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Multiple Domain Hosting

Many website hosting service providers allow you to host just one domain name on one account. If later you want to increase the number of websites, you will need to buy each hosting account separately. However, multiple domain hosting allows you to have several domains on one account.

Multiple domain hosting is a kind of web hosting in which all the many domains are held on one account. This is economical because you pay a one-time amount to host multiple domains. This is cost-effective for Internet marketers and those who want to open several online businesses and manage them with the help of one master control panel.

Through multiple domain hosting services, you get a centralized website and several options to manage all the domain names. This enables you to park all your domains. This is useful as you need not use a domain for now but use it later.

What to consider before choosing multiple domain hosting:

  • You need to have enough server resources that will be enough to host multiple domains on your hosting account such as disk storage and bandwidth.
  • Each member of your clutch of domains should ideally belong to a different niche area since they all share the same IP address. But if your domains are related to each other, you will have to pay separately for each one’s hosting and that can be expensive.
  • You can have as many domains on one server as you like, if you have enough server space.
    • With multiple domain hosting, you multiply your chances of making huge profits online because the more the sites you have the greater your exposure.
    • It is cost-effective as it is easier to host one domain than buy several hosting packages.
    • You can optimize your SEO ranking because of the network of sites that you own on which you can create back links. This can draw in more traffic and eventually more money too.


  • An account holder can host several domains on one web hosting reviews account.
  • You save any additional expenses when you start your second site. For Internet marketers or bloggers, this is a big advantage.
  • It is helpful to those who handle several websites and to those who have large bandwidth that can be split amongst several sites.



  • If your website domain provider goes through a power outage for a long time, all your domains will be inaccessible. This will prevent you from earning any money.
  • All of your domains will have the same IP address. If your sites are sending back links to each other to boost your rankings on search engines, having the same IP address will be more a hindrance because search engines will see that you are linking back to yourself.
  • If your site becomes popular, it will attract large volumes of traffic and this will eat into your bandwidth and server storage space.

For More Information At http://www.webhostinglamp.com/

Reseller Web Hosting

VPS is the ideal choice for anyone needing better hosting reviews website options to tackle the mounting surge of traffic to their several sites. VPS is the best answer to this problem because it is more flexible, economical and stable than reseller web hosting options.

If you’re an Internet marketer with several websites up and running, perhaps you’ve reached a point where your sites attract huge volumes of traffic per day. At this time, you need to consider better hosting options than your present reseller hosting. If you still cannot afford a dedicated server but are looking for equally superior stability and performance, go in for Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting.

VPS hosting is all about having one server divided into several independent accounts with each VPS account having its own OS, web and mail servers. As in a dedicated server, here too you can access all configuration files that pertain to your account. For you, this means a greater ability to install and manage customized software.

Apart from providing more control over your hosting activities, you’ll find that VPS hosting accounts are safer than their shared hosting counterparts. Usually, people hand over the management of their VPS accounts to the hosting provider, though this may mean paying him a little more each month, usually $40-$60 each month for an entry-level, fully run VPS hosting account. You will be given an OS, RAM memory allocation ranging between 256MB and 512MB, control panel, bandwidth and large space.

VPS is more expensive than shared hosting as much depends on the needs of the customer.

Features: Its three main features are:

Full access: VPS gives full access to webmasters which makes them manage their configuration files better. Clients can also customize their set-up because VPS is entirely in their control. The space allotted to customers serve as independent and dedicated servers for clients.

Flexibility: This refers to the freedom to use platforms like PHP, My SQL and Apache. There will be no limit on the number of email addresses or sub domains you can have. You can install applications, reboot or update downloads.

Stability:Companies that sell VPS provide support 24x7. Through this service, they monitor the server every day and if the service stops for any reason, they have to get it up and running again. Since the VPS server is shared by all the other sites, if one of them malfunctions, all the other VPS’ will also not function.

Economical: VPS is a money-saving avenue for inexpensive and shared hosting, though it will not generate the huge traffic you need to make your site lucrative. But if you agree to spend a little more each month, you can get the service you want. Choose from among many plans that suit your needs and enjoy the benefits of using VPS.

Independent resources, faster access: VPS allows customers to operate separate domains. This offers clients greater speed, independent resources and faster access. Customers can also choose between using Linux or Windows as their operating system.

For More Information At http://www.webhostinglamp.com

Top Web Hosting Reviews

If you’re thinking of setting up your own online business, the best way of doing it is to find a good web hosting company to host your site. You can do this by reading about web hosting provider reviews online before buying. But look for the meaty reviews because this means the reviewer has used the product extensively before sitting down to write his review. It also means he will give you both sides of the product—its advantages and disadvantages—so that you can base your decision on what you read there.

If you read a review that does not come up with any negative comment, move on, because no product is without some problems, and you need to know what they are, so that you’re prepared for any glitches.

How to select a good web hosting review site:

You will need to carry out research in great detail before you located a web hosting review company with the services you need. Your selection will depend on your needs and whether the service provider can match them. Does he provide website development software and other basic and vital factors that match your needs? Read through the list of security features the company provides.

You should also go through a list of service providers of web hosting companies and study and compare their reviews carefully.
It helps to go by the reviews of a service provider because the review will not just spell out the quality of product it has to offer but the company’s achievements and the way in which they have met their promises regarding their products and services.

Do they offer good customer support, preferably 24x7?


•    It builds popular trust in your products and site. If you get a bad review, no one will come to your site, so this can be used to get people to your site.
•    Each review comes with a link to your site, so it is easy for search engines to rank your site and index it regularly.
•    Some review sites offer web reviews of niche sites. When these reviews are placed on your site, only those people interested in buying such products will come to your site. This can help increase your conversion rates if you use this option of website reviews.
•    Website reviews always consider pricing. If your pricing becomes known to your competition, and all the offers and discounts you’re offering, people can compare your prices with others’ and judge whether you’re better in prices or not. If you are better, people will buy from your site, another fall out from website reviews.
•    Always go in for paid reviews as such reviewers handle reviews much better than others.
•    Reviews are a great way of subtle promotion of your site and of drawing in visitors.
•    Usually, review sites mention the lowest price offered on a product and where to get it.

Reading reviews of hosting companies is well worth your time and money as you can easily zero in on a few good ones from which you can reach the one you want to go with.

For more information at http://www.webhostinglamp.com/

Top 10 web hosting sites

For someone who needs a hosting service but doesn’t know how to choose, things can be very difficult. You need to know at the outset what capacity you want from your site. If you are new to this, check out the information given below before you decide.

The world of website hosting reviews and everything in cyberspace is so dynamic that it’s difficult to catch hold of a website and pin it down to a rating. Still, the top 10 web hosting sites have been listed, based on certain basic parameters which we have divided into basic features and extra features. Here they are:

1.    iPage.com: One of the top webhosting companies worldwide, this site supports several platforms such as Dreamweaver, Expressions and FrontPage. It offers the best security system using SiteLock technology. Its basic features include unlimited disk space, bandwidth domains and MySQL Databases. Its extra features include online support system, anytime money-back guarantee, chat, e-mail and phone support and a monthly charge of $3.50.
2.    JustHost.com: This site is best in providing customer service, uptime and reliability. Its basic features include providing unlimited disk space, bandwidth, number of domains and subdomains and FTP accounts, and free instant activation and free lifelong domain name. Its other features are 24x7 support, anytime money-back guarantee, guaranteed uptime of 99.9%, free search engine and social network ad credits
3.    WebHosting Hub.com:This site serves individuals, corporates and NGOs. Its basic features are unlimited disk space, bandwidth, MySQL databases, subdomains and parked domains and its extra features include 24/7 customer service and support, 90-day money-back guarantee, free domain registration/transfer, CGI support, free blogging software and website builder. All for $3.95 a month.
4.    GoDaddy.com: This site is best known for its tie-ups with big names. Its basic features are 10 GB of disk space, Unlimited bandwidth, 100 email accounts, 10 MySQL databases, Linux and Windows hosting, 24/7 FTP access, while its extra features include 24/7 customer support, Website statistics, free search engine ad credits, free setup and over 50 applications. All for $4.24 per month.
5.    Fatcow.com: From this site, you can get discounts and savings with exceptional quality to attract new customers. Its basic features are unlimited disk space, Unlimited bandwidth, Unlimited POP mailboxes and free domain name and it also offers 30-day money-back guarantee, 24/7 customer support and is ranked the No. 1 small business webhost.
6.    Immotion.com: At $4.17 per month, you get a 90-day money back guarantee on this site’s features that include unlimited space and traffic, free domain and available upgrade.
7.    Hostgator.com: It provides reseller, shared and dedicated web hosting solutions. It also has a 45-day money back guarantee, among other features for a monthly fee of $3.96.
8.    Bluehost.com: For $4.95 per month, this site gives you free advertising credits, unlimited space and traffic, free domain name and efficient customer service and backup.
9.    Eleven2: Here, you get 10 GB space and 50 GB traffic and domain name with a 60-day money back guarantee for $3.71.
10.    HostHero:At this site, you stand to get a 30-day money back guarantee on unlimited space and traffic for which you pay a monthly fee of $3.95.

For more information at http://www.webhostinglamp.com/

If you’re setting up an e-commerce online business, you need to make sure that you use the fastest and most competent hosting services. It’s best to go with an e-commerce web hosting reviews service since they are designed for such online businesses. But are they the most reliable in the market? Check out their features before deciding which one you want to go with.

What to look out for:

·  It should have a short downtime. In fact, since your site will be running almost all the time, it should always be working or you might lose valuable customers. So, it’s best to go with an e-commerce web hosting service aimed at such online businesses. Check out the truth about available website hosting packages which puff up their time to impress prospective customers before deciding on your e-commerce platform.

·  Next, check the speed of their servers. A good speed will allow customers to use the site easily and give them a better reputation online for being professional. This is very important for any online business. If you choose a service based on the three pillars of speed, customer service and reliability, you can get off to a good start with setting up your e-commerce website.

·   First, do not go with the first e-commerce hosting service you come across. Make inquiries about those in the business before selecting the one you want to go with. Make a short list of the ones you like and check out their features. Then, look for the best bandwidth among them. Find out if they can increase the bandwidth they provide as your business grows.

·   Find out from the web host about the different kinds of shopping cart software they offer. Next, shortlist the ones popularly used and try them out. Select the one most suitable for your business and check that it is scalable so that when you increase the number of services or products, this software still works for you. You need to be very sure about this software at the outset as it is very difficult to change it when you realize it’s not working for you.

·  Besides, merchants and buyers of products online are very concerned about the security of their credit card information. A good e-commerce web hosting service should enable secure transactions 24x7, without a break.

·  Check out the databases that web hosts offer—they are usually those that are compatible with Windows operating systems or the open source type like MySQL which is compatible with Linux and Unixoperating systems.

·  Also, check the scripting the host offers. Is it ASP and .NET (Windows-compatible) or PHP (Unix/Linux-compatible).Many online stores go for PHP shopping carts as they are competent and inexpensive.

· Other features include disk space, tech support, design, payment gateways, e-mail accounts for incoming and outgoing mail, auto responder, domain registration help, etc.

·  Ask about backup and what happens if the server is down for some reason.

An e-commerce web hosting service must be robust and competent to serve the needs of an online business. If it cannot grow as an e-commerce site grows, it will stunt its growth and be useless to it.

For more information at http://www.webhostinglamp.com/

Dedicated Server Hosting

If you run a business, you obviously want your business to be seen online. But in getting your site into place, the one question that might niggle you is whether to go in for dedicated server hosting or not.

What is dedicated service hosting?

Dedicated server hosting refers to a kind of web hosting reviews solution by which you can own an entire server which is meant for your business site. They are usually set up in data centers where service providers can supervise them at close quarters and have total access to them.

How to determine your needs:

To determine your needs for a dedicated web server, check whether you need a dedicated server or a web server. If your site has over 3,000 users a day, you should go in for dedicated server hosting or if you find your site slowing down, again, a dedicated web server.

After determining your need for a dedicated server, decide which one suits your business model best. Choose between a managed and an unmanaged dedicated server. With the former, you need set-up and maintenance equipment, but with an unmanaged dedicated server, you can buy all the equipment and the server you need. Now, find out where to buy it from. Go online and make enquiries and choose the one that suits you.


  • By buying a dedicated web server, you can have all the bandwidth and disk space on your server for your needs, and you won’t have to worry about adding on extra disk space. You will never have to share the server with any other site and you can also opt to build the site as large and on your own in as large and sophisticated a manner you want.
  • A dedicated web server is more secure than a shared server because it will give you full control over your site and server’s security.If you put your data on a shared server, it’s as public as several people using one computer, so security levels are very low.
  • If you opt for an unmanaged server, it means you will take care of its management. It is presumed that you know a lot about these technicalities. However, a managed server comes to you with technical support, security audits and firewall services, among others.
  • If you have a managed server, it means that someone you know will manage the dedicated server while you take care of the business. 

Choosing a dedicated web server: These are the parameters to consider when choosing a dedicated web server:

Operating system: Choose the operating system to suit your needs—whether Linux or Windows—in direct relation to the operations of your server, the kind of software you need and what you’re familiar with.

Hardware options:Choose an efficient processor with enough memory, firewall options and hard disk drive.

Bandwidth: Is your bandwidth in proportion to your web space? Check it out.

Once you choose the kind of dedicated web server you want, in little or no time you can set it up and see profits too.

For more information at http://www.webhostinglamp.com/

Dedicated Web Hosting Services refers to a form of Internet hosting where the client rents one entire server for his business needs. The provider has absolute control over his server, operating system, hardware, etc, since it is not to be shared with any other individual or business. This dedicated server is usually situated in data centers.Server administration is usually given by the web hosting reviews company as an extra service.

Features: Its basic features include:

•    Easy to manage: Through dedicated hosting, users get a lot of support to the extent that they do not have to manage the server or execute management activities such as security monitoring, regular backups, software updates, firewall configuration and server setup. It is also easy to install the server in order to handle SSL encryption and anonymous FTP.
•    Reliability:New clients switching over from their hosting plans to dedicated server hosting endure high downtime because of technical snags.However, a good dedicated hosting provider will provide full support to the new client if they face a similar situation.
•    High quality service matched with affordable prices: A dedicated hosting company will always offer users excellentperformance and all the necessary hardware components for their support. Only the user or owner of the site will have access to this and therefore the server will always perform optimally.
•    24 x 7 support:For optimum performance, the service provider will have a support team to cater to the user’s needs and all this round the clock.
•    •Robust security features:If businesses are investing in a dedicated website hosting service, obviously they would want to have secure websites.  Fortunately, these hosting services provide them, besides also providing back up restoration and disaster recovery service if the user’s hardware fails.
•    •Bandwidth speed: Users are given bandwidth speeds exceeding 120+ gigabits/sec along with other network connectionsacross several information centers. Other important features in this niche area provided are programming language support,large space and a different class of web applications.
•    Excellent customer support: Best hosting provider will ensure you can reach out to them via phone support, email support and live chat round the clock.
•    Speed: The site works fast despite high traffic loads since there is no other site on the server to add to the server load.


•With Group Policy Management Console (GPMC), administrators can deploy and run group-based policies for several sites and domains, using user interface (UI)
•It makes deploying an operating system very easy due to its usability, reliability and security
•It makes setting up your file server that much easier.
•Now, web services are much easier to find, share, reuse.
•It provides open and secure infrastructure.
•It also reduces the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by consolidating the server and using the latest technologies.
•It can help create dynamic websites for the Net and Intranet easily and without any hassles.

A dedicated web hosting service comes with so many advantages, features and benefits that anyone investing in it would stand to gain immensely and will make his online business a great success very quickly.

For more information at http://www.webhostinglamp.com/

Business, all around the world compete to advertise their brand through web. For this, they need a web hosting, it means design a website and approachable over Web World. The main thing behind the site is build acquaintance of their commodity to complete universe audiences. Today, there’re tons of prestigious management allow advantage to their people. Choose a management for website hosting at a low price is not a feverous job today. Along the support of linux hosting, windows hosting reviews, definitely you’ll proceed to an absolute conclusion for site. In net there’s many data advertise about it. If you drive complete this report beyond ability observe, absolutely amaze enough than clarify your issue. The technical expression like disk space, bandwidth and up time percent will definitely test your patience. There’re respected web host are really advantageous in this situation. With the benefit of this hosting analysis you recover an excessive hosting provider that attempt desirable work at cheapest hosting rate.

These sites are fabulous ability to assistance you with bring a conclusion behold which hosting to select for you. A hosting attendant can assist you equality the avail abide accord by various hosting providers. It’s a great thing as you don't have to stay several websites to access information. You can access a site and analyze advantage by bandwidth, cost or disk space. The other essential thing that websites perform is mostly offer a admire advantages and the prospect for people to best hosting reviews or comments. These comments talk a lot about a hosting provider do not be too fearless though if you catch few hosting reviews are very adverse – it’s just not desirable for a hosting provider to be absolute. They’ll make blunder. The essential matter is to try and confirm how well they compensate or examine their customer service when the trouble appears.

To get the most out of these websites, you must to know what to search for. Lots of the different web hosting reviews sites have more clarify ways of provide search criteria - you ought to be adept to search on linux hosting, windows hosting, disk space, bandwidth, price, control panel, features etc. Therefore, you have to know how much bandwidth, disk space needed and maybe even have originate a declaration forward whether you’re looking for best linux or windows hosting. Once you have chosen about what you demand, you can start searching for a web hosting service, use one of the famous search engines, like Google, Bing or Yahoo to discover a desirable web hosting review portal.

Log on to these websites and separate the unequal packages. See which hosting packages meet your needs perfect. Review and consider the details of service being allowed by the hosting services. Leave the hosting services that don't meet your fulfillment and drop the remaining web hosts a list of query. The query you need isn’t so required, but you’ll access a thought around how precise the web hosts are in answer to queries. This can then take an effective way you can reject those service providers who take too long to answer.

Here is one best web hosting reviews site, webhostinglamp. Long on this site and read hosting reviews to find the perfect web hosting provider that meets needs and budget.

For more information at http://www.webhostinglamp.com/

There’re lots of review sites which are accommodating believable analysis on countless web-based devices, advantage and hosting service providers. If you’re planning to build your site then it is exceedingly acclaim that you take the web hosting reviews at miscellaneous sites. The good things are based upon the observations of security, uptime, speed, and quotes.

There’re lots of review sites which are accommodating believable analysis on countless web-based devices, advantage and hosting service providers. If you’re planning to build your site then it is exceedingly acclaim that you take the web hosting reviews at miscellaneous sites. It’s imprecise crucial that you accept a believable hosting analysis website since there’re various hosting reviews that are not trustworthy or have limited advice. It’s simple for an effective to differentiate the accuracy of these web hosting reviews. Since the beginner or newcomers to this sphere has no thought to distinguish among the legitimacy and duplicity of these windows hosting or Linux hosting. There’re many web hosting reviews that are not professionally scripted. Either they are too deep or not interested in the matter which is about the indication of such hosting reviews a intimidate evaluation in itself. Commonly masses extent-up material limited or few details and enable of it. Few of the websites review renovate capacity on daily support and then there’re others that barely maintain their details. It’s very vital to discover a valuable site that has adapted by an experienced attempt. They renew their hosting reviews on daily foundation and don’t calumniate their professional appearance by pickings their occupancy passionately.

It’s not hard to access an explanation for hosting but conclusion an acceptable assistance hosting reviews supplier is an actual intimidating assignment. As a savant or an amateur user you will have to attempt tough to access the vital ability of assistance and authority. This cognition and suggest will help you to analyze and assess acceptable best windows hosting company or best Linux hosting provider. This may effectual to be a complicated and crucial action but it can be arranged reliable by recital hosting reviews. Your inclination ought to be to discover authentic, immaterial, and deepened upon actual time acquaintance hosting reviews. Hosting reviews that are not based upon actual time acquaintance have cursory abridged and colloquy advice. They don’t accomplish the need of updating a user with appropriate information. Similar analysis can be very comfortable classified by depart ended them as consistently there’s not satisfying experience assign that’s depend upon actual time consumption.

Reviews that have dept and acceptable content are creating by those users who have intensely analyzed the beneficial. They share the actual acquaintance with the observer. Such hosting reviews are expressed by the professionals. They’re to the mark and a lot of instruction for the people to classify the pros and cons of the services.  A skilled and experienced would create hosting reviews in such a way that assistance an exploiter to recognize about the flaw and the measure or affirmation of a hosting provider.
It’s not an effortless responsibility to establish the accuracy of a procession and if the writer based his views upon loyalty. Normally the procession with the continuous genuine and encouraging tone isn’t sincerely written. There’re not based upon the actual user understanding or real time profit based ability.  At the compatible time if the reviews are based upon only dissatisfaction ought to also be not assumed. There’s also a capability that the website may have much disgruntled client still their hosting reviews instant an exclusively a changed flick. Such hosting reviews are also not accurate.

There’re many nice things that make up the reputation of a hosting provider. The good things are based upon the observations of security, uptime, speed, and quotes.

For more information at www.webhostinglamp.com

If you’re searching for a professional looking site, get a great web hosting lamp with positive web hosting reviews. We can help you make valued decisions by providing advanced website hosting search options.

The web hosting industry is growing and today every online business regardless of its size is opting for a cheapest web hosting that is resourceful and reliable. Helping such businesses are names like ‘Web Hosting Lamp’. The site offers a source where clientele can review best hosting sites; give out their honorable opinions and top web hosting sites based on their effectiveness and performance. ‘My hosting Lamp’ has gone on to be the perfect choice among prospective clienteles owing to the website’s unique and soporiferous take on web hosting reviews. The website uses an absolute ranking system to rank websites and give clienteles a straightforward review of where a hosting service is on the basis of ranking of website.

Today, the web hosting business is popular with website hosting companies providing their services such as domain registration, blog hosting services, website buildup services, etc. Every business that has the need to make a wallop on the WWW has to take the help of a budget web hosting to achieve the goal. Given the kind of selection that is available, the task of selecting a hosting service becomes hard. It’s where sources from ‘Web Hosting Lamp’ turn-out to be a reliable help. Unlike other web hosting review websites, our website quotes the most sincere and episodic opinions and adopts a no nonsense opinion to help clienteles know what they demand and how to visit to where they can find help.

‘Web Hosting Lamp’ helps you make a cheapest web hosting decision. Using our web hosting review system, we inform, educate, and answer your quarries– we are decided to simplifying the process of choosing a dedicated hosting, dedicated server, reseller hosting that suits your business’s needs at budget. ‘Web Hosting Lamp’ features objective reviews of several web hosting businesses; visitors to the site are encouraged to quotes reviews, based on their experience or based on their experience after reading a hosting review.

‘Web Hosting Lamp’ makes it simplify to find different types of hosting because it reviews into best hosting review sections that include cheapest web hosting, dedicated Hosting, reseller hosting and much more. Visitors to ‘Web Hosting Lamp’ make buying decisions based on reviews, and we’re pleased to continue to offer this web hosting reviews service to people at large.

‘Web Hosting Lamp’ maintains a very apparent status of supporting any opinions where customers who have actually used hosting service their opinions and concerns. Customers have found the website to be specifically beneficial in reviewing services of the popular hosting providers. Patrons and customers have posted to have found this site a vital part of their decision making process.

To know more about ‘Web Hosting Lamp’ and its services you can write to them or you can visit http://www.webhostinglamp.com

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