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Papercut Kisses's blog: "w/e"

created on 05/07/2009  |  http://fubar.com/w-e/b294200

Go to www.urbandictionary.com and look the meaning of your name, then post it as a blog cats and kittens.:)

1.The name Natasha (Russian) means Christmans Day or birthday. It is usually used to portray desirable and enviable female characters in film, literature, etc. Most Natasha's are beautiful. They exude mystery and seduction.

Tabitha: I don't like that girl, Natasha.

Robert: She's hot!!! I would love to bang Natasha!!!!

Tabitha: She looks like a slut!

Robert: You're just jealous

 2.A woman of outstanding beauty, intelligence, and grace.
That girl is totally a Natasha .

3.the most awesome person ever. shes so much fun to hangout with and i love her<3. shes like one of the prettiest people i know even though she wont admit it. we can crack up at the stupidest things for like an hour. she is really easy to tlak to but she has a loud mouth

i love natasha
the sweetess most sensitive and sexy girl you will find.
she would never cheat on a guy and she is the best french kisser.
Natasha is soo sexy!

I know! But she is mine!
an amazing girlfriend, gorgeous, amazing and graceful like a swan even when she trips over things.
She's Definitly A Natasha
6.A female usually of Russian or Hispanic decent. Has a crazy hairstyle, not fat not skinny and is constantly laughing at something that is possibly not even funny. Her sense of style is well put together. Guys fall in love with her especially black guys but a Natasha usually already has fallen for a boy from her childhood days .

Natashas usually go for white boys and if they take chances hispanic guys with shaggy hair.

Natashas love ice cream even during cold weather and can tolerate just about anyone.

WARNING: Natashas can be a bitches and if necessary will chew you out.
"DAM! She is a sexy bitch that Natasha Girl" "Natasha its 28 degrees outside why are you eating ice cream!"
Used in the very rare situations when "perfection" or "Amazing" can not properly articulate the magnitude of awesomeness when defining something or someone
Today was totally.......Natasha

Ahhh Memories.

What my midgets and I watched over the Holidays.I couldn't be happier!! Specially Dark Crystal,it was a gift from my in laws to the midgets.. I almost fainted when I seen it due to sheer joy!!I know this whole movie word for word,and was so happy to see my youngest love it just as much as me,while sporting a million questions about the puppets and how they moved and what not.You still cant get any better then that!oh and the labyrinth of course.(you remind me of the babe!(what babe?babe with the powe...shutting up now)

Also the Goonies!!my oldest loved it,we all climbed into our big bed with some popcorn and had a good ol family movie night.Which we try to have every weekend.

Now my daughter walks around yelling" HEEEEEEEEY YOOOOOOOOU GUUUUUUUUYS!!!!!" as does daddy too lol.

Good times all around, now to find something for this weekend.

on that note..IM gonna put three videos via comment reply. Hope you all get to have a giggle watching them.


Later days!(h)




enter blog subject here

I wish the wind would stop blowing, I have cleared my car off a grand total of 3 times this morning.Its only 11:45am.

I sense its only gonna get better..no?

Today is also my last day of freedom...kiddos start christmas break for 2 weeks..starting back up Jan 4th..which is the same day I start school.


Also I am offically done my holiday baking,done..done.. DONE!I haven't baked this much since I lived back home with my mom and daddy(yes I still call him daddy,dont judge me!)I miss those times.kinda.

getting my tree tonight also,which will be followed by some sledding and hot chocolate and marshmellows.Friday nights couldnt be better.Might start my wrapping also, normally I wait till christmas eve,put on some music and get the job done..last year we had to put a little play kitchen together which took my husband I believe 3 hours to do.

Good times!

I hope you all have a great holiday,no matter what one is celebrating,and santa is good to,well..most of yous.




These tasty little timbits are my cheesecake truffles which took me three days to get right,I suggest having  a lot of spare time if you ever decide to do em,and to staple your mouth shut..or there wont be much left.

I cant believe im listening to color me badd...I need a life.

Later days cats and kittens.



Starting Lineup.

I wish the weather would make up its effin mind!for lord sakes.

Tis going to be a rather eventful day,I will be leaving in a few to take my midgets in for their vaccine and mine as well.

I hate needles!!welp,the ones with meds in em that make my arm numb..then sore and brused.Of course im more concerned with my little ones..specially the boys.Char is a trooper and I know will be fine..Jules im hoping doesnt hide under the desk again and be in need of being held down by two nurses and a doctor to get it done.Saiah only cries.(ONLY,ARG!)

I get to bite my lip and play the superwoman role.which if god is on my side I will do.Gotta be strong for the midgets and all, least thats what im telling myself:S

The candy cane fudge I made, never did set.I cant make fudge to save my life! I think I might try one more time then if it fails..throw in the towel.

Cookies are finished,cheesecake truffles are done and packed up in the freezer till they are boxed and handed out.

God I smell like a chocolate peanut butter icing covered truffle,with candy cane sprinkles in my fingermails STILL!

Which could be the reason why Harley wont still licking my jeans,weirdo.

The kiddos christmas concert was great! the Africian drummers where simply amazing!I was kinda iffy on the theme but after seeing I think it was the best one to date.

Now to get dressed,pick the children up and get the hard part over with.


Cookie anyone???


Later days.

Hubba Hubba.

Spell your name with bands/artists
A=A Tribe Called Quest
S=Silver Chair

layer two:

- name: Natasha
- birth date: July 24th, 1980
- nicknames: Tasha,mamabear,princess:)
- current location: Halifax
- eye color: Brown
- hair color: Brown,black,blonde,red.
- righty or lefty:Lefty.(SHUSH!)
- best friend[s]:My husband,Matteo,Justin and RObyn.

layer three:

- the shoes you wore today:black and white polka dot ballet slide ons.
- your perfect pizza:Veggie.
- the last time you cried: Last night,but was a good cry cus I got to watch all my midgets sing and have a great time.

layer four:

- your best physical feature: I dont recall having any,but I am told my eyes are ok,that and my eye brows?LOL
- most missed memory:Going on vacation with my Grandmother,or just spending time with her period.

layer five:

- pepsi or coke:Ginger Ale.
- mcdonald's or burger king:Burger King,just based upon their SUnday pie(h)
- adidas or nike:K swiss,airwalks

- lipton ice tea or nestea: Nestea.
- chocolate or vanilla: vanilla.
- cappuccino or coffee: Iced cap.

layer six:

- curse:Only on special occasions.
- do you sing:yuppers,kiddos like it..I think its due to me making them deaf.
- take a shower everyday: Yep
- do you think you have been in love:Nope, I know.
- want to go to college:yesums.
- get motion sickness: No
- think you're a health freak:SAdly,no lol.
- get along with your parents: Lately yes,weird.
- play an instrument:I used to play the piano when I Was younger,dont know how good I would be now thou.

layer seven:

in the past three months..
- gone to the mall:Yes,after I drove around looking for parking for an hour at the least,god I hate the mall.
- eaten an entire box of oreos:If I wanted to gain 20 pounds I prob could.
- eaten Sushi:Yesums.
- been on stage:No,but my midgets were and boy were they something!:D
- gone skating:Nope.
- made homemade cookies:yuppers,making more today I think.
- stolen anything:Not since I was 14 lol

layer eight:

have you ever..
- gotten in big trouble with your parents:you have NO clue.
- used a fake id:Naw.

layer nine:

- age you hope to be married:welp, I have been married for almost 2 years now.Jesus time goes uber fast.
- number of children:I have 3, I want one more boy if possible.
layer ten:

in a girl
- Best eye color: Brown.
- best hair color:Everything but blonde,just not attracted to em.
- short hair or long hair: Long please.

in a boy
-best eye colour:Hazel
-best hair colour: Black.

layer eleven:

- number of people I could trust with my life?: 1
- number of cds you own: eleventeenthousand.
- number of piercings: 2
- number of tattoos: 10

layer twelve:

- the one place you never want to go back to: Court.
- the one place where you want to die: In mister Heywoods arms,while im sleeping.I always have the best sleeps when he's holding me.I feel all kindsa safe.
- the one feeling you have never felt: ungrateful
- the one person you would like to meet: Jack BLack, so I can actually kick him in the throat for being so bloody annoying.


Later Days.

Cher Père Noël,

Now listen here mister man, I think I have been fairly good this past year,least in my own eyes..but truly that is all that counts:)

After hearing about what you did with Mrs Claus's sissy..you have no right to past any kind of jud...huh??? what do you mean I wasnt post to know?? OOOO I was post to keep it a secret! gotcha.

sooo ummm,how bout those leafs??*clears throat*

My wish list is not long,nor is it expensive and anyway,shape or form..but this is truly my wish list for this season.


1.Please Give my oldest the confidence in himself to stop wishing he was taller,that taller people are cooler and get to be important people when they grow up.

You and I both no this is of course not true,help me inform him that he is perfect just how he is,but yet has  plenty time to grow.So maybe a stocking full of patience might be in order.

2.Give my dog Harley Quinn a clue,let her know that tryin to go around itty bitty kitties isnt a good idea since mommy kitty will whoop her butt repeatedly.Or better yet..pet insurance for said beatings could be handy.

3.My baby kitties getting good homes in the future.

4.Charlene the ability to not rush every little thing she does,to take a breath,think things thru and to never stop smiling that beautiful smile she wears daily.(sidenote maybe a shotgun now for daddy since shes claiming to have boyfriends as of late)

5.Isaiah to STOP BEING SO BLOODY OBSESSED WITH THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE!!!! for lord sakes,throw him some garfield movies or astro boy series 1...you bring one effin train into this house mister and I will be feeding you to the pigs!(sidesidenote I love the snatch movie*sighs*)

6.Please encourage my sister to be a good mother ...take care of my neices like a mother should..and maybe put being a [CENCORED] on the back burner for a while.That and condoms in bulk please.

7.MY father better health,for him to live and see me graduate/grandkids grow/great grandkids in the very DISTANT future.

8.My mother,To know how much I love her,and how great of an impact she has had on me.Realize shes is a beautiful person in and out.Specially having such a beautiful name.Madonna.(not due to the singer thou people sheesh.)

9.A way soon for Christopher to see his mother,and dad..get to meet the rest of his family and maybe someday see what this christmas in the south is all about.As a family.

10.My wife to recieve a weeks maid survice for after the christmas mess of boxes and wrapping paper.She more then deserves some time off in that sense.

11.Two beautiful frames to showcase what a talented wonderous friend I have grown to love and adore,he is truly something special.

12.My god son Elijah to have a wonderful christmas,no matter how dorky his father is and will continue to be.

13. and a BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH for Helly, cus shes old and stuff so thats pretty much all I understand when she says something :) that and cus I love her enough to put her on this wish list.or something..,

14.for myself...I have everything I could have possibly asked for ever.

a family of my very own,school starting in Jan,my monsters being a thing of the past,my heart being the best it has been in almost 6 years,and the best bunch of cats and kittens a gal could ask for.:)

See most is very inexpensive, I think you can pull of off.If not...well we will discuss that after christmas shall we:)


Love your special little slice of the everything nice.

Natasha Snow Heywood.(h)





ps...school supplies would be lovely thou. xxoo

pss Cookie will be hidden in the popcorn bucket due to my husand being the cookie monster.take em and RUN!

A clue, He needs one.

To sexysoldie...: yeah, not cool indeed.
sexysoldie...: lol wow really? that is pretty jacked up
To sexysoldie...: lol Wel puddin most guys want something perverted in return..that is something I pass on of course..due to be a lady.Plus I promise I can live without.
sexysoldie...: awwww a guy should get you one!
To sexysoldie...: well I cant say no.. I might buy some after christmas and whatnot.
sexysoldie...: u want one?
To sexysoldie...: I dunno lol I just dont. tis sad its true but I will get over it lol
sexysoldie...: hey how r u? awww how come u dont have a vip or blingp ack?


You could smell the hint of send me some nakey pics and I'll sportcha a bling pack/VIP a mile away.

Do I look like the type of gal that would do so?God I hope not.

later days.


Is Dec 8th/2009.

Is Tuesday.

Is post to snow.

IS the day I get to stand up to a monster and punish him for all the days he had me scared,made me think less of myself,made me think I was a horrible mother and a worthless human being altogther,for abusing me both mentally and physically.ALso for stealing my car.

Is a day I have been excited for but yet dreaded for the past year an a half.

Is the begining of (well hopfully) non restless sleeps.

Is the first day of the rest of my life.


I thank all the ones that for the past year(or well over...like Robyn) that has been my sholder,my rock and inspiration to not fold under pressure thru out this whole ordeal.

I feel like I will be breaking my oldest heart..because no matter what has happend between his father and I(he was never much of a anything to my youngest son) he has always looked up to him and I know will miss him greatly.

I just pray he will grow to understand.

I feel like throwing up just writing this out.



Later days.

Junior strength.

The perfect breakfast: banana pancakes with hashbrowns and an Iced cap (y)




The perfect date: hmmm...Either driving down streets that one does not know where it leads..I love adventures!or playing some kinda vs video game and kicking each others butts!

yup,lame but its all about what I like and this is it! 


The perfect kiss: eskimo kisses.and forehead smooches (h) 


The perfect argument: one where I get a shush woman! which forces me to laugh..and him to hug me all kinds!




The perfect man/woman: either or has to have a love for vids.I mean is that too much to ask??




The perfect shoe: umm,I adore my ballet slipper style and kicks:D




The perfect movie: Night of the living dead b&w.




The perfect flower: Daisy




The perfect time of day:the air early in the mornin.




The perfect mood: giggly




The perfect dream: Hmmm, I cant think of anything right off the back.




The perfect drink: iced cap or cherry kool-aid.




The perfect name: Jullian,Isaiah,Charlene.




The perfect drug:  ?

I wish my cat Kenya would hurry up and have her kitties.

I want something small and fluffy to say" AWES how cute!!"too.

Today started off on a flattering note.

I dropped my midgets off at school and proceeded to the gas station.

Normally I pump my own gas if grizzle bear is not in attendance but,this mornin I was still sporting my jammies but threw on a scarf and hoodie for good measures.

I went thru the full service lane and was greeted with a "good mornin darlin whatcha be needin?"told him the amount with a smirk and a swift blow of my bangs outta my eyes and sat there waiting patiently..tappin my foot to Bitter sweet Smyphony.

Upon his return he asked if that was all,I stated that would be it followed by wishes for a good day.He says thanks then continues to tell me

"ahh and you were my fourth gorgous lady so far"

I blinked,blushed ,giggled and sunk into my scarf ..thanked him kindly and sat there for a moment.


Now my husband tells me all the time that I am beautiful,in which I respond back on most cases that he is entitled to say so cus he married me,so it doesnt count..plus he needs glasses.

It like when your mom says" your the most beautiful thing ever" or "I think your amazing.


It just doesn't count!

So when a little bit of (maybe honest? or he was being sarcastic due to me looking like the walk errr driving dead) flattery is thrown at me...I freeze and lose all train of though.At the same time thou..it makes me feel good.. if only for a few minutes..then of course I report back to reality.

Returning home, I got house work done rather earlyfinished another flyer design and watched Entity..which I havent watched in years.

God that movie is scary:S

Then I get a letter in the mail saying I was accepted in the school I applied for in oct.WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!! classes start Jan 6.

Which means I have a little over a month to get ready.

dear god im screwed ....


Did you take your Fintstone's vitamin today??

Later days!!!



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