dread, life doesnt stop because i am dead

i wish this of all of you, share your love for me, with those who are new

remember the time, when i was your pet, help those who need it and do not fret

i am your dog, and this is my wish, give them my leash, collar and dish

always remember me, never forget, the fun that we had, with every sunset

you are my hero, my friend and my savior, do this for me, i'll return the favor

i'll visit you often,  if only in dreams, i see all the saddness,and hear the screams

you gave me a life,of which i can be proud, put up my picture, laugh out loud

i am your child, four legs and fur, you were my parent, of that i am sure

it is time for me to go now, please do not fret, the life that we shared, i have no regret



i can see it your eyes, everytime i walk by. they call to me,i wonder why all the lies.

your not the "monster" or "killer" that they say, your looking for love, in your cage you lay

watching and waiting for your new home, your lonely and scared and all alone

the saddness fills your heart, as you start to lose hope, living in this hell hole, how do you cope?

i wish all the others, would see the pain inside, but its not easy to see, from them it does hide

to be so unwanted, neglected and abused, you had nothing but love, they simply refused

to see all the goodness and caring within, still you sit, not wanting to give in

if only they knew what fellings inside, you keep bottled up, not once did you cry

to proud to be bothered, by viscious lies and deciet, you lay in your cage, excepting defeat

the ones who once loved you, have all gone away, you wonder inside, cuz they didnt say

as they brought you inside, you were happy to go, as they left without you, you hung your head low

the time goes by, as you sit in your cell, you realize now, that this must be hell

so many before you, have taken the walk, never to return, like time on a clock

just know there is someone, who cares what will be, as i look in the mirror, i realize its me

 i am an advocate, i stand tall and proud, my voice it does echo, up high in the clouds

i will not forget you, i will not give up , your to young to die, your only a pup

try to remember , those days in your mind, when all was just perfect, all words were so kind

its not your fault, that you lie here in this place, i know you are broken, i see it in your face

no matter what happens, keep this in your heart, we will try to help you, until the day you depart

for we do care, what happens to you. even though those who loved you, have gone out of view 

i know that these words, cant take away your pain, just know that we will meet you again

 i will try to save you, ill do my best, a tear builds in my eye, as they lay you to rest

i hope that you know what you mean to me,  who do i speak of, the A.P.B.T



i am sorry to report that what we had all feared would happen has ! david has taken off. he left the home where he was staying and no one has heard from him since he left. it is very sad that this has happened . but , some people who have been on the streets for so long cannot cope with society. unfortunately david is one of those people. all we can do is wait and see if he contacts one of us in the future. we will be leaving the page up even though it is not active, that way if one of us does hear from him we can post it on the page. this is a very sad thing but it does happen, more so than not from what i am told. davids health is not good and he will die if he doesnt keep up with his medication.  those of you who are religious we ask that you keep him and waldo in your prayers for their safety.  

 thanks for reading and caring 




i walk down a dusty road, eight miles form mexico, thinking about my home. i've traveled here and there, think ive been everywhere, thinking about my home. no matter where i roam, it always feels like home, traveled near and traveled far, never knew just where you are, thinking about your home. the path for me, will soon end, thats where i'll find my friend, thinking about his home. some things that i have seen, a different part of the scenery, makes me think of home. the journeys hard as you may know,we cant give up, onward we'll go, thinking about our homes,. ive come so very far, still dont know where you are, but im still thinking about my home 

jp 12

Great news from the world of david and waldo. david is out of the hospital and working, he loves his job and is adjusting to life off the streets. almost 30 years homeless , it is a lot to get used to. those of you who have followed the story from the beginning know what we did to make all of this happen for him and his furry friend. to see him succeed and strive to do what he is doing fills me with great joy. it isnt very often in life that you get to be a part of changing someones life in a positive way. for that i am very thankful , i never thought of myself as someone who could change my own life , never mind someone else's. it gives me great satisfaction to have been apart of the wonderful group of people that changed their lives. it has been hard for david to live with other veterans, he has been alone for most of the last 30 years, until getting waldo last year from a shelter. you never know the story behind the "guy" on the corner with his sign asking for work, food, or anything else. so many of us just walk by and never give it a second thought, thinking to ourselves "get a fucking job you bum". i know i was one of those people ! my experience has opened my mind to things i never even thought about, for example, how can someone who lives on the street, without the ability to shower, shave, wash their clothes  just walk in to a place and ask about a job? most of them are like i was not so long ago. "get out of here" or they simply laugh and think to themselves "yeah right, im gonna hire you : . not for one moment thinking that the person may be a veteran of war and down on their luck, after all , what does this govt. do for the men and women who are willing to lay down their lives so that "WE" can live ours ? they dont do shit, thats what they do. they bring them home, either in a body bag or maimed or with P T S D  and throw them to the wolves, for lack of better words. to me that is just DISGUSTING !!! how can our own govt. not care about those who have gone off to fight THEIR war ? this country is in some serious disillusion when we dont even take care of our own , yet we send money everywhere else to help them. what ever happened to self preservation for our own god damn country?  i am so glad that i met david and waldo, for it has given me a look into another world within this country that most people do not even know exists. i hope that by you reading my blog right now that i have opened your eyes a little bit, as mine have been opened over the last few months. if i wouldn't have done what i did and the others had simply turned their heads and looked the other way, where would david and waldo be today ?  jst something to think about. if you would like to follow david and waldo's story you are welcome to come join the community on face book.  here is the link if you are interested    https://www.facebook.com/pages/Waldo-and-David/245116588906461        

 thanks again for reading my blogs :)


is it to sad or hard to see? think of how i feel, they left me.

alone everyday in the cell where i sit, waiting for someone, the perfect fit.

its hard not to be the saddest of all, when they walk past me and go down the hall. 

im not such a bad dog, i tried to be good. but still i am here, id run if i could.

i do have a friend that i see everyday, she feeds me and loves me, and takes me outside to play.

she tells me how pretty and good that i am, as she reaches down , i lick on her hand.

i'll try to be strong and and be a good boy, as she closes the door and throws in a new toy.

i really like this new friend i have made, in this prison i wait with no sun and no shade.

im always in front as the people walk in, but i get so sad when they say "no not him".

i wonder so often of what i did wrong, that ended with me hear, and my family is gone.

why didnt they love me enough to see through, i am just a puppy and puppies will chew.

i dream of the time when the first brought me home, my heart is broken and heavy like stone.

then one day my friend came to see, she had tears in her eyes when she looked down at me.

why is she crying, did i do something bad, she opened my door and i sure was so glad.

we didnt go down to the door that goes out, where are we going, whats this all about

around the corner, down another long hall. i  cant run away, i  just slip and fall

we entered a room , where others did wait, i dont like the feeling inside, will death be my fate

she held me real close, and i felt a tiny prick, she un muzzled my mouth, her hand i did lick.

i started to get sleepy, and the room got all dark, i could hear my friend crying, but i couldnt bark.

then i saw them, all sizes and kinds, there by the bridge, forever in time

i ran to the bridge, looked back at my life, my friend was still crying, but i'll be alright.

i have lots of friends now, we run and we play, but if someone had saved me, it wouldnt have been this way

i am a pit bull, loyal and true, why do you hate me, ive done nothing to you

some people would say that we all should be gone, i am here now to tell you theyre wrong

were not what you think of, or see on the news, were so full of love, cuz thats what we choose

i think of my friend, who loved me and cared,  can you please tell her that im no longer scared.

~jp 12



the last few days of this life i have led

were not happy and joyful, yet filled with sorrow and dread

you left me alone , as you walked out the door

do you know how it feels to be loved no more?

as i sat in this cold cell, confused and alone

the question inside, would i get a new home

day after day, the people walked by

i ran to the front, with the tears in my eye

but no one did see me,they all walked right passed

this cant happen to me, i dont wanna be gassed

thoughts of a life, far from this strange place

they're all i have left, my pain inside takes over my face

i wish that i knew, what i did that was wrong

i soon will be dead, my life will be gone

i hope you remember, all the times that we shared

i know that i will remember, when you once cared

then that final day came, when i was to led

down the hall of despair, to the chamber of death

i tried to be brave, as i walked oh so slow

if you think that i dont, your wrong i do know

as you look into the sky, on a warm summers night

remember me, your dog, can you see that bright light

i'll always be watching, from way up above

do not foget me, it was me you once loved

i look down upon you, and i hope that you see

was it really that fair, what you did to me ?

i do not hate you, cuz thats not my style

after all, i am pit bull, and there's no denial


jp 12

just wanted to let you all in on a new site that goes live on april 9.  its called wazzub.  it is free to join and will be the next big thing, get in now and you can get paid :) no kidding,  check it out for yourselves  here is the link to do so ! it is invite only right now.  



go check it out,  dont forget to verify your account, and start inviting your friends and watch the money add uop :)  only 30 days or so until it goes live, time is limited  take advantage of this NOW before it goes live and you could change your life :)

 this is not a scam, costs nothing, will never cost anything,   FB makes millions each quarter, this site is sharing that profit with those who join before april 9 2012.  you got nothing to lose and everything to gain by checking it out :)

animal advocate

it is hard to do what i do everyday of every week  ,of every month. the horrible things that i see that people have done to the A.P.B.T are awful. they get beaten and starved, dragged behind vehicles, thrown into dumpsters, shot, stabbed, and even get parts of their bodies blown off by "humans". and i use the word "human" lightly, for the abuse and neglect that i see every single day is not done by "humans" it is done by sick twisted people who are on their way to becoming serial killers. dont believe it? almost all of the infamous serial killers throughout history have been animal abusers. no matter how many times i see it or how many different things i see done to these poor dogs, it never gets any easier to deal with, the emotions flow threw me every time i see it. it sickens me to my soul and hurts my heart. i do not understand what would drive a person to commit such a ha-nus act on an animal. some people think that the pit bull is a vicious killer, this is not true, however i think that most people , if put through what alot of these dogs go through would be, imagine being locked in a cage, or chained outside 24/7 with little or no food and shelter, no one paying any attention to you other than throwing you some scraps or to yell at you and beat you. never getting any love from a human. i know i would be a pissed of mother fucker and prolly kill the first person that came near me !!! yet, most of the rescued pit bulls who have endured such travesties are not this way at all, they are very loving and are very happy to be getting some GOOD attention. sometimes fearful and untrusting at first, when given the chance and shown love and caring they bounce right back to their happy loving, tail waggin selves. could you do that ? how these dogs are able to ever trust us humans again is beyond me, but goes to show the resilience of these dogs and how quickly they forgive all of the horrible things that are done to them, yet society wants to eradicate this breed because of its so called killer instinct which is only made worse by the media fueled hype about these dogs. rarely do you ever see the good that these animals do, such as therapy dogs or police drug dogs, or most recently in Tyler Texas a little girl wandered away from her home, she was lost for 6 hours and when they found her, guess who was with her? thats right, the family pit bull/ matter of fact the dog would not let the rescuers near the little girl at first, but after some coaxing the dog finally realized that they were not there to hurt the little girl but to save her. the dog then let people get the girl to safety. bet you didnt know about that did you ? or another example of a pit bull doing great things. a women who was being beaten by her husband was bitten by a pit bull. the dog reacted to save his owner from getting hurt, unfortunately the dog was deemed a dangerous animal and was put down. what kind of society do we live in where a animal protects its owner only to be put to death? these dogs are used in illegal dog fighting, this is a sad fact, they were bred by the dog men of old for this purpose. many of those breeds are now recognised by the AKC as pure breed dogs. the DA(dog aggression) that they have had bred into them is said to be a "trait" of pure bred status. unfortunately there are those who use this as well as the dogs desire to please its owner to fight them in the underworld of dog fighting. illegal dog fighting is everywhere, it is a business in which people make thousands of dollars of a single fight. unfortunately at the cost of the dogs themselves, the winner at best gets a little praise, their wounds are grossly under taken care of by the owners themselves, after all they cant take them to the vet for anything, the losers are usually killed or left to die abandoned in an alley or like i mentioned before thrown into dumpsters ect...  hopefully this has opened your eyes a little bit into my world and what i have chosen to dedicate my life to. these dogs as well as other animals have no voice to speak up for themselves, so myself and others like me choose to be the voice that they do not have and strive to stop the needless abuse and neglect that these dogs receive at the hands of "humans". the shelters are also not a good place for them to end up, most of the shelters do not try to adopt out these dogs, they are placed on death row and wait to be PTS. and the shelters that do not kill them right away simply put them in a cage. it may be better than the life they had before but it is not what they deserve, people just walk by them and go towards the more favorable family pets, little do they know what they are missing out on by not choosing to love one of these dogs. the pit bull has been the best dog i have ever owned and i have had them for the last 15 yrs. i will not ever own another type of dog. the true companionship and loyalty that i have experienced with these dogs far outweigh any other type of dog i have ever had. so the next time you hear stories of a pit bull who attacked someone or had to be killed due to aggression, ask yourself, what happened to this dog to make it that way,cuz they are not all what the media would like you to believe they are. 

thanks for reading my blogs


this was written by a Canadian woman, but oh how 
it also applies to the U.S.A., U.K. and Australia .


Written by a housewife in New Brunswick , to 
her local newspaper. This is one ticked off lady... 

"Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was 
it or was it not, started by Islamic people who 
brought it to our shores on September 11, 2001 
and have continually threatened to do so since? 

Were people from all over the world, not brutally murdered 
that day, in downtown Manhattan , across the Potomac from 
the capitol of the USA and in a field in Pennsylvania ? 

Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or crushing death that day, or didn't they? 

Do you think I care about four U. S. Marines urinating on some dead Taliban insurgents?

And I'm supposed to care that a few Taliban were 
claiming to be tortured by a justice system of a 
nation they are fighting against in a brutal Insurgency.

I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle 
East, start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere belief 
of which, is a crime punishable by beheading in Afghanistan . 

I'll care when these thugs tell the world they are 
sorry for hacking off Nick Berg's head, while Berg 
screamed through his gurgling slashed throat. 

I'll care when the cowardly so-called insurgents 
in Afghanistan , come out and fight like men, 
instead of disrespecting their own religion by 
hiding in Mosques and behind women and children. 

I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow 
themselves up in search of Nirvana, care about the 
innocent children within range of their suicide Bombs. 

I'll care when the Canadian media stops pretending that 
their freedom of Speech on stories, is more important than 
the lives of the soldiers on the ground or their families waiting 
at home, to hear about them when something happens. 

In the meantime, when I hear a story about a 
CANADIAN soldier roughing up an Insurgent 
terrorist to obtain information, know this: 

I don't care. 

When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the 
head when he is told not to move because he 
might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank: 

I don't care. Shoot him again.

When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat, and fed 'special' food, that is paid for by my tax dollars, is complaining that his holy book is being 'mishandled,' you can absolutely believe, in your heart of hearts: 

I don't care. 

And oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes 
it's spelled 'Koran' and other times 'Quran.' 
Well, Jimmy Crack Corn you guessed it. 

I don't care!! 

If you agree with this viewpoint, pass this on to 
all your E-mail Friends. Sooner or later, it'll get to 
the people responsible for this ridiculous behavior! 

If you don't agree, then by all means hit the delete 
button. Should you choose the latter, then please don't 
complain when more atrocities committed by radical 
Muslims happen here in our great Country! And may I add: 

Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering, if 
during their life on earth, they made a difference in 
the world. But, the Soldiers don't have that problem. 

I have another quote that I would like to 
share AND...I hope you forward All this. 

One last thought for the day: 

Only five defining forces have ever offered to die for you: 

1. Jesus Christ 

2. The British Soldier. 

3. The Canadian Soldier. 

4. The US Soldier, and 

5. The Australian Soldier 

One died for your soul, 
the other four, for you and your children's Freedom. 



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