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my story ch.6

A few weeks later, the day starts off as normal, with everyone training, relaxing or in some cases enjoying the open sexual environment the clan is known for. but today, a few clansmen aren't enjoying the atmosphere. Former ATF agent Steven Jinx feels something is off, but his perception isn't no where near that of Logan; with his superhuman hearing and smell, or Agent Peter Lattimer; who has the ability to sense danger through a kind of sixth sense, or vibes as he calls them, or those few that are telepathic like Emma Frost, Jean Grey or Professor Xavier. Jinx's power was as a human lie detector, sensing if someone is lying just by being in proximity to them.
After consulting with everyone he could think of, he felt even worse. An uneasy feeling in his gut and mind made him seek an audience with the king and his advisors. "boss" spoke Agent Jinx nervously from the door to the king's office. Hawke and Shepard were there as well and Lian, Elizabeth, Theresa and Alella, the king's newest acquisition, showed up as well. Agent Jinx let the women in as they out ranked him and he was just a field agent. "What is it Steve?" answered the king. "sir, something's wrong, like "he swallows hard" end of the world wrong.
The advisors looked up and the king became silent, a blank look crossed his face and then he ordered a full lockdown and everyone inside the castle. They clan gathered in the armory and stocked up on supplies and gear. The television in the manager's office was playing the news and warned that several cities have fallen to massive nuclear bombs, with mushroom clouds reaching hundreds of feet high. The castle enters lockdown and steel plates are lowered into place over windows and doors.
The clan wait out the apocalypse and use the time to prepare for the world after. Being supernatural the radiation won't affect anyone except the human slaves but being under the clan's protection they are kept inside. The king orders a check of all supplies and resources, Piper and Michaelangelo return with lists of every item in the larder, and Hou does likewise with the inventory from the bakery and food supply rooms. The armory, infirmary and shops also turn in lists of their inventories. The news gets darker as reports of mutants and corrupted survivors turning into what are being called rad zombies, or ghouls. The Undead taskforce prepare their officers and meet with the other field agents in the war room to discuss plans to combat the new threat.
Captain Dashell meets with the other field officers and team leaders and briefs them on the UTF's knowledge of zombies and the ways to combat them. The shooters and melee fighters are taught hands on on the best ways to destroy a zombie's brains while the mages and witches are instructed to focus their magic attacks on the heads of the zombies. Because the zombies emit radiation though, makes them even more dangerous but the clan prepares for everything and the clan's armor, costumes and robes are being retrofitted with lead lining.
As the clan train and prepare, the perimeter guards say ghouls are nearing the tree line of the property. The remote security systems activate and numerous ghouls are obliterated but the sheer number of them are more than the outer guns can handle. The scouts run back to base and enter through the outside bomb shelter doors. The Normandy is launched and the ship hovers near the tree line, firing the cannons at the ghouls. Some get through and make their way to the castle.
Sniper fire echos as Thane, Garrus, Domino and Gibbs fire upon the ghouls from the rooftops. The mages set up a flame wall to burn several ghouls as they try to cross it. The more durable ghouls get charred but don't die, they shamble through towards the interior gate, just to be met with the king and his strongest fighters. Logan snarls and lashes into the horde claws first, Shepard unleashes bursts of incendiary ammo from her mattock assault rifle and Rayne uses a whirlwind spin move to slice several ghouls to bits in a very short amount of time with her arm blades.
Alella uses her bound bow to pincushion several ghouls and Serana blasts them with ice and lightning spells. Jack and Miranda hold a biotic shield around the children and the students but at the same time shoot numerous ghouls with their pistols and blast them with their biotic powers. Willow, Tara and the Charmed Ones use their magical powers and witchcraft to blast, sear and explode more ghouls. In another portion of the battleground Faith, Spike and Angel engage a large group of ghouls with hand to hand attacks, while the king and his daughter shoot, slice and blast the way through more ghouls near the side of the interior gates.
An offsite fleet of hwachas manned by the mythbusters and the harbingers fire thousands of explosive arrows at the ghouls and those that aren't killed outright by the impalement are blown to pieces when the black powder rockets explode. More ghouls surround Serana and Alella as they defend the assassin trainees. They both use their necromancy to resurrect fallen ghouls to fight along side the clan, confusing the hostile ghouls and making the hostile ones easier targets. A horde of ghouls tries to attack the civilian clan members but a wall of ice and an inferno of flames stop them as Iceman and Pyro block their path, then Sera shoots from the nearest tree taking down as many as she can before retreating to the armory to replenish her arrow supply as Cole dashes and teleports his way through the rest with added assistance from Cassandra, slashing ghouls with her sword and bashing them with her shield, and Iron Bull, as he cleaves through the ghouls with his battle ax. The Inquisition members members then go to defend another checkpoint that's being overrun.
 The king pushes through the onslaught of ghouls with guns, magic, claws and blades. Hawke uses force magic to levitate ghouls while impaling one with the bladed end of her staff, then flings the flying ghouls over to Serana, who transforms into a demon bat creature and engulfs the ghouls in a tornado of bats and rips the ghouls to shreds. The templars block the ghouls' swipes with their shields and behead them with their swords. Cullen lets Cole springboard off of his shield and then the spirit teleports through a pair of ghouls and cuts through them with his daggers.

The King orders the archers to defend the students as more ghouls breech the back line. Diana, Alella, Sera and Sebastian cover the left while Varric, Elissa Cousland, and Leliana cover the right. The mages and elemental mutants fight ghouls near the entrance to the lunar garden, trying to prevent them from getting into it. The clan infantry lead by Jane Shepard and Ashley Williams, head to the main gate to defend it as the main horde is close to breeching it. Some start climbing the castle, but Spider-Man, Robin and Beast boy scale or fly up the wall and beat them back before they get to the sniper nests or the penthouse.

In the lab, Abby, Agent McGee, his wife Delilah, Tali, Claudia and Kinzie feverishly try to find the source to the ghouls. The computers and machinery hum and buzz and beep till Abby says she has a clue. The normally chipper gothic forensic scientist gathers her big brain colleagues around the central table to share results. Tali opens the comm channel on her omni tool linked to the king's comm.

Abby reveals that the ghouls all escaped from a nuclear research facility, and all were test subjects. The echo of the king's guns are heard over the comm then the king answers. "McGee, Tali, Claudia, investigate the facility. You may be techs but you're also field agents. GO." The three of them take the cullis gate to the ruins of the city, geared in environmental suits to protect from radiation. The GPS leads them to what's left of a lab and research facility. The team sift through the rubble and find nothing until Tali hears moaning and crying coming from a busted elevator.

McGee pries open the door and Claudia reaches for her tesla pistol but Tali stops her, then helps the traumatized scientist out of the elevator. McGee arrests the scientist as a precaution and escorts her to the cullis gate. She's examined by Dr. Chakwas and Dr. House then escorted to an interrogation room. Dyson and Hale grill her about the experiment and she tells only what she knows. She's left alone as Dyson delivers his report to director Vance. He suggests holding her for the king's court to decide her fate, but as she's waiting for the guards a lone ghoul climbs the castle wall in through the window and attacks her. She's dead before the guards know what has happened.

my story ch.5


The next morning the king is awoken by his phone. He answers it to hear a girl's voice on the other end. "You have to help me" cries the girl. "Where are you and who are you?" asks the king. "I'm at your club and I'm not important, at least not anymore. You're the only person I got to rely on I have no one else" claims the girl. The king sits up thinking, unsure what he should do. After a minute he goes to wash up and get dressed. He meets with Theresa about the phone call he got. "It sounds to me like someone may need you and she believes no one else can help her, but you." says Theresa. "Can you tell if it's a trap or a set up?" asks the king. "No your majesty, but just in case I would not go alone" says Theresa cautiously "I wasn't" says the king as he raids the weapons trunk.

The king walks to the club, followed by Bo, Kenzi, Dyson, Reaver, Agent Bering, Agent Jinx and Kahlan. They look around the rundown nightclub and the king spots a woman sitting down at the edge of the stage. "Careful my Liege, I sense demonic power in her. A seductress" cautions Dyson after getting an uneasy feeling. "I'll be careful, but why would a seductress call us for help?" The king approaches the woman and they talk in private for several minutes. The team watches the doors and windows for any sign of trouble when Kenzi spots several dark fae coming towards the club. "FAE" cries Kenzi, alerting everyone. Everyone stands at the door, weapons drawn, prepared to fight.

The king hides the seductress in the dressing room then marches back out to the dance floor upholstering his guns. The group bursts in but are met by the king's men. Dyson shifts into a wolf and begins ripping apart any fae that gets near him or the king. Kahlan slashes her way through the enemies with her twin daggers. Shots ring out, and bullets pass through the air from the guns of the king and Reaver. Myka and Steve meanwhile are paired off with several fae attackers fighting them hand-to-hand. And Bo and Kenzi tag team another group of Fae. Myka grabs one of the thugs in a reverse choke hold, strangling him using the skills she learned both from her years in the secret service and her training from working with the king. Bo takes a guy as he tries to attack Kenzi, touches his face and he becomes her thrall, attacking the other dark fae thugs, then Bo's eyes glow an icy blue and she gets up close to him, almost kissing him, and inhales, robbing him of his soul. Kahlan uses the dark side of her confessor power and instead of getting a thug to confess to why they attacked the king, she causes him to die at her touch. Reaver grabs a dangling curtain and uses it to wall-run up to the higher level, perfect to land one of his famous long shot kills. He aims his Dragonstomper .48 flintlock pistols and fires a shot, taking out a thug on the far side of the club. As a pair of thugs rush the king he turns vamp, his fingernails turn into 3" long claws and his eyes turn pure black, and he roars out showing his bloodstained fangs. He slashes at one and grabs the other snapping his neck.

After the last five thugs are dealt with the king reverts back in his human state as does Dyson. The king checks on the seductress and sees her hiding in the corner. He assists her up and leads her outside where the others are waiting. The ride back to the castle is a quiet one. No one talks about what happened the rest of the day. The seductress thanks the king and pledges her services to the him. The king knows the power of a seductress and says for her to stay away from any of the male team members unless she's being trained by them. She accepts and goes upstairs. The next day, the king meets with the seductress and asks her who is after her and why she would seek the king for refuge. "My tribe. I never believed in hunting humans, I feed yes but I do not support needless killing as other demons do. And you were my last option. I'm a pariah in the underworld now, I can not return."

The king looks at Agent Steve Jinx, whose powers of telling whether people are lying or telling the truth, reveals the seductress is telling the truth. After learning the truth, the king calls a meeting in the war room. For an hour, the clan debates about what to do with the seductress. "She should be stripped of her powers" argued Javik, a prothean soldier revived after a 50,000 year hibernation after the destruction of his race. "I agree, a seductress, any demon for that matter, is dangerous." adds Shepard, the king's second in command. Majority of the clan agree, so the king makes a decision to strip the seductress of her powers, rendering her human. The king orders the witches make a fresh batch of the power stripping potion, since the last of what they had was used years ago and they never got around to making more, due to their busy schedule and personal issues.

The kitchen and attic are busy with mixing and spell casting, using every herb in stock. Soon the potions store is restocked, and one is reserved for the king to administer to the seductress. In the throne room, the king holds court, making a show of the seductress losing her powers. At the order of the king and his royal court, she drinks the potion. She feels her powers leave her, after centuries of being a demon, she is left human. After that, the king orders Angel to turn her. Angel comes to the front of the room, shifting to vampire form along to way. He takes her close to him, biting her neck. He drinks her blood till she passes out on the gilded floor. She awakens the next night, no longer a demon, but a vampire.

The newly created vampire joins the King and Shepard in the war room as they plan the attack on the demons' underworld lair. Selene, Garrus, Rayne and others join the war council and add their opinions and tactical advice. A holographic layout of the lair is shown in the middle of the table. The girl looks amazed at the high tech display, but quickly gathers her senses and adds her own thoughts and opinions based on her own personal experience. After an hour they feel they have a plan and they then begin preparations.

The clan leaves the room, and goes out to the cullis gate out back of the castle, which Garth is tuning to reach the underworld. The clan teleport in small strike teams consisting of a team leader, a tech expert, a heavy and support. The king takes his team down the main corridor while Shepard and Bo lead their groups down a passage to the right, and Hawke and Jeremy lead teams down the left path. The new vampire follows the king to an opening. "Looks like a meeting room, not the main room" says the king. Carrying armfuls of ANFO and C-4, Nightcrawler teleports from point to point then Adam and Tory wire the fuses and blasting caps and program them for remote detonation.

The other teams rendezvous with the main team at the main room, where the pack of seductress demons are gathered by the seductress queen. The clan surprise them with ammunition filled with vanquishing potions. Two of them are dead before the rest are aware, making the following fight that much easier. The king rises from cover, his heavy revolver aimed at the queen, but one of the demons knocks it from his grip. The king, however, unphased uses his other gun to vanquish her, then picks up the first one from the floor. With a roar, the king shifts into his vampire state and claws and bites his way through the rest of the demons. After minutes of back and forth, the king lands a critical blow to the queen. His claws tear through her stomach, then with his martial training, lands a pinpoint spinning round kick to her jaw then an elbow to her spine. The killing blow comes from two potion laced bullets through the mouth. She explodes almost immediately and the former seductress is free of her old pack. The clan set the rest of the bombs and teleport out and arrive in the bunker just as Kari hits the arm button. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, FIRE IN THE HOLE" yells Kari as she triggers the bombs. The explosions makes the whole area quake as the underworld is destroyed. The clan celebrate as another threat is vanquished.


my story ch.4


The next morning during shooting practice, Will hands the king a set of new pistols, even larger than the dual .50 caliber revolvers he has used. "Here you go your majesty, I got something that'll make hamburger outta anything you hit." claims Will "Holy shit. That's one big gun." says the king "That ain't even half of it, son. You can keep your .50's but you pull this little son of a bitch out, son those demons will bow to the king." adds Will. The king tests the monster handgun and buys it and all the ammo the king can carry. After practice, the king needs to get to his chambers for a short rest. After a nap the king feels rejuvenated. He washes up and goes outside to view the team trainer.

As the King watches his team he gets a call from the precinct. Dyson, Kenzi and Bo need the king to help track down a fugitive underfae with the ability to incinerate anyone by touch. The king inspects the evidence. "A Cherufe, responsible for the annihilation of Pompeii. Something that powerful is bad news. Iceman you're definitely coming with us on this job." says the King as he marches down to the communications room where Fiona is already tracking the Cherufe. "Alright Fiona, have you found this thing?" asks the king of his chief communications specialist. "Having a lot of activity around the British Isles. Wait, the scanner is picking up a reading. The Cherufe is in Albion. Oh god, it's operating in the ruins of Oakvale." says Fiona. "Wraithmarsh, damn it." the King says as he starts getting angry.

"No one goes anywhere until we get fully prepared to fight this thing. I'm not trecking the team through a ghost filled swamp after a demon of that size unprepared." orders the king. "Dyson, Hale, uses all of your contacts to find out more about this fae. Theresa and Reaver, get back to Albion and rally the townspeople and guards and any remaining heroes. We'll need them. Avoid the marsh at all cost. Bo, Kenzi, Trick and Lauren, talk to the Ash. See what resources he may have to go up against the Cherufe. If needed talk to The Morrigan. I know that this is the queen of the Dark Fae, but I want all the resources I can get on this one. Dawn, Faith, and Spike, Go out into the field with the Warehouse agents. I got a tip on several artifacts that could be useful. Giles and Angel, aid anyway you can in the research of exactly what this thing is and what it can do. Adam, you and the build team build more of your supped up fire extinguishers, stronger that what you built for the 'fire vs. ice' experiments. Rest of your help anyway you can" The king goes into town flanked by his escorts and armed guards. He sends Trish and Amy into the banks to clean them out as Velvet and the guards rob the stores and restaurants.

The king is at the center of town preparing to lay down the law to the people. "People, as commander of this state, I hear by draining all remaining resources by robbing all banks and businesses within the county. I do not wish to have to do this, but I need to finance a critical mission that will definitely need extra funding to buy and build the necessary armaments to fight a new threat. More dangerous than any of us have seen before. My people are in town scouring for anything that will prove useful. I implore you all, stand with your king, fight with me. Offer your hand and you will be given the tools and power to defend yourselves. JOIN ME!" The crowd erupts in a raucous roar of applause and cheers. The townspeople come up and stand by the king, offering themselves to the king. The king casts a spell that transforms people into vampires instantly. They bow down at the kings feet. "Go, my people. Take the fight to the Masked Man. THE PHOENIX WILL RISE AGAIN."

King finishes his speech and the crowd cheers, and dozens line up to have the king to turn them. Soon the king has a whole new army of thralls. The King's escorts and guards return the money and valuables to the castle and the king follows with his new army. At the castle the king pulls out maps of Albion and Wraithmarsh to study the region. "All the reports of the creature seem to be coming from near or in the cemetery on the edge of the village." says Fiona over the intercom. "Tell Theresa and Reaver to return. We have to make a plan together and go after this thing." orders of the king. The whole of the team gathers in the war room. Maps are laid out on the table along with files filled with witness reports, images and accounts of damages the Cherufe has caused.

The king gathers his strongest fighters and goes through the plan until he seems convinced it will work. The team raids the armory and head out to the back lot of the property where the king has a Cullis Gate set up. One by one, they stand on the Cullis and are transported to Albion, they take a minute to figure out that they are on the shore of Bower Lake, an ancient and historic place that once was the sight of the Guild of Heroes, Albion's training school for heroes. Theresa stresses that the Cullis Gate to Wraithmarsh is atop Brightwood Tower. So the King allows Theresa leads them through the woods beyond Bower Lake towards the entrance to Brightwood. After a few miles the king spots the tower. They climb the tower until they reach the Gate near the top. The Gate teleports them to the haunted ruins of Oakvale. The king leads his troops through the marsh keeping alert for the Cherufe. They pass the remains of the Shadow Court and take the path on the other side going up towards the cemetery, where all the reports were originating from.

The King is on the bridge and looks down and out over the region scanning for the Cherufe. Through the fog, he sees the flames and smoke and leads his team down to the site. Through the swamp, weeds and forest the team track the Cherufe, following the obvious trail of destruction. The team tracks the monster to a huge tomb. Juggernaut charges the door of the tomb bursting it open with his head. The team searches the tomb looking for clues, evidence or anything else useful. Suddenly they hear screams and they follow them deeper into the crypt and find several villagers trapped by the Cherufe. Nightcrawler quickly teleports them out back to safety as the rest of the team move in to combat the monster.

Storm turns the crypt into an ice cave to chill down the Cherufe. The monster roars and tries to flee but Iceman puts up a wall of ice over the exits. Faith shoots a frozen bolt from her crossbow into the Cherufe's chest, then everyone armed with a gun shoots the creature with frozen ammunition, further weakening it. King and Reaver both land a shot each in the Cherufe's head, then Iceman blasts the creature with a blast of ice freezing it solid, allowing Black Whirlwind to hack the Cherufe into nothing with his axes. The team celebrates the victory as Zedd and Pyro melt the ice so everyone can leave.

The King leads his team out of the crypt to the cheers of the Albion people. They leave the continent by the nearby Cullis Gate back to Castle Phoenix to rest after the mission. King showers then goes to relax on the couch. "Holy shit that was a pain in the ass. Next time the damn place just gets bombed. No more going through a marsh or haunted tomb" yells the tired and frustrated king. The next few days letters and gifts to flood the king's mailboxes from the grateful Albion townspeople including several offers for marriage from almost every girl in the land. The king responds to the letters stating he is through with marriage but appreciates the offers and the gratitude and affection. The king realizes how late it is and retires to his chambers for the night. He takes his bed and quickly goes into a deep sleep to rest for a further day and a new mission.


my story ch.3


Ari awakens to start her first day as the king's newest recruit. She cleans herself up and heads to the kitchen where Piper and Michelangelo are preparing breakfast. He has prepared several distinct styles of pizzas including vegetarian, meat-lovers and cheese. While Piper, with help from her sisters and the kitchen staff has laid out a huge spread of both breakfast and brunch items. Including restaurant quality, gourmet and down-home and family recipes. She even prepared a rare authentic Chinese dishes for the Asian clan members, that she received from a young Chinese man she met and helped years ago in San Francisco's Chinatown. Ari grabs a few pieces of pizza before the rest of the family wakes up and eats everything. After that she goes to the training area to sit in on a sparring match between Maggie and Kitty. The two teen mutants have been restricted from using their powers as this is a sparring match and only the hand-to-hand skills that are taught during these classes are allowed. After the match both girls are physically spent and Maggie calls it over. Ari sits and watches several more sparring matches, including one that gets a little bloody. She thinks to herself about one day seeking out her previous boss and showing him what a mistake he made firing her like he did.

Meanwhile, the king is back down is the lab along with Dr. Hank "Beast" McCoy, Lab Tech/secret service Agent Claudia Donovan and builders Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman. He has decided to build a new monster bodyguard, stronger than Luca ever was. He studies up on what the strongest breeds of demons might be, including brutes and apocalypse demons along with various species of animals. He sends Spike, Black Whirlwind, Angel, Faith and Wolverine out to hunt and capture the demon parts while Rogue, Maggie, Beast Boy and Mystique are sent after the animals. Each squad is watched by at least two guardsmen for extra protection. While they wait the king has the lab readied to bring all the parts together with assorted human parts taken from slaves and prisoners.

The king gets an alert from Rogue's team from the zoo. "Mama has infiltrated in the guise of a zoo keeper. she's going to kill all the workers using her stealth skills, Maggie and Beast Boy are going in as a Rhino and Elephant to lure the critters back to us then we'll try again for a tiger or something else that's aggressive and ornery" says Rogue in her strong southern drawl. "Gorillas are notoriously territorial, Rogue. And they can exert over 800 pounds of force with their arms, breaking bamboo or a person. Get a Silver-back Gorilla, they're the big daddy Gorillas. They have the broad grey patch of fur on their back so you'll spot them easily." suggests the king.

Rogue tells the guards to help her catch a Gorilla. They get to the makeshift Congo jungle exhibit and find the Silver-back. Rogue takes her jacket and gloves off so she can use her powers to subdue the beast. She flies up over the fence into the jungle. She is faced with a larger Silver-back who is ready to fight Rogue for trespassing. However, Rogue flies up and lands on his back and tranquilizes him by touching his head with her bare hands absorbing his strength and vicious territorial attitude. She carries the Gorilla out of the jungle as if he were a baby. Back on the jet the animals are locked in crystal cages and they are transported back to the castle.

The animals are led to the jet and the scientists, lead by Miranda Lawson, hook wires to each one to transfuse their characteristics into the new humanoid shell the king and his lab techs have constructed. An 8 foot monster of a man, made up of innumerable demon body parts. Soon he will get the combined strength of the demons, the animals and the mortal parts he was constructed from. Forensic Scientist Abby Sciuto lowers a lever and the lab lights up with electricity and all the animal's attributes are transfused into the latest monster bodyguard. Minutes later the monster begins to move. "Holy Frankenstein, Batman, it worked" smirks Claudia as she looks in amazement. "Of course, did you expect anything else?" asks the king jokingly. The king stands in front of the monster having planned him to be susceptible to mind control, the king telepathically orders his creation to be utterly obedient. The monster drops to one knee and says "yes master." The lab is cleaned up and the king orders his creation to stay in the dark room in the back of the lab until the king calls for him.

Back outside, Ari is receiving training from Angel and Spike to fight like a vampire. The boys set up the training dummy Buster dressed in a mask to mimic the Masked Man the clan is trying to fight to save Rocco. Ari swipes at Buster with her claws, striking the dummy in the head. Then unleashes a high spinning jump kick to knock Buster to the ground. The dummy's head is fitted with an accelerometer that is feeding information back to a computer in the workshop, where builders Kari and Grant check the data and find that Ari's attack was lethal just with the claw swipe alone, putting out over 8,000lbs of force. The data is relayed back to the king who is interested in the progress Ari is making. He is happy to learn that Ari is learning as quickly as she is. The king takes a look at his other promising student, the young witch Punky. The teen pink-haired witch is with Paige, Storm and Mr. Giles in the Danger Room, a high-tech computer controlled training room where the mutant clansmen and those with magic come to train their powers. Punky is placed through an obstacle course in a simulation of the underworld, given a task to fight off demons to claim a prize at the end of each level of training. She makes it through 7 levels before being defeated by the simulation. The king speaks over the intercom "nice job kid, next time I wish you 'd at least make it to level 8 maybe 9." Punky limps out of the training area and up to the medics to get checked complaining of pain and swelling in her ankle. Dr. Cameron checks her and says she sprained it but it wasn't that severe. She wraps it up and tells her to stay off of it for a few days to a week. Colossus offers to carry Punky back up to her dorm. She tries to walk on her own stubbornly but realizes she can't. She gives in and Colossus carries her upstairs.

The king meanwhile takes the ExOps mercs and the Warehouse agents on a mission into a nearby county to investigate a series of murders involving demons. The victims were hardly respectable people. In fact, they were a sect of bank robbers and murderers. Nonetheless, they way they were killed warranted the sheriff to call the king to come out and investigate. "What happened?" asks the king. "Well I don't rightly know." says the sheriff. "I came across these guys about midnight after I heard something out here. It's not a big town so you can hear everything. Found them cut up like fishes. No critter could do that, no one I know of mind you. So it had to be done by a creature of some kind. I heard y'all were keen on this stuff so I called y'all up." "Jennifer, get the gear. Chris and Peter help her out. Fiona, you Mattias and Myka keep talking with the sheriff. Steve and Claudia go set up in the sheriff's office then we'll all go out to hunt this thing."

The king sits in the conference table reviewing evidence. "Sheriff, I want the bodies sent back to my castle for my Medical staff and the science team to study." "I'll make the arrangements now," says the sheriff. "We need Diana and Wolverine." the king says as he calls home. "Kurt, I sent you the location of where we are, bring Diana and Logan. And come armed" commands the king. Minutes later the three of them teleport into the office armed with guns and Diana fortified with her enchanted bow and arrows. "Glad you guys got here. We got a demon" remarks the king "Good. I think i need a decent fight. That kid of yours is a hand full. Nevertheless, I think she is ready for the fight with that masked bastard." says Wolverine.

"Glad to hear. Ari will be an asset when we find that guy." says the king. "Take a look at this monster we came here for." The King hands them a case file from eyewitnesses. The agents return from their scouting trip, exhausted and empty handed. "Claudia, Jinx did you find it?" "No whatever it is it's either very elusive or it can't be detected on the scanners." says Claudia. "Logan, Diana get out there. Sheriff, can your men back them up in any way?" asks the king. "No, none of my men will dare go in those damn woods." says the sheriff. The king stands up enraged. He confronts the sheriff. "Listen here, I'm not sending my team in without backup. Now you and your lackeys grow some nuts and get your redneck asses out there before we rip your throats out and feed your worthless corpses to that creature out there. Do I make myself clear?" the sheriff storms out and gathers his men and waits at the edge of the woods for the king and his hunters.

The king and the others head towards the woods to speak to the sheriff. Suddenly they hear a loud bone chilling roar that is not anything like a werewolf or vampire. "That's a big one alright. We should have brought some extra firepower." says Agent Jinx. "No time Jinxy, we are required to put an end to this thing, now" orders the king. They dredge deeper into the forest, tracking the scent and sound of the creature. Logan catches a scent on the breeze and takes off towards a cave. The others follow and they stop at the mouth of a deep water filled cavern. "Damn, has to be it. Guess we need to go in." the king commands. "But what if it's too deep to swim. We need Bobby to ice it so we can walk over it." suggests Pete. Suddenly Pete gets a bad vibe that they shouldn't even try to go in. "Oh no, bad vibe, a strong one. We're not going in" and as he says that the cave starts to crumble then it suddenly collapses. "The scent was good here. It was in there. Nothing could have survived that cave-in" says Logan. After checking the area thoroughly, they confirm the cave-in killed the beast and the town can now rest easy.

The king picks up his team and gear and they return home. Ari is slumbering on the couch in the den after a long training day. Other members of the team are asleep as well. Velvet and Lita are helping Amy, Piper and Kari carry the children up to the nursery while Adam, Paul and Leo aid Toad and Blob in cleaning up where the kids were playing. Then the guys head upstairs after the women, and soon everyone has turned in for the night. Theresa welcomes the king home and is ready to stay until the mission is finished completely. The king offers the blind seeress a permanent place on his staff and she agrees. The king sets the alarm to warn them if any intruders should try to trespass on the property, goes to feed to heal a minor injury he got while out in the woods then retires to his chambers for the night. The night is calm and no one disturbs the quiet as the clan sleeps preparing for whatever tomorrow might bring.


my story ch.2


At the asylum, inmates are going further insane as something is interfering with the peaceful calm the orderlies like to maintain. Something that only the inmates seem to be hearing. Suddenly the lights come out and a man, dressed in all black and wearing a mask, and a woman, heavily armed and scantily clad in a black bikini and corset appears on the asylum grounds. "Find him Ari, bring him to me." tells the man. Ari, a highly skilled and dangerous assassin and pet of the masked man go off to find Rocco, the former advisor to the king of the infamous Phoenix Clan, Sent to the asylum, after an unexpected betrayal. Rocco sees Ari through his cell, he questions who she was as she leads him out of the asylum. Ari unties his straight jacket then hands it to her boss. A mistake that returns to haunt her as he uses magic to force Ari into the straight jacket and sends her back into the same cell she rescued Rocco from. She kicks at the padded wall and screams at her former boss as he laughs evilly and uses dark magic to restore Rocco's memories and says he will allow him to gain his revenge over King Brian and his clan of vampires and mutants.

In the war room, the king meets with the entire team. Empress Lian and Countess Bathory sit on either side of the king. an enormous map of the city and the outlying areas, as well as maps of the asylum itself lying on the large oak table. Fiona Taylor, the Australian mercenary leader says she received the maps from the asylum staff where the king sent Rocco, the kings prior advisor. They also received word that Rocco has regained his memory somehow and has escaped. "Well that's no good," says Reaver in his aristocratic but charming British accent. Being serious the king responds "no it isn't. Rocco posed a danger to us all. Luckily we were to able to stop him and erase his memory. If he has regained it and found a way to escape then he needs to be stopped, for good" "agreed" says everyone at once.

At that moment, an elderly blind woman in red and white robes appears in the room. "Greetings all" says the woman in a wise and uplifting British accent "I am Theresa, Seer of the Spire in Albion. Perhaps I can aid you in this mission. I believe your former advisor is being aided in his escape. I have seen in a vision. I know you have seers and psychics in your employment, but it seems their magic is blocked somehow from seeing everything." "Any help you can offer would be great." says Robin. "Yeah, not all of us are in tune with the forces of magic or can see the future" adds Cyborg. "Magic isn't something to take lightly. I have to meditate all the time just to gain control of my own powers." says Raven stoically.

Piper, the second oldest of the Halliwell witches, hears something outside the doors. She asks Logan to check it out. He sniffs the air, growls and his six-inch metal claws protrude from his knuckles. He gets to the door ready to attack the would be intruder, but when he opens the door, all he finds is one of the student witches. Apparently she has overheard the team planning to go to the asylum. "What do you believe you 're doing?" asks the King. "Kid, the asylum is no place for you" says Raphael, picking up the student as she had leaned on the door and fell into the room alerting everyone. "Indeed, one as young and inexperienced as you my dear need not venture in such a dark and troublesome place" says Theresa. "The kid has balls, but for once I agree with everyone else, It's just too dangerous" adds Faith. "Everyone is correct my dear. Return to your dorm" says the professor.

The girl, who simply refers to herself as Punky, walks behind the professor's wheelchair, walks behind the table, past Theresa and takes the Kings place and says as brave and commandingly as she can "look. I may be young and inexperienced, but you didn't recruit me just because of my looks. I know you need more fighters in your ranks. With Shadow and the Queen gone and Luca dead, You need me." "She's right," says Leo. "Over the last year, our numbers have dropped. We need to find more willing allies. If Theresa's vision is correct, we will need help to take on whomever broke Rocco out of the asylum" Punky looks at Piper's husband and nods at him and then adds "now let's go to the asylum" "Whoa hold on there, Braveheart" says Paige, "we don't know if whomever broke him out is still there and what he can do." With that the king suggests they continue looking at options before going out.

Riding in the back of the limousine, sitting next to the King and his three escorts, Amy, Trish and Velvet, who are all professional women's wrestlers, the young pink-haired witch Punky is eager to begin her first job as a full-fledged member of the clan. The Limo is flanked by every vehicle and motorcycle in the king's fleet as they drive towards the asylum. As they scout out the asylum, Theresa appears out of thin air and warns that something is wrong. She senses even more danger than she lets on earlier. "Well isn't that just great," says Eddie as he and Lars unpack the Deuce and the Doom Hearse of weapons and equipment. "Mikey, Raph, unload the Battle Shell. We may need its weapons before long" orders the king. Spike, Wolverine and Robin sit on their motorcycles looking at the eerie white building ahead of them. Spike stands up off his bike, lights a cigarette and joins the king at the doors of the Battle Shell. He looks and the different weapons and picks up a heavy sub-machine gun. "Eddie, Ophelia, Time to mobilize the troops" shouts the king. With that Eddie and Ophelia grab their guitars and begin alternating solos and blistering guitar riffs. Eddie's solo is reminiscent of the early days of metal from the 1970's and 1980's while Ophelia opts for a darker and more gloomy black metal riff. and with in seconds of the duo finishing their solos a horde of headbangers, young men with hardened skulls that are like wrecking balls, razor girls, rocker chicks armed with the husks of the ever dangerous razor-fire boar, used as a powerful long-range cannon and a troupe of thunder hog bikers stand at Eddies side. While Ophelia's army consist of a pack of gravediggers, armed with razor-edged shovels and women dressed in tattered bridal gowns that hinder their enemies by slowing them down than striking them with lightning. All together the Ironheade army stands at four thousand strong eager to fight for the king. "Now that's how you call an army," says the king proudly.

The king orders the rest of the army to wait as he leads a small squad inside the asylum. "Take a look around everyone" says the king. They go through reception and identify themselves by holding up badges. Then the king asks "my former employee was directed here a while back, which room is he in?" the king shows the receptionist an image of Rocco. She replies "a man and woman came and got him and took him out. The woman was left here. I believe the man did not like her anymore. Room 20. Down that way" "go on. Reaver, watch this room. Anyone does something foolish, shoot them," orders the king. The rest of the squad enters the long empty hall to Rocco's former cell. Punky grabs the doorknob and heats it up until it melts. As the door swings open, Tony and Ziva aim their guns at the woman inside. The king realizes she was the one who was betrayed by the man who took Rocco and orders the agents to stand down. "Stand up. What happened?" asks the king. "My boss, that bastard betrayed me after he took Rocco. He restored his memory and has plans to come after you all" "well looks like you're safe now. I'm guessing you want to get payback on your former boss. And if he has turned Rocco against us, then we just have to put an end to them both. Everyone out I'm having the Boom squad take this place down"

Back outside the king has Jamie to call his friends in the bomb squad. Jamie runs to his truck and calls the bomb squad and the FBI. Then not one to wait around the king orders Nightcrawler to teleport to California and bring their bomb squad friends to where they are. In a puff of blue smoke Nightcrawler vanishes, then seconds later returns with retired FBI agent Frank Doyle and bomb squad member Sergeant JD Nelson and about three hundred pounds of ANFO and TNT. "Glad you could agree to help us guys. We have a bit of a demolition project that needs doing." says the king. "Well you called the right couple of fellas" says Agent Doyle. The Bomb Squad and several of the king's men help spread the explosives in and around the asylum and rig everything to go off together with a detonation timer. Everyone rushes to their cars and motorcycles and flees the scene as fast as they can. Fifteen minutes later the earth shakes as the asylum explodes in an enormous fireball and mushroom cloud. In the limousine Ari, grateful for being rescued swears her full allegiance to the king and the phoenix clan. Back at the castle Ari is put through the induction ceremony by the king, empress and countess. Ari takes her place among the mercenaries down in the barracks.

After hearing of his former assistant joining the king, the masked man becomes considerably angered. Knowing what she is fully capable of, he decides to send his men after the king and his new staff. "Nothing must interfere with my plans for owning this city. Nothing" he screams. He calls his men to his chambers and commands them to find Ari and the king and wipe them out before they can discover what his plans are. Then he looks around to Rocco, lying unconscious on a medical table. "I will make you into the ultimate weapon. No one will stop us after I'm done with you" he says as he laughs maniacally. Back at the castle Ari is adjusting to her new life. She tours around the castle taking due note of where everything is. Later she returns to the kings chambers to find him asleep in his study. Exhausted Ari decides to let the king rest and take a nap herself in the king's bed. In her dreams, she imagines a productive life serving the king as his top assassin but her dream is turned into a nightmare when her former boss kills the king and the entire phoenix clan and before he can kill her she awakens. She looks at herself then goes to check on the king who is asleep at his desk. "It was only a dream" says Ari to herself as she goes back to sleep, anxious to start her training with her new family in the morning.


my story ch.1


On a quiet piece of flat land somewhere in the Carolina mountains, A large stone, and steel castle sits silent after the divorce its king just went through. Sitting down at his study, thinking of the state of the family, the king, Brian, rendered nearly crippled from years of strenuous battles with demons, werewolves, monsters and human enemies over the past several years ponders what could be next. Never had he thought the clan would be without its founder and matriarch, the queen.

Over in the castle library, Mr. Giles, an elderly British librarian, and an expert in demons and magic, are teaching young students and clansmen the history of the clan and helping them through their transition into the world of magic and vampires.

Downstairs in the training area, students are receiving training in hand-to hand combat, using jiu-jitsu, ninjitsu, wrestling skills and commando style training, by head trainers April, a former reporter from New York City, and Ziva David, a former Israeli Mossad assassin.

In the medical wing, it's a mad rush as E.R. doctor Dr. Allison Cameron and surgeon Dr. Robert Chase rush to help a new bunch of trauma patients and their bosses Dr. Greg House, a brilliant but temperamental and immature diagnostician, Dr. James Wilson, an oncologist and House's friend and Dr. Lisa Cuddy, the Dean of Medicine, and House's on and off again lover, struggle to deal with the other patients.

Down in the barracks, the clans military might prepare for a scheduled scouting trip. Commanded by guard captain Richard "The Seeker" Rahl, Kratos, a troubled but proud Spartan soldier from Greece, and Colonel William Guile, former professional street fighter and air force pilot, The phoenix clan guards-men aim to prove that the clan is alive and well.

In a separate barracks, the king's newest ally, Commander Meredith and her Templars have promised to work for the king to fight against corrupt magic including demons, dark fae and anyone who use blood magic for corrupt and destructive purposes.

The armory is alive with the sounds of clanging steel and gunfire as new weapons are under construction and tested by Will Hayden, an old wily Cajun from Baton Rouge, and son-in-law Kris. Over in the corner of the armory, in the office area, Will's daughter Stephanie is dealing with the business side of running an armory. And up front, lead armorer Xander Harris is cleaning the guns and polishing swords. Noticeably absent on the weapons wall are the guns and daggers used by the queen her self, as they have been retired.

In the workshop, the builders and designers are very hard at work. Shop owner Jamie, a tough, no-nonsense man with a bald head, large "walrus-like" handlebar mustache, no-rim glasses and a beret, is in the upstairs office along with co-owner Adam, a tall red-headed man wearing nerd glasses, a black t-shirt, torn jeans and old steel-toe boots, they are busy planning the next build that the king has asked for. Down on the shop floor, builder and model-maker Tory and his co-workers, artists Kari and her husband Paul, welder and mechanic Scottie and robotic expert and electronics engineer Grant are busy with other secret projects.

In the gym, Scott Summers; a tall, handsome mutant with an optic blast that emits from his eyes that can eat through steel, his wife Jean Grey; a telepathic/telekinetic mutant and Logan, who most refer to as Wolverine, a gruff muscular mutant with a skeleton made from unbreakable adamantium, the power to heal and razor-sharp metal claws that protrude from his hands, are training young untrained mutants. Over in a near corner Maggie Nelson, a teen mutant with chameleon like abilities is resting after a long workout of gymnastics and kickboxing.

Out back near a row of large crypts, where the pure blooded vampiric members of the clan dwell, an obstacle course is established and the teenage super heroes known as the Teen Titans are exercising their powers and abilities. Robin, the Titan leader is running the course and destroying practice dummies with his fighting staff. Cyborg, a half human half robot African-American teen is using his arm cannon to blast targets off of trees. Beast Boy, a green-skinned, elf eared shape-shifter is in the form of a Gorilla to hurl boulders at Terra, a blond teen with earth moving powers as she jumps them to test her abilities and agility. Starfire, an alien girl is blasting targets with bolts of energy that fire from her hands and eyes, while Raven, a dark and mysterious girl with a dark past, sits quietly and meditates, watching her teammates train.

Down in the depths of the castle, in the crime lab, forensic scientist Abigail Sciuto and lab technician Claudia Donovan are testing evidence from their colleagues' latest cases. Over at a laptop computer, off to the side, federal agents Timothy McGee and Anthony DiNozzo are going over their own evidence to compare with the girls' findings and find the most effective way to resolve the cases. Over in a secret room that only the king is conscious of, lies Luca, a Frankenstein-like monster created by the queen to be her personal guard. The king gets to make a tough decision to destroy Luca and to create a more useful guardian of his own design. He stands up, grabs a black and silver cane with a skull handle, and slowly makes his way to an elevator heading down to the lab. Reaching the lab he calls the lab techs to help him, as he can no longer pull, push or lift and has Luca's life support wires disconnected, and the 7 foot man monster wheeled outside. Knowing that fire is his only weakness he brings along John, otherwise known as Pyro, a mutant with the power to command fire at will, and Zedd, a powerful wizard, to help him. Luca is positioned in the center of the 1000 acre property and left strapped to his gurney. At the king's command, Pyro and Zedd unleash waves of searing hell-fire, and Luca is converted into ashes in mere seconds.

The king examines the ashes of the monster, he always liked Luca but knew it may reach this if the queen ever left. Nothing of the queen's was supposed to be spared. The king's servants, the harbingers, order of satanic monks blinded and mute to be utterly loyal, are commanded to find anything of the queen, and burn it. As the king stands there watching what has happened, two gorgeous women come to the king's side, one with dim red long hair with black goth/punk attire and her arms covered in demon and skull tattoos. The other with wavy brunette hair dressed in black and pink yoga attire. These are Amy and Trish. Two former women wrestling champions now acting as personal escorts for the king. The king had hired them after a trip to a wrestling show in 2010. During the limousine ride home the king made them vampires and made them serve him and the queen's every erotic need.

Up in the attic, the clan's witches are writing spells and mixing potions. The 4 main witches the king calls upon in time of need are a family coven known as the Charmed Ones, the most potent force for good, or white magic in the universe. Prue Halliwell, the oldest is mixing potions with young witch sisters Billie and Christy Jenkins. The next oldest sister Piper, her husband Leo, a tall handsome white-lighter, or a guardian angel for good magic, and younger sister Phoebe are writing new spells for the king to use. And the youngest sister Paige is reading from the Book of Shadows, a powerful magic tome, encyclopedia of every species of demon, and the source of the sisters' magic. Another pair of witches also are working on some new spells. Willow Rosenberg and girlfriend Tara MaClay use their joined powers to keep a protective spell active to resist evil magic.

Up on the roof in the sniper's nest, lead sniper and former marine gunnery Sergeant Leroy Jethro Gibbs is giving orders to his crew. Domino a mutant marks-woman with the ability of probability manipulation, and a skilled hand-to hand combatant, Deadpool, a mutant with uncanny athleticism and sword skills, but having a fractured mental state and having to wear a full face mask to hide a face that had been disfigured, and Reaver, a master thief, pirate and known womanizer from the distant land of Albion in the British isles.

Down in the communications room, Fiona Taylor, an Australian mercenary and squad commander of ExOps is running her team through a new mission plan. Jennifer Mui, a British born merc of Chinese descent and former MI6 agent, Chris Jacobs, a former U.S. army soldier and Mattias Nilsson, an ex soldier in the Swedish Navy are planning to conduct a raid on a club that had been taken over by drug gangs. The club, a strip club belonged to the king as was in disuse for weeks.

In the kitchen Gambit, a Cajun mutant and a charming thief, with the ability to make anything he touches explode using its own kinetic energy, is playing poker with fellow X-Man Nightcrawler, a German born mutant who has the appearance of a blue devil and can teleport anywhere and Rogue, a young southern mutant who can rob any one of their life-force by touch alone, therefore unable to touch or kiss anyone she loves. also in the game is Rayne, a half human half vampire hybrid, Spike, a British vampire with peroxide blond hair and wearing a black shirt, jeans and a leather trench coat he took from a woman he killed back in the 70's in New York and Faith, a rogue slayer with a gothic appearance and rebellious attitude. At the other end of the table are 4 mutant turtles. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Leonardo, leader of the turtles, Raphael, the physically strongest of the 4 turtle brothers and possessing the shortest temper as well as anything at anytime can send Raphael into a passionate outburst. Donatello, the smartest of the turtles, a certified genius and skilled inventor. And Michelangelo, the quickest and youngest of the 4 and the most fun of the turtles as Mike really likes to skate, Surf, goof around and most of all eat pizza.

Out in the woods that surround the property, the hunters and trackers are hunting food and potential enemies. Diana, the Roman goddess of hunting, along with The Black Whirlwind, a large, burly, hairy Chinese man who always smells like stale liquor, and Callisto, a mutant that has the power to track other mutants, is hunting for trespassers. Whirlwind takes the lead and spots a camp of humans in the distance. Diana readys one of her enchanted arrows and lands a shot wounding a man making it easier for Whirlwind to move in with his dual axes and make the kill. Callisto senses a stray mutant nearby and she alerts the others. They decide it's a trap and they devise a plan to lure the vagrant out of hiding.

In the underground warehouse where other than those who work there, only high-ranking clansmen can enter, secret service agents Peter Lattimer and Myka Bering sweep the facility doing maintenance and taking inventory of the warehouse's millions of dangerous magic artifacts the clan hunts to keep them out of the hands of anyone that would not know how to use them properly or would use them for selfish and dangerous means. In the warehouse office, retired NSA agent and warehouse curator Artie Nelson is doing some cataloging work of his own

In the depths of the castle, in the dungeon, warden Cara, a former Mord-Sith assassin is patrolling the many prisoners in her care. Prisoners kept as slaves, arrested for crimes against the throne or a menace to the city that the clan patrols on a nightly basis, the most dangerous people are stored down here. As Cara patrols the cell blocks, detectives Robert Goren and Zachary Nichols lead down another prisoner. A human caught trespassing on castle grounds. He is denied his clothes and given a prison jumpsuit, then as she does with every prisoner, beats them mercilessly with her agiels, magic batons that can cripple or kill anyone with a mere touch then has the detectives lock up the beaten prisoner.

In the throne room, a heavy gold painted room and prominently featuring several heavy gold thrones with black and red velvet upholstery, the clans highest ranking members are having a meeting. Empress Sun Lian sits in her throne next to Countess Elizabeth Bathory. The king enters and with help with the First Enchantress, Marian Hawke and the Inquisitor Evelyn Trevelyan. the clan's royal family are about to hold a trial of the human caught earlier for trespassing. After a lengthy trial the prisoner is condemned to death by beheading. He is led outside where The Black Whirlwind awaits at the executioner's block. The prisoner is in place on the stump and with one swing he is beheaded by Whirlwind's heavy axes.

In an office on the far side of the throne room, Kahlan, mother confessor and the lover of guard-captain Richard, with the ability to get anyone to tell the truth with her touch alone, Kahlan is debating what to do with two prisoners caught last week. Having already confessed them and getting the truth out of them, Kahlan needs to decide their punishment. After a prolonged debate with NCIS agents DiNozzo and McGee, she has decided to have them executed by firing squad. The two agents handcuff the prisoners and drag them out to a large tree where the build team awaits with civil war era muskets, packed and loaded ready to fire at Kahlan's order. Six shots from six rifles echo through the forest and when the smoke settles the two prisoners lie dead.

In another part of the woods, Aidan, a vampire from Boston, Massachusetts, And roommate Sally, the ghost of a woman who was murdered by her fiancé, is out searching for Josh their friend, roommate and a werewolf. He has escaped his cage and is on a furry rampage. As Aidan and Sally are the sole ones that can control Josh when he transforms and goes wild. Aidan smells the scent of blood and he and Sally follow it into town to find Josh rampaging through the town square. Asian fires a tranquilizer gun and knocks Josh out and then waits for Josh to turn human again. Then with help from a group of people they bring Josh back to the castle. Asian suggests humans forget what they saw and return home.

In the garage, head mechanic Casey Jones is stripping the queen's 2011 Dodge Intrepid down for parts, while assistant mechanic Forge repairs the clan's battle van, fitting it with an upgraded weapons system. Over on the other side of the garage Cyborg is tuning up his T-Car, a super fast, ultra-cool cyborg of a car, and the interns tune up the extra cars and motorcycles that the other clansmen use. A few seconds later Georgia Lass, the squad leader of the reaper squad, a team of men and women that have died in freak accidents but instead of moving on they became grim reapers. Georgia asks for her car, a classic model red convertible. She gets the keys and sets off to cope with a new job, taking the soul of someone due to die. Half way to her job in Georgia gets a call from her sister Reggie in Seattle, the only human that knows Georgia is a reaper. Reggie tells her older sister that their mom has died from depression, taking her own life. Upset and pissed off, Georgia speeds towards town, she finds her target and kills him outright, instead of stealthily taking the person's soul then escorting the soul to the afterlife. Georgia goes on a rampage and kills at least 10 people without taking their souls. She goes back to the castle soaked in blood yelling and cursing at everyone, and goes to her suite and slams the door and screams as loud as she can to vent her frustration.

Out in the hangar, in the cockpit of the black bird, a huge stealth fighter jet that the clan use for long distance missions. The pilot, Raven Darkholme also known as Mystique, a shape-shifting mutant with blue scaly skin and red hair. as the king's best pilot it's Mystique's job to fly the jet for the king and also with her ability to mimic anyone and anything including their looks, actions and voice, undertake the missions that need a high degree of stealth and high-tech know how. Also only the members of the clan know Mystique's secret of being the mother of both Rogue and Nightcrawler.

In another part of the hangar, another cleaning crew is cleaning and making minor repairs to the king's newest vessel, the SSV Normandy SR2. The most advanced intergalactic warship ever built. Its crew is coming out of the ship after returning from a recon mission. Commander Jane Shepard, an officer in the Alliance Navy, has seen things in her military career that traditional soldiers would flee from. Her crew, a squad of top military personnel, aliens, mercenaries, and scientists have pledged their lives and service to the commander and now the king.

At the precinct, Bo, a young succubus-or female sex demon-is having drinks with Kenzi, her kleptomaniac human friend and Dyson a detective and a wolf-shifter. The 3 of them are recognized as Light Fae-or good demons, who fight dark fae-or evil demons, despite Bo herself recently joining the ranks of the Dark after being neutral for many years. They are meeting with NCIS Director Leon Vance and NYPD detectives Alexandra Eames and Serena Stevens. The crew has received a tip to check out a disturbance in town, they think it may be a clue to also figure out who is in charge of a series of murders at the asylum out-of-town.

Down in the music room, the sounds of metal ring through the walls of the castle as the kings favorite music groups, brought in for the king's entertainment, practice and discuss upcoming performances they all have lined up. Lena Katina, a gorgeous Russian singer with long red hair pours over some lyrics as she takes a drag of her cigarette. Over across the room, her former band mate Julia Volkova is doing some writing on a project of her own. Creative differences had split the 2 up and now they each have chosen independent music careers. Next to the window sit members of the Italian group Lacuna Coil. Singer Cristina Scabbia is practicing some lyrics as her band's lead guitarist Cristiano Migliore practices some new chords and riffs as Finnish band Nightwish (the king's personal favorite band of all time) is hanging out after their practice. The boys Marco, Jukka, Tuomas and Emppu are playing cards as ex-singer Anette and current singer Floor Jansen rests on the couch chatting as 2 women typically do.

In the family room, the members of Ironheade, a rebel force dedicated to the king after he helped them defeat their leaders demonic mother, are sitting around the coffee table discussing their life back in their now forgotten homeland. Eddie Riggs, a former roadie is sitting next to his lover Ophelia, with his large muscular arm around her. They sit in between brother and sister duo Lars and Lita Halford. They all remember back in their homeland where Eddie defeated the evil emperor and saved their world that was under demonic rule for years, now ruled by the people who live there still.

In the classroom, Professors Charles Xavior and Eric Lehnsherr, also known as Magneto, along with Dawn Summers and Magneto's 3 children Wanda, Pietro and Lorna are teaching some young mutants and witches new to their powers the regular day-to-day school activities along with how to use their powers effectively and safely as this was a magic school. In the back of the classroom, X-Men members Iceman, Spyke, Dust and Jubilee are working with another group of students.

Over in the bar area, HellBoy, his lover Liz, a fire-starter, who can command the elemental fire, and former Mexican federale Machete are having drinks and discussing old war stories and remembering the good times they've had since becoming a member of the king's army. Hellboy sits a can down and flattens it with his over-sized stone right hand then tosses it over the counter not caring about a mess of empty cans, after all that's what the servants, slaves and Harbingers were there for. After a few more, the 3 head upstairs to sleep off their drinking. They know the king wouldn't tolerate them being dead drunk if they were needed for a fight.

Upstairs in the girls dorm, Kitty Pryde also known as Shadowcat, a teenage mutant that can walk through solid objects and Danielle Moonstar, a young Native American mutant from a Cheyenne tribe in Colorado, with the power to make dreams-or nightmares-a reality, along with Emma Frost, a telepath that also has the ability to turn herself into solid diamond to protect herself from harm, and Ororo Monroe also known as Storm, a weather witch who can mentally control and call the forces of nature, are watching over the children. Wyatt and Chris, the sons of Piper and Leo, Stella, the young Daughter of Kari and Paul, and Amora the oldest daughter of the king himself, upstairs in castle nursery.

As the king sits silently thinking, he comes to a decision that he no longer wants help moving about. He decides he is going to ask for healing for his injuries. He limps across the room to the intercom and calls for Paige, Phoebe, Raven, Willow and Tara. The group of witches entered and the king orders them to find any and all healing spells and potions that they have in stock so the king can get back in being the warrior he was. The girls scramble to find what spells they can while portions are either found or made. The king studies spells and picks the strongest one he finds. Prue and Piper come in to help with the spell to add their power to the spell to amplify its effect. In a blast of magical energy, the king returns to fighting shape and tosses his cane on the bed no longer needing it. For the first time in months he is able to walk without aid. The girls stand proudly as their king can once again fight at their side. And not a moment too soon as the alarm blares and they know it's now time for action. "Everyone in the war room" commands the king. The entire team meets in the war room and they plan what is to be done.


vampire role play

Name: Brian
Rank: king
Clan: The Phoenix Clan
Age: 34 in human years
Years as a vampire: about 10+ years
Species: vampire, demon, human, witch, fae
Weapons: dual s&w 500 revolvers, hunting knife, Scottish claymore
Looks: dark brown shaggy hair, goth attire, dressed in black steel and leather armor during combat
Abilities: strength, healing, teleportation, vampire fangs and claws, demonic powers such as energy balls and fire
Other Skills: increased skill and abilities. studies martial arts, commando tatics and wrestling. magic and witchcraft. armed with multiple guns, hunting knife and sword
Jobs: king, soldier, federal agent, warrior, mercenary, monster hunter, artifact hunter


been a vampire over 10 years and has infused my abilities with demon, fae and alien abilities. majority of my time was spent with my former queen, now I rule alone with a vast army of supernatural warriors. we’ve returned to our beginning as mercenaries for wealthy patrons. only other well-to-do clans or wealthy clients can afford us to hunt down their enemies or a troublesome creature


-queen (must be strong--physically and mentally. also physical attractiveness is key. for queen role, must also have some kind of combat training or will to learn to fight). bloodlust and love of violence is a bonus
-escort (accompany the king and his clan mates where needed, and help investigate and interrogate suspicious people using feminine charms to extract information.
-servant (kitchen, babysitter for younger clan members, or whatever)
-slave (sexual servant, harem girl)


-rescued from bad guys and joins clan out of gratitude
-character new to powers and scared (like in a self defense situation or powers activating when hitting puberty or maturity) after finding out they're part of an ancient bloodline
-trying to fill vacant queen role
-any other scenario or role you think would fit your character
-captured during raid and forced into clan or to wed king


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2 years ago
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