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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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6/11/2008 Dear Readers; I must make you aware of this approaching negative window before stopping this FREE newsletter. Please be more cautious than usual as we approach the "SOS To The World" deadly window for June 13th 14th and 15th. I gave a series of dates and predictions on the UK Alex Baker' show and so far ALL of my predictions transpired as predicted. BE READY FOR THE NEXT ONE! To the skeptics simply listen to a montage of Dr. Turi's Predictions alongside live news broadcasts of events! (Courtesy: Alex Baker) http://www.drturi.com/archives.php and watch for the upcoming dramatic news for June 13th 14th and 15th before CNN post them on their website. I made it to the "The Genius Book of World Records & The Brainiac Almanac" Dr. Louis Turi, Celebrity Astrologer - The most number of accurate predictions publicly documented in major media. http://www.GeniusRecordBook.com/ Contact Bryant at if you want to know more about Bryant's work and his great radio show. http://www.mcgillbroadcast.com/contact/ If you have your copy of 2008 Moon Power be cautious and read how the "Universal Code" will touch you and your loved ones personally for the next few days and all the way up to the end of 2008. Get the book be smart be safe! www.drturi.com/books.php Here is a quatrain I wrote for all my readers to summarize the upcoming energy, you are strongly advised to pass these on to all the people you care, then watch. Ugly Hidden Face Of Death The Tail Stings Evil Spirits A Mad Dance Secret and Shame Innocent Children Mother Cry Police Drama Reality Strike A Famous One To Die Written by Dr. Turi 11/11/06 With the Dragon right on top of Japan and China and the US expect the worse of this celestial energy to manifest stronger as we approach the lowest "THE PIT" In august 2008. Japan sees a rash of suicides and more devastating quakes are on the way. China is pretty much the same and already experienced terrible natural disasters and many deaths. The US keep suffering as the Dragon's Tail suffocate its economy with a myriad of "predicted" increases in various domestic department including extremely high gas price. Note that in 2009 and for 2 more years the very difficult Dragon's Tail will move in Cancer (America July 4th 1776" is on for a TOTAL restructure and it is going to get MUCH worse before it gets better! This will be my last FREE newsletter, as I have to produce the 2009 Moon Power and "channel" much more personal and universal guidance and predictions for all my VIP readers. Get the 2008 Moon Power book and order your 2009 version (when it is published) be smart be safe! http://www.drturi.com/books.php More children are targeted BY THE DRAGON each and every day- BE CAUTIOUS WITH YOUR KIDS! TELL THEM ABOUT THE DRAGON AND AVOID A FUNERAL. IT IS THAT SERIOUS! The Dragon's Tail is doing its usual rampage and I am sure many of you thought of my predictions when you learned about this dramatic news. Japan's suicide cliff - Japan sees a rash of suicides, as people jump off a famous cliff, and one man attempts to help - http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2008/06/10/lah.japan.suicide.cliff.cnn 1 - 2 girls shot by roadside during sleepover 11 years old. Two young girls on a sleepover are found dead after taking a walk. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/crime/2008/06/09/dnt.ok.girls.shot.koco 2 - Celebratory gunfire at a graduation party end with one teen shot dead by a police officer. 3 - PHOENIX -- A collision sparked a road rage shooting that left a grandmother dead and her young granddaughter wounded Sunday afternoon, Phoenix police said. Graham said the incident has left her shaken. "When I'm driving and I even tell my kids, 'Don't even look at people around you because you don't know if somebody might think you're giving them a dirty look or something and pull out a gun and start shooting you,'" Graham said. http://www.kpho.com/news/16544375/detail.html 4 - This is the 10th U.S. troop death in Iraq this month and the number of U.S. service member deaths in the war stands at 4,094. Lastly I know we are all suffering this terrible Dragon's tail in the US and all over the world and many of us are felling very insecure. Who is to blame? Those greedy powerful souls in power regulating our lives while they can't control theirs! Man means well for his fellow human at first being but without "Cosmic Consciousness" anyone in power, regardless of education, intelligence, position and accomplishments will NEVER EVER soothe anyone's pain or provide true healing or valuable solution for a person or a country. Fears turns into greed and creates abuses. And it is in this dance of madness and ignorance that I am trying to reach you my readers and insert some hope in your being and alter your fate in a positive way. Don't give up and know that "The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts". Regardless of what you are going through don't give up, be strong because after the storm always comes the blue sky and the shinning sun! The Divine awareness intelligence is so powerful it has the ability to believe anything into existence it so wishes. Being a portion of this awareness. It is your inherent right to believe anything into being that you wish, when you are a pure and clean conduit for this exhaustless ageless omnipresent intelligence. - Antarr My next "Cosmic Code" newsletter will be sent out soon so stand by VIP's and thank you for your trust in my work. Blessings to all Dr. Turi IMPORTANT NOTE I MUST CONCENTRATE ON WRITING MY NEW 2009 MOON POWER THUS THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER MUST STOP ONLY MY VIP'S WILL STILL RECEIVE THE "COSMIC CODE" NEWSLETTERS. NO MORE EXCUSE BE PREPARED ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL AND UNIVERSAL PREDICTIONS, BE SMART5, SAVE YOUR LIFE, SAVE MONEY, SAVE TIME. The price of my " Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter is now only $35.00 until the end of the year. Note also you may order anytime and still get EVERYONE ONE of them and check your personal and Universal Dragon forecast, your daily guidance and benefit also from all sorts of good deals and large breaks on my services by doing so. Realize also that my rare wisdom and LEGITIMATE guidance is PRICELESS, thus for a quarter or less a day you will be taking care all throughout the year 2009 and get to learn a lot about the "Cosmic Code". The price for the 2009 "Cosmic Code" newsletters will be of a flat rate of $100 and $35:00 for senior's citizens and extended to anyone else born as of or before January 1955. Note that your personal Dragon forecast is based upon the year you were born thus lying on your factual age will not help you at all. I will ask every one of you to RE-submit your payment BEFORE January 1st 2009. My great Webmaster Alan will always accommodate me with the price variations (including the $35 new price as of today) and the new form with the new $100 price will be on my website in time so you do not miss your 1st 2009 "Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter. Click on the banner and pick the STUDENT Rate Option for $35.00 and join my World Wide Star Family. Thank you to all my newcomers, DT. http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter Legitimate wisdom MUST be back! I really hope that many of you will soon realize how important it is to understand how the "Cosmic Code" affects people in power and our common fate in the process. Thousands of people have lost their lives in wars that did not have to die because of the wrong decisions made by those in power. I sincerely hope for you to understand important it is to reeducate the entire world about the "Cosmic Code" impact on humankind and with education apply the part of God in each one of us instead of letting the worse of Neptune (and all the other planets) turn this world into a unlimited war zone. I am years ahead of time and I can finally see when all this deadly religious junk (Age of Pisces) and all its deception and futile imagination is trashed to be replaced by education, respect, intelligence and the mastering of God's Universal tools (New Age of Aquarius). "WHEN MEN REALIZE THAT THE CHURCH AN DTHE TWELVE APOSTLES ARE A REFLECTION OF THE TWELVE SIGN OF THE ZODIAC GOD COMMANDMENTS WRITTEN IN LIGHT WILL BRING TRUE LOVE RESPECT AND PEACE TO THIS WORLD" Dr. Turi "God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus TO ALL MY READERS INVEST IN MY HONORABLE CAUSE PLEASE! I DON'T RUN A CULT OR A CHURCH AND WILL MAKE A REALLY GOOD USE OF YOUR HELP! Good News - Well so far the html page has seen about 800 emails sent from it by this point. Not too bad Craig and I say but we NEED you to keep sending them. Thank you everyone for helping us. WE WANT TO MAKE EASIER FOR YOU Craig updated the Email address. There is a link for C2C and one for Clear Channel. http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance - Use this link and tell them WHY you want me there, mention my predictions, talk about George endorsing me so many times, tell them that its OK to have a regular there talking about UFO regularly but my guidance is as important for their audience. Tell them to have a pool on Coast To Coast and ASK their listeners if they want me there regularly, use your imagination but HELP ME to reach more people. Please contact every one of them at the same time and do it regularly. Our efforts will pay off in time and I can do it only with your help. Once more use http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html to do so. Thank you so much for your needed help. Sharing Emails: Hi Dr. Turi! I want to thank you so much for the recent life reading you did for me. (I was the one with Libra sun, Aquarius Head) Your insights were totally accurate and I really appreciate the whole tone of the reading: sincere, caring, informed, personal. You clearly care deeply for the people you work with and I encourage everyone to take advantage of your obvious talents and gifts. I will take your suggestion and get a progressions reading soon. I really enjoy your newsletters and there is not a day goes by when I do not read the news and say, " Dr. Turi was right....AGAIN!!!" Bless you for your dedication and generosity!!!! I have a question: in March, I ordered a Comparison Chart. The birthdates given were accurate as was the birthdate for the full life reading. I noticed that on the comparison chart my sun sign was listed as Scorpio, Moon in Libra, Mercury in Sagittarius and so on but in my full life reading my Sun is in Libra, Moon in Leo, Mercury in Scorpio etc. Is that accurate that my signs would be different in the comparison chart? Just wanted to double check in case there was a computer glitch somewhere. Wishing you blessings in abundance! Joni DT - Hello Joni; Thank you so much for your feedback... Note that any Internet files are generated by software that uses modern astrology and I have nothing to do with it. I only use the wheel I designed with Halloran software, thus your reading is correct and the report is also correct. Realize that there are 85 different way to read your chart lol. I have mastered every one of them and none gave me the aptitude and accuracy thus there is now Astropsychology or the compilation of all ancient disciplines at your service. Blessings DT To those readers who are still skeptical of my true predictive gift in Astrology listen to my Prediction of the China Aftershock and the thousands of people to relocate on June 6th on Alex Baker show - "The Night Before" in London. http://www.drturi.com/archives.php LOOK AT MY PREDICTIONS FROM 2006 AND SOME ARTICLES I WROTE THERE PERTAINING TO WHAT IS HAPPENING NOWADAYS. Gas price will be skyrocketing, forcing the population to ask lawmakers to stop the constant rise of oil price. Expect a wet year with serious flooding and a series of super hurricanes and tornadoes that will destroy coastlines and some islands worldwide. http://www.astrologyknowledge.com/index.php?zoom_cat=-1&zoom_query=turi Have you heard of the "Death Wish Generation" yet parents? Well some of those kids regenerate with sex, drama and rap music! Get the book and start understanding them before its too late for you and them - LEARN ALL ABOUT THE DRAGON- http://www.drturi.com/books.php Remember this negative Dragon is also right in the second house of money in the chart of America producing worries and serious financial problem to some of us. Because of my constant drive to help others make sure to check the super deal I offer all of you in this newsletter. So many desperate people have called me for help and I realize my services are not exactly cheap, but again you will get what you paid for. I am offering TWO 90 mn tape for the price of one. The first one is your Full Life Reading, so you can find out what to do to better your financial situation by following the Dragon's Head (luck/growth) and regenerate your spirit to avoid depression then sickness caused by fears. The second 90 mn HYPNOTHERAPY tape is designed to BOOST the creative forces of your subconscious and accelerate the process of changes but again realize that my work has very much more to offer you in both recording. This investment will save you a lot of money by avoiding costly medical bills and provide you with my undivided attention and solid guidance. Use this New Moon in Gemini (duality/communication) accordingly because unless you do something by gathering true wisdom your situation will not improve or change. Knowledge is power ignorance is evil go to http://www.drturi.com/readings.php to order your Full Life Reading and MENTION your 90 mn tape gift in the area for you to write. 1 of 2 America and UFO predictions on Coast To Coast 2 of 2 America and UFO predictions on Coast To Coast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8lK8QO0GkU EYE OF TRUTH http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/admin/public/images/Intro%20Dr%20Turi%20March%2020047.jpg The year 2012 will see a COMPLETE restructures of so many governments and established hierarchies where progress and changes will be IMPOSED on humankind. All was fully "predicted" on Coast To Coast and YouTube months ago. Try 01 of 04 "Cosmic Code"http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r If you missed my last show listen to it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83j45l_wxdg If you are in Arizona, join me June 21st from 1:00 to 4:00 http://www.tucsonmufon.com/ UFO LEGACY Dr. Turi' will bring you back to 1967 and his 1st dramatic abduction then all the way to August 11th, 2001 when he was abducted with his wife Brigitte on the sky of Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Turi's 4 solid experiences are of an incredible nature with the "downloading" of the "Universal Code" inside a flying saucer which left him with an undisputed incontestable well documented record of predictions including 911, the Asia tsunami, ALL specific dates for the Louisiana Hurricanes, California fires, Kobe earthquakes etc. Are you are a "Chosen One", and a candidate for mankind's future seed? Witness the truth about the incredible reality of extraterrestrials with Dr. Turi. Check again http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r or listen to others and ANY of Last year radio shows at http://www.drturi.com/archives.php In any case if you did not order your 2008 Moon Power copy simply go to http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php and download your FREE copy then look for the section titled "The Universal Law of the Moon". While there check what the old Dragon in Pisces/Virgo axis did to your life and those you care by reading your personal Dragon forecast. Remember my 2008 Moon Power is available to all of you as an E book for only $15.00. Send your check to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd ST, Phoenix, AZ 85016 and TYPE or PRINT your email address so we can email it to you. I am working very hard to produce the 2009 Moon power and it should be available before the year is over. I have also found a way for you to help me in my request to endorse my work and get me as a regular on Coast To Coast with a working combined link. So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance - Blessings to all Dr. Turi BACK TO LIFE IN EXOTIC THAILAND MARCH 26 TO APRIL 9TH If you are interested to REBIRTH yourself physically and spiritually do it with us! My good friend Cyril and I created a very powerful Mother of ALL SECRET natural diet called "BACK TO LIFE". This all-natural healing methodology will indeed and totally CLEAN OFF all negative physical and spiritual condition. Thus if you want to BE BORN AGAIN, gain more magnetism, build "Cosmic Consciousness", learn all about the "Cosmic Code" Nostradamus Cabalistic Healing, lose weight, visit temples and the most exotic places in this world in Thailand contact him directly at mailto:ubbacktolife@aol.com Make your suggestions to Cyril he is in charge of this tour. Note we are also taking applications for February 26th to March 3rd 2009 if you can't make next July 2008. JOIN US, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, BUILD A WONDERFUL REWARDING CAREER ON THE INTERNET, DON'T DRIVE NO MORE GAS IS TOO EXPANSIVE, LET ME TEACH YOU AND BRING YOU EMOTIONAL, FINANCIAL AND SPIRITUAL STABILITY. http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php dr.turi@cox.net)
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