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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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Can You Handle The Truth?

YOU MUST CHECK THE PICS AT http://www.myspace.com/drturi 8/26/2008 Dear Reader; Dr. Turi will be doing a taping for his “Cosmic Code” reality show in the senator’s room at the San Carlos hotel on Saturday September 27th. If you are in Arizona please contact the movie producer J.C. at mailto:fuelwhisperer@yahoo.com if you want to be part of the televised show and endorse Dr. Turi. You may also call him at 480-234-7100. http://www.hauntedcon.com/guests.html HUMILITY REDEMPTION and/or STRATEGY? Once every blue moons I receive an email from a reader that decides to cancel her subscription from both the 2008 and 2009 Cosmic Code newsletters. After reading it my first reaction was to think I was dealing with another very insecure member of the “moronic” mass making up the 99.9% of this world’s population once more was mistaking my honesty and direct approach to life for rudeness and that was it. But after reading her “mental disposition” (remember I am also a clinical Hypnotherapist) I answered her email to the best of my ability explaining logically the subconscious reasons why she would make that decision. But I also realized that the chance of her or any of the 99.9% of the moronic mass to understand my message or me was somewhat NON-existent. After reading her words and my feedback I am sure ONLY my spiritually advanced readers will understand the title I used in this newsletter. Thus I will use this next upcoming new Moon in Leo (the light) on my 7th house (facing the public) at my advantage and REBIRTH myself, REMAKE myself and PRESENT myself to those 99.9% of people hoping to reach them and “save” them from themselves and ignorance. The reality is that the truth has never served anyone’s purpose really and always produces a very negative reaction, thus alienating myself from the mass and those who really need my help. So like any refined politicians running for President, or any wise business CEO,s FCO’s financial tycoons running a very productive business including the master of all the “Church Inc. I have decided to ADAPT to the need of the people. I cannot ignore any longer my highly placed successful friends many requests literally begin me to “change my attitude” because what I know to be ME and the PLAIN truth is perceived as a huge ego and rudeness by the moronic uneducated mass they say. The church Inc., politicians, very successful business corporation have adopted this “SUCKER” attitude for ever and refrain from verbalizing the TRUTH to the sensitive ignorant souls and this is why they all are, endorsed, supported and winning all FINANCIAL RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL BUSINESS ORIENTED contests today. So I finally come to realize that like them, I will have to ignore and lay the TRUTH to rest because too many young souls CANNOT HANDLE OR EVEN PERCEIVE my work, my true self and THE TRUTH itself. YOU LIKES TO BE REMINDED? Showing the reflection of their stupidity and ignorance on a daily base has not and will never work, PERIOD! When I write about the “moronic mass” this is what I mean! ARE YOU A PART OF THE MORONIC MASS? DO YOU SEE YOURSELF THERE? SO STOP TAKING MY WORDS PERSONALLY! NOW PLEASE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LAUGH and be above “Joe six pack” mindless UCI. For if you do not and feel victimized something is definitely very wrong with you too! Just in case this is also a test to find out if you are you part of the 99.9% of the moronic mass! I might as well make the most and hit you hard today with this last “NASTY” FREE newsletter but remember you can also UNSUBSCRIBE anytime because a cave man can do it! Doing and adopting this “nasty” attitude serves also as a cleansing of my FREE newsletters and remove those that can never be helped. The fact is my so very important message to the world reflects the TRUTH and is based upon the God’s celestial truth ONLY. But again the truth is not easily assimilated and definitely NOT accepted as a valuable procedure for progress to reach the ignorant God fearing mass. JOE' SIX PACK'S WIFE! is this what I am trying to "educate?" Ignore the physical or spiritual laws and you will CRASH! That’s all I am trying to do with you. So as of today I have decided to RE-evaluate my “Plan of attack” or my STRATEGY in order to reach THE MENTALLY WEAKEST MEMBERS OF OUT SOCIETY I am trying so hard to wake up! We all know the truth HURT we also know that anyone in the public eye MUST strategically diplomacy USEEVEN IF THIS MEAN hiding or ignoring the truth in order to get the “votes” needed to succeed in any field and deal with any large and successful company dealing with the media. The sad reality is that the common person takes my words personally and textually and totally misses the entire truth by alienating themselves to the messages I am trying to convey. Stopping being truly me in my message instead using more diplomacy “adapting” will save me precious time because religious or insecure souls keep allowing themselves to get hurt by my “statements” missing the forest of my wisdom. Instead of “catching” me they subconsciously regurgitate deep wounded emotional feelings and are totally unable to comprehend that I am far from being the reason of their mental problem and obvious limitation. Their reaction and lack of education prompt them to see me as evil and make the mistake to exit the TRUE door of wisdom. The only chances they had to grow spiritually is misread, misinterpreted and lost because I am too much of the truth to deal with or can not auto analyzes themselves properly. Thus with this New Moon in Leo (love and light) in my 7th house (facing the public) the NEW DR.TURI IS BORN! I hope the new light I will project in all my future newsletters will help those in need of perceiving God’ signs through my writings. Read a VIP email to me and my initial response and realize why I have NO other alternative but to adapt to the mass and be ONLY positive in ALL my newsletters. This new Dr. Turi will save more lost souls and refrain from people self-inflicting old subconscious pain to themselves. I have nothing to prove to any advanced souls and I hope you will enjoy the new me in all my future VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletters. READ ON! I am canceling because the newsletters I have been receiving from Dr. Turi refers to the majority of the people as imbeciles, morons and idiots which I think is highly disrespectful. Everyone has a right to their opinion as he has a right to say whatever he wants to say. That is everyone's free will but I also know that everyone is going through their particular stages of learning and development. I came to the conclusion to cancel after reading several of the newsletters. Thank you. Judith Hello Judith this is Dr. Turi; I am so sorry you took the words I used to represent the intellectual incapacity of the moronic mass in my FREE Dragon newsletter, personally. This FREE newsletter is a reflection of man’s affairs ignoring God’s language that produces much of the dramatic NEGATIVE news experienced by humankind. But NONE of this NEGATIVE energy or what you perceive as “offending or disrespectful” is to be found in any of my VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletters. As a matter of fact I offer ALL my subscribers not only tremendous astrological information, health tips etc. but also TOTAL RESPECT. Incidentally you are also ONE OF THEM but your “selective” mind omitted to perceive this fact too. To respond to my FREE Dragon newsletter with such a victimized attitude and offended ego indeed clarifies to me your current mental cerebral disposition leading to your decision to “exit” my world and indeed reflect your intrinsic part within the majority of the moronic mass. What a way to thanks me for offering you FREE and EDUCATIONAL material! Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! But with all the respect I owe you the fact of the matter is indeed you do have some internal growing to do and I surely hope you will soon exit the idiotic mass' mind-set and GET MY MESSAGE and join the large majority of my advanced readers who can grasp my work. Taking my honest words personally was a test on your own self you indeed failed to recognize. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Now please read and try to assimilate those words carefully because even if you do not agree or can't auto analyze your self, your ego and your sensitivity just yet those words are now written for you. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! "Those young souls who take my direct approach to life, my honesty my words and comments PERSONALLY do suffers both a deep inferiority and/or insecurity complex..." Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Once you "wake up" to your own "perceptive" mental blockage you may be able to grasp my vital message to the world instead of responding selfishly to your bruised ego or hurt feelings. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Chances are you were taught as a young girl that you were a nobody or may be dealt while growing up with too many truly rude, inconsiderate adults and lost a serious dose of self-esteem in the process. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! But again your "reaction" is a purely subconscious one and unless educated on the subconscious matter "reflex" you may not once more be able to acknowledge your own mental reception, reaction and action to EXIT the pain I rekindled in your heart and it deeply hurt you inside. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Another phrase I often wrote in my newsletters that once more confirm my theory, "ONE (that would be you in this case) can only RELATE to me, because of his/her experiences, education and UCI" things that may again not mean anything to you just yet. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! *You cannot teach a man/woman anything. You can only help him/her discover it within himself."* *- Galileo Galilei:* But be sure it is NOT Dr. Turi hurting you but YOUR OWN SELF! Lastly hundreds of thousands of newsletters are sent and read everyday world wide and may be once every 2 or 3 month someone like you needs to "unsubscribe" to what you perceive erroneously as the most horrible, selfish, unconcerned, rude person you have ever met (or read) for that matter. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! But this man or the real Dr. Turi you can not see because both your ego and/or pain blinds you SPENDS days after days writing for the mass, works tirelessly for their children's future, give out his books and newsletters for FREE every years and will always try to save a lost soul, including yours! Updated – Will she get that? I can only hope! So now the question is; Is Dr. Turi really a bad selfish, soul working tirelessly to HURT people like you purposely? Or someone trying once more to EDUCATE you, point out your mental conception and help you to FREE you from your past, your pain, your own ignorance, and your own subconscious fears? Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! The truth has never meant to be nice Judith and unless ONE (that would be me) is pure, honest, direct in words and actions there is absolutely NO reason for you to "erase" yourself from the purity of the light I generate in my honest expressive, almost child like way and my pure drive to help the children. Is it about YOUR feelings, YOUR bruised ego or the children of tomorrow? Did you miss that obvious message too? Its all about energy and "a magnet will not attract a piece of wood" or like can only attract like and indeed I must be a TERRIBLE man for you to "exit" my TERRIBLE teachings and my constant drive to help the children, am I? DT- Will she get that? I can only hope! I hope I was able to help you just a little today Judith because you really need it. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Blessings DT Continued – Now when you look at my response ALL that I wrote is WRONG! All that I expressed is WRONG, because she did NOT or cannot get it just yet! She indeed needs to exteriorize herself and get rid of all the subconscious soup blinding her spirit to my message. Updated – OOPPSS ! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! But why did I change my position up a sudden? And why a NEW Dr. Turi is born today? Because the words she so simply used at the end of her note reached my heart and like her I was NOT READY TO FEEL, understand and acknowledge the TRUTH in her sentences. She wrote - “Everyone has a right to their opinion as he has a right to say whatever he wants to say. That is everyone's free will but I also know that everyone is going through their particular stages of learning and development” So yes I got you my friend and I will give you all the time you need to heal away from me. Hopefully some spiritual soul who vibrates like you will cross your path and do a better job spiritually all the while soothing your wounded soul and gives you faith and courage to learn, growth and forgive disgusting people like Dr. Turi… Am I that really bad? I let you my advanced reader be the judge of that! Meantime I really heard you lost souls out there today and I hope you will hear me better now because I will never hurt anyone’s ego or be insensitive to anyone ever again in any and all my future newsletters. People would rather be lied to and pay for it than to hear the truth, mostly because 99.9 % of the people walking this earth cannot handle the truth! "If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them REALLY think, they'll hate you." "The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity." Harlan Ellison Lastly, please give me your feedback on my decision! mailto:dr.turi@cox.net Blessings to all Dr. Turi The Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Leo (children) at work! 12-year-old suspended for hair - A middle school student is suspended because of the color she dyed her hair. KYTV's Marie Saavedra reports. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/08/22/saavedra.pink.hair.KYTV This little unruly “brat” was born in 1996 with the Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Aries (unruly). Note also that Mars “The Lord of war” rules war, man’s world, the animal kingdom and Mars color is RED (blood) or pink and denote once more how the “robotic” subconscious drive took over this child’s innocent psyche. I took this “red” example from the Internet to prove to you that Mars’ energy is “bloody” red! EVIL UCI+ EVIL SOUL! http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/08/21/duncan.slayings.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview The videos and photos taken at the cabin show Duncan forcing the boy to perform a sex act, whipping him with a belt and hanging him with a wire noose until the boy passed out. "The devil is here, boy, the devil himself. The demon couldn't do what the devil sent him to do so the devil came himself," Duncan yells in one video. "The devil likes to watch children suffer and cry." This evil soul was born in the constellation of Pisces and his sick UCI is overloaded with Neptune religious energy. Born in 1963 Duncan inherited both a Moon and his Sun in karmic Pisces with a cold and calculated Dragon’s Tail in Capricorn (head of evil) in the 12th traditionally ruled by Pisces. This celestial affliction gave him a more powerful and deceiving dragon’s Tail (vile) in Pisces too! Duncan covered his face as parts of the video were shown, and jurors frequently shot him looks. Two of Duncan's standby attorneys also avoided looking at the screen. Only education will allow humankind to acknowledge God's Universal signs or how God made your celestial body mind and soul but sad enough NO a single organization or college, university or church teach these ancient laws, apart from my students and I. This world is so young where religion, education and science rule but miss the biggest picture of all...and God we all know how BIG the universe is… SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER NOW! Sign up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ but remember what you are reading NOW in the FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER is a reflection of 99% of the world’s total IGNORANCE of God’s Universal Laws. Thus mess up with the “Universal Code” and you and the world must pay a heavy penalty. But ALL my Cosmic Code newsletters are not only free of advertisements but also FREE of depressive, negative current news. When you become a VIP you will enjoy great tips on health and financial tips, highly educational positive, progressive material and the Cosmic Code’s regulations are offered in my writings. My work will raise your vibrations and help you build “Cosmic Consciousness” and indeed provide food for thought and total spiritual regeneration. Join us don’t miss any important “Cosmic Code” future newsletters, and all the great deals and monthly transits. You will get them all from the first day I created them, get them when you are ready for me because there is so much more about my work that could really change your life for the better. Don’t be a victim be smart knowledge is power ignorance is evil… Do you like my work? Do you want to become a 2008 ‘Cosmic Code” VIP? Its ONLY $35 until the end of the year! Sign up for the 2008 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter and get them ALL (over 45 of them so far and much more before the year end). Learn all about natural Healing, the “Cosmic Code” in action with so many different and very interesting topics that will make you think and even change your conception of life. Get the special deals, personal, daily monthly forecast and the so very important TRANSITS until the end of the year. I may get too busy and stop writing the FREE Dragon Newsletter any day and you may miss so much in the process. Be smart, learn and grow with me and make a good use of my special SOS To The World when they occur. ACT NOW! Do you want to become a 2009 “Cosmic Code” VIP? USE THE DEAL RIGHT NOW WHILE YOU CAN AND SAVE MONEY! Sign up for the new 2009 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter before January 1st 2009 for $75.00 and save $25.00. As of January 1st 2009 the only way you will be able to sign up will be through my website and the price will be $100 FLAT rate and $35 for Seniors citizens. ACT NOW! Save money and if you need information email Terania teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com or call her at 972-623-7689. Dr. Turi's 12 Cosmic Code Newsletter entitles you to: · Get all the exact dates and accompanying quatrains and be prepared for all major disasters in 2009 on the first day each months of the year. · Be informed of ALL 2009 Monthly Universal/Personal Transits · Be informed of ALL 2009 Supernova Windows · 2009 DAILY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 MONTHLY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 ANNUAL Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 DEALS and large discount on Astropsychology Courses by mail. You are promised a minimum of 12 “Cosmic Code” Newsletters and as of today 8/13/2008 I wrote 43 of them and much more will be written before the year is over. 2009 Moon Power will be available soon. You will be able to order it from my website then. "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible. If you are in Arizona, join me September 26th – 27th - 28th http://www.hauntedcon.com/guests.html
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