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I think that it would be very hard for anyone to believe in my story, it is so incredible. But why would I invent such a story and give so much details about it? Is there anyone at all who care enough to care at all? Is there anyone who could help me in some way to trace and get the culprits apprehended? My email address is: france.chorley@gmail.com Now, why do I say that I am pretty certain who has been defrauding my account? There is no other explanation, because I have never lost my card or given it to anyone. Furthermore, I have never given my bank’s information to anyone or on the Internet. So, there is no one who could possibly have such information. There is only two people to whom I have given my account number and Sort Code to. They have tricked me into given them this information, promising me that they wish to transfer £5,570 to my account. First of all, I have known Judith Nicholls for about two years now, I met her on some pen pals website. I don’t remember the name of the site now and I don’t remember if I wrote to her first or she wrote to me first. But after only a short time, we had become great friends, or so I thought. We talked about our problems to each other as good friends would. She told me at that time that she was 24 years old and married. That she worked as an Assistant Manager at a horse farm, called Whispers Manor in or near Ipswich. Hence her email address is: whispersmanor@hotmail.co.uk Although we have been friends for two years, she never gave me her postal address or her telephone number. I have only her email address. She was having problems with her husband, who used to beat her up, so she told me. So, about a year ago, she told me that she got romantically involved with a Lord Thomas Cartwright, apparently a Millionaire, who also worked at the same horse farm. She soon left her husband and moved in with him. So, she told me. Then, one day, when she was ill in hospital, or so she told me, she asked me if she could give my email address to her boyfriend, Lord Cartwright, so that when she cannot write to me, he could email me and tell me what is going on. Indeed, after I accepted for her to give him my email address, he was writing to me several times every day, telling me what was happening with her at the hospital. All this seem very friendly and no suspicious of anything so far. But you have to understand what happened later, to see that I have no doubt that it is Tom Cartwright and Judith Nicholls who have done that to my account, as impostors. I think that they have been impersonating Lord Cartwright who may indeed exist and is indeed a Millionaire, to gain my confidence and trust so that they can eventually get my bank account details from me. What happened later, is that she told me that she had named a horse after me, Chorley as my surname, in honour of our friendship. She sent me pictures of that horse and weekly reports of how the horse was doing at another farm it had been sent to. So, I had no reason not to believe her. They also sent me pictures of Lord Thomas Cartwright’s house, a big and very beautiful place, with a swimming Pool. Now I realize that these pictures were pictures of the hotel, the Dunston Hall Hotel, in Norwich, to make believe that he was a millionaire and had such a beautiful house. I have just seen the picture of that hotel on the Internet, and I have no doubt that the pictures they sent me were the pictures of the hotel. About three weeks ago, Thomas Cartwright telephoned me at home, to tell me that the horse was doing great and had been earning money; he said that I am the owner of the horse, if only in name, I am entitled to its winnings. He asked me for my account number and sort code. I did not give it to him on the telephone; I said that I would send it to him later by email. Later, on the same day, I sent him by email my account number and sort code. A few days later, he emailed me, saying that Barclays Bank is being a nightmare, to use his own words about this transfer. He asked me to confirm my account number and sort code again. Which I did. The next day, I received three telephone calls from three people, not Tom Cartwright or Judith Nicholls, but another two men and another woman, I would have recognized their voices if it was them. They asked me for my card number, saying that they were from Barclays Bank and it was because Lord Cartwright wanted to transfer some money to my account. Please Note: I refused to give it to them, saying that they did not need that number to transfer money to my account. I think that these people are working in a grand scale and in a gang, because three other people telephoned me about this supposed transfer of money to my account. A few days later, Tom Cartwright emailed me to tell me that he has now transferred the money to my account. But of course, no money went into my account. So, on the 10th of May, I received a letter from Barclays fraud department, advising me that there has been fraud on my account. I had no idea that my account had been tampered with, until I received the letter from the fraud department. Now, from the letter I received from the fraud department, only the first item they got away with and which has been debited to my account, an amount of £200.50, transaction dated the 8th of May, 2007. The other four items, again dated the 8th of May, was apparently declined, and which has not been debited to my account. These amounts are: £327.35 £327.35 £30.00 £327.35 All dated the 8th of May 2007. So at that point, the bank suspected fraud and did not allow these transactions to go through. It is very strange why after that, the bank allowed transactions to my account, although they had suspected fraud already. These amounts are: £200.50 dated 10th May 2007 £620.98 dated 15th of May £388.75 dated 15th of May You must understand that I have no knowledge of none of these transactions, not even those who have been denied. And I do not accept responsibility for any of them. As I have said, the amount taken from my account plus the denied ones, add to a substantial amount. And furthermore, I know that they want to continue doing it, so the Police must be involved immediately and a trap set to catch them. France G. Chorley
No, we cannot blame the Internet; the Internet itself is a wonderful invention. It is the people who are the problems. After two years of what I thought was a special and wonderful friendship, I have now lost a friend. For two years we shared our lives, good times and bad times, as friends should with each other. I have cried many times together with her when she was sad; I have lit candles for her when she was ill or beset what seemed to be impossible problems. Today, my friend has cheated me, after two years of doing everything to gain my utter confidence, so that later she can get my bank details and steal money from my account. Is there really a true friend in this world, I cannot help keep asking myself? And yet, I am certain that there are good people too in this world. Besides, we have to trust some people; we cannot go on with our lives without trusting no one at all – we need people to buy our food from and for our clothes; people to give us a job and for many other things; we need to trust doctors and teachers for our kids. We have to trust someone to get married to. Marriage is a great and important part of our lives – our parents cannot live for ever and when they are gone, if we are married or have a partner, we would have a companion for the rest of our lives and perhaps a family of our own too. But unfortunately, many people find, years later, that they cannot trust their partner any longer; they are perhaps alcoholic, gay, or violent. How can we be sure that the person we get involved with, either as a partner, or just as a friend, we can really trust? That is a very difficult question indeed…… France Chorley
Why not give me a chance to be a friend? What is Friendship? I am neither a psychologist nor an intellectual, therefore I find it impossible to define friendship and put into words my understanding of it. But what I do know, is that I will laugh with you when you are well and happy and I will cry together with you when you are sad and I will light a candle for you when you are ill or beset by seemingly impossible problems. Friendship is based on understanding and trust; without these qualities, there cannot be true friendship. I believe that true friendship is sorely and sadly lacking in our world today: There too many crimes; too much hate, prejudice, envy and jealousy. I don’t think we can change the world where Politicians and even the Church have failed to find any solution, but we can try and do our bit – create our own world, our own better world, the perfect world. I Love classical music, operas and waltzes, which I just love to conduct. I also like to talk about sex. But please do not be alarmed, as I am not a pervert and I don’t do any harm to anyone. I only wish to write letters. I believe that sex is a natural phenomenon, a little like food and water to our bodies. But rape, violence and sadism are not natural and I abhor those. I am looking for pen pals with anyone, anyone that is, who believe in true friendship and who respect others for who they are and what they are, without prejudice and with people who are not judgemental. I live in England, but I was born in Mauritius. I am a 50 year old man, and married. My only quest for writing to pen pals, is to try and find a profound and transcendent meaning to friendship, which, I believe, is sorely and sadly lacking in our world today. Would you care to be my pen pal, please? If so, please be nice and write to me on my email address, which is: france.chorley@gmail.com Of course, you don’t have to, if you don’t wish it. I am not being negative here, only trying to be realistic – we cannot like everyone in this world and not everyone can like us. It is a fact of our lives, and we just have to accept it, allowing people to get on with their own lives, without interfering with them, and respecting them for who they are and for what they are, without hate and without prejudice. Thanking you beforehand, with my deepest respect. France Chorley My Email address is: france.chorley@gmail.com

United by grief

After the recent horrendous and unbelievable tragedy in the city of Georgia, where 33 people were killed by a fellow student, the American Nation is now in mourning; and thousands of people are now united, united in grief, to mourn and to remember loss loved ones, with lighting candles. It is always the same, people are united only after a tragedy or disaster for a little while only, soon to go their own separate ways. I believe that if people were united like this, all the time, in friendship and in love, the world would be a different place to live in, with much less such tragedies, because everyone would know that everyone care and when anyone has problems, he or she will know that there are people who care and who they can turn to, instead of resorting to some desperate acts. So, world, let us today unite, not in grief, only for a while, but permanently, in friendship and in love, offering our help and our support to anyone else in our world. It is the only way to live, the only way we are ever going to get that wonderful world that Louis Armstrong sings. Anyone care to be my pen pal? If so, be nice and write to me on my email address, which is: france.chorley@gmail.com We can create our own world, our own better world, the perfect world. France Chorley


Happy Easter to everyone. May this Easter and everyday of your life henceforth bring you Peace, Joy, Happiness, fulfilment and Prosperity. With all my love France

Am I so bad?

There are over 75,000 Members on here, and yet I have not been able so far to find myself a single Pen pal? Am I so bad? I admit that I am nothing special, but only an ordinary man, but my only quest in writing to pen pals, is to try and find a profound and transcendent meaning to friendship. What I write is from the heart to the heart. I am not like Politicians who, when an election is approaching, with well-rehearsed words, will shake the hands of the people and kiss babies, and then, when the lection is over and they are elected, where is the love for the people, where is the love of the babies? Gone, gone for ever. But I have no ambition for financial gain or otherwise. As I keep saying, my only quest in writing to pen pals, is to try and find a profound and transcendent meaning to friendship which, I believe is sorely and sadly lacking in our world today. The world is now in turmoil, wars and killings are a daily occurrence in many parts of the world; rapes and muggings are also a daily occurrence, at least in England, where I live. The moral of my posting “Gold and Silver waltz” is that I wish everyone to be happy in their lives, regardless if I know them personally or not. And if I can anything, however trivial, to make someone happy, I will do it with tears in my eyes, tears of joys. Am I being naïve? I don’t think so. Why shouldn’t I wish everyone to be happy in their lives? As I said in my other postings, I believe that true friendship is sorely and sadly lacking in our world today. I also wrote that I don’t think we can change the world where Politicians or even the Church have failed to find any solution, but you and I can try and do our bit – create our own world, our own better world, the perfect world, by respecting everyone for who they are and for what they are, without hate and without prejudice. Why not give me a chance to be a friend? Please read all my blogs before you turn me down. Thank you, France Chorley My Email address is: france.chorley@gmail.com

Gold and Silver waltz

Shakespeare wrote: If music be the food of love, play on, give me escess of it. I wrote: In beautiful music there is no sin, only beauty and happiness. From a very early age, I wanted to play the violin and become a conductor. But my parents could not afford to buy me a violin or pay music lessons for me. So, I never played the violin and did not become a conductor. But I spent hours, in my house, standing near the record player and conducting the music with a stick. And when I went to parties at my relatives’ place, for Christmas, New Year and for Birthdays, the music that was always played at that time, was the music of the Strauss family and that of Franz Lehar, especially the waltzes. Instead of dancing with the pretty girls, I stood all night near the record player, conducting the music. I was not at all shy; I just had to do it. This passion for conducting has never left me. I am still doing it today, when I watch music on the television or my music videos. When I am conducting these beautiful waltzes, I am truly lost to the world, and see only beauty and happiness. Two of my favourite waltzes are: The Blue Danube by Johan Strauss and Gold and Silver waltz by Franz Lehar. About a year ago, I had a pen pal from Sweden. One day she told me that her aunt was getting married. Of course I did not know the aunt and she knew nothing about me. Do you know what I did? I asked my pen pal to tell her aunt about me and told her that I wish her all the happiness in the world and suggested to her that she should play, at the reception, for the first waltz, the Gold and Silver waltz by Franz Lehar. It is such a romantic and elegant waltz and I thought that having this particular waltz at her wedding, would bring her and her new husband so much joy and happiness. My pen pal’s aunt agreed to play this music as the first waltz at her wedding reception if she could find the CD. Obviously, she did not have it. As I did not have that particular CD myself, I searched for it on the Internet in all the big stores I could find. I found the CD in Paris. I immediately ordered it and asked it to be sent to my pen pal. I then sent an email to my Pen pal telling her that she would soon received a CD from me and that she should give it to her aunt. Alas, the CD got to her too late, a few days after the wedding, so she could not play it on her wedding day. Nevertheless, she got a present from me. You may think that I am naïve to do something like that, especially that I never knew my pen pal’s aunt and that she did not know anything about me. To me, it does not matter if I know someone personally or not; I do wish people to be happy in their lives regardless. And if I can contribute something, however trivial, to cause them to be happy, I would do it with tears in my eyes, tears of happiness. Now, I still have an ambition, that to conduct a full orchestra in the Gold and Silver waltz by Franz Lehar, which I would dedicate to everyone in our world, to wish them all happiness in their lives. I am still praying for this wish to come true; perhaps one day it will. France Chorley Would you care to be my pen pal? If so, please be nice and write to me on my email address, which is: france.chorley@gmail.com

The way I want to live

The way I want to live Human history is not a history of increasing cleverness or increasing acuity of vision. It is just that we change our views. It is astonishing how many people, in this day and age, are still incredibly negative and cannot or will not change their views on certain matters. I think that no one will deny that we, Homo sapiens, are not always guided by reason. I tend to agree with Schopanoer, the German writer and philosopher who argues that human behaviour is governed not by the intellect but by the irrational impulses of the human will – which includes ambition, hate and sexual desires. A central concern in my thought is that man is a being unique on this earth; he is endowed with an essential worth that exists nowhere else in the known world. Man is a being who may easily be degraded, but to degrade him is wrong. If he is debased, man is forced either to succumb or to defend himself and fight for his own human dignity. In some of his Songs, Gustav Mahler says Man languishes in great need Man languishes in great pain I agree, there are indeed great needs and great pain for us human beings on this earth; but I cannot help thinking that there is one kind of pain that we bring on ourselves and as long as there are people who cannot or will not change their views on certain matters, there will always be murders and totally unnecessary degradation of certain people and, in consequence, rebelliousness and retaliation with disastrous results, which is horrible,despicable and totally unacceptable. This is not a way to live! As it is, I feel bitterly, bitterly disturbed and ill at ease. I am referring to the unreasonable question of intolerance on the part of white people against black people and black people against white people. To me, a perfectly ordinary person, I cannot see any sense in this kind of attitude. Even if one does not subscribe to any particular canon or credo in any religious faith, one cannot help – if any one cares to reflect - to realize that people with different coloured skin have always existed and will always exist just like there are different kinds of trees and flowers. To fell down a tree or pluck out a flower just because we do not like them is totally senseless because they do exist in abundance and however much we try we will never be able to destroy every single tree or flower we do not like. People, like trees and flowers, are part of nature and have always existed and will always exist. To kill one man or to bully and harass him until he commits suicide just because he is White or Asian or Black – how does this resolve one's problem? Furthermore, I simply cannot see how, because someone is White, Asian or Black, affect me in any way and that I have to take those drastic actions against them. The fact of the matter is that our profession on this earth is to die and that is irrespective of whether one is White, Asian or Black. It is this mortal life and nothing else that we should consider and reflect upon. We perfectly ordinary people cannot grasp what is going on in the mind nof some people who, though possess with an immensity of a complexity of a brain, with which they can achieve almost anything they want, and yet say absolute barbaric inhumanities. I prefer to say that this is outside my range of outstanding. One cannot listen to Gustav Mahler's music without confronting the question of music as an expression of life. The "Adagietto" in his 5th Symphony is a case in point. And there are so many examples of this in his music. Mahler's music takes one beyond what one is able to bear, because it is the relief and because it is the freedom. Music, like Mahler and Bach' music, help us to touch something that is eternal and greater than ourselves. A few years ago, I witnessed something on television that brought tears to my eyes and it still does whenever I watched this particular programme on my video. It was at a performance of the Vienna "New Years Day" concert and while the orchestra was playing a waltz – "Roses from the South", incidentally, one of my favourites – something happened that I have never seen before, something that touched me very, very deeply: The Vienna Choir boys distributed flowers to members of the audience – European, Chinese, Black people, any one. I thought, that is what I want to see, all the time, all over the world, no crime of any sort, just pure love for every human being. This is the way I want to live! France Chorley Would you care to be my pen pal? If so, please nice and write to me on my email address, which is: france.chorley@gmail.com But of course, you don’t have to my pen pal or friend. I am wise and intelligent enough to realize that we cannot like everyone in this world and not everyone can like us. And if we cannot be friends, that is ok; we don’t have to write to each other or talk to each other, but we don’t have to hate each other. If everyone would think in this very simple but logical way, I think we would have less wars and killings in our world. Thank you. France Chorley Would you care to be my pen Pal? If so, please be nice and write to me on my email address, which is: France.chorley@gmail.com Thank you

Friend are like Roses

Why not give me a chance to be a friend? I am looking for pen pals.. I live in England, but I was born in Mauritius. I am a 50 year old man, and married. My only quest for writing to pen pals, is to try and find a profound and transcendent meaning to friendship, which, I believe, is sorely and sadly lacking in our world today. What is Friendship? I am neither a psychologist nor an intellectual, therefore I find it impossible to define friendship and put into words my understanding of it. But what I do know, is that I will laugh with you when you are well and happy and I will cry together with you when you are sad and I will light a candle for you when you are ill or beset by seemingly impossible problems. Friendship is based on understanding and trust; without these qualities, there cannot be true friendship. I believe that true friendship is sorely and sadly lacking in our world today: There too many crimes; too much hate, prejudice, envy and jealousy. I don’t think we can change the world where Politicians and even the Church have failed to find any solution, but we can try and do our bit – create our own world, our own better world, the perfect world. I Love classical music, operas and waltzes, which I just love to conduct. I also like to talk about sex. But please do not be alarmed, as I am not a pervert and I don’t do any harm to anyone. I only wish to write letters. I believe that sex is a natural phenomenon, a little like food and water to our bodies. But rape, violence and sadism are not natural and I abhor those. Would you care to be my pen pal, please? If so, please be nice and write to me on my email address, which is: france.chorley@gmail.com Of course, you don’t have to, if you don’t wish it. I am not being negative here, only trying to be realistic – we cannot like everyone in this world and not everyone can like us. It is a fact of our lives, and we just have to accept it, allowing people to get on with their own lives, without interfering with them, and respecting them for who they are and for what they are, without hate and without prejudice. Thanking you beforehand, with my deepest respect. France Chorley My Email address is: france.chorley@gmail.com
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