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Jim's Diary...

August 23, 2006 Well this is the day I start my diary, me and my family have just moved into our new home, its pretty much in the middle of nowhere our closest neighbor lives about 5 miles away from us, just empty fields of quiet. This day has been going pretty well for the most part, everyone is getting settled in really easily, my two sons have their own rooms and me and my wife have the "master bedroom". I am beginning to think the boy's rooms are much larger than ours, but I won't argue, I am just happy we have gotten here with ease and are settled in. August 24, 2006 It has been quite hot today, the kids were complaining about a noise they heard coming from the basement, by instinct I grabbed the flashlight, and went down to check it out. I couldn't find anything that could have been making a noise like they described. There was a clot of hair hanging from the ceiling, but I think it may have belonged to a creature of some sort that may have lived down there and died along time ago. But oh well I won't trouble myself over it, I'm sure the kids imaginations were simply getting the best of them. August 26, 2006 An entry was skipped because I went into town yesterday, the closest town is about a 1 hour drive, but the town itself is really small, luckily I was able to find everything, due to all the house work I needed to finished I couldn't get into town till late in the evening, so I was too tired to make an entry. Not much happened today really, the kids complained again, about the sound, so I cut their late night movies short, hoping maybe that will solve the problem. My wife also complained about a pain in her head, saying that she woke up and it looked as if something was hanging over the headboared looking at her, then she got a massive headache and passed out. I think it was just a dream and she woke up with a headache because that has happened to me. This night was a bit different from the other nights though, I looked to the east and saw some strange clouds. They were an odd blue and green color, the sun was down so it wasn't changing their colors. They seem to pulsate, as if they were alive, I just assumed some weird weather pattern and went back inside and had dinner. August 27, 2006 Something quite strange I noticed this morning, there was a dogs corpse about 120 yards from the house that was ripped to shreds in the most bizzare way. It seemed to me that the organs were torn out, from the inside. I didn't pay much attention to the matter, cuz I know there are many animals out here that are carnivores and who's to say how vicious they are really...the strange clouds appeared again, but they were a little close this time, and there was a little lightining this time, I just went back inside and took a nap. When I woke up the house was quiet, I was a bit nervous, because usually the house is noisy, with my wife washing clothes or my kids laughing over their cartoons...I just figured they probably tucked in early tonight, they did have a busy day today with cleaning the house. So I went to my room and climbed in bed with my wife. August 28, 2006 This entry was made really early in the morning, about 2:00 a.m., my wife woke up screaming, and complained about a headache again. I was a little bit confused as to what was going on. I heard an akward noise while I was in the hallway, naturally I assumed that the kids were up making noise, I went and checked on them to see what was going on, but they were oddly enough fast asleep. I walked into the kitchen and saw that someone left the window open, I went to close it and looked outside, I notice the strange clouds getting close to our area, I was starting get worried, as to the cause of this strange occurrence. But I just went back to bed and hoped to see it on the news in the morning. August 29, 2006 Well aside what happened this morning everything went relatively smooth. My neighbor called me, he said he had been hearing about some strange things happening in the nearby town, I had no clue what he was talking about, although I haven't been there since I bought all of my supplies that we needed. My neighbor told me to turn on the news and see for myself what had been going on, sure enough I did and was astonished as to what was going on..."30 people found dead in their homes, bodies mutilated beyond recognition." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, then more was said, "unknown patrons walking among the towns, described as tall, with twisted faces, and large sharp claws." I went and grabbed the newspaper, I hadn't had to time to read it because I was so busy fixing the outside door for the basement, the town has a newspaper that they ship out every 2 weeks, so being a person curious about what is going on around me, I had one delivered to me. "30 found dead in their homes.", "Stones bloodbath." August 30, 2006 It seems our town isn't the only being struck with horrible deaths, a town about 3 hours from here had been in the same boat too. "150 found dead" all these occurences are starting to worry my family now, my kids are old enough to understand what death is, and my wife is still having nightmares and headaches in the middle of the time, she is more worried than I am. The news isn't very forgiving with their footage, it seems another town about 2 miles from the last that was struck, was hit as well. The news said about 500 and counting were found dead in their homes and on the streets, the police are baffled as to what is going on, and private investigators are quitting their searching, because they can't make sense of what is going on. I can beging to fathom what must be happening in this world, it is un heard of that such a thing could go on like this. I will just go to sleep and hope things calm down on tomorrow mornings news. August 31, 2006 Another strange thing happened to me this morning, I could have sworn I saw a little girl in one of the boy's rooms. I ran after her but as soon as I got to the door she was gone, I figured I must be seeing things due to all the stress from what is going on around me. I went into the basement and check on the furnace, I knew that winter wasn't here but I though I should check on it to make sure everything is in working order. As I was tending to the furnace something moved in the corner of my eye, I couldn't see exactly what it was, just simply a silhouette of something small, I figured it was most likely a rat, this basement isn't the cleanest place in the world anyways. It was now time for news whenever I finished the work in the basement, it stated that the body count was rising, but the deaths were quickly moving away from where I lived thankfully. 4,000 found dead, WHAT!?!, the deaths are getting out of hand, I can't believe my ears are hearing this...I have never heard of so many deaths in such a short amount of time, I am becoming more and more stressed with everything that is said. My wife said she had the experience again this morning, I was already out of the house and around where the outside basement door was, cleaning. She told me her headache was slightly worse than the other times, and she said she saw someone staring at her from overhead, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them the figure was gone. I just assume the stress is getting to her too, and just told her not to worry about it. September 1, 2006 The news seems to get be getting worse and worse everytime I hear it, I am getting more and more worried. I wish I could understand why this is happening, and why so fast. The government can't explain what is going on, they have no leads and they say this can't be terrorist attack, because there have been descriptions of the killers. A few surviving witnesses said that the creatures were tall and very fluid like in movement, they had very long and sharp claws and were slightly wispy, like as if they were shadows that could move. I was freaking out, it is sort of simliar to what I saw through the corner of my eye, when I was in the basement. I turned the t.v. off because I needed a rest from all of the horror. I had sent my wife and kids to my neighbors house, because I felt they would be much safer there, I haven't had a phone call from them yet, but I expect its because my neighbore must be calling family in order to see if they are ok. September 2, 2006 I got a call from my wife this morning, she said herself and the kids were fine, they were being treated with kindness and respect, now I expected that much considering that my neighbors are quite old and usually old people are nice in a way. As I was walking through the house, everything seemed different, I'm not sure what it was...but there was this ominus feel throughout the whole house, as if someone was watching me and plotting something. Later on in the evening the sky was a pinkish red color, I couldn't tell what was going on, I believe maybe the sun was setting behind the clouds an causing the sky to illuminate with a red color. Scientist say that they have captured one of the creatures, they will run tests on it all night, and report first thing on all news channels what their findings are. I can't believe this, but I will be there to see what they have to say. September 3, 2006 "Science lab found destroyed, and scientists brutily slaughtered." This is horrible, they said the creature was in proper containment, and that it couldn't escape, what were they thinking...they didn't know anything about the creatures whatsoever. They said they recovered the surveillance footage from the night of containment, they said that the creature moved easily through the door of the containment room as if it was water, and easily slaughtered all 12 scientists by itself. I am really scared now for my life and my families life. This has never happened before to man...how could we prepare ourselves for this, this is beyond anything anyone has ever forsought. I think I am beginning to see things again, the little girl I saw passing through the hallway, was in my son's bedroom, she was sittin at the edge of his bed, she just stared at me for a short while, then looked out the window and just disappeared. I moved slowly throughout the house wondering what or who it was I saw, I think that maybe I just needed some rest, considering all of the excitement in the air it was probably just getting to me. September 4, 2006 The sky is a black emptyness now, even in the afternoon. I don't quite understand what is going on, and I guess I won't ever really know. Large metropoliton cities are being whiped out in a matter of hours across the country, the police just can't handle to situation, so the entire force turned in their badges. Stories of conflicts across the waters have now stopped, and the eyes of the public are now focused on the gruesome events happening right here in our country, we have ruled out terrorism, some skeptics claim its some satanic cult on a rampage killing innocent victims as a sacrifice for their lives. That doesn't explain what that scientific footage was, and how it was able to move throughout the area like a shadow. September 5, 2006 Something quite odd happened this morning, as I was wakeing up, it felt as if the atmosphere was a bit heavy, the sky was completely dark, but there were no stars. All I could see was the city lights of a major metropolis about 30 miles to the south, which was a bit odd...because usually with the distance of it, I can never see the lights. Something unusual is happening to this world and I can't explain it. I picked up my newspaper from yesterday and read in an article about a priest who stripped his clothes down and ran through a city crying out "its the end of the world" and he was spraying holy water on everyone, it says that as he was running he just fell to the ground as local patrons tried to help him up his body went limp. He actually died right there on the spot, doctors say his heart literally exploded, most of the people at the scene blamed it on his old age and his being out of shape and all, and others say it did it because of fear, he was so scared that his heart couldn't take it. September 6, 2006 Another day with a deadness to it. I am slowly running out of food...the water supply is still coming to my house, so I believe everything is still slightly in order. I was looking at the city thats about 30 mins from here, and all I could see was a massive explosion, it seems that chaos is starting among the citizens, riots, panic, mass hysteria. I really don't know what to expect anymore, I made a phone call to my neighbor, it took about 20 mins but someone finally answered, he said that they were doing fine, there was a rather odd thing about his voice though, like he wasn't himself, and he had akward heavy breathing as well, I asked him if he was ok, and he quickly responded with a "yes everythings fine" he sounded a bit nervous when he said that. September 7, 2006 I feel as though someone has been watching me...I woke up in a cold sweat, to look over and see someone sitting in the chair under the window. I turn away frightened, when I looked back "it" was gone. I felt as if I am going a little crazy, I didn't expect this to happen, considering I am pretty calm about everything around me. The newspaper is still being delivered to my house which is a bit odd, I suppose they think the public deserves to know what is going on around them. I peered out my window and saw nothing changing, the sky was still completely dark and the city to the south was still bright as ever, it seems that even after all the of the chaos the lights are still working and the citizens are still prospering. Though not much happening this day, I find it a bit odd...usually there is some sort of ruckus, the news doesn't provide any new information on the plague across the land. September 8, 2006 I found an old CB radio in the attic, I was just searching the top to see what was up there, it turns out the people that lived here before me didn't take anything from the attic. I found oil lanterns and candles, and old news articles. I turned the CB radio on to see if I could get anything on it, as soon as I turned it on, there was chatter coming from all around, a lot of the familys around here must have CBs as well, they seemed to be using it a lot, I wonder why they don't just use the phone, but I guess this does save money. Some of the chatter is a bit disturbing, one family about 20 miles up the road keeps hearing odd noises from their attic, and they keep finding corpses of their cows on their front porch, with no signs of struggle, they even say that some of the corpses look as though they had been torn apart from the inside out. I haven't really used the CB, I suppose because I don't want to try and talk on there with all the chatter, but I will put it aside and leave it on, and just listen to the news, perhaps the radio will come in handy later on. September 9, 2006 This morning was opened up in a very harsh way if I do say so myself. I noticed in the field there were dead animals everywhere, I couldn't quite place what exactly they were because they had been mangled beyond recognition, but they look a little bit like dogs, and horses. I'm not exactly sure why those particular animals are mutilated in my field, but I was a bit too creeped out to care. I turned on the news and it seems that the political officials are out of ideas at this point and don't have much to say, but "god help us all" I'm not a man of faith but it seems that god is the only thing that these people have now. My wife must be crying and praying to her hearts content, she is intensely into the bible ever since all of this chaos started. I just hope everything is fine over there, I will drive over to where they are at tomorrow, once I get all the supplies I need for the trip, I am bringing my shotgun just incase there is a dispute along the way. September 10, 2006 I came to the door of my neighbors house, there were huge claw marks on the door as if some kind of large wild dog was trying to get in, but then I noticed that there was a carcass of a dead coyote hanging from a hook on the front porch, I opened the door after knocking and saw something standing at the end of the stairs. Whatever it was it ran up the stairs, I ran after it but as soon as I got all the way up the stairs I couldn't see it anymore...what was that? I couldn't find my family here, there stuff was still here though, so they didn't leave anywhere far away, as I searched the house I found a note on my neighbors refridgerator, it said "Went to the city for a bit, your wife wanted to see a church". I am a little worried, with all the chaos I figured my neighbor would do the smart thing and stay in his home, and I wanted to know, how my neighbor knew I would stop by here in the first place, but hopefully they will come back safe. September 11, 2006 My neighbors house is a bit more scary than my own, I guess his house is a lot older though. I stayed the night there in hopes my family would return the next morning, but I guess knowing how stubborn my wife is, she didn't want to leave the church, she feels more safe there I guess, but I don't really blame her. It seems my neighbors field is littered with corpses, his cows and horses have been horribly slaughtered...one cows skin was completely torn from its body, and a horse had its lower jaw removed. This is incredibly horrible, I just wish I could explain the situation a little better. September 12, 2006 I have felt a presence here in this house, and it seems it doesn't want me here, I was walking to a room in the house that I didn't bother to check, as I walked up to the door it slammed shut really really hard, I tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. I will find another way of opening it. I noticed a spot on the ceiling it looks like blood, there is a small pool of it on the ground as well, it seems to be coming from the attic, but the attic door is closed off with boards and nails, and I don't know where my neighbor keeps his tools. As soon as I find a way up there I will write more on this... September 13, 2006 I noticed an old tool shed about 100 yards away from the house, why in heavens name would he put a tool shed so far from the house. I managed get some more bullets for my gun, and I found a hammer, I also grabbed a big screwdriver so I can attempt to pry that door open. Hopefully I can get into the attic to see what the blood was from, it scares me, considering my family was here and there is blood from some unknown source. I know the door is going to be tough, so I am going for the attic first, so as soon as I am done with checking everything out, I will get back to writing. September 14, 2006 I...I...can't believe this, my neighbor has been brutally slaughtered, it was his blood dripping from the attic, his lower jaw was completely removed and was on the floor next to him, his hands and feet were cut off and his eyes looked as if they had been clawed out. I don't understand....I don't know where my family is..if they are safe or not...I hope they are doing well and are in a safe place, by the looks of it they got out of here but I can't be certain. I can't get the door open to the mystery room, I have tried everything, but it will not open no matter what. I am in the process of finding an alternate route. September 15, 2006 Attempts at finding other routes to the room have failed, I tried the windows outside, but they were boarded up on the inside and locked, I tried to see if I could maybe make a hole in the ceiling to the room but , there are way too many pipes in the way, it would take more than one person to move all of it, and as far as I know it, I am alone. There doesn't seem to be any air ducts that lead into the room whatsoever. So I am pretty much stuck without knowing for the time being, I prepared a burial for my neighbor...his hands that were cut off, were hanging from strings outside on a tree, with the words "Prepare for the finale" I didn't understand it, so I just dismissed it. I'm glad there is plenty of food here, because I don't plan on going back to my own home, until my family returns here. September 17, 2006 This entry was made a tad bit late, because I miss-placed my journal...it was odd because I remember laying on the kitchen table, but when I got back there it was gone, I found it amongst a bunch of boxes, with an old photo of my neighbor and his wife and kids, he didn't talk much about them, but I'm not sure why really. It seemed to me that, that particular picture was the only photo with him and his family...it was quite odd. Still no word or anything on my family...I seriously hope they are ok, because I am extremely worried. I heard a mass of planes and helicopters fly overheard towards the city, there were so many that I lost count after about 58. About 100 yards to the west of my neighbors house there was a small dark forest area, turns out somewhere in the forest my neighbor had a family cemetary, where all of his relatives and such were buried, I just followed the trail with my neighbors body wrapped in sheets on a wagon, it seemed to be the proper place to bury him. I came upon the cemetary pretty quickly, it was horribly uneasy to walk through it all, I finally picked out a place for my neighbors body, I dug it up and put him in after about 2 hours of digging, and I made a cross for him out of some stickes and string I had in my pocket. As I was leaving the cemetary I noticed a small little area where the dirt was elevated, they were pretty fresh graves, I didn't know who they were, but there were 3 of them. On each grave stone it said, "At my hands, they met salvatio." I didn't know what that met, so I just headed back to the house. September 18, 2006 I started going through my neighbors things out of boredum...I came upon a diary like my own, it seems that he has been recording his life as well, but he has been doing it quite a bit longer than me, I went ahead and just skipped to the most recent entry, "They can't be put through his horror no more, I must end it, so they can be free and happy, I will change things tomorrow morning. Without pain and suffering they will be saved, they will be free from the darkness
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